Ontsira henana Belokobylskij, Tang & Chen 2013的圖片

Ontsira henana Belokobylskij, Tang & Chen 2013

Description ( 英語 )

Female. Body length 2.8 mm; fore wing length 2.7 mm. Head width 1.5 times as long as its median length, 1.15 times as long as width of mesoscutum. Frons without carina, with very shallow median furrow. Head behind eyes (dorsal view) regularly roundly narrowed; transverse diameter of eye 1.6 times as long as temple. Ocellar triangle situated on middle of head (dorsal view), its anterior ocellus situated weakly behind middle level of eyes. Ocelli small, in almost equilateral triangle. POL 1.3 times as long as Od, 0.4 times as long as OOL. Eye glabrous, without emargination opposite antennal socket, 1.1 times as high as broad. Face along eyes without carinae, with small shallow elongate depressions above clypeus; width of face 1.4 times as long as height of eye and 1.4 times as long as height of face and clypeus combined. Diameter of antennal socket 1.4 times as long as distance between sockets and 1.4 times as long as distance between socket and eye. Malar suture indistinct. Malar space 0.5 times as long as height of eye and equal to basal width of mandible. Clypeus with distinct lower flange. Clypeal suture distinct and complete. Hypoclypeal depression round, its width 0.8 times as long as distance from edge of depression to eye and 0.35 times as long as width of face. Occipital carina ventrally not fused with hypostomal carina. Maxillary palpi long, 1.4 times as long as head height. Antennae rather thick, almost filiform, 26-segmented, 1.3 times as long as body. Scape 1.5 times as long as its maximum width. First flagellar segment 4.3 times as long as its apical width, 1.1 times as long as second segment. Penultimate segment 2.5 times as long as wide, 0.5 times as long as first flagellar segment, and 0.9 times as long as apical segment; the apical segment shortly pointed apically. Mesosoma. Length 1.8 times as long as high. Pronotum not convex dorsally (lateral view), with rather distinct pronotal carina. Median lobe of mesoscutum (dorsal view) not protruding forward, without median furrow. Notauli deep, narrow and distinctly crenulate with rugosity partly. Prescutellar depression rather deep, with three median carinae, entirely rugulose, 0.3 times as long as scutellum. Scutellum convex, without lateral carinae. Metanotum (dorsal view) with two strongly convergent and fused posteriorly lateral carinae and without median carinae; with distinct and pointed metanotal tooth. Subalar depression rather shallow, wide, rugose-reticulate. Sternaulus deep, straight, entirely smooth, connected with prepectal carina anteriorly, running along anterior 0.6 of the lower part of mesopleuron. Metapleural flange long, wide, rounded apically. Propodeum with very short, thick lateral tubercles. Wings. Fore wing 3.0 times as long as its maximum width. Radial vein arising from middle of pterostigma. Radial cell not shortened. Metacarp 1.2 times as long as pterostigma. First radial abscissa 0.8 times as long as maximum width of pterostigma. Second radial abscissa 4.4 times as long as first abscissa, 0.7 times as long as the straight third abscissa and 1.3 times as long as first radiomedial vein. Second radiomedial cell 3.2 times as long as its maximum width, 2.4 times as long as brachial cell. First medial abscissa weakly curved. Mediocubital vein almost straight. Recurrent vein interstitial to first radiomedial vein. Distance from nervulus to basal vein almost equal to nervulus length. Parallel vein arising almost from middle of distal margin of brachial cell. Hind wing 5.0 times as long as its maximum width. First costal abscissa 0.6 times as long as second abscissa. First abscissa of mediocubital vein almost as long as second abscissa. Mediocubital cell large, distinctly widened toward apex, 7.5 times as long as wide, 0.4 times as long as whole length of wing. Recurrent vein straight, weakly antefurcal, unsclerotized. Legs. Fore tibia with rather numerous slender spines arranged in almost single line. Hind coxa without dorsal tooth, 1.6 times as long as wide. Hind femur 3.6 times as long as wide. Hind tarsus 0.9 times as long as hind tibia. Hind basitarsus 0.6 times as long as second-fifth segments combined. Second segment of hind tarsus 0.6 times as long as basitarsus, 1.6 times as long as fifth segment (without pretarsus). Metasoma 0.8 times as long as head and mesosoma combined. First tergite with distinct dorsope, without spiracular tubercles, rather weakly and almost linearly widened from base to apex. Maximum width of first tergite about twice its minimum width; length 1.1 times as long as its apical width. Second tergite without basomedian area, 0.7 times as long as its basal width, 1.2 times as long as length of third tergite. Second suture straight and shallow. Third tergite with shallow submedian transverse furrow. Ovipositor sheath 0.7 times as long as metasoma, 0.75 times as long as mesosoma and 0.3 times as long as forewing. Sculpture and pubescence. Vertex and temple smooth; frons mostly smooth, finely granulate-coriaceous anterolaterally; face finely striate with dense fine granulation between striae, almost smooth laterally. Sides of pronotum entirely coarsely rugose-striate. Mesoscutum densely and coarsely granulate, coarsely rugose in narrow area on medioposterior half. Scutellum entirely densely granulate. Mesopleuron mostly smooth, finely granulate posteriorly. Propodeum with distinctly delineated by carinae areas; basolateral areas large, entirely coarsely granulate, additionally rugulose posteriorly; areola long and rather narrow, 1.7 times as long as wide; dorsal carina long, about 1.7 times as long as areola fork. Hind coxa dorsally coarsely rugose with granulation, densely granulate with fine rugosity laterally, almost smooth ventrally. Hind femur mostly smooth, finely rugulose-granulate dorsally. First tergite entirely densely, coarsely and linearly striate. Second tergite mostly rather finely and densely striate-rugulose, smooth posteriorly. Remaining tergites smooth. Vertex entirely with rather dense, short and semi-erect setae; mesoscutum entirely with dense, short and semi-erect pale setae. Hind tibia dorsally with rather long, very dense and semi-erect setae, length of these setae 0.6–0.8 times maximum width of hind tibia. Colour. Body dark reddish brown with almost black spots, head brownish yellow below. Antennae brownish yellow in basal half, brown to dark brown in apical half. Palpi pale yellow. Legs yellow or brownish yellow, infuscate distally. Ovipositor sheath black. Fore wing membrane faintly infuscate. Pterostigma brown, yellow in basal 0.3 and apically. Male unknown.
Sergey A. Belokobylskij, Pu Tang, Xue-xin Chen
Belokobylskij S, Tang P, Chen X (2013) The Chinese species of the genus Ontsira Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) ZooKeys 345: 73–96
Sergey A. Belokobylskij
Pu Tang
Xue-xin Chen

Distribution ( 英語 )

China (Henan).
Sergey A. Belokobylskij, Pu Tang, Xue-xin Chen
Belokobylskij S, Tang P, Chen X (2013) The Chinese species of the genus Ontsira Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) ZooKeys 345: 73–96
Sergey A. Belokobylskij
Pu Tang
Xue-xin Chen