<i>Trissolcus zakotos</i> Talamas的圖片

Trissolcus zakotos Talamas


由Journal of Hymenoptera Research提供
Female body length: 1.28–1.41 mm (n=20). Male body length: 1.18 mm (n=1). Color of radicle: brown. Number of mandibular teeth: three. Number of clypeal setae: 6. Facial striae: present as 3 or more rugulae extending onto lateral frons. Shape of gena in lateral view: receding posteriorly. Genal carina: extending dorsally from base of mandible. Macrosculpture of frons outside of antennal scrobe: irregularly rugose. Orbital furrow: narrow to absent near malar sulcus. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Preocellar pit: present. Epomial carina: present. Netrion sulcus: complete. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: indicated by cells. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: indicated by cells. Pattern of mesoscutal microsculpture: antero-posteriorly uniform. Macrosculpture of mesoscutum: reticulate anteriorly, longitudinally rugulose posteriorly. Area bounded by axillar crescent: smooth. Parapsidal line: absent. Notaulus: absent. Median mesoscutal carina: absent. Median mesoscutal sulcus: absent. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: coriaceous. Postacetabular sulcus: comprised of cells. Shape of episternal foveae: irregular; round. Number of episternal foveae: 1–2. Course of episternal foveae ventrally: distinctly separate from postacetabular sulcus. Course of episternal foveae dorsally: distinctly separated from mesopleural pit. Sculpture of anterior mesepisternum: faintly rugulose; finely reticulate. Mesopleural epicoxal sulcus: present as a smooth furrow; comprised of cells. Mesopleural carina: complete; well defined in anterior half, posterior half poorly defined to absent. Speculum: transversely striate. Paracoxal sulcus in ventral half of metapleuron: indicated by a line of distinct foveae. Anteroventral extension of metapleuron: long, extending to mesocoxa. Line of pits along metapleural carina: present. Setation of metapleuron: absent. Metapostnotum: invaginated near edge of metascutellum and separating metanoum from propodeum. Color of legs beyond coxae: femora and tibiae brown, otherwise variably yellow to brown. Metasomal depression: punctate or crenulate dorsally. Sublateral setae on T1: absent; present. Setation of laterotergite 1: absent. Sculpture of T2 posterior to antecostal sulcus: smooth or with very faintly impressed striation.
Elijah J. Talamas, Norman F. Johnson, Matthew Buffington
Talamas E, Johnson N, Buffington M (2015) Key to Nearctic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), natural enemies of native and invasive stink bugs (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) Journal of Hymenoptera Research (43): 45–110
Elijah J. Talamas
Norman F. Johnson
Matthew Buffington
Journal of Hymenoptera Research