
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

由AnAge articles提供
Observations: These animals likely live less than 10 years in the wild. It has been reported that they live up to 20 years in captivity (Ronald Nowak 1999), which has not been confirmed. One specimen lived 15.4 years in captivity (Richard Weigl 2005). Further studies are necessary to determine the maximum longevity of this species.
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
AnAge articles

Conservation Status ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red list. The population is threatened by loss of wetland habitats to large-scale hydroelectric projects, settlements and agriculture, poaching, and contamination of waterways by pesticides. Smooth-coated otters are protected in India under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and are listed as endangered. They are also listed under schedule II, and listed in Appendix II of CITES.

US Federal List: threatened

CITES: appendix ii

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Like other carnivores, smooth-coated otters use scent for inter and intra specific communication. They have a pair of scent glands at the base of the tail, which they use to mark vegetation, flat rocks, or shorelines near feeding areas. This marking behavior in otters is called sprainting. In areas where the smooth-coated otter, European otter, and small-clawed otter occur together, sprainting occurrs in different areas by each species. Sprainting sites in small-clawed otters are usually high on the bank on flat rocks. Sites for smooth-coated otters are more prominent than those of small-clawed otters. Sprainting sites of European otters are lower on the bank and less frequent than that of other otters.

Smooth-coated otters also use visual cues, such as body postures, touch, and auditory cues in communicating with conspecifics.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: scent marks

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters do not negatively affect humans.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Like other otters, smooth-coated otters are trapped for fur. Although not as luxurious as its North American cousin, the river otter, or the sea otter, the pelage of smooth-coated otters is used for garments, adornments, and other items. Trained smooth-coated otters are used by fisherman to herd fish into nets.

Positive Impacts: body parts are source of valuable material

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters impact aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate communities via predation.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters are omnivorous and will eat insects, earthworms, crustaceans, frogs, water rats, turtles, large birds, and fish. Fish make up 75 to 100% of the diet. Smooth-coated otters frequently hunt in groups, driving schools of fish together for easy capture. Fishermen in India and Bangladesh use this group hunting behavior to train them to herd fish into nets. A group of otters has a feeding territory of 7 to 12 square kilometers. A single adult consumes about 1 kg of food per day in captivity.

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; amphibians; reptiles; fish; eggs; mollusks; terrestrial worms; aquatic or marine worms; aquatic crustaceans

Primary Diet: carnivore (Piscivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters are a Palearctic and Oriental species. They are found throughout much of southern Asia, from India eastward. There is also an isolated population found in the marshes of Iraq. Evidence shows that the range and population of smooth-coated otters is shrinking due to loss of habitat and intensive trapping.

Biogeographic Regions: palearctic ; oriental

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The oldest known smooth-coated otter in captivity died at 20 years and five months. The typical lifespan in the wild is between 4 and 10 years, although no conclusive studies have been made. It is suggested that the mortality rate of smooth-coated otters is correlated with the abundance of fish. Smooth-coated otter populations follow fish populations in the Tarai areas of the upper Gangetic plains in India and Nepal. Following the monsoon season, smooth-coated otters move into flooded swamp areas to take advantage of fish population booms. The otters breed there and when the swamps shrink and the fish return to the permanent rivers so do the otters.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
20 (high) years.

Typical lifespan
Status: wild:
4 to 10 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters are the largest otters in southeast Asia. They weigh from 7-11 kg as adults and can be up to 1.3 m long. Their fur is shorter and smoother than other otters, and appears velvety and shining. They have short tightly packed under fur and longer water repellant guard hairs. The under fur measures 6-8mm, the guard hairs are 12-14 mm long. The fur is light to dark brown dorsally, and light brown to almost gray ventrally. Smooth-coated otters are distinguished from other otters by their rounder heads, prominent naked noses, and flattened tails. Their noses resemble an upside down v, or a distorted diamond. Like other otters, they have webbed feet and strong dexterous paws that are armed with sharp claws.

Range mass: 7 to 11 kg.

Range length: 1 to 1.3 m.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters are mostly found in lowlands, coastal mangrove forests, peat swamp forests, freshwater wetlands, large forested rivers, lakes, and rice paddies. Although adapted for water, smooth-coated otters are equally comfortable on land and can travel long distances overland in search of suitable habitat. They shelter in shallow burrows and piles of rocks or driftwood. Some build permanent burrows near water with an underwater entrance and a tunnel that leads to a chamber above the high-water line, much like American beaver. In Malaysia smooth-coated otters are more abundant in mangrove forests than in river systems.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; freshwater

Terrestrial Biomes: forest

Aquatic Biomes: lakes and ponds; rivers and streams; temporary pools

Wetlands: swamp

Other Habitat Features: riparian

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Saltwater crocodiles and other crocodile species are the most likely predators of smooth-coated otters. Other potential predators are medium-sized cat species and large birds of prey (primarily on young otters). Smooth-coated otters are agile in the water and on land and use their sensitive whiskers to detect water disturbances. They are also social animals, with each animal in a group contributing to vigilance efforts.

Known Predators:

  • saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Smooth-coated otters form strong monogamous pairs. Although males are larger, it is females that dominate the pair.

Mating System: monogamous

No conclusive studies have been made on reproductive timing in smooth-coated otters. Where otters are dependent on monsoons for precipitation, they are most likely to breed between August and December. In the Delhi Zoo, all matings occurred in the month of August. The gestation period is 61-65 days. Smooth-coated otters give birth to and raise their young in a burrow or shelter near water, which they excavate, or they assume an abandoned one. The cubs disperse at about 1 year of age. Sexual maturity is reached at two years.

Breeding interval: Breeding occurs once yearly.

Breeding season: Breeding occurs from August to December.

Range number of offspring: 2 to 5.

Range gestation period: 61 to 65 days.

Average weaning age: 130 days.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 years.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Average number of offspring: 5.

Two to five cubs are born in a litter, blind and helpless. At thirty days, the cub's eyes open, and by sixty days, they can swim. The young are weaned at about 130 days. Unlike other otters, smooth-coated otters form small family groups consisting of a mated pair with up to 4 offspring from previous seasons. The male is allowed to join the group after the cubs are weaned, and he helps provide the cubs with food.

Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); post-independence association with parents

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
White, T. 2004. "Lutrogale perspicillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lutrogale_perspicillata.html
Timothy White, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Animal Diversity Web

Biology ( 英語 )

The smooth-coated otter attains sexual maturity at 22 months. Breeding takes place from August to December and the smooth-coated otter gives birth 60 – 62 days later to between one and five young. At four weeks the eyes open, and at six weeks they begin to learn to swim. After five months, the young are weaned and at one year, they will often disperse to find home ranges of their own. The longest recorded life span in captivity is around 20 years and five months (6). Smooth-coated otters are unusually social and family groups including the breeding pair and up to four young from previous seasons might nest and hunt together in a territory of 7 – 12 km². This territory is marked by a strong musky odour that is spread on vegetation from anal scent glands in both males and females. Whilst the male is larger, it is the female who holds dominance in the group (5). This active carnivore will hunt in groups both at night and during the day for fish, insects, earthworms, crustaceans, frogs, water rats, and birds; however, it is predominantly a fish eater. When swimming slowly, all four paws are used to 'doggy paddle' through the water, but to swim fast, the shorter front paws are tucked in, and the webbed hind feet and tail are used for propulsion. The ears and nostrils can be closed underwater. Fishermen in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan often train these cooperative hunters to drive fish into their nets (5). Using visual and auditory communication, smooth-coated otters will also cooperate to lookout for predators such as crocodiles, medium-sized cat species, and large birds of prey (5).

Conservation ( 英語 )

Whilst the smooth-coated otter occurs in many national parks, particularly in Indonesia where there is no other form of protection, enforcement of the security these areas should offer is usually poor. Several surveying projects have been put into practice to establish the range and ecology of this species (4).

Description ( 英語 )

This is the largest otter in Asia, and like all otters it has a long, thick body, short legs, and webbed feet with sharp claws. The neck is as wide as the body and head. The ears are set low on the domed head, but the small, round eyes are set high up and wide apart. The muzzle is short and covered in thick whiskers. The fur is thick and velvety with two layers; the guard fur keeps the underfur dry underwater to retain body heat. To help with swimming, the smooth-coated otter's front legs are shorter than the back legs and it has a thick, conical tail that is more flattened than other otters, particularly at the end. Males are larger than females (2).

Habitat ( 英語 )

Preferred habitats vary with region, but smooth-coated otters can inhabit large lowland rivers and lakes, peat swamp forests, mangrove forests by coasts and estuaries, or the rice fields of Southeast Asia. These otters seek habitat with rocky areas for dens and resting, as well as bank side vegetation to provide some cover whilst foraging. In areas with monsoons, the seasonally flooded swamps are made use of in order to follow fish populations (1). The smooth-coated otter will travel long distances over land to find suitable habitat (5).

Range ( 英語 )

The smooth-coated otter is found in southern and Southeast Asia, India, and China, as well as a small population in Iraq (2).

Status ( 英語 )

The smooth-coated otter is classified as Vulnerable (VU A2acd) on the IUCN Red List 2004 (1) and is listed on Appendix II of CITES (3). It is also listed as Endangered on Schedule II Part II of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act 1972, and is protected by the Protection of Wildlife, Wild Plants and Conservation of Natural Areas Act 15(A) (4).

Threats ( 英語 )

Despite its diverse habitat preferences, one of the major threats to the survival of this species is the loss of suitable habitat. Construction of large-scale hydroelectric projects, as well as land clearance for settlement and agriculture have been major influences on this otter's decline, as has habitat degradation as a result of water pollution from pesticides and fertilisers. Poaching is known to occur primarily in India, Nepal and Bangladesh (1).

Hind samuru ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Hind samuru (lat. Lutrogale perspicillata) və ya Hamarxəzli samurDələkimilər fəsiləsinə daxil olan, yarımsu həyat tərzi keçirən nəməli növü. Adından da görümdüyü kimi bu növə daxil olan canlıların xəzləri digər samurlara nisbətdə daha hamar olur.

Ekologiya və yayılması

Bu növə Hindistanın şərq ərazilərindən tutmuş Cənub-Şərqi Asiyaya, İraqın bəzi ərazilərdə rastlanılır.[1]

Hind samurları əsasən iri meşə çayları ətrafında, bataqlıqlarda yayılırlar. Bununla belə yaxşı yaşayış yeri tapmaq üçün quruda uzun məsafələri belə qət edə bilirlər.

Özləri üçün yuvaları yeraıtı dəliklərdə və ya qayalıqların arasında qururlar. Bəzən isə qunduzlar kimi yuva hazırlayırlar.

Növün qorunması

Hind samurları həssas növlər siyahısına daxildir. Onların arealı və saylarında azalma müşahidə edilir. Buna səbəb su-bataqlıq ərazilərinin azalması, brakonerlik və suların pestisidlərlə zəhərləndirilməsidir.


Hind samuru 7—11 kq arası çəkiyə, 1.3 m uzunluğa sahib olur. Digər samurlar kimi onlarında barmaqları arasında pərdə vardır. Hind samurunun tükləri qısa olduğundan xəzi daha hamardır. Xəzinin rəngi açıqdan tutmuş tünd qəhvəyi tonlar arasında dəyişir.


Hind samurlarının qida rasionuna həşəratlar, qurdlar, xərçəngkimilər, qurbağalar, gəmiriçilər, quşlar daxildir. Ancaq onlar daha çox sürünənlər və balıqları daha üstün tuturlar. Balıqlar onların qida rasionunun 75-dən 100 % qədərini təşkil edir.


Hind samurlarında monoqam çütlüklər əmələ gətirirlər. Bu növdə çütləşmənin dəqiq vaxtı bilinməsə də, mussonların təsirinə məruz qalan ərazilərdə çütləşmə avqustan dekabra qədər davam edir. Boğazlıq dövrü 61—65 gün davam edir. Ortalama 2-5 arası bala doğurlar. Yeni doğulan balalar kor və köməksiz olurlar. Artıq 30 günlüyündə gözləri açılır, 60 günlüyündə isə artıq üzməyi bacarırlar. Cinsi yetkinliyə 2 yaşında çatlırlar.


  1. Hussain, S.A., de Silva, P.K. & Mostafa Feeroz, M. (2008). Lutrogale perspicillata. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 02 January 2009.


Vikianbarda Hind samuru ilə əlaqəli mediafayllar var.

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
wikipedia AZ

Hind samuru: Brief Summary ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Hind samuru (lat. Lutrogale perspicillata) və ya Hamarxəzli samur — Dələkimilər fəsiləsinə daxil olan, yarımsu həyat tərzi keçirən nəməli növü. Adından da görümdüyü kimi bu növə daxil olan canlıların xəzləri digər samurlara nisbətdə daha hamar olur.

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
wikipedia AZ

Ki-dour India ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Ki-dour India (Lutrogale perspicillata) a zo ur c'hi-dour hag a vev e su Azia. Ar spesad nemetañ eus ar genad Lutrogale eo.

Doareoù pennañ

Kon-dour India eo ar c'hon-dour brasañ e su Azia. Muzuliañ a reont 130 cm ha gallout a reont pouezañ etre 7 ha 11 kg. Berroc'h ha c'hwekoc'h eo o blevenn eget hini ar c'hon-dour arall. Gell-du eo o c'hein ha gell-sklaer pe gris o c'hof.

20 vloaz e c'hellont bevañ en ur gwarezva. Kalz berroc'h eo o buhez en natur avat.

Emzalc'h ha gouennadur

Unpried eo kon-dour India. A-hed o buhez e talc'h ar c'houbladoù. Daoust ma'z eo brasoc'h ar par e kemer ar barez he c'hreñv warnañ. Homañ a c'han etre ur c'holen ha pevar c'holen goude un dougen 61 - 65 devezh. Ganti e vezont desavet e-pad ur bloaz en un douarenn. Goude ma'z int dizonet eo aotret ar par da dostaat outo. Kemer a ra perzh d'o desavadur dre zegas preizhoù dezho.

En em vagañ a reont diwar pesked. A-stroll e hemolc'hont. War 7 - 12 km² ec'h astenn o zachennad war a greder. Implijout a reont gwagrennoù-c'hwezh lec'hiet dindan o lost da verkañ anezhi.


Hemolc'het e vezont evit o c'hreoñ met pennkaoz o stad arvarus eo distrujadur ha saotradur o ziriad.

Liammoù diavaez

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia BR

Ki-dour India: Brief Summary ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Ki-dour India (Lutrogale perspicillata) a zo ur c'hi-dour hag a vev e su Azia. Ar spesad nemetañ eus ar genad Lutrogale eo.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia BR

Llúdria de l'Índia ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

La llúdria de l'Índia (Lutrogale perspicillata) és una espècie de carnívor de la subfamília de les llúdries. Viu al sud i el sud-est asiàtic. És l'única espècie vivent del gènere Lutrogale que també conté dues espècies fòssils que visqueren durant el Plistocè.[1]


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Llúdria de l'Índia Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. «The Paleobiology Database. Informació taxonòmica i de distribució sobre plantes i animals fòssils.» (en anglès).

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Llúdria de l'Índia: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

La llúdria de l'Índia (Lutrogale perspicillata) és una espècie de carnívor de la subfamília de les llúdries. Viu al sud i el sud-est asiàtic. És l'única espècie vivent del gènere Lutrogale que també conté dues espècies fòssils que visqueren durant el Plistocè.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Vydra hladkosrstá ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Vydra hladkosrstá (Lutrogale perspicillata) je druh lasicovité šelmy. Jedná se o druhý největší druh vydry na světě[2] a vůbec největší druh vydry v Asii.[3]

Vyskytuje se v regionu jihovýchodní Asie (např. Indonésie, Kambožda, Bangladéš) a také Indii a samostatná populace existuje v Iráku[4][3] (vzdálena asi 1200 mil západně od hlavní oblasti výskytu[5]). Proto se rozlišují tři poddruhy[4][6]:

Jednotlivé poddruhy se odlišují zbarvením.[4]

Žije ve sladkých vodách, a to jak v řekách a jejich blízkosti, tak mangrovových oblastech či jezerech.[3] Právě tamní vody jsou často znečištěné, což vede k úbytku populace. Dalším rizikem pro vydry hladkosrsté je taktéž lov na maso a kožešinu.[3]

Jedná se o společenský druh, takže se často pohybuje ve větších rodinných skupinách – v nich také loví. Pro svou povahu je také ochočována – jejích schopností využívají rybáři v Indii a Bangladéši.[3]

Živí se rybami a dalšími vodními živočichy[3] (např. žábami, vodním hmyzem či kraby)[2].

Dosahuje délky 100 až 120 cm, z toho na ocas připadá kolem 40 cm. Váží 7 až 11 kg. Samice běžně rodí jedno až pět mláďat.[3] Např. v Zoo Praha ale samice porodila sedmerčata.[7]

Chov v zoo

Patří mezi raritně chované druhy. Historicky byla chována jen v několika zoo ve Spojeném království. V roce 2013 se poprvé dostala také do kontinentální Evropy. Na počátku roku 2019 byla chována v osmi evropských zoo: třech britských (konkrétně v Anglii), v české Zoo Praha (od 2013) a nověji třech francouzských a jedné německé zoo.[6]

Chov v Zoo Praha

Vydra hladkosrstá je v Zoo Praha chována od roku 2013. V té době se tak pražská zoo stala první a v tu dobu také jedinou zoo v kontinentální Evropě, kde bylo možné tento druh vidět. Původně přišly dvě samice ze Zoo Colchester ve Spojeném království. V listopadu 2015 dorazil samec[6], a mohly taky začít snahy o odchov. Z původních plánů chovu ve skupině sešlo – samice se nesnesly, a tak jedna ze sester opustila Prahu a byla převezena zpět do Spojeného království.[8] Na počátku roku 2017 se samici Kiri (v té době šestiletá, pochází z prvního odchovu v Colchesteru z roku 2011[6][7]) a samci Scottymu narodilo sedm mláďat.[3] Přestože mezitím přibyla na seznam zařízení na evropské pevnině dvě francouzské zoo[6], jednalo se o první úspěšný odchov tohoto druhu v kontinentální Evropě.[3]

Tento druh je k vidění v pavilonu Indonéská džungle[3] v horní části zoo, a to v expozici společně s binturongy palawánskými.


Skotský přírodovědec, dobrodruh a také spisovatel Gawin Maxwell (1914–1969)[9] zkoumal tento druh vyder v Iráku a také si do Skotska v roce 1957 dovezl samečka jménem Mijbil.[10] Následně o svých zkušenostech a soužití s vydrami napsal knihu Ring of Bright Water[11], tedy Prsten čiré vody[12] (prvně vydané 1960[9]). Prvního vydání se prodalo přes dva miliony výtisků.[10] V Česku byla tato kniha vydána pod názvem Jasná voda vůkol[13]. Podle knihy byl natočen i úspěšný film Kruhy na vodě/Ring of Bright Water (1969)[12][13][10]. Zajímavostí je, že se ukázalo, že Maxwellem ochočované vydry patří k samostatné populaci, a tak byla vyčleněna jako třetí samostatný poddruh. Ten dostal na počest tohoto přírodovědce, díky němuž byl právě tento poddruh zkoumán a popularizován, latinský název L. p. maxwelli.[11]


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. a b Žravé a hvízdající vydry se dají v Zoo Praha zastihnout u rybolovu. iDNES.cz [online]. 2014-01-19 [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j Vydra hladkosrstá - lexikon zvířat. www.zoopraha.cz [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  4. a b c IUCN OSG - Lutrogale perspicillata. www.otterspecialistgroup.org [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  5. SURINAME), IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group. Working Meeting (1st : 1977 : Paramaribo,. Otters : proceedings of the First Working Meeting of the Otter Specialist Group. [s.l.]: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Dostupné online. ISBN 2880322006, ISBN 9782880322007. OCLC 7072298
  6. a b c d e www.Zootierliste.de. zootierliste.de [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  7. a b ČESKÁ TELEVIZE. Pražská zoo jako první na kontinentu rozmnožila vydry hladkosrsté. ČT24 - Česká televize [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  8. Obstarat sedm malých plyšáků je dřina, vydry v Zoo Praha mají honičku. iDNES.cz [online]. 2017-03-15 [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  9. a b Gavin Maxwell. www.eileanban.org [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  10. a b c Ring of Bright Water : Gavin Maxwell : 9780956254504. www.bookdepository.com [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  11. a b Učenlivé vydry: Udělám to stejně jako ty. Ábíčko.cz [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  12. a b www.csfd.cz [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.
  13. a b DATABAZEKNIH.CZ. Jasná voda vůkol - Gavin Maxwell | Databáze knih. www.databazeknih.cz [online]. [cit. 2019-01-31]. Dostupné online.

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Wikipedia autoři a editory
wikipedia CZ

Vydra hladkosrstá: Brief Summary ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Vydra hladkosrstá (Lutrogale perspicillata) je druh lasicovité šelmy. Jedná se o druhý největší druh vydry na světě a vůbec největší druh vydry v Asii.

Vyskytuje se v regionu jihovýchodní Asie (např. Indonésie, Kambožda, Bangladéš) a také Indii a samostatná populace existuje v Iráku (vzdálena asi 1200 mil západně od hlavní oblasti výskytu). Proto se rozlišují tři poddruhy:

Lutrogale perspicillata perspicillata – Indie, jižní Čína, pevninská JV Asie, Borneo, Sumatra, Jáva Lutrogale perspicillata sindica – Afghánistán, Pákistán Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli – samostatná populace v Iráku

Jednotlivé poddruhy se odlišují zbarvením.

Žije ve sladkých vodách, a to jak v řekách a jejich blízkosti, tak mangrovových oblastech či jezerech. Právě tamní vody jsou často znečištěné, což vede k úbytku populace. Dalším rizikem pro vydry hladkosrsté je taktéž lov na maso a kožešinu.

Jedná se o společenský druh, takže se často pohybuje ve větších rodinných skupinách – v nich také loví. Pro svou povahu je také ochočována – jejích schopností využívají rybáři v Indii a Bangladéši.

Živí se rybami a dalšími vodními živočichy (např. žábami, vodním hmyzem či kraby).

Dosahuje délky 100 až 120 cm, z toho na ocas připadá kolem 40 cm. Váží 7 až 11 kg. Samice běžně rodí jedno až pět mláďat. Např. v Zoo Praha ale samice porodila sedmerčata.

Wikipedia autoři a editory
wikipedia CZ

Indischer Fischotter ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
Lutrogale perspicillata

Der Indische Fischotter (Lutrogale perspicillata), auch Glattotter[1] oder Weichfellotter genannt, ist eine in Süd- und Südostasien lebende Raubtierart aus der Unterfamilie der Otter (Lutrinae) innerhalb der Familie der Marder (Mustelidae).


Indische Fischotter ähneln dem Eurasischen Fischotter, unterscheiden sich aber durch ein weicheres, seidiges Fell, einen flacheren Schwanz, einen runderen Schädel mit kürzerer Schnauze und größeren Zähnen. Wie alle Otter haben sie einen langgestreckten, walzenförmigen Körper mit kurzen Beinen. Ihr Fell ist an der Oberseite graubraun gefärbt, die Unterseite ist heller. Die Wangen, die Kehle und die Brust sind weißlich. Diese Tiere erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 65 bis 79 Zentimeter, eine Schwanzlänge von 40 bis 51 Zentimeter und ein Gewicht von 7 bis 11 Kilogramm, sind also annähernd gleich groß wie der Eurasische Fischotter.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Verbreitungsgebiet des Indischen Fischotters

Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Indischen Fischotter erstreckt sich von Pakistan und Indien über Südostasien bis zu den Inseln Borneo und Java, eine isolierte Population lebt im südlichen Irak. Ihr Lebensraum sind Seen, Flüsse und andere Gewässer in Wäldern, Mangrovengebiete, Sümpfe und auch Reisfelder. Obwohl vorwiegend wassergebunden, legen sie auch größere Strecken am trockenen Land zurück, insbesondere in der Trockenzeit.


Diese Tiere leben in Familiengruppen, die aus einem Männchen, einem Weibchen und dem dazugehörenden Nachwuchs bestehen. Als Ruheplätze verwenden sie selbstgegrabene Baue, die sie im Uferbereich errichten. Eine Gruppe bewohnt ein Revier, das sich ungefähr 7 bis 12 Kilometer entlang eines Gewässers erstreckt.


Fische machen den größten Teil der Nahrung dieser Tiere aus, oft jagen sie im Familienverband und treiben so die Fische zusammen, um sie leichter fangen zu können. Nebenbei nehmen sie auch Insekten, Frösche und Krebstiere zu sich.


Die Trächtigkeitsdauer der Indischen Fischotter beträgt rund 60 Tage, durch eine Keimruhe kann sich die Tragzeit allerdings verlängern. Die zwei bis fünf Jungtiere werden in einem mit Pflanzen gepolsterten Erdbau aufgezogen, nach rund 130 Tagen werden sie entwöhnt. Beide Elternteile kümmern sich um den Nachwuchs und versorgen ihn mit Nahrung, bevor er mit rund einem Jahr selbständig wird. Die Lebenserwartung in freier Wildbahn beträgt rund vier bis zehn Jahre, in menschlicher Obhut bis zu 20 Jahre.


Drei Unterarten werden unterschieden:

  • Lutrogale perspicillata perspicillata (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1826), verbreitet von Indien über Südostasien bis Indonesien
  • Lutrogale perspicillata sindica (Pocock, 1940), in Pakistan (Synonym Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli)

Die irakische Population des pakistanischen Fischotters Lutrogale perspicillata sindica, früher als eigenständige Unterart Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli (Hayman, 1957) betrachtet, wurde in den 1960er-Jahren zuletzt nachgewiesen und gilt nun aufgrund der Trockenlegung der Sümpfe als vermutlich ausgestorben. Weltbekannt wurde die Freundschaft zwischen dem irakischen Fischotter Mijbil und dem schottischen Schriftsteller Gavin Maxwell, die als Vorlage für den Film Mein Freund, der Otter (Ring of Bright Water) diente.

Einsatz als Jagdtier

In den Sundarbans werden Fischotter von Fischern als Jagdgehilfen eingesetzt. Dabei werden die Otter an Leinen ins Wasser gelassen, wo sie die Fische in die Netze treiben. Sie werden auch als Köder für die Jagd auf Gangesdelfine eingesetzt.


Durch Waldrodungen, Eindämmung von Flüssen und Wasserverschmutzung wird der Lebensraum der Indischen Fischotter immer mehr eingeschränkt. In einigen Regionen sind sie bereits selten geworden oder ausgestorben, insgesamt wird die Art von der IUCN als gefährdet (vulnerable) gelistet. Über den Status der isolierten Population im Südirak ist wenig bekannt, da ihr Verbreitungsgebiet Schauplatz von kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen war und die dortigen Sumpfgebiete immer mehr trockengelegt werden, dürfte auch sie bedroht sein.


Der Gattungsname Lutrogale ist eine Kombination aus lutra ("Otter") und gale ("Wiesel"). Der Artname perspicillata bedeutet "auffällig".


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. 2 Bände. 6. Auflage. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD u. a. 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.
  • Yeen Ten Hwang, Serge Larivière: Lutrogale perspicillata. Mammalian Species Nr. 786, 2005.


  1. www.Zootierliste.de. Abgerufen am 15. Januar 2018.
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Indischer Fischotter: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
Lutrogale perspicillata

Der Indische Fischotter (Lutrogale perspicillata), auch Glattotter oder Weichfellotter genannt, ist eine in Süd- und Südostasien lebende Raubtierart aus der Unterfamilie der Otter (Lutrinae) innerhalb der Familie der Marder (Mustelidae).

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Lutrogale perspicillata ( 因特語(國際輔助語言協會) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Lutrogale perspicillata es un specie de Lutrogale.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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खैरो ओत ( 尼泊爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

खैरो ओत नेपालमा पाइने एक प्रकारको जनावर हो ।

सन्दर्भ सूची

विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू
wikipedia emerging languages

खैरो ओत: Brief Summary ( 尼泊爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

खैरो ओत नेपालमा पाइने एक प्रकारको जनावर हो ।

विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू
wikipedia emerging languages

ਲੁੱਧਰ ( 旁遮普語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

ਲੁੱਧਰ ਨੂੰ ਪਾਣੀ ਦਾ ਰਾਜਾ ਕਿਹਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ: ਸਮੂਥ ਕੋਟਡ ਓਟਰਜ਼ ਜਾਂ ਔਟਰਜ਼, ਹਿੰਦੀ: ਉਦ -ਬਿਲਾਉ। ਇਹ ਮੱਛੀ, ਛੋਟੇ ਸੱਪ, ਡੱਡੂ ਤੇ ਕੀੜੇ -ਮਕੌੜੇ ਖਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਲੁੱਧਰ ਤਾਜ਼ੇ ਪਾਣੀ ਦੇ ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਤੁਲਿਤ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਪਣੀ ਅਹਿਮ ਭੂਮਿਕਾ ਨਿਭਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਰਾਤ ਨੂੰ ਘਾਹ ਤੇ ਪੇੜ-ਪੌਦਿਆਂ, ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਰੁੱਖਾਂ ਦੀ ਜੜ੍ਹਾਂ ਜਾਂ ਪੱਥਰ ਥੱਲੇ ਲੁਕ ਕੇ ਰਹਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਇਹ ਆਪਣੇ ਸਾਥੀਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਗੱਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪੂਛ ਦੇ ਥੱਲੇ ਸੇਂਟ ਗ੍ਰੰਥੀਆਂ ਚੋਂ ਸੇਂਟ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਜਾਂ ਜ਼ੋਰ ਜ਼ੋਰ ਨਾਲ ਸੀਟੀਆਂ ਮਾਰਕੇ ਇੱਕ ਦੂਸਰੇ ਨੂੰ ਇਸ਼ਾਰੇ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਇਹ ਦੋ ਤੋਂ ਤਿੰਨ ਸਾਲ ਤੱਕ ਜੁਆਨ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਦੋ ਮਹੀਨੇ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਮਾਦਾ ਲੁੱਧਰ ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਜਨਮ ਦਿੰਦੀ ਹੈ। ਲੁੱਧਰ ਦੇ ਆਮਤੌਰ ਤੇ 5 ਬੱਚੇ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਦੀਆਂ ਅੱਖਾਂ 10 ਤੱਕ ਬੰਦ ਰਹਿੰਦੀ ਹਨ। ਇਹ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਰੀਕੇ ਰੱਖ, ਬਿਆਸ, ਰਾਵੀ ਤੇ ਸਤਲੁਜ ਦਰਿਆ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਵੇਲੇ ਲੁੱਧਰ ਨੂੰ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾ ਖ਼ਤਰਾ ਸਾਡੀਆਂ ਸਿਲ੍ਹੀਆ ਧਰਤੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਆਲੇ-ਦੁਆਲੇ ਜੰਗਲੀ ਜਾਨਵਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਵਾਸ ਦਾ ਨਾਸ਼ ਹੋਣਾ ਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੇ ਨੇੜੇ ਡੈਮ ਤੇ ਉਸਾਰੀ ਦੇ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ।[1]



ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ ਲੇਖਕ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਪਾਦਕ
wikipedia emerging languages

જળ માર્જર ( 古吉拉特語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

જળ માર્જર કે જળ બિલાડી (Lutrogale perspicillata) એ માર્જર (Otter) જાતિનું સસ્તન પ્રાણી છે. આ જાતિનું પ્રાણી પૂર્વ ભારત થી દક્ષિણ-પૂર્વ એશિયા સુધી અને થોડા પ્રમાણમાં ઇરાકમાં પણ જોવા મળે છે.[૧]


નર્મદા નદીને કાંઠે આ પ્રાણીને માછલીનો શિકાર કરતાં જોઇ શકાય છે. પાણીનાં કાંઠે આવેલ ખડકો ઉપર તેની હગાર જોઇ શકાય છે. નદીકાંઠે ભેખડોમાં બખોલ બનાવી બચ્ચાને જન્મ આપે છે. એકલું કે સમુહમાં જોવા મળે છે. જમીન પર પણ લાંબે સુધી ચાલી શકે છે.


  1. Hussain, S.A., de Silva, P.K. & Mostafa Feeroz, M. (2008). Lutrogale perspicillata. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Retrieved 02 January 2009.

વિકિપીડિયા લેખકો અને સંપાદકો
wikipedia emerging languages

જળ માર્જર: Brief Summary ( 古吉拉特語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

જળ માર્જર કે જળ બિલાડી (Lutrogale perspicillata) એ માર્જર (Otter) જાતિનું સસ્તન પ્રાણી છે. આ જાતિનું પ્રાણી પૂર્વ ભારત થી દક્ષિણ-પૂર્વ એશિયા સુધી અને થોડા પ્રમાણમાં ઇરાકમાં પણ જોવા મળે છે.

વિકિપીડિયા લેખકો અને સંપાદકો
wikipedia emerging languages

Smooth-coated otter ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) is an otter species occurring in most of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, with a disjunct population in Iraq. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 1996 and is threatened by habitat loss, pollution of wetlands and poaching for the illegal wildlife trade.[1] As its name indicates, its fur is smooth and shorter than that of other otter species.


The smooth-coated otter has a short and sleek fur that is dark to reddish brown along the back, but light brown to almost grey on the underside. It is distinguished from other otter species by its more rounded head and a hairless nose in the shape of a distorted diamond. Its tail is flattened, in contrast to the more rounded tails of other otters. Its legs are short and strong, with large webbed feet bearing strong claws. It is a relatively large otter, from 7 to 11 kg (15 to 24 lb) in weight and 59 to 64 cm (23 to 25 in) in head-body length, with a tail 37 to 43 cm (15 to 17 in) long. Females have two pairs of teats.[2]


Lutra perspicillata was the scientific name proposed by Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in 1826 for a brown otter collected in Sumatra.[3] Lutrogale was proposed as generic name by John Edward Gray in 1865 for otters with a convex forehead and nose, using perspicillata as type species.[4] In the 19th and 20th centuries, several zoological specimens were described, including:

The smooth-coated otter is the only living species in the genus Lutrogale. Three subspecies are recognised:[2]

The smooth-coated otter groups with the Asian small-clawed otter and the African clawless otter into a sister clade to the genus Lutra. The smooth-coated otter and the Asian small-clawed otter genetically diverged about 1.33 ± 0.78 million years ago. Hybridisation of smooth-coated otter males with Asian small-clawed otter females occurred in Singapore. The resulting offspring and their descendants bred back into the smooth-coated otter population, but maintained the genes of their small-clawed otter ancestors. Today, a population of at least 60 hybrid otters exists in Singapore.[9]

Distribution and habitat

Smooth-coated otter, Tungabhadra River Bank, Humpi, Karnataka, India
Smooth-coated otters at Tungabhadra River bank, Hampi, Karnataka, India

The smooth-coated otter is distributed in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, southern China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and on Borneo, Sumatra and Java. An isolated population lives in the marshes of Iraq.[1] It has often been recorded in saltwater near the coast, especially on smaller islands, but requires a nearby source of freshwater.[10] It inhabits areas where fresh water is plentiful such as wetlands, seasonal swamps, rivers, lakes and rice paddies. Where it is the only occurring otter species, it lives in almost any suitable habitat. But where it is sympatric with other otter species, it avoids smaller streams and canals in favour of larger water bodies.[2] Smooth-coated otter groups studied in the Moyar River preferred rocky areas near fast flowing river segments with loose sand and little vegetation cover.[11]

The population in the Mesopotamian Marshes was feared to have perished, but otter tracks were found in 2009, suggesting the population may have survived.[12] Skins of smooth-coated otters were found during surveys between 2005 and 2012 in the vicinity of Hammar and Hawizeh Marshes. Tracks and scat found in Erbil Province were also thought to have been left by smooth-coated otters.[8]

In Gujarat, smooth-coated otters were documented near lakes, canals and mangroves in the outskirts of Surat in 2015.[13] In Singapore, smooth-coated otters have adapted well to urban environments, and have been observed to use urban structures like gaps under buildings as alternatives for holts. They also use staircases and ladders to get in and out of concrete canals with vertical or near‐vertical banks.[14] This population is well-protected and steadily increasing, with some families, such as the Bishan otter family, becoming a common sight and attracting media attention.[15]

Behaviour and ecology

Smooth-coated otter in Kabini River, India
Smooth-coated otter in Nagarhole National Park

The smooth-coated otter lives in groups of up to 11 individuals. They rest on sandy riverbanks and establish their dens under tree roots or among boulders. Observations in Peninsular Malaysia indicate that they are active foremost during the day, with a short rest during midday. They mark their playground by urinating and sprainting on rocks or vegetation.[16][17]

They communicate through vocalisations such as whistles, chirps, and wails.[2]


Smooth-coated otters were observed to forage on river banks among tree trunks.[16] They feed mainly on fish including Trichogaster, climbing gourami and catfish. During the rice planting season, they also hunt rats in rice fields. Snakes, amphibians and insects constitute a small portion of their diet.[18] Especially in areas where they share habitat with other otter species, they prefer larger fish, typically between 5 and 30 cm (2.0 and 11.8 in) in length.[10][19]

In Kuala Selangor Nature Park, an otter group was observed hunting. They formed an undulating, slightly V-shaped line, pointing in the direction of movement and nearly as wide as the creek. The largest individuals occupied the middle section. In this formation, they undulated wildly through the creek, causing panic‑stricken fish to jump out of the water a few metres ahead. They suddenly dived and grasped the fish with their snouts. Then they moved ashore, tossed the fish up a little on the muddy part of the bank, and swallowed it head‑first in one piece.[20]


Smooth-coated otter young at Wingham Wildlife Park, England
Smooth-coated otter calling

Smooth-coated otters form small family groups of a mated pair with up to four offspring from previous seasons.[21] Copulation occurs in water and lasts less than one minute.[22]

As long as the food supply is sufficient, they breed throughout the year, but where they depend on monsoon precipitation, they breed between October and February. The largest recorded wild-born litter of seven pups was observed in Singapore in November 2017.[23] Pups are born after a gestation period of 60 to 63 days, with a usual litter size of up to five pups. The mothers give birth to and raise their young in a burrow near water. They either construct such a burrow themselves, or they take over an abandoned one. At birth, the pups are blind and helpless, but their eyes open after 10 days. They are weaned at about three to five months and reach adult size at about one year of age, and sexual maturity at two or three years.[2]


The smooth-coated otter is threatened by poaching, loss and destruction of wetlands, as these are converted for settlements, agriculture and hydroelectric projects; water courses are being polluted by pesticides such as chlorinated hydrocarbons and organophosphates. These factors lead to a reduced prey base. Otters are indiscriminately killed especially at aquaculture sites. Trapping of otters is prevalent in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.[1]

Along the Chambal River in India, smooth-coated otters are most vulnerable during winter when they rear young. During this season, they are disturbed by humans harvesting crops and removing wood along rocky stretches of the river.[24]

Six juvenile smooth-coated otters were discovered in a bag left at Bangkok airport in January 2013. This was the first case of smooth-coated otters thought to have been destined for the illegal pet trade.[25] At least seven smooth-coated otters were offered for sale through websites by traders in Thailand and Malaysia between 2016 and 2017.[26]


The smooth-coated otter is a protected species in most range countries and listed globally as a vulnerable species. It had been listed on CITES Appendix II since 1977.[1] Since August 2019, it is included in CITES Appendix I, thus strengthening its protection in regards to international trade.[27]

Cultural significance

In southern Bangladesh, smooth-coated otters are used for commercial fishing. They are bred in captivity and trained to chase fish into fishing nets. By 2011, this fishing technique was used by about 300 fishermen, with an additional 2,000 people indirectly dependent on the technique for their livelihood.[28]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Khoo, M.; Basak, S.; Sivasothi, N.; de Silva, P.K.; Reza Lubis, I. (2021). "Lutrogale perspicillata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2021: e.T12427A164579961. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-3.RLTS.T12427A164579961.en. Retrieved 10 December 2022.
  2. ^ a b c d e Hwang, Y. T.; Larivière, S. (2005). "Lutrogale perspicillata". Mammalian Species. 786: 1–4. doi:10.1644/786.1.
  3. ^ Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, É. (1826). "Le Simung". In Audouin, I. B.; Bory de Saint-Vincent, M. (eds.). Dictionnaire classique d'Histoire Naturelle. Vol. 9. Paris: Société D'Histoire Naturelle. p. 519.
  4. ^ Gray, J. E. (1865). "Revision of the Genera and Species of Mustelidae contained in the British Museum". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. January 1865: 100–154.
  5. ^ Pocock, R. I. (1940). "Notes on some British Indian otters, with descriptions of two new subspecies". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 41: 514–517.
  6. ^ Hayman, R. W. (1957). "A new race of the Indian smooth-coated otter from Iraq". Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 12. 9 (106): 710–712. doi:10.1080/00222935608655883.
  7. ^ Khan, W. A.; Bhagat, H. B. (2010). "Otter Conservation in Pakistan". IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 27 (2): 89–92.
  8. ^ a b Al-Sheikhly, O. F.; Nader, I. A. (2013). "The Status of the Iraq Smooth-coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli Hayman 1956 and Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra Linnaeus 1758 in Iraq" (PDF). IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 30 (1): 18–30. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-08-07. Retrieved 2015-03-18.
  9. ^ Moretti, B.; Al-Sheikhly, O. F.; Guerrini, M.; Theng, M.; Gupta, B. K.; Haba, M. K.; Khan, W. A.; Khan, A. A.; Barbanera, F. (2017). "Phylogeography of the smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata): distinct evolutionary lineages and hybridization with the Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus)". Scientific Reports. 7: 41611. Bibcode:2017NatSR...741611M. doi:10.1038/srep41611. PMC 5269716. PMID 28128366.
  10. ^ a b Kruuk, H.; Kanchanasaka, B.; O'Sullivan, S. & Wanghongsa, S. (1994). "Niche separation in three sympatric otters Lutra perspicillata, L. lutra and Aonyx cinerea in Huai Kha Khaeng, Thailand". Biological Conservation. 69 (1): 115–120. doi:10.1016/0006-3207(94)90334-4.
  11. ^ Narasimmarajan, K.; Hayward, M.W. & Mathai, M.T. (2021). "Assessing the occurrence and resource use pattern of Smooth-coated Otters Lutrogale perspicillata Geoffroy (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in the Moyar River of the Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotspot" (PDF). IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 38 (1): 45–58. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2021-10-30. Retrieved 2021-11-02.
  12. ^ Salim, M. A.; Abd, I. M.; Abdulhassan, N. A. & Minjal, M. Sh. (2009). Burnham, D.; Hudson, V. & Bachmann, A. (eds.). Key Biodiversity Survey of Southern Iraq: 2009 Site Review (PDF). Nature Iraq. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-12-17. Retrieved 15 April 2013.
  13. ^ Trivedi, K. & Joshi, P. (2018). "Photographic documentation and distribution of Smooth-coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) (Geoffroy 1826) in Surat, Gujarat". IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 35 (1): 31–36.
  14. ^ Khoo, M.D.Y. & Lee, B.P.Y.‐H. (2020). "The urban Smooth‐coated otters Lutrogale perspicillata of Singapore: a review of the reasons for success". International Zoo Yearbook. 54: 1–12. doi:10.1111/izy.12262.
  15. ^ Turrell, C. (2020). "Cheeky otters are thriving in Singapore—and adapting quickly to big city life". National Geographic. Archived from the original on 2021-08-09. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  16. ^ a b Shariff, S. M. (1984). "Some observations on otters at Kuala Gula, Perak and National Park, Pahang" (PDF). Journal of Wildlife and Parks. 4: 75–88. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2020-08-07. Retrieved 2019-11-24.
  17. ^ Foster-Turley, P. (1992). "Conservation aspects of the ecology of Asian small-clawed and smooth otters on the Malay Peninsula". IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 7: 26–29. CiteSeerX
  18. ^ Foster-Turley, P. (1992). Conservation ecology of sympatric Asian otters Aonyx cinerea and Lutra perspicillata (Ph.D. Dissertation). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida. Archived from the original on 2020-08-07. Retrieved 2019-11-24.
  19. ^ Anoop, K. R.; Hussain, S. A. (2005). "Food and feeding habits of smooth-coated otters (Lutra perspicillata) and their significance to the fish population of Kerala, India". Journal of Zoology. 266 (1): 15–23. doi:10.1017/S0952836905006540.
  20. ^ van Helvoort, B. E.; Melisch, R.; Lubis, I. R.; O'Callaghan, B. (1996). "Aspects of Preying Behaviour of Smooth Coated Otters Lutrogale perspicillata from Southeast Asia". IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 13 (1): 3–7. Archived from the original on 2013-12-17. Retrieved 2012-11-10.
  21. ^ Hussain, S. A. (1996). "Group size, group structure and breeding in smooth-coated otter Lutra perspicillata Geoffroy in National Chambal Sanctuary". Mammalia. 60: 289–297. doi:10.1515/mamm.1996.60.2.289. S2CID 85376086.
  22. ^ Badham, M. (1973). "Breeding the Indian smooth otter Lutrogale perspicillata sindica X L.p. perspicillata at Twycross Zoo". International Zoo Yearbook. 13 (1): 145–146. doi:10.1111/j.1748-1090.1973.tb02132.x.
  23. ^ Sivasothi, N. & Khoo, M.D.Y. (2018). "Observations of the variation in group structure of two urban Smooth-Coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata groups in the central watershed of Singapore". IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 35 (3): 148–154. Archived from the original on 2020-07-20. Retrieved 2020-11-23.
  24. ^ Hussain, S. A. & Choudhury, B. C. (1997). "Distribution and status of the Smooth-coated Otter Lutra perspicillata in National Chambal Sanctuary, India". Biological Conservation. 80 (2): 199–206. doi:10.1016/S0006-3207(96)00033-X.
  25. ^ Shepherd, C. R. & Tansom, P. (2013). "Seizure Of Live Otters In Bangkok Airport, Thailand". IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 30 (1): 37–38. Archived from the original on 2019-08-03. Retrieved 2019-11-24.
  26. ^ Gomez, L. & Bouhuys, J. (2018). Illegal Otter Trade in Southeast Asia (PDF). Kelana Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia: Traffic Southeast Asia Regional Office. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2019-07-25. Retrieved 2019-11-24.
  27. ^ DTE Staff (2019). "CITES CoP 2019: Otters given highest protection from trade". DownToEarth. Archived from the original on 2019-08-30. Retrieved 2019-08-30.
  28. ^ Feeroz, M. M.; Begum, S. & Hasan, M. K. (2011). "Fishing with Otters: a Traditional Conservation Practice in Bangladesh". IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin (28A, Proceedings of XIth International Otter Colloquium): 14–21. Archived from the original on 2017-06-30. Retrieved 2012-06-21.

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Smooth-coated otter: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) is an otter species occurring in most of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, with a disjunct population in Iraq. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 1996 and is threatened by habitat loss, pollution of wetlands and poaching for the illegal wildlife trade. As its name indicates, its fur is smooth and shorter than that of other otter species.

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Lutrogale perspicillata ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

La nutria lisa (Lutrogale perspicillata) es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Mustelidae.[2]​ Habita desde el este de la India hasta el Sudeste asiático, con una población aislada en Irak.[1]​ Como su nombre lo indica, el pelaje de esta especie es más liso y corto que en las demás nutrias. Es la única especie de su género.[2]

Distribución y hábitat

La nutria lisa de distribuye a través del sudeste de Asia, en la ecozona Indomalaya, en dirección al este desde la India. También existe una población aislada de esta especie en los pantanos del sur de Irak.[3]​ Vive en áreas donde el agua es abundante como los bosque de turba, humedales de agua dulce, grandes ríos boscosos, lagos y arrozales. Está adaptada para vivir en el medio acuático, pero no se siente menos confortable en tierra y puede recorrer grandes distancias en busca de mejores hábitats. Se guarece dentro de madrigueras poco profundas, montones de rocas o montones madera flotante. Algunas pueden construir guaridas permanentes cerca del agua, en una disposición similar a la de un dique de castores, con una entrada bajo el agua y un túnel que conduce a un nido sobre el agua.

Nutria lisa en Borneo, Malasia.


Nutria lisa en el rio Kabini, India
Nutria lisa en el parque nacional Nagarhole

Es la nutria más grande del sudeste asiático, pesa entre 7 y 11 kg, con una longitud de 1,3 m en adultos. Puede distinguirse de las otras especies de nutria por su cabeza redondeada y la nariz carente de pelo con forma de diamante deformado. La cola es aplanada, contrastando con las otras especies, que tienen una cola redondeada; esta puede representar hasta el 60% de la longitud total del animal. Como otras nutrias tiene los dedos de los miembros posteriores palmeados y unas patas fuertes con garras afiladas.

El pelaje es más corto y liso que en las demás especies de nutria y tiene un color que varia de marrón claro a obscuro en el dorso y de marrón claro a casi gris en el vientre.


Como los otros mamíferos carnívoros, usa el olor para comunicarse con individuos de su propia y otras especies. Para ello posee un par de glándulas odoríferas en la base de la cola, las cuales usa para marcar el territorio y objetos como rocas y plantas cercanas a las áreas de alimentación.


Se alimenta de insectos, gusanos, lombrices de tierra, crustáceos, ranas, roedores, pájaros, pero prefiere peces y reptiles. Los peces comprenden entre el 75 y 100% de su dieta. Con frecuencia caza en grupos, rodeando grupos de peces entre varios individuos para facilitar captura. Un grupo de animales puede tener un territorio de caza de 7 a 12 km². Un solo adulto en cautiverio consume cerca de 1 kg de comida al día.


Esta nutria forma parejas fuertemente monógamas. La época específica de apareamiento es desconocida, sin embargo, se sabe que puede depender de la época de lluvias, entre los meses de agosto y diciembre. El periodo de gestación fluctúa de 61 a 65 días. Paren en una madriguera cerca del agua, que se puede construir o puede ocupar una abandonada. Paren entre 2 y 5 crías por vez, que al momento de nacer son ciegas e indefensas, pero después de 30 días abren los ojos y pueden nadar a los 60 días. Son destetados a los 130 días, y dejan a sus padres hacia el año de edad. La madurez sexual la alcanzan a los dos años de edad.


Se reconocen las siguientes subespecies:[2]


  1. a b de Silva, P., Khan, W.A., Kanchanasaka, B., Reza Lubis, I., Feeroz, M.M. & Al-Sheikhly, O.F. (2015). «Lutrogale perspicillata». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2015.3 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 17 de octubre de 2015.
  2. a b c Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). «Lutrogale perspicillata». Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  3. Hans Kruuk (2006). Otters: Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation.. Nueva York: Oxford University Press. pp. 21. ISBN 0-19-856587-9.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Lutrogale perspicillata: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

La nutria lisa (Lutrogale perspicillata) es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Mustelidae.​ Habita desde el este de la India hasta el Sudeste asiático, con una población aislada en Irak.​ Como su nombre lo indica, el pelaje de esta especie es más liso y corto que en las demás nutrias. Es la única especie de su género.​

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Lutrogale perspicillata ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Lutrogale perspicillata Lutrogale generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Lutrinae azpifamilia eta Mustelidae familian sailkatuta dago.


  1. I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1826) 9 In Bory de Saint-Vincent 519. or..

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Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Lutrogale perspicillata: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Lutrogale perspicillata Lutrogale generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Lutrinae azpifamilia eta Mustelidae familian sailkatuta dago.

Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Lyhytkarvasaukko ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Lyhytkarvasaukko (Lutrogale perspicillata)[2] on aasialainen joissa elävä näätäeläin, sukunsa ainoa laji. Se on yksi suurimmista näätäeläimistä ja kasvaa yli metrin mittaiseksi ja painaa 7–11 kiloa.[3] Se on IUCN:n uhanalaisuusluokituksessa vaarantunut laji[1].


  1. a b Hussain, S.A., de Silva, P.K. & Mostafa Feeroz, M.: Lutrogale perspicillata IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 21.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Maailman eläimet: Nisäkkäät 1, s. 116–121. (Englanninkielinen alkuteos The Encyclopedia of Mammals 1, sarjassa World of animals). Helsinki: Tammi, 1986. ISBN 951-30-6530-8.
  3. White, T. Lutrogale perspicillata Animal Diversity Web. 2004
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Lyhytkarvasaukko: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Lyhytkarvasaukko (Lutrogale perspicillata) on aasialainen joissa elävä näätäeläin, sukunsa ainoa laji. Se on yksi suurimmista näätäeläimistä ja kasvaa yli metrin mittaiseksi ja painaa 7–11 kiloa. Se on IUCN:n uhanalaisuusluokituksessa vaarantunut laji.

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Loutre à pelage lisse ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Lutrogale perspicillata

Une loutre à pelage lisse montrant ses crocs

La Loutre à pelage lisse[1] (Lutrogale perspicillata), loutre d'Asie[2] ou encore loutre indienne, est une espèce de mammifère de la sous-famille des lutrinés.

Elle possède trois sous-espèces :

  • loutre indienne du Sud (Lutrogale perspicillata perspicillata);
  • loutre indienne d'Irak (Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli);
  • loutre indienne du Pakistan (Lutrogale perspicillata sindica).

C'est la seule espèce du genre lutrogale appartenant à la famille des mustelidae.


Vivant en Asie, elle mesure entre 69 et 75 cm, possède une queue de 40 à 50 cm et peut peser jusqu'à 11 kg pour une longévité de 15 ans.

Pour résister aux basses températures des cours d'eau, son pelage est adapté avec une fourrure imperméable de poils lisses sur lequel l'eau glisse sans pénétrer. Elle apparaît plus courte et plus brillante que chez les autres espèces et ce dans des tons brun/gris sur le dessous et plus clair sur le ventre et le cou.

Loutres à pelage lisse, parc national de Nagarhole, Inde

Son corps long et épais possède des pattes courtes aux pieds palmés et dotés de griffes acérées. Sa tête, aussi large que son cou, possède un museau court couvert de poils épais, des petits yeux ronds très écartés et des oreilles positionnées assez bas sur celle-ci.

La loutre à pelage lisse dispose de pattes avant plus courtes que celles de derrière et une queue conique afin de lui faciliter la nage.


Aire de répartition de la loutre à pelage lisse
Lutrogale perspicillata

La loutre d’Asie vit dans les eaux peu profondes des ruisseaux et des rivières d’eau douce. Cette loutre est aussi à l'aise sur terre et peut parcourir de longues distances par voie terrestre à la recherche d'un nouvel habitat. Elle construit sa tanière, qu’on appelle une catiche entre les racines des arbres poussant sur les berges.

On la rencontre dans le sud de l'Asie, l'Inde la Chine mais aussi en Irak et en Afghanistan où vit une très petite population[3].

Sa population mondiale diminue du fait de la dégradation de son habitat humide causée par des projets hydroélectriques d'envergure mais aussi de l'agriculture, de la contamination des eaux par les pesticides ainsi que du braconnage[4].

Régime alimentaire

Animal carnivore, la loutre a pour préférence le poisson mais elle peut se nourrir aussi de petits mammifères, amphibiens, crustacés ou vers de terre.

La loutre à pelage lisse chasse souvent en groupe afin de rassembler les poissons en bancs pour les capturer plus facilement.

On observe d'ailleurs que les pêcheurs de l'Inde et du Bangladesh utilisent ce comportement de chasse pour les dresser à rabattre les poissons dans les filets à l'image de la pêche au cormoran en Chine et au Japon.


Des bébés loutres à pelage lisse

Aucune étude n'a été faite à ce propos mais on note qu'elles sont plus susceptibles de se reproduire entre août et septembre (en captivité, les accouplements ont quasiment tous lieu en août).

Sa période de gestation est d'une soixantaine de jours et donne généralement lieu à une portée de 2 à 5 petits. Les nouveau-nés aveugles n'ouvrent les yeux qu'au bout de 30 jours.

Notes et références

Une des principales menaces qui pèse actuellement sur la loutre à pelage lisse en Asie du Sud-Est (et surtout sur la loutre cendrée mais aussi sur la loutre d'Europe et la loutre de Sumatra), c'est qu'elle est capturée dans la nature pour être ensuite vendue comme animal de compagnie[5].

  1. « Loutre - นาก », sur thailande-guide.com,‎ 30 décembre 2020
  2. (en) Murray Wrobel, 2007. Elsevier's dictionary of mammals: in Latin, English, German, French and Italian. Elsevier, 2007. (ISBN 0-444-51877-0), 9780444518774. 857 pages. Rechercher dans le document numérisé
  3. O.F. Al-Sheikhly et I.A. Nader, « The Status of Iraq Smooth-Coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli Hayman 1956 and Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra Linnaeus 1758 in Iraq », IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull., vol. 30, no 1,‎ 2013, p. 18-30 (lire en ligne)
  4. (en) Référence UICN : espèce Lutrogale perspicillata (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1826)
  5. Jani Actman, « En Asie du Sud-Est, les loutres sont vendues comme animaux domestiques », sur nationalgeographic.fr, National Geographic, 15 janvier 2019

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Loutre à pelage lisse: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Lutrogale perspicillata

 src= Une loutre à pelage lisse montrant ses crocs

La Loutre à pelage lisse (Lutrogale perspicillata), loutre d'Asie ou encore loutre indienne, est une espèce de mammifère de la sous-famille des lutrinés.

Elle possède trois sous-espèces :

loutre indienne du Sud (Lutrogale perspicillata perspicillata); loutre indienne d'Irak (Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli); loutre indienne du Pakistan (Lutrogale perspicillata sindica).

C'est la seule espèce du genre lutrogale appartenant à la famille des mustelidae.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Glatka indijska vidra ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Glatka indijska vidra (Lutrogale perspicillata) vrsta je vidre, jedini živući pripadnik roda Lutrogale. Vrstu pronalazimo od istoka Indije do jugoistočne Azije, a prisutna je i manja populacija u Iraku. Kao što njeno ime navodi, njeno je krzno glađe i kraće od drugih vrsta vidri.


Glatke indijske vidre najveće su vidre u jugoistočnoj Aziji, dostižući duljinu od 130 centimetara, i težinu od 7-11 kilograma. Od ostalih se vrsta razlikuju po okruglijoj glavi i njušci bez dlaka u obliku iskrivljenog dijamanta. Rep je stanjen, ne nalik ostalim vrstama vidri čiji su repovi zadebljani, te iznosi i do 60% duljine čitavog tijela. Poput većine vrsta vidri, glatka indijska vidra ima plivaće kožice, snažne šape i oštre kandže.

Krzno glatke indijske vidre kraće je i nježnije od ostalih vrsta vidri. Boja krzna duž leđa svijetle je ili tamnosmeđe boje, dok je trbušni dio svijetlosmeđe do sive boje.

Glatke indijske vidre, poput ostalih zvijeri, koriste osjet njuha i miris kako bi komunicirale unutar vrsta vidri te s ostalim životinjama. Svaka vidra posjeduje par mirisnih žlijezdi na osnovi repa koje koriste za obilježavanje tla i objekata, poput kamenja i vegetacije, blizu mjesta hranjenja.

Rasprostranjenost i stanište

Glatka indijska vidra obitava kroz veći dio južne Azije, u Indomalajskom ekozonu, i istočni dio Indije. Postoji i izolirana populacija vrste u močvarama Iraka. Živi u područjima bogatima vodom – močvarne šume, slatkovodne močvare, šumske rijeke, jezera i rižina polja neki su od primjera. Prilagođene su životu u vodi, no također se snalaze i na tlu, i mogu se kretati tlom i prijeći velike udaljenosti u potrazi za boljim staništem. Njihove jazbine nalaze se unutar plitkih udubina u tlu, kamenitih naslaga ili nakupinama stabala. Neke će jedinke izgraditi trajne jazbine na vodi, slične dabrovim jazibanama, s podvodnim ulazom i tunelom koji vodi do komore iznad vode.

Glatku indijsku vidru navodi se kao ranjivu vrstu. Raspon populacija smanjuje se poradi gubitka močvarnih staništa, izlovljavanja i kontaminacije vodenih puteva pesticidima. U Indiji, glatke se indijske vidre vode kao ugrožena vrsta, i zaštićena su vrsta od 1972. godine.


Glatka indijska vidra hrani se kukcima, crvima, mekušcima, žabama, vodenim štakorima, kornjačama, pticama i ribom. Riba iznosi 75-100% njene prehrane. Glatke indijske vidre često love u skupinama, tjerajući plove riba u nakupine kojima se zatim lakše hrane. Skupina vidri ponekad može ubiti i manjeg kajmana. Raspon područja hranjenja jedne skupine može iznositi i od 7 do 12 kilometara. Jedinka dnevno može pojesti 1 kilogram hrane u zatočeništvu.


Glatke indijske vidre tvore snažne monogamne parove. Točno određeni periodi parenja glatke indijske vidre nisu poznati, no kada su vidre ovisne o monsunima, parenje se odvija između kolovoza i prosinca. Gestacija iznosi 61-65 dana. Ženke kote 2-5 mladunaca u jazbini blizu vode, koju samostalno grade ili preuzimaju od drugih životinja. Nakon koćenja, mladunci su slijepi i bespomoćni, no nakon trideset dana njihove se oči otvaraju, te nakon šesdeset dana mladunci mogu plivati. Roditelji se brinu za mladunčad do 130 dana, nakon čega mladunci napuštaju roditelje. Spolnu zrelost dostižu s navršene dvije godine života.

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wikipedia hr Croatian

Glatka indijska vidra: Brief Summary ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Glatka indijska vidra (Lutrogale perspicillata) vrsta je vidre, jedini živući pripadnik roda Lutrogale. Vrstu pronalazimo od istoka Indije do jugoistočne Azije, a prisutna je i manja populacija u Iraku. Kao što njeno ime navodi, njeno je krzno glađe i kraće od drugih vrsta vidri.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Lutrogale perspicillata ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供
Lutrogale perspicillata

Lutrogale perspicillata I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1826 è un carnivoro della famiglia dei Mustelidi[2].

Per la sua pelliccia, più fine e corta di quella delle altre lontre, è chiamata anche lontra liscia.


La lontra liscia viene suddivisa in due sottospecie: L. p. perspicillata, che vive in India nord-orientale e meridionale, Myanmar e Sumatra, e L. p. sindica, diffusa in India settentrionale e nord-occidentale e Pakistan. Altri studiosi riconoscono anche un'altra sottospecie, L. p. maxwelli, la più rara delle tre, che abita nelle paludi dell'Iraq meridionale.


La lontra liscia è la più grande specie di lontra del Sud-est asiatico: pesa 7 – 11 kg e può raggiungere la lunghezza di 1,3 m. Si distingue dagli altri Lutrini per la testa più arrotondata e il naso glabro a forma di diamante. La coda ha sezione appiattita (le altre specie invece la hanno rotonda) e può misurare il 60% della lunghezza totale. Come tutte le sue simili, comunque, ha zampe dotate di membrane interdigitali e robusti piedi muniti di unghie affilate.

La pelliccia della lontra liscia, come dice il nome, è più liscio e più corto di quello delle altre lontre. Sul dorso varia di colore dal marrone chiaro al marrone scuro, mentre il ventre è marrone chiaro o grigiastro.

Distribuzione e habitat

Vive in gran parte dell'Asia meridionale, nella cosiddetta ecozona orientale, estesa dall'India a oriente. Una piccola popolazione isolata è diffusa nelle paludi dell'Iraq[3]. Si incontra nelle aree dove l'acqua è più abbondante - fiumi, laghi, paludi e risaie. Nonostante sia benissimo adattata alla vita acquatica, se la cava benissimo anche sulla terraferma e può spostarsi anche su lunghe distanze alla ricerca di zone più favorevoli. Si rifugia in ripari situati tra le rocce o in pile di vegetazione marcescente; alcuni esemplari costruiscono tane permanenti vicino all'acqua, dall'aspetto simile alle dighe del castoro, con un'entrata subacquea e un tunnel che conduce a un nido sopra il livello dell'acqua.



Come quasi tutti i mammiferi carnivori la lontra liscia utilizza l'olfatto per comunicare: ogni esemplare è munito di un paio di ghiandole odorifere alla base della coda con le quali marca il terreno vicino alle aree dove è solito nutrirsi, lasciando una secrezione odorosa sulle rocce o sulla vegetazione.


Si nutre di insetti, lombrichi, crostacei, rane, roditori e uccelli, ma predilige pesci (che costituiscono il 75 - 100% della dieta) e rettili. Spesso caccia in piccoli gruppi, raggruppando i pesci per poterli catturare con più facilità. Un gruppo di lontre si nutre su un'area di 7 – 12 km². In cattività un esemplare adulto consuma circa un kg di cibo al giorno.


La lontra liscia forma coppie monogame durature. Il periodo dell'accoppiamento non è noto con certezza, ma, dato che questa specie dipende molto dalle precipitazioni monsoniche, avviene tra agosto e dicembre. Il periodo di gestazione dura 61 - 65 giorni. I piccoli, due-cinque per cucciolata, nascono e vengono allevati in una galleria vicino all'acqua, che può essere stata edificata dai genitori o abbandonata da altri animali. Alla nascita i piccoli sono ciechi e inetti, ma dopo trenta giorni aprono gli occhi e dopo sessanta sono già in grado di nuotare. A 130 giorni sono svezzati e all'età di un anno lasciano i genitori. La maturità sessuale viene raggiunta a due anni.


La lontra liscia è una specie vulnerabile. Le varie popolazioni sono minacciate dal prosciugamento delle aree umide, dal bracconaggio e dalla contaminazione delle acque ad opera dei pesticidi. In India la specie è protetta dal 1972.

Nella cultura di massa

La lontra liscia è apparsa nel documentario BBC della serie Planet Earth intitolato Acque dolci. In questo episodio viene mostrato un gruppo di questi animali mentre molesta apertamente un coccodrillo adulto.

Lo scrittore Gavin Maxwell, ne L'anello di acque lucenti, descrive in prima persona il viaggio di una lontra liscia trasportata dall'Iraq alla Scozia.


  1. ^ (EN) Conroy, J. (Otter Red List Authority) & Schipper, J. (Global Mammal Assessment Team) 2008, Lutrogale perspicillata, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Lutrogale perspicillata, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Hans Kruuk, Otters: Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation., New York, Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 21, ISBN 0-19-856587-9.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Lutrogale perspicillata: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供
Lutrogale perspicillata

Lutrogale perspicillata I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1826 è un carnivoro della famiglia dei Mustelidi.

Per la sua pelliccia, più fine e corta di quella delle altre lontre, è chiamata anche lontra liscia.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Īsspalvainais ūdrs ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Īsspalvainais ūdrs (Lutrogale perspicillata) ir sermuļu dzimtas (Mustelidae) daļēji ūdenī dzīvojošs plēsējs, kas pieder īsspalvaino ūdru ģintij (Lutrogale). Tā ir vienīgā mūsdienās dzīvojošā suga īsspalvaino ūdru ģintī.

Zinātniskais vārds Lutrogale nozīmē "cepurotais", kas sasaucas ar īsspalvainā ūdra velvēto, apaļo galvu, bet perspicillata nozīmē "dedzīgās acis", kas referē īsspalvainā ūdra acu izvietojumu galvā. Tās ir novietotas vairāk sejas pretskata plaknē, nevis sānos, kā citiem ūdriem.[1] Tuvākais radinieks starp mūsdienās dzīvojošiem ūdriem ir nevis citi Āzijā dzīvojošie ūdri, bet Brazīlijas dižūdrs (Pteronura brasiliensis).[2] Abām sugām ir līdzīga uzvedība, komunikācija un galvaskausu morfoloģija. Abām sugām ir raksturīgas spēcīgas pāru attiecības, kas kopīgi audzina mazuļus.


Īsspalvainais ūdrs dzīvo, sākot ar Indijas austrumiem un beidzot ar Dienvidaustrumāzijas teritorijām;[3] Sumatrā, Javā, Borneo, Ķīnā, Nepālā, Butānā, Indijā un Pakistānā.[4] Kādreiz Irākas purvos dzīvoja izolēta īsspalvaino ūdru populācija, kas mūsdienās ir izmirusi.[4] Ūdrs ir sastopams purvainos mežos, saldūdens upju un ezeru krastos, kā arī uzpludinātajos rīsa laukos. Tāpat kā citi ūdri tas ir piemērojies dzīvei ūdenī, bet labi jūtas arī uz sauszemes, un pa zemi var ceļot garas distances, lai atrastu piemērotu apmešanās vietu. Īsspalvainais ūdrs migu iekārto šaurās alās klintīs un zem akmeņiem, vai koku sanesumiem upju krastos. Daži iekārtojas kaimiņos bebriem alā, kurai ieeja ir zem ūdens.

Samazinoties mitrajiem mežiem un neapdzīvotiem upju krastiem, ūdrs zaudē dzīves telpu, un tā populācija samazinās. Īsspalvainais ūdrs ir aizsargāts dzīvnieks Indijā, un kopš 1972. gada tas ir ierakstīts Sarkanajā grāmatā. Indijas un Bangladešas zvejnieki ir apmācījuši īsspalvainos ūdrus dzīt tīklos zivis.[5]

Izskats un īpašības

Īsspalvainais ūdrs ir lielākais ūdrs, kas dzīvo Dienvidaustrumāzijā. Tā ķermeņa garums ir 1,3 m un svars 7—12 kg.[6] Ķermenis kā visiem ūdriem ir slaids, garš un cilindrveidīgs, ar īsām, spēcīgām kājām. No citiem ūdriem to var atšķirt pēc galvas formas, kas salīdzinot ar Eirāzijas ūdriem, ir apaļāka, ar īsu, noapaļotu purnu. Uz purna bagātīgi aug ūsas. Tā deguns nav apmatots, un degungala forma ir līdzīga izstieptam dimantam. Ausis mazas un novietotas uz galvas zemu un plati. Kakls ir spēcīgs un īss, tikpat plats kā galva. Īsspalvainā ūdra aste ir nedaudz saplacināta, salīdzinot ar apaļajām, konusveidīgajām Eirāzijas ūdra astēm. Aste ir gara un var sasniegt 60% no visa kopējā garuma.[5] Ķepas ir relatīvi lielākas kā citiem ūdriem, ar peldplēvēm un asiem, īsiem nagiem.[4] Īsspalvainā ūdra kažoks ir samtains, ar īsāku un gludāku apmatojumu kā citiem ūdriem. Pavilna ir ļoti mīksta, 6—8 mm gara, akotspalva 12—14 mm gara.[5] Akotspalva sargā pavilnu no samirkšanas. Iznākot no ūdens, pavilna ir sausa, un tā lieliski silda ūdru, kamēr tas ir zem ūdens. Atšķirībā no citiem ūdens zīdītājiem ūdriem nav zemādas tauku.[5] Kažoka krāsa variē no gaiši brūnas līdz tumši brūnai uz muguras, bet pavēdere un pazode ir gaiši brūna vai gaiši pelēka.

Īsspalvainie ūdri ar citiem ūdriem sazinās, lietojot īpašu smaržu sekrētu, kura dziedzeri atrodas uzreiz zem astes. Smaržu zīmes tiek atstātas uz akmeņiem vai augiem, tuvu barošanās vietām. Tiem patīk lielas upes un ezeri, plaši rīsa lauki un purvi. Īsspalvainie ūdri dzīvo arī jūras krastā un peld jūrā, lai medītu zivis, bet tiem ir vajadzīgs tuvumā saldūdens, lai no kažoka nomazgātu sāli.[4] Priekškājas ir īsākas kā pakaļkājas, kas uzlabo ūdra spēju peldēt. Peldot lēni, ūdrs izmanto visas 4 kājas, bet peldot ātri un nirstot, tas priekškājas piespiež pie ķermeņa, bet pakaļkājas un aste kā dzenskrūve stumj ūdru cauri ūdenim.[5]


Īsspalvainie ūdri pamatā medī zivis. Šīs sugas ūdri ķer vislielākās zivis salīdzinot ar pārējām ūdru sugām, kas dzīvo Dienvidaustrumāzijā.[4] Ja būs iespēja, medīs arī rāpuļus, kukaiņus, sliekas, vēžveidīgos, vardes, grauzējus un putnus. Zivis no visa apēstā sastāda 75—100%.[6] Īsspalvainie ūdri bieži medī grupās, sadzenot zivis ciešā barā, lai vieglāk būtu tās nomedīt.[5]


Īsspalvainie ūdri dzimumbriedumu sasniedz 2 gadu vecumā. Tie veido ilgstošus, monogāmus pārus. Īsspalvainajiem ūdriem nav konkrēta riesta laika un tie var pāroties visu gadu.[5] Grūsnības periods ilgst 61—65 dienas. Mazuļi dzimst alā tuvu ūdenim. Parasti piedzimst 2—5 mazuļi. Tie ir akli un bezpalīdzīgi. Pēc 30 dienām to acis atveras, bet pēc 60 dienām tie jau var peldēt.[6] Māte tos zīda ar pienu apmēram 130 dienas. Kopā ar vecākiem mazuļi paliek apmēram 1 gadu, bet, tā kā īsspalvainie ūdri ir ļoti sociāli un veido ciešas ģimenes saites, reizēm tie paliek ilgāk. Grupas dominantais ūdrs ir galvenā mātīte. Viena īsspalvaino ūdru grupa apdzīvo 7—12 km² lielu teritoriju. Ūdri ir aktīvi gan dienā, gan naktī.[5] Savvaļā tie dzīvo līdz 10 gadiem, nebrīvē ir bijis gadījums, ka īsspalvainais ūdrs nodzīvoja līdz 15,4 gadiem.[7]


Īsspalvainajam ūdram ir 3 pasugas:[4]

  • Lutrogale perspicillata perspicillata - visā areālā, kažoka krāsa uz muguras tumši brūna, pavēdere gaišāk brūna;
  • Lutrogale perspicillata sindica - Pakistāna, Indijas ziemeļi, kažoka krāsa gaiša, smilšu brūna, pavēdere pelēcīga, vismazākā pasuga;[5]
  • Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli - Irāka, kažoks vistumšākais no visiem, metāliski pelākā krāsā, pavēdere un pakakle tikai nedaudz gaišāk pelēka.


Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Īsspalvainais ūdrs: Brief Summary ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Īsspalvainais ūdrs (Lutrogale perspicillata) ir sermuļu dzimtas (Mustelidae) daļēji ūdenī dzīvojošs plēsējs, kas pieder īsspalvaino ūdru ģintij (Lutrogale). Tā ir vienīgā mūsdienās dzīvojošā suga īsspalvaino ūdru ģintī.

Zinātniskais vārds Lutrogale nozīmē "cepurotais", kas sasaucas ar īsspalvainā ūdra velvēto, apaļo galvu, bet perspicillata nozīmē "dedzīgās acis", kas referē īsspalvainā ūdra acu izvietojumu galvā. Tās ir novietotas vairāk sejas pretskata plaknē, nevis sānos, kā citiem ūdriem. Tuvākais radinieks starp mūsdienās dzīvojošiem ūdriem ir nevis citi Āzijā dzīvojošie ūdri, bet Brazīlijas dižūdrs (Pteronura brasiliensis). Abām sugām ir līdzīga uzvedība, komunikācija un galvaskausu morfoloģija. Abām sugām ir raksturīgas spēcīgas pāru attiecības, kas kopīgi audzina mazuļus.

Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Memerang Licin ( 馬來語 )

由wikipedia MS提供

Memerang Licin (bahasa Inggeris: Smooth-coated Otter) ialah salah satu daripada haiwan yang terdapat di Malaysia. Nama sainsnya Lutra perspillata. [1]

Malaysia merupakan salah satu daripada 12 negara yang telah diiktiraf sebagai kepelbagaian raya "mega diversity" dari segi bilangan dan kepelbagaian flora dan fauna dengan 15,000 spesies pokok berbunga yang diketahui, 286 spesies mamalia, lebih 1,500 vertebrat darat, lebih 150,000 spesies invertebrat, lebih 1000 spesies rama-rama dan 12,000 spesies kupu-kupu, dan lebih 4,000 spesies ikan laut.


Memerang Licin boleh didapati di Malaysia.


Memerang Licin adalah haiwan yang tergolong dalam golongan benda hidup, alam haiwan, bertulang belakang (vertebrat), kelas Mamalia. Dalam aturan : , tergolong dalam keluarga : .Memerang Licin adalah haiwan berdarah panas, melahirkan anak, menjaga anak, dan mempunyai bulu di badan.

Jantung Memerang Licin terdiri daripada 4 kamar seperti manusia. Kamar atas dikenali sebagai atrium, sementara kamar bawah dikenali sebagai ventrikel.


Sebagai mamalia, Memerang Licin berdarah panas, melahirkan anak, menjaga anak, dan mempunyai bulu di badan. Memerang Licin akan menjaga anaknya sehingga mampu berdikari.


Memerang Licin merupakan haiwan yang dilindungi and memerlukan lesen pemburuan.


Pengarang dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia MS

Memerang Licin: Brief Summary ( 馬來語 )

由wikipedia MS提供

Memerang Licin (bahasa Inggeris: Smooth-coated Otter) ialah salah satu daripada haiwan yang terdapat di Malaysia. Nama sainsnya Lutra perspillata.

Malaysia merupakan salah satu daripada 12 negara yang telah diiktiraf sebagai kepelbagaian raya "mega diversity" dari segi bilangan dan kepelbagaian flora dan fauna dengan 15,000 spesies pokok berbunga yang diketahui, 286 spesies mamalia, lebih 1,500 vertebrat darat, lebih 150,000 spesies invertebrat, lebih 1000 spesies rama-rama dan 12,000 spesies kupu-kupu, dan lebih 4,000 spesies ikan laut.

Pengarang dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia MS

Slanke otter ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

De slanke otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de marterachtigen (Mustelidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in 1826.


De soort komt voor in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesië, Irak, Maleisië, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand en Vietnam.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Slanke otter: Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

De slanke otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de marterachtigen (Mustelidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in 1826.

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Indisk fiskarutter ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Indisk fiskarutter (Lutrogale perspicillata) är den enda arten i släktet Lutrogale som tillhör underfamiljen uttrar. Djuret förekommer i södra och sydöstra Asien.


Arten liknar den europeiska uttern men skiljer sig från denna art genom mjukare päls, en avplattad svans, en rund skalle med kort nos och större tänder. Som alla uttrar har den en långsträckt kropp med korta extremiteter. Pälsen är på ovansidan gråbrun och på undersidan ljusare. Kinder, halsen och bröstet är vitaktiga. Dessa djur når en kroppslängd mellan 65 och 79 centimeter, en svanslängd mellan 40 och 51 centimeter och en vikt mellan 7 och 11 kilogram. Storleken liknar alltså den europeiska utterns.

Utbredning och habitat

Artens utbredningsområde sträcker sig från Pakistan och Indien över Sydostasien till öarna Borneo och Java. En isolerad population finns i södra Irak. De vistas nära sjöar, floder och andra vattenansamlingar i skogar samt i mangrove, träskmarker och risodlingar. Trots att de huvudsakligen är bundna till vatten genomför de större vandringar på land, särskilt under torra perioder.


Indisk fiskarutter lever i familjegrupper som består av en hane, en hona och deras ungar. Som viloplatser använder de självgrävda bon vid vattendragens strandlinje. Varje grupp har ett revir som sträcker sig 7 till 12 kilometer längs floden.


Dessa djur jagar huvudsakligen fisk och ofta använder en familjegrupp drivjakt för att komma åt bytet. Dessutom äter de groddjur, insekter och kräftdjur.


Dräktigheten varar i cirka 60 dagar men ibland vilar ägget en tid efter befruktningen innan den egentliga dräktigheten börjar. Det föds två till fem ungar åt gången som tillbringar sina första dagar i en jordhåla polstrad med gräs. Efter ungefär 130 dagar sluter honan att ge di och sedan vårdas ungarna av bägge föräldrar tills de är ett år gamla. Livslängden i naturen ligger mellan 4 och 10 år, i fångenskap ibland upp till 20 år.


Arten hotas genom skogsröjning, vattenbyggnader och vattenföroreningar. I vissa regioner har de blivit sällsynta eller har försvunnit, IUCN listar hela arten som sårbar (vulnerable). Situationen för den isolerade populationen i Irak är oviss då området var krigsplats och flera sumpmarker blev torrlagd.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 ISBN 0-8018-5789-9
  1. ^ Lutrogale perspicillataIUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Reuther, C. & Hussain, S.A. (2004), besökt 30 september 2008.
Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Indisk fiskarutter: Brief Summary ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Indisk fiskarutter (Lutrogale perspicillata) är den enda arten i släktet Lutrogale som tillhör underfamiljen uttrar. Djuret förekommer i södra och sydöstra Asien.

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Lutrogale perspicillata ( 烏克蘭語 )

由wikipedia UK提供


лат. Lutra — «видра», грец. γαλῆ — «ласка, куниця».


Країни поширення: Бангладеш, Бутан, Бруней-Даруссалам, Камбоджа, Китай, Індія, Індонезія, Ірак, Лаоська Народно-Демократична Республіка, Малайзія, М'янма, Непал, Пакистан, Таїланд, В'єтнам. Lutrogale perspicillata — рівнинний вид, що мешкає переважно в районах з низькою висотою; він поширений в озерах, річках, водосховищах, каналах, затоплених полях, запливає у відкрите море.


Голова і тіло довжиною 650—790 мм, хвіст довжиною 400—505 мм, а вага становить 7—11 кг. Верхні частини тіла від холодного темно-коричневого до димного сіро-коричневого кольору, низ тіла світло-сірого кольору. Щоки, верхня губа, горло, шия і верхню частина грудей білуваті. Хутро коротке, гладеньке. Зовні схожий на видру, за винятком того, що дорсовентральне сплощення хвіст набагато більш виражене.


Досить активний на землі, часто подорожує на великі відстані в пошуках підходящих потоків, а в сухий сезон може стати джунглевим мисливцем. Здібний копач і може вирити своє власне лігво для народження та вигодовування дітей. На півострові Малакка цей роду зазвичай живе в групах, що складаються з пари дорослих і до чотири потомків, які контролюють 7—12 км річки.

Сімейні групи можуть об'єднуватися для риболовлі (в тому числі заганяння риби) і купання. Сільські жителі Індії користуються цією звичкою і за допомогою Lutrogale заганяють рибу в сіті. Переважно їсть рибу і доповнює раціон креветками, раками, крабами,комахами та іншими хребетними, такими як жаби, стрибуни, птахи і пацюки.

Розмноження може відбуватися на початку року. Обидві статі приносять матеріал для встилання лігва і носять їжу дитинчатам. Дійсна вагітність (без періоду імплантації) триває 63 дні. Один полонений самець дожив до 20 років.


Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
wikipedia UK

Rái cá lông mượt ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Lutrogale perspicillata là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Chồn, bộ Ăn thịt. Loài này được I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire mô tả năm 1826.[2] Loài này sinh sống ở phía nam Pakistan, một phần Ấn Độ đến phía đông tận Đông Nam Á.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Hussain, S. A., de Silva, P. K. and Mostafa Feeroz, M. (2008). “Lutrogale perspicillata”. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2012.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế.
  2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Lutrogale perspicillata”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Rái cá lông mượt: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Lutrogale perspicillata là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Chồn, bộ Ăn thịt. Loài này được I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire mô tả năm 1826. Loài này sinh sống ở phía nam Pakistan, một phần Ấn Độ đến phía đông tận Đông Nam Á.

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Гладкошёрстная выдра ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Латинское название Lutrogale perspicillata
Geoffroy, 1826

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 621919 NCBI 452644 Международная Красная книга
Status iucn3.1 VU ru.svg
Уязвимые виды
IUCN 3.1 Vulnerable: 12427

Гладкошёрстная выдра, или индийская выдра[1] (лат. Lutrogale perspicillata) — хищное млекопитающее подсемейства Lutrinae семейства куньих, ведущее полуводный образ жизни.

Как указывает название, мех этого вида более гладкий и короткий, чем у других выдр.

Экология и распространение

Данный вид обитает от востока Индии до Юго-Восточной Азии, также встречается в некоторых местах Ирака.[2]

Гладкошёрстные выдры селятся в районах, где много водоёмов — торфяных болот, больших лесных рек, озёр и рисовых полей. Они хорошо приспособились к жизни рядом с водой, но, тем не менее, комфортно чувствуют себя и на земле, и могут перемещаться на большие расстояния по суше в поисках подходящего места обитания.

Своё логово гладкошёрстная выдра устраивает в норах или скальных отвалах. Некоторые из них могут построить постоянное логово вблизи воды, которое похоже на жилище бобра, с подводным входом и туннелем, который ведет в гнездо над водой.

Защита вида

Гладкошёрстная выдра является уязвимым видом. Ареал и численность гладкошёрстной выдры сокращается из-за уменьшения водно-болотных угодий, браконьерства и загрязнения водных путей пестицидами.


Гладкошёрстная выдра самая крупная из всех выдр Юго-Восточной Азии, она весит 7—11 кг и достигает 1,3 м в длину.

Как и другие выдры, гладкошёрстные выдры имеют перепончатые пальцы и сильные лапы с острыми когтями.

Шерсть этой выдры короче и более гладкая, чем у других видов выдр. Мех от светло- до тёмно-коричневого вдоль спины, а снизу светло-коричневого, иногда достигает почти серого цвета.


Гладкошёрстные выдры едят насекомых, червей, ракообразных, лягушек, грызунов, птиц, но предпочитают рыбу и рептилий. Рыбы составляют от 75 до 100 % диеты выдры.


Гладкошёрстные выдры образуют прочные моногамные пары. Конкретного периода спаривания у гладкошёрстной выдры неизвестно, но, когда выдры зависят от муссонов, размножение происходит между августом и декабрем. Беременность длится 61—65 дней. В помёте рождаются от двух до пяти детенышей. При рождении детеныши слепые и беспомощные, но через тридцать дней их глаза открываются, а ещё через шестьдесят дней детеныши могут плавать. Половая зрелость достигается в возрасте двух лет.


  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 99. — 10 000 экз.
  2. Hussain, S.A., de Silva, P.K. & Mostafa Feeroz, M. (2008). Lutrogale perspicillata. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 02 January 2009.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Гладкошёрстная выдра: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供

Гладкошёрстная выдра, или индийская выдра (лат. Lutrogale perspicillata) — хищное млекопитающее подсемейства Lutrinae семейства куньих, ведущее полуводный образ жизни.

Как указывает название, мех этого вида более гладкий и короткий, чем у других выдр.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

江獺 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
Ambox wikify.svg
二名法 Lutrogale perspicillata
(Geoffroy, 1826)[2]

江獺學名Lutra perspicillata or Lutrogale perspicillata),也叫滑獺鼬科水獭属動物,水獺的一種(江獺的毛比一般水獺要短)。




 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:江獺  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:江獺
  1. ^ Lutrogale perspicillata. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2008.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 江獭. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).

en:Smooth-coated Otter

wikipedia 中文维基百科

江獺: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

江獺(學名:Lutra perspicillata or Lutrogale perspicillata),也叫滑獺,鼬科水獭属動物,水獺的一種(江獺的毛比一般水獺要短)。


wikipedia 中文维基百科

ビロードカワウソ ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
ビロードカワウソ ビロードカワウソ
ビロードカワウソ Lutrogale perspicillata
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 VU.svgワシントン条約附属書II類 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : イタチ科 Mustelidae 亜科 : カワウソ亜科 Lutrinae : ビロードカワウソ属 Lutrogale
Gray, 1865 : ビロードカワウソ L. perspicillata 学名 Lutrogale perspicillata
(Geoffroy, 1826) シノニム

Lutra perspicillata Geoffroy, 1826

和名 ビロードカワウソ 英名 Indian smooth-coated otter
Smooth-coated otter
Smooth-coated Otter area.png

ビロードカワウソ(黒鵞絨川獺、Lutrogale perspicillata)は、イタチ科ビロードカワウソ属(カワウソ属とする説もあり)に分類される食肉類。本種のみでビロードカワウソ属を構成する。















  • 今泉吉典監修 D.W.マクドナルド編 『動物大百科1 食肉類』、平凡社1986年、139、145頁。
  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ4 インド、インドシナ』、講談社2000年、28-29、143-144頁。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ビロードカワウソに関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにビロードカワウソに関する情報があります。

執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
wikipedia 日本語

ビロードカワウソ: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供

ビロードカワウソ(黒鵞絨川獺、Lutrogale perspicillata)は、イタチ科ビロードカワウソ属(カワウソ属とする説もあり)に分類される食肉類。本種のみでビロードカワウソ属を構成する。

wikipedia 日本語

비단수달 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

비단수달(Lutrogale perspicillata)은 족제비과에 속하는 수달의 일종이다.[2] 비단수달속(Lutrogale)의 현존하는 유일종이다. 인도아대륙동남아시아 동쪽에 이르는 대부분의 지역과 따로 떨어진 이라크 지역에서 발견되는 종이다.[1] 이름이 시사하는 바와 같이 다른 수달보다 털이 부드럽고 짧다.


3종의 아종이 알려져 있다.[3]

계통 분류

다음은 수달아과의 계통 분류이다.[2][4]





























  1. “Lutrogale perspicillata”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2012.2판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008.
  2. Koepfli, Klaus-Peter; Deere, K.A.; Slater, G.J.; Begg, C.; Begg, K.; Grassman, L.; Lucherini, M.; Veron, G.; Wayne, R.K. (February 2008). “Multigene phylogeny of the Mustelidae: Resolving relationships, tempo and biogeographic history of a mammalian adaptive radiation”. 《BMC Biology》 6: 10. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-6-10. PMC 2276185. PMID 18275614.
  3. Hwang, Y. T. and Larivière, S. (2005). Lutrogale perspicillata (PDF). 《Mammalian Species》 786: 1–4. doi:10.1644/786.1. 2016년 3월 4일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2016년 3월 26일에 확인함. CS1 관리 - 여러 이름 (링크)
  4. Bininda-Emonds OR; Gittleman JL; Purvis A (1999). “Building large trees by combining phylogenetic information: a complete phylogeny of the extant Carnivora (Mammalia)”. 《Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc》 74 (2): 143–75. doi:10.1017/S0006323199005307. PMID 10396181.
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