The cheetah (pronounced/ˈchē-tə/) (Acinonyx jubatus), also known as the hunting leopard, is a big cat that occurs mainly in eastern and southern Africa and a few parts of Iran. It is the only extant member of the genus Acinonyx, and is placed in the subfamily Felinae. The cheetah was first described by German naturalist Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber in 1775. The cheetah is characterised by a slender body, deep chest, spotted pelage, a small rounded head, black tear-like streaks on the face, long thin legs and a long spotted tail. Its lightly built, thin form is in sharp contrast with the robust build of the other big cats. The cheetah reaches nearly 70 to 90 centimetres (28 to 35in) at the shoulder, and weighs 21–72 kilograms (46–159lb). While it is taller than the leopard, it is notably smaller than the lion. Basically yellowish tan or rufous to grayish white, the coat of the cheetah is uniformly covered with nearly 2,000 black, solid spots. The upper parts are in stark contrast to the underbelly, that is completely white. Every cheetah has a unique pattern of spots on its coat; hence this serves as a distinct identity for each individual. The cheetah is often confused with the leopard and the cougar.
Their main hunting strategy is to trip swift prey such as various antelope species and hares with its dewclaw. Almost every facet of the cheetah's anatomy has evolved to maximise its success in the chase, the result of an evolutionary arms race with its prey. Due to this specialisation, however, the cheetah is poorly equipped to defend itself against other large predators, with speed being its main means of defence. In the wild, the cheetah is a prolific breeder, with up to nine cubs in a litter. The majority of cubs do not survive to adulthood, mainly as a result of depredation from other predators. The rate of cub mortality varies from area to area, from 50% to 75%,[3] and in extreme cases such as the Serengeti ecosystem, up to 90%. Cheetahs are notoriously poor breeders in captivity, though several organizations, such as the De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Centre, have succeeded in breeding high numbers of cubs.
The cheetah is listed as vulnerable, facing various threats including loss of habitat and prey; conflict with humans; the illegal pet trade; competition with and predation by other carnivores; and a gene pool with very low variability. It is a charismatic species and many captive cats are "ambassadors" for their species and wildlife conservation in general.
Acinonyx is 'n soogdiergenus uit die Felidae-familie. Dit is vandag dwarsoor Afrika en Asië verspreid, hoewel dit voorheen ook in Europa voorgekom het. Die jagluiperd is die enigste oorblywende spesies van hierdie genus. Wozencraft (1993) plaas die Acinonyx in hul eie eenstammige subfamilie, die Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson & O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), en Mattern & McLennan (2000) reken die Acinonyx, Puma concolor (Poema) , en Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi (Jaguarandi) as verteenwoordigers uit naverwante sustergroepe.
Acinonyx is 'n soogdiergenus uit die Felidae-familie. Dit is vandag dwarsoor Afrika en Asië verspreid, hoewel dit voorheen ook in Europa voorgekom het. Die jagluiperd is die enigste oorblywende spesies van hierdie genus. Wozencraft (1993) plaas die Acinonyx in hul eie eenstammige subfamilie, die Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson & O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), en Mattern & McLennan (2000) reken die Acinonyx, Puma concolor (Poema) , en Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi (Jaguarandi) as verteenwoordigers uit naverwante sustergroepe.
Hepard (lat. Acinonyx) - pişiklər fəsiləsinə aid heyvan cinsi.
Acinonyx és un gènere de mamífers carnívors de la família dels fèlids. Avui en dia només té un representant vivent, el guepard (A. jubatus). Tanmateix, el registre fòssil del gènere es remunta a la fi del Pliocè. El gènere conté tres espècies fòssils i en el passat en contenia una quarta, «Acinonyx kurteni», que acabà sent una falsificació.
Acinonyx és un gènere de mamífers carnívors de la família dels fèlids. Avui en dia només té un representant vivent, el guepard (A. jubatus). Tanmateix, el registre fòssil del gènere es remunta a la fi del Pliocè. El gènere conté tres espècies fòssils i en el passat en contenia una quarta, «Acinonyx kurteni», que acabà sent una falsificació.
Acinonyx (gepard) je rod kočkovitých šelem. Zahrnuje jeden žijící druh, geparda štíhlého (Acinonyx jubatus) a čtyři fosilní druhy Acinonyx pardinensis, Acinonyx aicha, Acinonyx intermedius a Acinonyx kurteni.
Tento článek je příliš stručný nebo postrádá důležité informace.
Acinonyx is a genus o mammals frae the faimily Felidae. It is currently distributit in Africae an Asie, but at ane time wis an aa present in Europe. The cheetah is the anly livin species in the genus. Wozencraft (1993) put the genus Acinonyx in thair ain monophyletic subfaimily, Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson & O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), an Mattern an McLennan (2000) consider Acinonyx, Puma concolor, an Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi as representatives o closely relatit sister groups.
(help) Acinonyx es un genere in le familia del cattos. Le unic specie supervivente de iste genere, le gepardo (A. jubatus), vive in le pratos aperte de Africa e Asia.
Acinonyx is a genus o mammals frae the faimily Felidae. It is currently distributit in Africae an Asie, but at ane time wis an aa present in Europe. The cheetah is the anly livin species in the genus. Wozencraft (1993) put the genus Acinonyx in thair ain monophyletic subfaimily, Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson & O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), an Mattern an McLennan (2000) consider Acinonyx, Puma concolor, an Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi as representatives o closely relatit sister groups.
Гепарди (лат. Acinonyx) се род на цицачи од фамилија Felidae. Овој род вклучува еден жив вид и други четири изумрени видови.
Гепарди (лат. Acinonyx) се род на цицачи од фамилија Felidae. Овој род вклучува еден жив вид и други четири изумрени видови.
Гепарды (Acinonyx) — род драпежных жывёлаў зь сямейства каціных.
Гепарды (Acinonyx) — род драпежных жывёлаў зь сямейства каціных.
Acinonyx is a genus within the Felidae family.[1] The only living species of the genus, the cheetah (A. jubatus), lives in open grasslands of Africa and Asia.[2]
Several fossil remains of cheetah-like cats were excavated that date to the late Pliocene and Middle Pleistocene.[3] These cats occurred in Africa, parts of Europe and Asia about 10,000 years ago. Several similar species classified in the genus Miracinonyx lived in North America at the same time; these may have been more closely related to the genus Puma.[2]
Acinonyx was proposed by Joshua Brookes in 1828.[4]
Between the late 18th century and the early 20th century, the following Acinonyx species and subspecies were described:[1]
In 1993, Acinonyx was placed in the monophyletic subfamily Acinonychinae. Molecular phylogenetic analysis has shown that it is the sister group of the genus Puma, and it is now placed within the subfamily Felinae.[1]
In addition, the following fossil Acinonyx species were described:
The "Linxia Cheetah" was initially described on the basis of a skull from Pliocene strata in China, and touted as the most primitive member of the genus. In 2012, A. kurteni was invalidated as a species when the holotype was determined to be a forgery composed of Miocene-aged fragments.[13][14]
Acinonyx is a genus within the Felidae family. The only living species of the genus, the cheetah (A. jubatus), lives in open grasslands of Africa and Asia.
Several fossil remains of cheetah-like cats were excavated that date to the late Pliocene and Middle Pleistocene. These cats occurred in Africa, parts of Europe and Asia about 10,000 years ago. Several similar species classified in the genus Miracinonyx lived in North America at the same time; these may have been more closely related to the genus Puma.
Acinonyx es un género de mamíferos carnívoros de la familia Felidae. Se encuentra distribuido en la actualidad en África y Asia, pero anteriormente estuvo presente también en Europa. El guepardo es la única especie viva en este género. Wozencraft (1993) situó al género Acinonyx en su propia subfamilia monofilética, Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson & O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), y Mattern & McLennan (2000) consideran que Acinonyx, Puma concolor, y Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi son representantes de grupos cercanamente relacionados.
Acinonyx es un género de mamíferos carnívoros de la familia Felidae. Se encuentra distribuido en la actualidad en África y Asia, pero anteriormente estuvo presente también en Europa. El guepardo es la única especie viva en este género. Wozencraft (1993) situó al género Acinonyx en su propia subfamilia monofilética, Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson & O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), y Mattern & McLennan (2000) consideran que Acinonyx, Puma concolor, y Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi son representantes de grupos cercanamente relacionados.
Acinonyx est un genre de félins de la sous-famille des félinés. Il ne comprend qu'une espèce actuelle, le guépard.
Acinonyx adalah genus dalam keluarga kucing. Hanya ada satu spesies yang belum punah dari genus ini, yaitu Acinonyx jubatus atau cheetah.
Hanya ada satu spesies Acinonyx saat ini tinggal: A. jubatus atau cheetah. Beberapa spesies lain yang mirip chitah telah ada sejak akhir zaman Pliosen. Kucing ini tidak hanya tinggal di Afrika, tetapi juga beberapa bagian dari Eropa dan Asia yang punah sejak 10.000 tahun yang lalu. Beberapa spesies yang sama, diklasifikasikan dalam genus Miracinonyx yang tinggal di Amerika Utara pada saat yang sama; Dan lebih dekat dengan puma.
Acinonyx pertama kali dijelaskan oleh Brookes pada tahun 1828. Pada tahun 1993, itu ditempatkan dalam subfamili monofiletik, Acinonychinae, dan dianggap sebagai takson saudara dari genus Puma.
(bantuan) Acinonyx adalah genus dalam keluarga kucing. Hanya ada satu spesies yang belum punah dari genus ini, yaitu Acinonyx jubatus atau cheetah.
Acinonyx (Brookes, 1828) è un genere di mammiferi carnivori, appartenente alla famiglia dei felidi e alla sottofamiglia dei felini. In passato era stato classificato in una sottofamiglia a sé stante, gli Acinonychinae.[1]
Il nome del genere deriva dalla combinazione delle parole greche ἀκίνητος (akínētos), dal significato di "immobile", e ὄνυξ (ónyx), "unghia, artiglio".
Attualmente il genere è rappresentato da un'unica specie:[1]
Al genere vengono ascritte anche le seguenti specie:
I resti fossili lasciano supporre che un tempo specie appartenenti al genere siano vissute anche in Europa. La presunta specie Acinonyx rex è da considerarsi non valida in quanto il ghepardo reale (o ghepardo di Cooper), caratterizzato da una pelliccia particolare, è un normale ghepardo con una mutazione dovuta a un gene recessivo.[4]
Il genere Acinonyx appartiene alla famiglia Felidae, nell'ambito della quale occupa un posto non ben specificato, in quanto i ghepardi attuali possiedono una serie di caratteristiche comuni sia ai panterini (Pantherinae) che ai felini (Felinae), oltre a tutta una serie di caratteristiche uniche. Per questo i ghepardi sono stati in passato classificati in una terza sottofamiglia, quella degli Acinonychinae Pocock, 1917. Attualmente dopo studi tassonomici, Acinonychinae viene considerato sinonimo della sottofamiglia Felinae.[5][6]
Acinonyx (Brookes, 1828) è un genere di mammiferi carnivori, appartenente alla famiglia dei felidi e alla sottofamiglia dei felini. In passato era stato classificato in una sottofamiglia a sé stante, gli Acinonychinae.
Acinonyx, accuratius Ăcīnŏnyx (-ychis, m.) est genus familiae Felidarum.
Acinonyx is een geslacht van zoogdieren uit de familie van de Felidae (Katachtigen).
Acinonyx is een geslacht van zoogdieren uit de familie van de Felidae (Katachtigen).
Gepard[9] (Acinonyx) – rodzaj drapieżnego ssaka z rodziny kotowatych (Felidae).
Rodzaj obejmuje jeden żyjący gatunek występujący w Afryce i południowo-zachodniej Azji[10].
Greckie ακαινα akaina – cierń, kolec < ακις akis, ακιδος akidos – punkt; ονυξ onux, ονυχος onukhos – pazur[11]
Do rodzaju należy jeden występujący współcześnie gatunek[9][10]:
oraz wymarłe:
Gepard (Acinonyx) – rodzaj drapieżnego ssaka z rodziny kotowatych (Felidae).
Acinonyx é um gênero de mamífero da família Felidae. Atualmente está distribuído na África e Ásia, no passado também ocorreu na Europa. Wozencraft (1993) colocou o gênero Acinonyx numa subfamília monofilética própria, a Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson e O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), e Mattern and McLennan (2000) consideraram o Acinonyx, Puma concolor, e Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi como representantes de grupos irmãos muito próximos.
Acinonyx é um gênero de mamífero da família Felidae. Atualmente está distribuído na África e Ásia, no passado também ocorreu na Europa. Wozencraft (1993) colocou o gênero Acinonyx numa subfamília monofilética própria, a Acinonychinae. Salles (1992), Johnson e O'Brien (1997), Bininda-Emonds et al. (1999), e Mattern and McLennan (2000) consideraram o Acinonyx, Puma concolor, e Puma (= Herpailurus) yagouaroundi como representantes de grupos irmãos muito próximos.
Acinonyx este un gen monotipic din familia felinelor.[1] Singura specie care încă mai trăiește din cadrul acestui gen este ghepardul (Acinonyx jubatus) din Africa și Asia.[2]
Acinonyx a fost descris prima oară de Brookes în 1828. În 1993, a fost plasat în subfamilia monofiletică Acinonychinae, și este considerat o grupă apropiată a genului Puma.[1]
Au fost descrise câteva specii Acinonyx:
Acinonyx este un gen monotipic din familia felinelor. Singura specie care încă mai trăiește din cadrul acestui gen este ghepardul (Acinonyx jubatus) din Africa și Asia.
Acinonyx là một chi động vật có vú trong họ Mèo, bộ Ăn thịt. Chi này được Brookes miêu tả năm 1828.[1] Loài điển hình của chi này là Acinonyx venator Brookes, 1828 (= Felis jubata Schreber, 1775), by monotypy (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1956a; Melville and Smith, 1987).
Chi này gồm các loài:
Acinonyx là một chi động vật có vú trong họ Mèo, bộ Ăn thịt. Chi này được Brookes miêu tả năm 1828. Loài điển hình của chi này là Acinonyx venator Brookes, 1828 (= Felis jubata Schreber, 1775), by monotypy (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1956a; Melville and Smith, 1987).
Acinonyx Brookes, 1828
СинонимыГепа́рды[1] (лат. Acinonyx) — род хищных млекопитающих семейства кошачьих. Единственным сохранившимся представителем рода является самое быстрое наземное животное — гепард[2].
В состав рода входит только один ныне существующий вид — гепард. Все остальные виды вымерли. По останкам вымерших видов доказано, что ранние представители рода населяли все континенты Старого Света. К вымершим видам относятся:
Гепа́рды (лат. Acinonyx) — род хищных млекопитающих семейства кошачьих. Единственным сохранившимся представителем рода является самое быстрое наземное животное — гепард.
獵豹屬(英语:Acinonyx)為貓科下的一個屬[1],現僅存有獵豹(Acinonyx jubatus)1 種,生活在非洲和亞洲的開放草原上[2]。
獵豹屬的成員最早出現於上新世晚期的非洲、歐洲與亞洲,在 10,000 年前除了獵豹以外的其他成員均已絕種[3]。在北美洲有外形相似的北美獵豹,然而北美獵豹在血緣關係上其實更近似於美洲獅[4]。
獵豹屬最早由喬舒亞·布魯克斯(英语:Joshua Brookes)於 1828 年提出。在1993年,獵豹屬被放入單系群 Acinonychini(英语:Acinonychini) 之下。然而分子系統發生學顯示獵豹屬為美洲金貓屬的旁系群,因此現今將獵豹屬歸於貓亞科之下[1]。
在 18 世紀晚期至 20 世紀早期之間,共描述了以下這些獵豹的種與亞種[5]: