Decapterus russelli és un peix teleosti de la família dels caràngids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.[2]
Pot arribar als 45 cm de llargària total i als 110 g de pes.[3]
Es troba des de les costes de l'Àfrica Oriental fins al Japó, la Mar d'Arafura i Austràlia.[3]
The Indian Scad (Decapterus russelli), also known as the Northern mackerel scad, round scad, Russell's mackerel scad, slender scad or the three lined grunter, is a species of ray-finned fish of the genus Decapterus which is part of the family Carangidae and which occurs in the Indian Ocean. It has colonised the eastern Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. It is an important species in coastal fisheries throughout its range.
Decapterus russelli has an elongate, somewhat slender and slightly compressed body. The eyes are of moderate size and have a well developed adipose eyelid which completely covers eye apart from a vertical slit which has the pupil in its centre. The scales on top of head do not reach a line running through the centre of pupil. The lateral line has a low regular arch towards the head and the curved and straight parts meet below the second dorsal fin between 11th to 13th soft rays; there are 42-62 scales in the curved part of the lateral line and between 0 and 4 scutes, while the straight part has 0 to 4 scales which are followed by 30 to 40 scutes, meaning that the total count of scales and scutes is between 77 and 102m if caudal scutes are excluded). There is a dusky or transparent membrane at the join of the upper jaw, the posterior end of the upper jaw is straight above and a little concave and not horizontal antero-ventrally. Both jaws bear an anterior row of minute teeth which is quite irregular with a single series of posterior teeth. There are 10-14 upper gill rakers and 30 to 39 lower making a total of 41 to 53 on the first gill arch. The shoulder girdle has 3 small papillae on its margin, the lower one being the larger. There are two widely separate dorsal fins, the first is triangular with 8 spines and the second has one spine with 28-33 soft rays. The anal fin has 2 detached spines followed by a single spine and 25-29 soft rays; the terminal dorsal and anal soft rays consist of a widely detached finlet. The pectoral fin measures 76.5 to 97.0% of the head length. In life it is bluish-green above and silvery below with a small black blotch on the margin of operculum near its upper edge. Caudal fin varies from translucent to dark brown, the second dorsal fin is translucent at its base but light blackish-brown towards the margin; the other fins are mostly translucent, other than the pelvic fins of adult males which are slightly darker. The spines and rays on the dorsal and anal fin are grey, those on the other finds are white.[3][4] Its length is up to 45 cm total length, more usually 30 cm and the maximum weight is 110g.[5]
Decapterus russelli occurs throughout the Indian Ocean, from the coasts of eastern Africa from the Gulf of Suez as far south as South Africa to Indonesia, eastwards into the western Pacific Ocean, from Japan in the north and south to Australia.[1] First recorded in the Mediterranean Sea off Israel in 2005,[4] it is now common in Levantine waters up to Iskenderun (Turkey) and has become an important species in local fisheries.[6]
Adult Decapterus russelli are benthic and form large schools in deeper water, although they may occasionally be found inshore in smaller groups where there are sheltered bays. It is the most common species of Decapterus in coastal waters and on open shallows of the Indian Ocean. Their main prey is smaller planktonic invertebrates,[5] with a study off India finding that the prawn Acetes indicus being the most numerous prey for both adult and juvenile fish but larger specimens hunt a wide variety of suitably sized fish, including Lactarius lactarius, Leiognathus spp, lanternfishes, eels, Nemipterus spp, Saurida tumbil, Boleophthalamus sp., Bregmaceros mcclellandi, Polynemus heptadactylus, Polynemus indicus, Cynoglossus spp., Trichiurus lepturus and Stolephorus spp..[7] It is host to the ectoparasitic copepod Lernanthropus decapteri.[8] It reaches sexual maturity at around 1 year old and about 12 cm in length[3]
Decapterus russelli is fished for wherever it occurs, normally using seine nets and trawls. In 1999 the total catch was just short of 160,000 tonnes, with the two major fishing nations being Thailand and Malaysia, which landed 82,000 tonnes and 70,160 tonnes respectively.[3] Since the 1950s The weight of Indian scad landed fluctuates and there is no increasing or decreasing trend apparent in the population, however in south-east Asia there has been a marked increase in effort which has not seen an increase n landings suggesting the fishery is over-exploited.[1] It is generally marketed fresh, may be dried or salted,[5] as well as being sold frozen and canned.[3]
The specific name honours the Scottish surgeon and herpetologist Patrick Russell (1726-1805) who had described and illustrated in 1803 but did not give it a specific name.[9]
The Indian Scad (Decapterus russelli), also known as the Northern mackerel scad, round scad, Russell's mackerel scad, slender scad or the three lined grunter, is a species of ray-finned fish of the genus Decapterus which is part of the family Carangidae and which occurs in the Indian Ocean. It has colonised the eastern Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. It is an important species in coastal fisheries throughout its range.
Decapterus russelli es una especie de peces de la familia Carangidae en el orden de los Perciformes.
• Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 45 cm de longitud total y los 110 g de peso.[2]
Se encuentra desde las costas del África Oriental hasta el Japón, el Mar de Arafura y Australia.
Decapterus russelli es una especie de peces de la familia Carangidae en el orden de los Perciformes.
Decapterus russelli Decapterus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Carangidae familian sailkatzen da.
Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.
Decapterus russelli Decapterus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Carangidae familian sailkatzen da.
Decapterus russelli (Rüppell, 1830), comunemente noto come sugarotto[2] è un pesce osseo marino appartenente alla famiglia Carangidae.
Come tutti i Decapterus D. russelli è abbastanza simile ai membri del genere Trachurus con cui condivide la forma generale del corpo slanciata e fusiforme. La parte anteriore della linea laterale porta delle scaglie normali mentre la posteriore ha delle squame allargate simili a quelle dei Trachurus (nei quali però sono presenti su tutta la linea laterale) dette scudetti o scutelli. La linea laterale forma una curva verso il basso all'altezza della seconda pinna dorsale. L'occhio è abbastanza grande, coperto da una palpebra adiposa trasparente che lascia scoperta solo la parte centrale dell'occhio. Bocca in posizione terminale. Le mascelle portano denti piccoli, più fitti nella parte anteriore. Il muso è lungo, più del diametro oculare. Le pinne dorsali sono due, separate da uno spazio, la prima con 9 raggi spiniformi e la seconda è invece breve. La pinna anale ha 3 raggi spinosi e per il resto è simile alla seconda dorsale. Due pinnule sono presenti sul peduncolo caudale, una al termine della seconda dorsale e una alla fine dell'anale. Le pinne pettorali hanno forma falcata e parte finale appuntita. La pinna caudale è biloba. Il colore è da verde bluastro a grigio metallico sul dorso e biancastro sul ventre. Sull'opercolo branchiale c'è una piccola macchia nera. Le pinne sono trasparenti tranne la parte superiore della seconda dorsale, la caudale e, nei maschi, le pinne ventrali[3][4][5].
La taglia massima nota è di 45 cm, la media di 30 cm. Il peso massimo conosciuto è di 110 g[3].
Diffuso in tutto l'Indo-Pacifico compreso il mar Rosso, a est fino al Giappone meridionale e all'Australia. È presente nel mar Mediterraneo orientale dove è penetrato attraverso il canale di Suez (migrazione lessepsiana). Nel Mediterraneo è comune lungo le coste del Libano e di Israele[4].
Non è strettamente pelagico come la maggioranza dei carangidi ma fa una vita più demersale stazionando a mezz'acqua o vicino al fondo. Vive da 40 a 275 metri di profondità ma generalmente non si trova sotto i 100 metri. Non si trova in acque basse eccetto che in alcune baie riparate[3][4][5].
Gregario, forma grandi banchi[3].
Si nutre soprattutto di zooplancton[3].
La maturità sessuale avviene ad una lunghezza di 12 cm circa e a un anno di età[3][5].
Questa specie è preda di Sarda orientalis[6].
Questa specie ha grande importanza per la pesca commerciale in tutto l'areale, specie in acque vicine alle coste. Si cattura con reti da circuizione e reti a strascico. I paesi che catturano le maggiori quantità sono Thailandia e Malaysia[5]. Ha una certa importanza commerciale anche nei paesi mediterranei dove è comune[4].
Sebbene questa specie sia sfruttata intensivamente dalla pesca pare che le popolazioni siano relativamente stabili[1].
Decapterus russelli (Rüppell, 1830), comunemente noto come sugarotto è un pesce osseo marino appartenente alla famiglia Carangidae.
Russels horsmakreel (Decapterus russelli) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van horsmakrelen (Carangidae) en behoort tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De volwassen vis is gemiddeld 30 cm en kan maximaal 45 cm lang en 110 gram zwaar worden. De vis heeft twee rugvinnen met in totaal 8 stekels en 28-31 vinstralen en een aarsvin met drie stekels en 25-28 vinstralen.
Deze horsmakreel is een zoutwatervis. De vis prefereert een tropisch klimaat en heeft zich verspreid over de Grote en Indische Oceaan. De diepteverspreiding is 40 tot 275 m onder het wateroppervlak.
Russels horsmakreel is voor de beroepsvisserij van groot belang, maar veel minder interessant voor de zeehengelsport.
Russels horsmakreel (Decapterus russelli) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van horsmakrelen (Carangidae) en behoort tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De volwassen vis is gemiddeld 30 cm en kan maximaal 45 cm lang en 110 gram zwaar worden. De vis heeft twee rugvinnen met in totaal 8 stekels en 28-31 vinstralen en een aarsvin met drie stekels en 25-28 vinstralen.