This song is almost never heard, so recording this sample was a treat! It was sung from very high places on 3/10/99 in the early afternoon - as the bird sat atop a building, then on high brush and trees in the area. He was answered in like fashion by another about * mile away. Although there are two quick examples of the song in this file, they were actually sung about a minute apart
Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) is one of the most fascinating birds in the Southwestern US. Members of the Cuckoo order, they're beautiful in their own way, very intelligent (by human standards), and have endearing habits and courtship rituals. They are also excellent parents, meticulously teaching their young the ways of the chapparal . They eat lizards and snakes, insects, bird's eggs and occasional rodents. A male Roadrunner can often be seen in the Spring carrying a lizard as a love offering to his intended! They make three distinct sounds, one is a bill clatter, or rattle, which you'll hear first in this sample. The second sound is usually heard during the breeding season (although I caught this one in October!), and is a cooing sound, very much like a dove's.
Public Domain 2011 Annette Olson Courtesy of
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Biomes | Volcanic EnvironmentsDescription: A roadrunner at the base of a old volcanic rock, near a trail in Petroglyph National Monument.Capture device: Sony CyberShot DSC-P200 digitalLocality: Latitude: 3.516282150000000e+001; Longitude: -1.067222499000000e+002
Public Domain 2011 Annette Olson Courtesy of
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Biomes | Volcanic EnvironmentsDescription: A roadrunner near a trail in Petroglyph National Monument.Capture device: Sony CyberShot DSC-P200 digitalLocality: Latitude: 3.516282150000000e+001; Longitude: -1.067222499000000e+002