Stenatherina panatela és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels aterínids i l'única del gènere Stenatherina.[5]
És un peix d'aigua marina, associat als esculls i de clima tropical (19°N-20°S), el qual viu a les aigües costaneres, ports, esculls de corall[8] i les llacunes interiors dels atols.[6]
Es troba al Pacífic: des de Sumatra[9] fins al nord de les illes Cook, les illes Filipines,[10][11] les illes Carolines, Fiji i les illes Marshall, incloent-hi Austràlia,[12][13] Nova Caledònia,[14] Palau, Papua Nova Guinea[15][16][17] i Tuvalu.[18][19][20][21]
És inofensiu per als humans.[6]
Stenatherina panatela és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels aterínids i l'única del gènere Stenatherina.
The panatela silverside (Hypoatherina panatela) is a species of reef-dwelling silverside from the subfamily Atherinomorinae which is found in the southwest Pacific Ocean. This species grows to 11 cm (4.3 in) in total length and is of minor importance to commercial fisheries.[2] This species is the only species in the genus Stenatherina,[3] although some authorities place it in the genus Hypoatherina.[4] This species was described by David Starr Jordan and Robert Earl Richardson as Atherina panatela with the type locality given as Calayan Island in the Philippines.[5] The specific name is the Spanish word for a long, thin cigar and is presumed to be a reference to the elongated, slender body of this fish.[6]
The panatela silverside (Hypoatherina panatela) is a species of reef-dwelling silverside from the subfamily Atherinomorinae which is found in the southwest Pacific Ocean. This species grows to 11 cm (4.3 in) in total length and is of minor importance to commercial fisheries. This species is the only species in the genus Stenatherina, although some authorities place it in the genus Hypoatherina. This species was described by David Starr Jordan and Robert Earl Richardson as Atherina panatela with the type locality given as Calayan Island in the Philippines. The specific name is the Spanish word for a long, thin cigar and is presumed to be a reference to the elongated, slender body of this fish.
Stenatherina panatela Stenatherina generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Atherinidae familian.
Stenatherina panatela Stenatherina generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Atherinidae familian.
Stenatherina est genus Atheriniformium familiae Atherinidarum, in Oceano Pacifico meridoccidentali endemicum. Generi est una species, Stenatherina panatella, quae ad 11 centimetra longa crescit. In scopulis curalii habitat, ubi in piscatu commerciali minoris momenti est.
Stenatherina est genus Atheriniformium familiae Atherinidarum, in Oceano Pacifico meridoccidentali endemicum. Generi est una species, Stenatherina panatella, quae ad 11 centimetra longa crescit. In scopulis curalii habitat, ubi in piscatu commerciali minoris momenti est.
Stenatherina panatela is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van koornaarvissen (Atherinidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1908 door Jordan & Richardson.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesStenatherina panatela – gatunek ryby z rodziny aterynowatych (Atherinidae), jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Stenatherina.
Stenatherina panatela – gatunek ryby z rodziny aterynowatych (Atherinidae), jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Stenatherina.