
Ischnosiphon ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Ischnosiphon is a genus of plants native to Central America, South America, Trinidad and the Lesser Antilles.[3] It was first described as a genus in 1859.[4][2][5][6][7]



  1. ^ lectotype designated by L. Andersson, Opera Bot. 43: 26 (1977)
  2. ^ a b Tropicos, Ischnosiphon Körn.
  3. ^ a b c Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, Ischnosiphon
  4. ^ Körnicke, Friedrich August. 1859. Nouveau Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 11: 346–348.
  5. ^ Forzza, R. C. 2010. Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2015-09-06. Retrieved 2015-08-20.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link). Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
  6. ^ Matuda, E. 1951. Estudio de las plantas de Chiapas. VIII. Marantaceas de Chiapas. Anales del instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional de México 21(2): 319–343
  7. ^ Stevens, W. D., C. Ulloa Ulloa, A. Pool & O. M. Montiel. 2001. Flora de Nicaragua. Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 85: i–xlii
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wikipedia EN

Ischnosiphon: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Ischnosiphon is a genus of plants native to Central America, South America, Trinidad and the Lesser Antilles. It was first described as a genus in 1859.

species Ischnosiphon annulatus - Peru, Ecuador Ischnosiphon arouma - from Panama + Leeward Is to Bolivia Ischnosiphon bahiensis - Bahia Ischnosiphon cannoideus - S Colombia, S Venezuela, NW Brazil Ischnosiphon caudatus - Loreto Ischnosiphon centricifolius - Guyana, French Guiana Ischnosiphon cerotus - Peru, Ecuador, Colombia Ischnosiphon colombianus - Colombia Ischnosiphon crassispicus - B Amazonas Ischnosiphon elegans - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama Ischnosiphon enigmaticus - Guyana, French Guiana, Venezuela Ischnosiphon flagellatus - N Brazil Ischnosiphon foliosus - Guyana Ischnosiphon fusiformis - Peru Ischnosiphon gracilis - South America Ischnosiphon grandibracteatus - Colombia, NW Brazil Ischnosiphon heleniae - Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama Ischnosiphon hirsutus - South America Ischnosiphon idrobonis - Colombia Ischnosiphon inflatus - from Nicaragua to Peru Ischnosiphon killipii - Ecuador, Loreto, B Amazonas Ischnosiphon lasiocoleus - Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, NW Brazil Ischnosiphon leucophaeus - Central + South America Ischnosiphon longiflorus - N South America Ischnosiphon macarenae - Peru, Ecuador, Colombia Ischnosiphon martianus - Suriname, Fr Guiana, N Brazil Ischnosiphon obliquus - N South America Ischnosiphon ovatus - SE Brazil Ischnosiphon parvifolius - Loreto Ischnosiphon paryrizinho - N Brazil Ischnosiphon petiolatus - Suriname, Fr Guiana, Guyana, N Brazil Ischnosiphon polyphyllus - S Colombia, S Venezuela, NW Brazil Ischnosiphon puberulus - South America Ischnosiphon rotundifolius - Peru, Ecuador, Colombia Ischnosiphon surumuensis - S Venezuela, N Brazil Ischnosiphon ursinus - Fr Guiana, Venezuela, N Brazil
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN