The inshore lizardfish (Synodus foetens) is a member of the family Synodontidae[1] found in the western Atlantic.
The inshore lizardfish has a maximum length recorded of about 50 cm but generally we see them at about 40 cm long. Their lifespan can be up to nine years.[1] The body of this species is elongated, similar to a cigar.[2] The maximum weight has been seen as 900 g.[1] Females are generally larger than males when mature.[2] The shape of the mouth of this species is large and pointed. The snout is pointed. The top jaw extends beyond the eye. Many slender teeth are present in the roof of the mouth and jaws. The lateral line is considered to be well marked.[3] The lateral line encompasses around 60 scales along the length.[2] The inshore lizardfish has no dorsal spines, 10-13 dorsal soft rays, no anal spines, 11-13 anal soft rays, and 56-62 vertebrae.[3] The color of the dorsal side of the lizardfish ranges from various shades of brown to olive. The belly side ranges from white to yellow. Juveniles have dark spots, these spots are reduced/absent in adults. The sides of the inshore lizardfish have patches that are diamond-shaped.[2] These patches vary in occurrence and intensity, they usually fade with growth and usually occur at the midlateral line on the fish.[3] The dorsal fin is on the center of the back. An adipose fin is present in this species, usually showing a darker spot.[2] The adipose fin is small in size with the base of the fin being no longer than the diameter of the pupil.[3] The anal fin is usually equal in length or longer than the dorsal fin.[3]
The inshore lizardfish is an ambush predator. Its diet consists of various fish and small invertebrates.[1] They include: shrimp, crabs, and cephalopods.[2]
The habitats for these fish include the bottom in shallow inshore marine waters, usually over sand or mud bottoms, including creeks, rivers, among seagrasses, estuaries, bays, and lagoons.[1] Adults have been found to be also in the open sea above continental shelves.[3]
Fertilization has been observed to be external. They spawn all throughout the year. They do not guard their spherical-shaped eggs because the eggs are scattered in the water; they fall into plants and rocks.[2]
The inshore lizardfish is widely distributed. This fish can be found over soft-bottom inshore areas, especially in the northern Gulf of Mexico[1] described as "in the western Atlantic from New Jersey south along the U.S. coast, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and in the Caribbean from Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and St. Martin" (2015).
This species is often captured during shrimp trawls. This occurs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. High mortality occurs from trawl bycatch for this species, but they are usually just discarded after being caught because they have little to no commercial value.[1]
The generic name Synodus is from the Greek syn, meaning grown together, and odus meaning teeth.[3]
The inshore lizardfish (Synodus foetens) is a member of the family Synodontidae found in the western Atlantic.
Synodus foetens Synodus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Synodontidae familian sailkatzen da.
Synodus foetens Synodus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Synodontidae familian sailkatzen da.
Synodus foetens is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van hagedisvissen (Synodontidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1766 door Linnaeus.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties多鱗狗母魚,為輻鰭魚綱仙女魚目合齒魚亞目合齒魚科的其中一種,分布於西大西洋區,從美國麻州至巴西海域、半鹹水域,棲息深度可達200公尺,體長可達48.3公分,為底棲性魚類,主要生活在沿海、潟湖、河口區,也在大陸棚發現,屬肉食性,生活習性不明,可做為食用魚。