
Description ( 英語 )

由Flora of Zimbabwe提供
The characteristics of the stem, leaves and fertile portions are as for the family.
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Isoetes Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/genus.php?genus_id=6
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
Flora of Zimbabwe

Isoetes ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供
Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
wikipedia AZ

Isoetes: Brief Summary ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Isoetes (lat. Isoetes) - isoetaceae fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
wikipedia AZ

Brasenføde ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Brasenføde (Isoëtes) er den eneste slægt i Brasenføde-familien og Brasenføde-ordnen, med omkring 150 arter fordelt over hele jorden. De fleste arter er dog sjældne, hvor de forekommer.

De fleste arter af Brasenføde er små, flerårige vandplanter. De lever under vandet, i vandoverfladen eller nær ved vand, f.eks. i lavvandede søer, vandhuller og ved mindre vandløb. De børste- til sylformede blade sidder typisk i et tæt knippe fra en knoldformet stængel med trævlet rod. Bladene er hule som en fjerpen, smalle og typisk 2-20 cm lange og 0.5-3 mm brede, ofte stedsegrønne. Hulheden udgøres af 4 langsgående luftkanaler afbrudt af tværvægge. I en grube ved bladets grund er fæstet et lille skæl kaldet en ligula. Rødderne er ligeledes hule.

Brasenføde har 2 slags sporer (jf. Pilledrager, Pilularia globulifera). Brasenføde har storsporer inderst ved de ydre rosetblade og småsporer ved de indre. I begge tilfælde sporehuse indsænkede i bladgrunden. Storsporerne danner hunlige forkim, småsporerne hanlige forkim. De 2 arter er nemmest at skelne mikroskopisk på formen af storsporerne.

Beskrevne arter

Andre arter
  • Isoetes × brittonii
  • Isoetes lithophila
  • Isoetes louisianensis
  • Isoetes melanospora
  • Isoetes tegetiformans

Rødlistede arter


Wikipedia-forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia DA

Brasenføde: Brief Summary ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供
Isoetes × brittonii Isoetes lithophila Isoetes louisianensis Isoetes melanospora Isoetes tegetiformans
Wikipedia-forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia DA

Brachsenkräuter ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Brachsenkräuter (Isoetes, auch Isoëtes geschrieben) sind die einzige rezente Gattung der Pflanzenordnung Brachsenkrautartige (Isoetales) innerhalb der Klasse Bärlapppflanzen (Lycopodiopsida). Diese ausdauernden krautigen Pflanzen mit knolliger Sprossachse wachsen untergetaucht im Wasser oder auf feuchtem Boden und kommen fast weltweit vor.


Illustration des See-Brachsenkraut (Isoetes lacustris):
(A) Ganze Pflanze – (1) Blattgrund mit Sporangium am Grund und Blatthäutchen darüber – (2) Längsschnitt und (3) Querschnitt des Blattgrundes mit dem gekammerten Sporangium – (4) Querschnitt durch Sprossbasis

Vegetative Merkmale

Die Brachsenkräuter wachsen als ausdauernde krautige Pflanzen und besitzen einen binsenartigen Habitus; darin unterscheiden sie sich von allen anderen Bärlapppflanzen.


Die Brachsenkräuter besitzen eine kurze, fleischige, aufrechte Knolle als Sprossachse. Die Sprossachse ist selten ein- oder zweimal dichotom verzweigt, diese Arten wurden früher in eine eigene Gattung Stylites gestellt. Die Knolle wächst unterirdisch. Das Meristem am oberen Ende ist unterdrückt. Die Knolle ist zwei-, seltener dreilappig, eher kugelig bis waagrecht spindelförmig.

Die Sprossachse verfügt über ein sekundäres Dickenwachstum. Dieses erfolgt über eine Kambiumzone aus mehr oder weniger isodiametrischen Zellen, die in der Knolle um das primäre Leitgewebe entsteht. Dieses Kambium bildet wenig Xylem- und Phloem, aber viel Rindengewebe. In Arten der temperaten Zonen ist das Kambium jahreszeiten-abhängig aktiv. Gleichzeitig mit der Bildung von neuem Gewebe wird die äußerste Gewebezone zusammen mit den Blattresten und Wurzeln abgestoßen. Die reife Knolle behält daher eine konstante Größe.

Das primäre Xylem besteht aus mehr oder weniger isodiametrischen Tracheiden. Am Unterende der Stele bilden sie eine ankerförmige Verzweigung, die in der gleichen Ebene liegt wie die Querspalte an der Unterseite der Knolle. Das vom Kambium nach innen abgegebene Gewebe differenziert sich zu einem Gemisch aus Tracheiden, Siebzellen und Parenchym. Das nach außen abgegebene Gewebe ist parenchymatisch. Eine das Leitgewebe abgrenzende Endodermis fehlt bei den Brachsenkräutern.


Das untere Meristem ist gleichfalls unterdrückt und liegt in der Querspalte der Knolle. Die Wurzeln entspringen der Unterseite der Knolle nahe dem Meristem. Die Wurzeln besitzen ein einzelnes Leitbündel, das von einer zweischichtigen Rinde umgeben ist: die äußere ist recht widerstandsfähig, die innere besteht aus zartwandigen Zellen und zahlreichen luftgefüllten Zellzwischenräumen.


Jeder der Seitenzweige trägt am oberen Ende ein Büschel von Federkiel-ähnlichen Blättern (Mikrophyllen). Die Mikrophylle tragen eine Ligula. Die Blätter sind 1 bis 70 Zentimeter lang und stehen bei jungen Pflanzen zunächst in zwei Reihen (distich), dies geht bald in eine dichte Spirale um das Meristem über.

Die Blätter sind von einem einzelnen Leitbündel durchzogen, das häufig sehr dünn ist. Um das Gefäßbündel liegen vier Luftkanäle, die in Abständen von Querwänden unterbrochen sind. Bei Wasserpflanzen sind die Luftkanäle besonders stark ausgeprägt. Die Blattbasis ist verbreitert und chlorophyllfrei. Die Basen überlappen sich und bilden einen Schopf.

Vermehrung und Gametophyten

Die Isoëtales sind heterospor. Die Sporophylle unterscheiden sich nicht wesentlich von sterilen Blättern. Die in der Wachstumssaison zuerst gebildeten Blätter bilden Megasporangien, die späteren Mikrosporangien, die zuletzt gebildeten Blätter sind häufig steril. Das Sporangium entsteht zwischen Ligula und Achse. Ein Teil des Gewebes im Inneren des Sporangiums verbleibt steril und bildet Zwischenwände, sogenannte Trabeculae. Das reife Sporangium ist von einer dünnen Hülle, dem Velum eingeschlossen. Das Velum entsteht unterhalb der Ligula und wächst über das Sporangium, wobei eine zentrale Öffnung, das Foramen, freibleibt.

In einem Megasporangium werden etwa 100 Megasporen in der Größe von 0,2 bis fast 1 Millimetern gebildet. In den Mikrosporangien entstehen bis zu einer Million Mikrosporen von bis zu 40 Mikrometer Durchmesser. Die Mikrosporen sind monolet, besitzen nur eine Trennungsnarbe, während die Megasporen trilet sind, eine dreistrahlige Narbe besitzen. Isoetes ist damit die einzige rezente Gattung der Bärlapppflanzen, die monolete Sporen bilden, aber auch eine der ganz wenigen Pflanzen, die an einem Individuum sowohl mono- als auch trilete Sporen bilden.

Die Sporen werden erst im Zuge der Zersetzung des Sporophylls freigesetzt. Keimung und Entwicklung der Gameten ähneln der bei den Moosfarnen. Im Unterschied dazu verbleibt der männliche Gametophyt vollständig in der Spore (ist endospor). Aus dem einzigen Antheridium gehen vier Spermatozoide hervor, die im Gegensatz zu denen bei den Moosfarnen und bei Lycopodium vielgeißelig sind. Die Spermatozoide werden durch Aufreißen der Mikrosporen-Wand freigesetzt. Der weibliche Gametophyt ähnelt dem der Moosfarne. Die Zellbildung reicht bis weit in das Sporeninnere hinein, ein Diaphragma wie bei vielen Moosfarnen fehlt. Die Entwicklung des weiblichen Gametophyten verläuft zunächst endospor, der wachsende Gametophyt reißt allerdings die Megaspore auf entlang der dreistrahligen Narbe. Er bildet allerdings kein Chlorophyll. Die Archegonien ähneln ebenfalls denen der Moosfarne, ihr Hals besteht allerdings aus vier Zelllagen, nicht aus zwei.

Die erste Teilung der Zygote verläuft leicht schief. Es wird kein Suspensor gebildet, der Embryo ist dennoch endoskopisch, da die äußere Zelle den Fuß bildet, der gesamte restliche Embryo von der verbliebenen inneren Zelle abstammt. Der Embryo dreht sich im Laufe des Wachstums, sodass er schlussendlich zur Oberseite des Gametophyten weist. Er bricht aus dem Gametophyten hervor, die Jungpflanze verbleibt noch einige Zeit von einer Scheide aus Gametophyten-Gewebe umgeben.

Aus triploiden Arten von Isoetes ist Apogamie bekannt. Häufig kommt asexuelle Fortpflanzung mittels Knospenbildung anstelle des Sporangiums vor.

Systematik und Verbreitung

Isoetes ist die einzige rezent vorkommende Gattung der Ordnung Isoëtales. Die früher zu Stylites gerechneten Arten werden heute zu Isoetes gerechnet.

Die Gattung Isoetes umfasst etwa 150[1][2] Arten. Nur das See-Brachsenkraut (Isoetes lacustris) und das Igelsporiges Brachsenkraut (Isoetes echinospora) kommen als Seltenheiten in Mitteleuropa vor.[3] In Europa, Nordafrika und Vorderasien gibt es folgende Arten:[2][4][5]

Weitere Arten sind (Auswahl):


  • Peter R. Bell, Alan R. Hemsley: Green Plants. Their Origin and Diversity. 2. Auflage. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000, ISBN 0-521-64109-8, S. 159–161. (Abschnitt Beschreibung)
  • W. Carl Taylor, Neil T. Luebke, Donald M. Britton, R. James Hickey, Daniel F. Brunton: Isoetaceae. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Hrsg.): Flora of North America North of Mexico. Volume 2: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Oxford University Press, New York / Oxford u. a. 1993, ISBN 0-19-508242-7, S. 64 (englisch, online). (Abschnitt Beschreibung)
  • Anthony Clive Jermy, John Robert Akeroyd: Isoetes L. In: T. G. Tutin, N. A. Burges, A. O. Chater, J. R. Edmondson, V. H. Heywood, D. M. Moore, D. H. Valentine, S. M. Walters, D. A. Webb (Hrsg.): Flora Europaea. 2., überarbeitete Auflage. Volume 1: Psilotaceae to Platanaceae. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge/New York/Melbourne 1993, ISBN 0-521-41007-X, S. 6–7 (englisch, eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).


  1. W. Carl Taylor, Neil T. Luebke, Donald M. Britton, R. James Hickey, Daniel F. Brunton: Isoetaceae. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Hrsg.): Flora of North America North of Mexico. Volume 2: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Oxford University Press, New York / Oxford u. a. 1993, ISBN 0-19-508242-7, S. 64 (englisch, online).
  2. a b Michael Hassler, Bernd Schmitt: Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World. Version 2.1: Isoetes.@1@2Vorlage:Toter Link/www.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar, Suche in Webarchiven)  src= Info: Der Link wurde automatisch als defekt markiert. Bitte prüfe den Link gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis. Karlsruhe 2011.
  3. Siegmund Seybold (Hrsg.): Schmeil-Fitschen interaktiv. CD-ROM, Version 1.1. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2002, ISBN 3-494-01327-6.
  4. Werner Greuter, Hervé-Maurice Burdet, Gilbert Long (Hrsg.): Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries. Vol. 1: Pteridophyta (ed. 2), Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones (Acanthaceae – Cneoraceae). Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique, Genève 1984, ISBN 2-8277-0151-0 (online).
  5. a b c d e f Maarten Christenhusz, Eckhard von Raab-Straube: Lycopodiophytina. Isoetes. In: Euro+Med Plantbase – the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Berlin 2013.
  6. Carmen Prada, Cristina H. Rolleri: A new species of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) from Turkey, with a study of microphyll intercellular pectic protuberances and their potential taxonomic value. In: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. Band 147, Nr. 2, 2005, S. 213–228, DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2005.00362.x.
  7. a b Walter Erhardt, Erich Götz, Nils Bödeker, Siegmund Seybold: Der große Zander. Enzyklopädie der Pflanzennamen. Band 2. Arten und Sorten. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-5406-7.
  8. M. I. Romero Buján, J. Amigo, P. Ramil: Isoetes fluitans sp. nov.: the identity of Spanish plants of 'I. longissimum'. In: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. Band 146, Nr. 2, 2004, S. 231–236, DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00315.x.
  9. Jay F. Bolin, Rebecca D. Bray, Lytton John Musselman: A New Species of Diploid Quillwort (Isoetes, Isoetaceae, Lycophyta) from Lebanon. In: Novon. Band 21, Nr. 3, 2011, S. 295–298, DOI:10.3417/2010028.
  10. Angelo Troia, M. M. Azzella: Isoëtes sabatina (Isoëtaceae, Lycopodiophyta), a new aquatic species from central Italy. In: Plant Biosystems. Band 147, Nr. 4, 2013, S. 1052–1058, DOI:10.1080/11263504.2013.782902.
  11. Angelo Troia, M. Raimondo: Isoetes todaroana (Isoëtaceae, Lycopodiophyta), a New Species from Sicily (Italy). In: American Fern Journal. Band 99, Nr. 4, 2009, S. 238–243, DOI:10.1640/0002-8444-99.4.238.
  12. M. I. Romero, C. Real: A morphometric study of three closely related taxa in the European Isoetes velata complex. In: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. Band 148, Nr. 4, 2005, S. 459–464, DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2005.00419.x.
  13. Christel Kasselmann: Aquarienpflanzen. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1995; 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 1999, ISBN 3-8001-7454-5, S. 318 (Isoetes velata A. Braun var. sicula Gennari, Verschleiertes Brachsenkraut).
  14. Isoetes biafrana auf Natural History Museum (englisch).
  15. Li-Bing Zhang, W. Carl Taylor: Isoetaceae. und Isoëtes L., S. 35–36 - textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk, In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven, Deyuan Hong (Hrsg.): Flora of China. Volume 2–3: Lycopodiaceae through Polypodiaceae. Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis 2013, ISBN 978-1-935641-11-7.
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Brachsenkräuter: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Brachsenkräuter (Isoetes, auch Isoëtes geschrieben) sind die einzige rezente Gattung der Pflanzenordnung Brachsenkrautartige (Isoetales) innerhalb der Klasse Bärlapppflanzen (Lycopodiopsida). Diese ausdauernden krautigen Pflanzen mit knolliger Sprossachse wachsen untergetaucht im Wasser oder auf feuchtem Boden und kommen fast weltweit vor.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Isoetes ( 波士尼亞語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Isoetes, općepoznate kao jastučaste paprati, je rod biljaka iz porodice Isoetaceae. One spadaju u kladus Lycopodiopsida (likopode) i jedini su rod u porodici Isoetaceae. Danas uključuju 192 priznate vrste,[2] s kosmopolitskom rasprostranjenošću, ali s pojedinim vrstama koje su vrlo rijetke do rijetke. Neki su botaničari podijelili rod izdvajajući dvije vrste iz Južne Amerike u rod Stylites, iako ih molekulski podaci svrstavaju među ostale vrste izoeta pa Stylites nema garantirano taksonomsko priznavanje.[3] Ime roda se ponekad označava i kao Isoëtes. Dijareza (dvije točke preko e) označava da se o i e moraju izgovarati u dva različita sloga. Uključivanje ovoga u ispis nije obavezno; po pravopisu je oboje (Isoetes ili Isoëtes).

Međunarodni kodeks nomenklature algi, gljiva i biljaka (Melbournški kodeks), član 60.6 određuje: "Dijareza, koja označava da se samoglasnik izgovara odvojeno od prethodnog samoglasnika (kao u Cephaëlis, Isoëtes), je fonetski obrazac za koji se ne smatra da mijenja pravopis; kao takvog, njegova upotreba nije obavezna.[4]


Megasporangija jastučaste paprat

Isoetes uglavnom su vodne ili poluvodne u bistrim jezerima i usporenim potocima, iako ih nekoliko (e.g. I. butleri, I. histrix i I. nuttallii) koje rastu i na vlažnom tlu koje ljeti presuši.To su biljke koje proizvode spore i visoko se oslanjaju na disperziju putem vode. Imaju drugačiji način širenja spora na osnovu okruženja. Listovi su šuplji i nalik na perje, salistićima ligulama u podnožju gornje površine.[5] koji izlaze iz središnjeg dijela kormusa. Svaki list je ravan, dug 2-20 cm (izuzetno i do 100 cm), a širok oko 0,5-3,0 mm; tokom zime ili sušnoj sezoni, mogu viti i zimzeleni i listopadni. Nemaju stoma, a lišće ima gustu kutikulu koja sprečava unos CO2, što je nzadatak koji obavljaju njihovi šuplji korijeni, koji apsorbiraju CO2 iz sedimenta.[6]Isoetes andicola je neobična po tome što je jedina poznata kopnena vaskularna biljka koja korijenom unosi sav potrebni ugljik-dioksid. Samo 4% ukupne biomase, vrhova lišća, ima hlorofil.[7]

Korijenje se širi u zadebljalu bazu širine do 5 mm, gdje se u grozdovima pričvršćuju na lukovice, podzemne rizome karakteristične za većinu vrsta, iako ih ima nekoliko(naprimjer I. tegetiformans) koje čine prostirku. Ova baza sadrži i muške i ženske sporangije, zaštićene tankim, prozirnim prekrivačem ([Velum (botanika) |velum]]om)), koji se dijagnostički koristi za identificiranje taksona.[8]


U usporedbi s drugim rodovima, Isoetes su slabo poznate. Čak i nakon citoloških studija, skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom i hromatografijom, vrste je teško identificirati i njihova filogenija je sporna. Vegetativni karakteri koji se obično koriste za razlikovanje ostalih rodova, poput dužine lista, krutosti, boje ili oblika, promjenjivi su i ovise o staništu. Većina klasifikacijskih sistema za rod Isoetes oslanja se na karakteristike spora, što identifikaciju vrsta čini gotovo nemogućom bez mikroskopije.[9]

Odabrane vrste

Mnoge vrste, kao što je ona iz Lujzijane koje oblikuju prostirku, su ugrožene vrste. Nekoliko vrsta roda „Isoetas“ obično se naziva „Merlinova trava“, posebno I. lacustris, ali i ugrožene vrste I. tegetiformans i I. virginica.


Fosilizirani primjerci Isoetes beestonii pronađeni su u stijenama koje datiraju do najnovijeg datuma u permu.[10][12] Smatraju se najbližim sronicima fosilnog stabla Lepidodendron, s kojim dijele neke neobične osobine, uključujući razvoj drveta i kore, modificirani razvoj organa koji djeluju kao korijenje, bipolarni rast i uspravni habitus.






  1. ^ ilustracija Otta Wilhelma Thomé „Flora Njemačke, Austrije i Švicarske“ (Flora von Deutschlad, Österreich und der Schweiz) 1885, Gera, Germany
  2. ^ Troia, Angelo; Pereira, Jovani B.; Kim, Changkyun; Taylor, W. Carl (2016). "The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa". Phytotaxa. 277 (2): 101. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.277.2.1. ISSN 1179-3163.
  3. ^ Larsén, Eva; Rydin, Catarina (2016). "Disentangling the Phylogeny ofIsoetes(Isoetales), Using Nuclear and Plastid Data". International Journal of Plant Sciences. 177 (2): 157–174. doi:10.1086/684179. ISSN 1058-5893.
  4. ^ [http://www.iapt-taxon.org/nomen/main.php?page=art60 International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code).
  5. ^ Stace, C. A. (2010). New Flora of the British Isles (3rd izd.). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521707725.
  6. ^ Ecology of High Altitude Waters].
  7. ^ Tropical Alpine Environments: Plant Form and Function
  8. ^ Isoëtes Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1100. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 486, 1754.
  9. ^ Cody, William; Britton, Donald (1989). Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada. Agriculture Canada.
  10. ^ a b Retallack, G. J. (1997). "Earliest Triassic Origin of Isoetes and Quillwort Evolutionary Radiation". Journal of Paleontology. 71 (3): 500–521. doi:10.2307/1306630. JSTOR 1306630.
  11. ^ Jovani B. S. Pereira and Paulo.H Labiak. A New Species of Isoetes with Tuberculate Spores from Southeastern Brazil (Isoetaceae) ISSN 1548-2324
  12. ^ Retallack, Gregory J. (2013). "Permian and Triassic greenhouse crises". Gondwana Research. 24: 90–103. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2012.03.003.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia emerging languages

Isoetes: Brief Summary ( 波士尼亞語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Isoetes, općepoznate kao jastučaste paprati, je rod biljaka iz porodice Isoetaceae. One spadaju u kladus Lycopodiopsida (likopode) i jedini su rod u porodici Isoetaceae. Danas uključuju 192 priznate vrste, s kosmopolitskom rasprostranjenošću, ali s pojedinim vrstama koje su vrlo rijetke do rijetke. Neki su botaničari podijelili rod izdvajajući dvije vrste iz Južne Amerike u rod Stylites, iako ih molekulski podaci svrstavaju među ostale vrste izoeta pa Stylites nema garantirano taksonomsko priznavanje. Ime roda se ponekad označava i kao Isoëtes. Dijareza (dvije točke preko e) označava da se o i e moraju izgovarati u dva različita sloga. Uključivanje ovoga u ispis nije obavezno; po pravopisu je oboje (Isoetes ili Isoëtes).

Međunarodni kodeks nomenklature algi, gljiva i biljaka (Melbournški kodeks), član 60.6 određuje: "Dijareza, koja označava da se samoglasnik izgovara odvojeno od prethodnog samoglasnika (kao u Cephaëlis, Isoëtes), je fonetski obrazac za koji se ne smatra da mijenja pravopis; kao takvog, njegova upotreba nije obavezna.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia emerging languages

Qhanqawi ( 奇楚瓦語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Qhanqawi[2][3] (genus Isoetes, familia Isoetaceae) nisqakunaqa huk hiki p'anqa yurakunam, tuktunnaq sirk'ayuq.


Kay rikch'anaqa pachak pichqa chunkachá rikch'aqniyuq, ahinataq:

  • Isoetes lechleri‎
  • Isoetes andicola


  1. Reichenbach, H.G.L. (1828). Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis. p. 43.
  2. Fredi Mayta Huiza: Cultivo y manejo de pastos. Moquegua (Perú), p. 9. Isoetes lechleri (qhanqawi).
  3. Mario E. Tapia Núñez, Jorge A. Flores Ochoa: Pastoreo y pastizales de los Andes del sur del Perú, p. 235. Isoetes lechleri (qhanqawi).
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Qhanqawi: Brief Summary ( 奇楚瓦語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Qhanqawi (genus Isoetes, familia Isoetaceae) nisqakunaqa huk hiki p'anqa yurakunam, tuktunnaq sirk'ayuq.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Палушнік ( 白俄羅斯語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Палушнік[1] (Isoëtes) — адзіны сучасны род судзінкавых расьлінаў сямейства палушнікавых; зьмяшчае каля 140 відаў[2].


Ў асноўным гэта водныя або паўводныя расьліны, якія жывуць у азёрах, сажалках і павольных водах, хоць некаторыя растуць на вільготнай глебе, якая высыхае летам[3].


Сямейства распаўсюджанае амаль ва ўсім сьвеце[3].


  1. ^ Парфегов, В. И. (общ. ред.) Флора Беларуси: сосудистые растения. — М.: Беларуская навука, 2009. — Т. 1. — С. 38. — ISBN 978-985-08-1035-9 (рас.)(бел.)
  2. ^ Christenhusz, M. J. M.; Byng, J. W. The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase // Phytotaxa. — 2016. — Т. 261. — № 3. — С. 201–217. (анг.)
  3. ^ а б Flora of North America(анг.) Праверана 14.10.2019 г.
Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі
wikipedia emerging languages

Палушнік: Brief Summary ( 白俄羅斯語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Палушнік (Isoëtes) — адзіны сучасны род судзінкавых расьлінаў сямейства палушнікавых; зьмяшчае каля 140 відаў.

Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі
wikipedia emerging languages

ಐಸೊಯೆಟೀಸ್ ( 康納達語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

ಐಸೊಯೆಟೀಸ್: ಐಸೊಯೆಟೇಲ್ಸ್‌ ಗಣದ, ಅರವತ್ತು ಪ್ರಭೇದಗಳಿರುವ ಬೆಳ್ಳುಳ್ಳಿ ಗಿಡದಂತೆ ಕಾಣುವ ನೀರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಥವಾ ಜವುಗು ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಸಸ್ಯ.


ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಐ. ಕೊರಮಂಡಲಿಯಾನ ಐ. ಸಹ್ಯಾದ್ರಿಯೈ, ಐ. ದೀಕ್ಷಿತಿಯೈ, ಐ. ಇಂಡಿಕ ಐ. ಪಂಚಾನನೈ ಮತ್ತು ಐ. ಸಂಪತ್ಕುಮಾರಿನೈ ಎನ್ನುವ ಆರು ಪ್ರಭೇದಗಳು ಬೆಳೆಯುತ್ತವೆ. ಐಸೊಯೆಟೀಸ್ó ಸಸ್ಯವನ್ನು ಭೂಮಿಯ ಒಳಗೆ ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಎರಡು ಮೂರು ಹಾಲೆಗಳಂತೆ (ಲೋಬ್ಸ್‌) ಹರಡಿರುವ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ, ಅದರ ಸಂದುಗಳ ಕೆಳಭಾಗಗಳಿಂದ ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಬೇರುಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಗೆಡ್ಡೆಯ ಮೇಲ್ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ 10-50 ಸೆಂಮೀಗಳ ಉದ್ದ ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಗರಿಕೆ ಹುಲ್ಲಿನಂತೆ ಕಾಣುವ ಅಲೈಂಗಿಕ ಸಂತಾನ ಕಣಗಳ (ಸ್ಪೋರ್ಸ್‌) ಉತ್ಪಾದಕ ಎಲೆಗಳು ಎಂಬ ಮೂರು ಭಾಗಗಳಾಗಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸಬಹುದು. ಗೆಡ್ಡೆಯ ಬೆಳವಣಿಗೆ ಬಲು ನಿಧಾನ. ಇದು ಮೇಲ್ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಎಲೆಗಳನ್ನೂ ಕೆಳಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇರುಗಳನ್ನೂ ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ ಕೆಲವು ಸಸ್ಯಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಜ್ಞರು ಇದನ್ನು ಒಂದು ರೀತಿಯ ಮಿಶ್ರಲಾಂಡವೆಂದು ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯಪಡುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಗೆಡ್ಡೆಯ ಮೇಲ್ಭಾಗಕ್ಕೆ ರ್ಹೈಸೊóಮಾರ್ಫ್‌ ಎಂದೂ ಕೆಳಭಾಗಕ್ಕೆ ರ್ಹೈಸೊóಫೋರ್ ಎಂದೂ ಹೆಸರುಗಳಿವೆ. ಅಲ್ಲದೆ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆಯ ಅಂಗರಚನೆಯನ್ನೂ (ಅನಾಟಮಿ) ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿದಾಗ ಅದು ಮೇಲ್ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಂಡದಂತೆಯೂ ಕೆಳಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇರಿನಂತೆಯೂ ಕಾಣುವುದರಿಂದ ಮಿಶ್ರಕಾಂಡದ ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯವನ್ನು ಒಪ್ಪಬಹುದು.

ಬೇರಿನ ಅಂಗರಚನೆ

ನೀರು ಮತ್ತು ಆಹಾರ ಸರಬರಾಜು ಅಂಗಾಂಶಗಳು (ವ್ಯಾಸ್ಕ್ಯುಲರ್ ಟಿಶ್ಯೂಸ್) ಮಧ್ಯಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿರದೆ ಒಂದು ಪಕ್ಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಅ ಆಕಾರದಲ್ಲಿರುತ್ತವೆ. ಈ ಅಂಗಾಂಶದ ಎದುರು ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಕುಹರ (ಕ್ಯಾವಿಟಿ) ಇದೆ. ಈ ಅಂಗರಚನೆ ಸ್ಟಿಗ್ಮೇರಿಯ ಎಂಬ ಪ್ರಾಚೀನ ಸಸ್ಯದ ಬೇರಿನ ಅಂಗರಚನೆಯನ್ನು ಹೋಲುತ್ತದೆ. ಗೆಡ್ಡೆಯ ಹಾಲೆಗಳ ತುದಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂದು ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿರುವ ವರ್ಧನ ಅಂಗಾಂಶಗಳ (ಮೆರಿಸ್ಟಮ್ಯಾಟಿಕ್ ಟಿಶ್ಯೂಸ್) ಪ್ರಸರಣೆಯಿಂದ ಬೇರುಗಳ ಉತ್ಪಾದನೆಯಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಅಲೈಂಗಿಕ ಸಂತಾನಕಣ ಉತ್ಪಾದಕ ಎಲೆಗಳು (ಸ್ಟೋರೋಫಿಲ್ಲುಗಳು) ಉದ್ದವಾಗಿವೆ. ಇವುಗಳ ಕೆಳಭಾಗ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಅಗಲವಾಗಿ ಹೂಜಿ ಆಕಾರದಲ್ಲಿದೆ. ಆ ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಣ್ಣ ಸಂತಾನಕಣಗಳ ಚೀಲ ಮತ್ತು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಂತಾನಕಣ ಚೀಲಗಳು ಉತ್ಪತ್ತಿಯಾಗುವುದರಿಂದ ಅಂಥ ಎಲೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಕ್ರಮವಾಗಿ ಸಣ್ಣಸಂತಾನಕಣ ಉತ್ಪಾದಕ ಎಲೆಗಳು (ಮೈಕ್ರೋಸ್ಪೋರೋಫಿಲ್ಸ್‌) ಮತ್ತು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಂತಾನಕಣ ಉತ್ಪಾದಕ ಎಲೆಗಳು (ಮೆಗಸ್ಟೋರೋಫಿಲ್ಸ್‌) ಎಂದು ಹೆಸರು. ಸಂತಾನಕಣ ಚೀಲದ ಮೇಲ್ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ Ä ಆಕಾರದ ಒಂದು ಸಣ್ಣ ಎಲೆಯಂಥ ಅಂಗವಿದೆ. ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ಲಿಗ್ಯೂಲ್ ಎಂದು ಹೆಸರು. ಇದರ ಕೆಳಭಾಗದಿಂದ ಬೆಳೆದ ಒಂದು ತೆಳುಪೊರೆ ಸಂತಾನಕಣ ಚೀಲವನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚಿಕೊಂಡಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ಈ ತೆಳುಪೊರೆಯ ಹೆಸರು ವೀಲಮ್. ಎಲೆಗಳ ಅಡ್ಡಸೀಳಿಕೆಗಳನ್ನು ಪರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿದರೆ, ಮಧ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಆಹಾರ-ನೀರು ಸರಬರಾಜು ಅಂಗಾಂಶ ಅಥವಾ ನಾಳಕೂರ್ಚ ಮತ್ತು ನಾಲ್ಕು ಮೂಲೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಾಲ್ಕು ವಾಯು ಕುಹರಗಳು ಕಾಣುತ್ತವೆ. ನೀರಿನ ಒಳಗೆ ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಅಥವಾ ಅಂತರ್ಜಲ ಪ್ರಭೇದದ ಎಲೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊರಚರ್ಮ (ಎಪಿಡರ್ಮಿಸ್) ಅಂಗಾಂಶದಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಯುದ್ವಾರ ಇರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಹೊರಸುತ್ತುಗಳಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಎಲೆಗಳು ಸ್ಪೊರಾಂಜಿಯಂಗಳನ್ನು ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಒಳಸುತ್ತುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮೊದಲು ಮೆಗಸ್ಪೋರೋಫಿಲ್ಲುಗಳಿದ್ದು ಅವು ಮೈಕ್ರೋಸ್ಪೋರೋಫಿಲ್ಲುಗಳನ್ನು ಸುತ್ತುವರಿದುಕೊಂಡಿರುತ್ತವೆ. ಸ್ಪೊರಾಂಜಿಯಮುಗಳು ಹುರುಳಿ ಬೀಜದ ಆಕಾರದಲ್ಲಿರುವುವು ಮತ್ತು ವ್ಯಾಸ್ಕ್ಯೂಲಾರ್ ಸಸ್ಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಬರುವ ಇತರ ಎಲ್ಲ ಸ್ಪೊರಾಂಜಿಯಮುಗಳಿಗಿಂತ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಮುಗಳಾಗಿರುವುವು. ಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಮಿನ ಒಳಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಟ್ರೆಬ್ಯಾಕ್ಯುಲೇ ಎಂಬ ಅಡ್ಡ ಗೋಡೆಗಳಿವೆ. ಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಮುಗಳು ಕೆಲವು ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟ ಕೋಶಗಳ ವಿಭಜನೆಗಳಿಂದ ಉತ್ಪತ್ತಿಯಾಗಿ ಮುಂದೆ ಅಲೈಂಗಿಕ ಸಂತಾನಕಣಗಳನ್ನು ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸುತ್ತವೆ. ಇಂಥ ಕೋಶಗಳಿಗೆ ಅಲೈಂಗಿಕ ಸಂತಾನಕಣ ಉತ್ಪಾದಕಕೋಶಗಳು (ಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಲ್ ಇನಿಷಿಯಲ್ಸ್‌) ಎಂದು ಹೆಸರು. ಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಲ್ ಇನಿಷಿಯಲಿನ ವಿಭಜನೆಗಳಿಂದ ಹೊರಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಮಿನ ಗೋಡೆ ಮತ್ತು ಒಳಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂತಾನಕಣ ತಾಯಿಕೋಶಗಳು (ಸ್ಪೋರ್ಮದರ್ ಸೆಲ್ಸ್‌) ಉತ್ಪತ್ತಿಯಾಗುತ್ತವೆ. ಇವುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮೈಕ್ರೊಸ್ಪೋರ್ ತಾಯಿಕೋಶಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮೆಗಾಸ್ಪೋರ್ ತಾಯಿಕೋಶಗಳು ಎಂಬ ಎರಡು ರೀತಿಯ ಕೋಶಗಳಿವೆ. ಮೈಕ್ರೊಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಮಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಸುಮಾರು 1 ಲಕ್ಷದಿಂದ 10 ಲಕ್ಷ ಮೈಕ್ರೊಸ್ಪೋರುಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮೆಗಸ್ಪೋರಾಂಜಿಯಮಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಕೇವಲ 30-50 ಮೆಗಸ್ಪೋರುಗಳು ಉತ್ಪತ್ತಿಯಾಗುವುವು. ಈ ಎರಡು ರೀತಿಯ ಸಂತಾನಕಣಗಳು (ಸ್ಪೋರ್ಸ್‌) ತಮ್ಮ ಬೆಳೆವಣಿಗೆಯಲ್ಲಿ 4 ರಂತೆ ಒಟ್ಟಾಗಿ ಸೇರಿ ಚತುಸ್ಸಂತಾನಕಣಗಳಾಗುತ್ತವೆ (ಟೆಟ್ರಾಡ್ಸ್‌ ಆಫ್ ಸ್ಪೋರ್ಸ್‌). ಸಂತಾನಕಣಗಳು ಗಾಳಿ ಮತ್ತು ನೀರುಗಳ ಮೂಲಕ ಪ್ರಸಾರವಾಗುತ್ತವೆ. ಮೈಕ್ರೊಸ್ಟೋರ್ ಮೊಳೆತು ಗಂಡು ಗ್ಯಾಮೀಟೊಫೈಟ್ ಸಸ್ಯವನ್ನು ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಈ ಸಸ್ಯ ಮೈಕ್ರೊಸ್ಪೋರಿನ ಒಳಗೆ ಬೆಳೆಯುವುದು ಮತ್ತು 256 ಗಂಡು ಗ್ಯಾಮೀಟುಗಳನ್ನು ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಪ್ರತಿ ಗ್ಯಾಮೀಟಿನಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಅನೇಕ ಸ್ಪಂದನ ಲೋಮಾಂಗಗಳಿವೆ (ಸಿಲಿಯಾ). ಅವುಗಳ ಆಕಾರ ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಯಂತೆ. ಮೆಗಸ್ಪೋರ್ ಮೊಳೆತು ಹೆಣ್ಣು ಗ್ಯಾಮೀಟೊಫೈಟ್ ಸಸ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಬೆಳೆಯುತ್ತದೆ. ಈ ಸಸ್ಯ ಒಂದು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಅಂಡವನ್ನು ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ನೀರಿನ ಮೂಲಕ ಗಂಡು ಗ್ಯಾಮೀಟು ಅಂಡದ ಜೊತೆ ಬೆರೆತಾಗ ಗರ್ಭಾಂಕುರವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಈ ಭ್ರೂಣ ಬೆಳೆದು ಹೊಸ ಐಸೊಯೆಟೀಸ್ó ಮೊಳಕೆಯಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಮೊಳಕೆ ಏಕದಳ ಸಸ್ಯದಂತೆ ಕಾಣುತ್ತದೆ.


  1. illustration from Otto Wilhelm Thomé Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera, Germany
  2. Reichenbach, H. G. L. (1828). Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis. p. 43.

ಬಾಹ್ಯ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು

ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ ಲೇಖಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಪಾದಕರು
wikipedia emerging languages

ಐಸೊಯೆಟೀಸ್: Brief Summary ( 康納達語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

ಐಸೊಯೆಟೀಸ್: ಐಸೊಯೆಟೇಲ್ಸ್‌ ಗಣದ, ಅರವತ್ತು ಪ್ರಭೇದಗಳಿರುವ ಬೆಳ್ಳುಳ್ಳಿ ಗಿಡದಂತೆ ಕಾಣುವ ನೀರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಥವಾ ಜವುಗು ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬೆಳೆಯುವ ಸಸ್ಯ.

ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ ಲೇಖಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಪಾದಕರು
wikipedia emerging languages

Isoetes ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Isoetes, commonly known as the quillworts, is a genus of lycopod. It is the only living genus in the family Isoetaceae and order Isoetales. There are currently 192 recognized species,[1] with a cosmopolitan distribution mostly in aquatic habitats but with the individual species often scarce to rare. Some botanists split the genus, separating two South American species into the genus Stylites, although molecular data place these species among other species of Isoetes, so that Stylites does not warrant taxonomic recognition.[2] Species of Isoetes virtually identical to modern forms have existed since the Jurassic epoch.[3]

The name of the genus may also be spelled Isoëtes. The diaeresis (two dots over the e) indicates that the o and the e are to be pronounced in two distinct syllables. Including this in print is optional; either spelling (Isoetes or Isoëtes) is correct.[4]


Quillwort megasporangia

Quillworts are mostly aquatic or semi-aquatic in clear ponds and slow-moving streams, though several (e.g. I. butleri, I. histrix and I. nuttallii) grow on wet ground that dries out in the summer. The quillworts are spore-producing plants and highly reliant on water dispersion. Quillworts have different ways to spread their spores based on the environment. Quillwort leaves are hollow and quill-like, with a minute ligule at the base of the upper surface.[5]: 7  arising from a central corm. The sporangia are sunk deeply in the leaf bases. Each leaf will either have many small spores or fewer large spores. Both types of leaf are found on each plant.[6] Each leaf is narrow, 2–20 centimetres (0.8–8 in) long (exceptionally up to 100 cm or 40 in) and 0.5–3.0 mm (0.02–0.12 in) wide; they can be either evergreen, winter deciduous, or dry-season deciduous. Only 4% of total biomass, the tips of the leaves, is chlorophyllous.[7]

The roots broaden to a swollen base up to 5 mm (0.2 in) wide where they attach in clusters to a bulb-like, underground rhizome characteristic of most quillwort species, though a few (e.g. I. tegetiformans) form spreading mats. This swollen base also contains male and female sporangia, protected by a thin, transparent covering (velum), which is used diagnostically to help identify quillwort species. They are heterosporous. Quillwort species are very difficult to distinguish by general appearance. The best way to identify them is by examining their megaspores under a microscope. Moreover, habitat, texture, spore size, and velum provide features that distinguish Isoëtes taxa.[8] They also possess a vestigial form of secondary growth in the basal portions of its cormlike stem, an indication that they evolved from larger ancestors.[9]

Biochemistry and genetics

Quillworts use Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) for carbon fixation. Some aquatic species don't have stomata and the leaves have a thick cuticle which prevents CO2 uptake, a task that is performed by their hollow roots instead, which absorb CO2 from the sediment.[10] This has been studied extensively in Isoetes andicola.[7] CAM is normally considered an adaptation to life in arid environments to prevent water loss with the plants opening their stomata at night rather than in the heat of the day. This allows CO2 to enter and minimises water loss. As mostly submerged aquatic plants, quillworts do not lack water and the use of CAM is considered to avoid competition with other aquatic plants for CO2 during daytime.[11]

The first detailed quillwort genome sequence, of I. taiwanensis,[12] showed that there were differences from CAM in terrestrial plants. CAM involves the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and plants have two forms of the enzyme. One is normally involved in photosynthesis and the other in central metabolism. From the genome sequence, it appears that in quillworts, both forms are involved in photosynthesis. In addition, the time of day of the peak abundance of some of the components of CAM was different from terrestrial plants. These fundamental differences in biochemistry suggests that CAM in quillworts is probably another example of convergent evolution of CAM during the more than 300 million years since the genus diverged from other plants. However, they may also be because of differences between life in water and in the air.[12] The genome sequence also provided two insights into its structure. First, genes and repeated non-coding regions were fairly evenly distributed across all the chromosomes. This is similar to genomes of other non-seed plants, but different from the seed plants (angiosperms) where there are distinctly more genes at the ends of chromosomes. Secondly, there was also evidence that the whole genome had been duplicated in the ancient past.[12]


Compared to other genera, Isoetes is poorly known. The first critical monograph on their taxonomy, written by Norma Etta Pfeiffer, was published in 1922 and remained a standard reference into the twenty-first century.[13][14] Even after studies with cytology, scanning electron microscopy, and chromatography, species are difficult to identify and their phylogeny is disputed. Vegetative characteristics commonly used to distinguish other genera, such as leaf length, rigidity, color, or shape are variable and depend on the habitat. Most classification systems for Isoetes rely on spore characteristics, which make species identification nearly impossible without microscopy.[15]



Like all land plants, Isoetes undergoes an alternation of generations between a diploid sporophyte stage and a sexual haploid gametophyte stage. However, the dominance of one stage over the other has shifted over time. The development of vascular tissue and subsequent diversification of land plants coincides with the increased dominance of the sporophyte and reduction of the gametophyte. Isoetes, as members of the Lycopodiopsida class, are part of the oldest extant lineage that reflects this shift to a sporophyte dominant lifecycle. In closely related lineages, such as the extinct Lepidodendron, spores were dispersed by the sporophyte through large collections of sporangia called strobili for wind-based spore dispersal.[16] However, Isoetes are small heterosporous semi-aquatic plants, with different reproductive needs and challenges than large tree-like land plants.


Like the rest of the Lycopodiopsida class, Isoetes reproduces with spores.[17] Among the lycophytes, both Isoetes and the Selaginellaceae (spikemosses) are heterosporous, while the remaining lycophyte family Lycopodiaceae (clubmosses) is homosporous.[18] As heterosporous plants, fertile Isoetes sporophytes produce megaspores and microspores, which develop in the megasporangia and microsporangia.[19] These spores are highly ornate and are the primary way by which species are identified, although no one functional purpose of the intricate surface patterns is agreed upon.[20] The megasporangia occur within the outermost microphylls (single-veined leaves) of the plant while the microsporangia are found in the innermost microphylls.[21] This pattern of development is hypothesized to improve the dispersal of the heavier megaspore.[17] These spores then germinate and divide into mega- and micro- gametophytes.[19][22][23] The microgametophytes have antheridia, which in turn produce sperm.[23] The megagametophytes have archegonia, which produce egg cells.[23] Fertilization takes place when the motile sperm from a microgametophyte locates the archegonia of a megagametophyte and swims inside to fertilize the egg.

Outside of heterospory, a distinguishing feature of Isoetes (and Selaginella) from other pteridophytes, is that their gametophytes grow inside the spores.[19][23][21] This means that the gametophytes never leave the protection of the spore that disperses them, cracking the perispore (the outer layer of the spore) just enough to allow the passage of gametes. This is fundamentally different from ferns, where the gametophyte is a photosynthetic plant exposed to the elements of its environment. However, containment creates a separate problem for Isoetes, which is that the gametophytes have no way to acquire energy on their own. Isoetes sporophytes solve this problem by provisioning starches and other nutrients to the spores as an energy reserve for the eventual gametophytes.[23][24] Although not a homologous process, this provisioning is somewhat analogous to other modes of offspring resource investment in seed-plants, such as fruits and seeds. The extent to which resources provisioned to the megaspore also support the growth of the new sporophyte is unknown in Isoetes.

Reproductive cycle of Isoetes. The diploid sporophyte (A) produces microsporangia and megasporangia, which are located at the leaf bases. A cross section of the plant (B) shows that the megasporangia are located more towards the outer leaves (2) and the microsporangia are concentrated in the center (1). Via meiosis, the sporangia produce haploid spores (C). The megasporangia produce megaspores (3) which become female gametophytes and the microsporangia produce microspores (4) which become male gametophytes. The gametophytes germinate inside the spore, cracking the outer layer known as the perispore (5) as they grow via mitosis to expose the reproductive organs (6). Sperm from the male gametophytes locate the archegonia neck cells on the female gametophyte (6) and swim down to fertilize the egg. A diploid embryo is formed and a young sporophyte (D) is rapidly created through mitosis, eventually growing into another adult sporophyte.


Spore dispersal occurs primarily in water (hydrochory) but may also occur via adherence to animals (zoochory) and as a result of ingestion (endozoochory).[17][25] These are among the reasons suggested for the ornamentations of the spore, with some authors demonstrating that certain patterns seem well-adapted for sticking to relevant animals like waterfowl.[25] Another critical element of dispersal is the observation that in some species of Isoetes, the outer coat of megaspores have pockets that trap microspores, a condition known as synaptospory.[25][26] Typically, heterospory means that colonization and long-dispersal are more difficult due to the fact that a single spore cannot grow a bisexual gametophyte and thus cannot establish a new population from a single spore as can happen in homosporous ferns.[27] Isoetes may mitigate this issue via microspores stuck to megaspores, greatly increasing the possibility of successful fertilization upon dispersal.[25][26]


As of November 2019, Plants of the World Online accepted the following extant species:[28]

Many species, such as the Louisiana quillwort and the mat-forming quillwort, are endangered species. Several species of Isoetes are commonly called Merlin's grass, especially I. lacustris, but also the endangered species I. tegetiformans.


Fossilised specimens of I. beestonii have been found in rocks dating to the latest Permian.[30][31] Quillworts are considered to be the closest extant relatives of the fossil tree Lepidodendron, with which they share some unusual features including the development of both wood and bark, a modified shoot system acting as roots, bipolar growth, and an upright stance. Studies indicates that the Isoetes crown group which exist today evolved from a single lineage in the early Cenozoic.[32]






  1. ^ Troia, Angelo; Pereira, Jovani B.; Kim, Changkyun; Taylor, W. Carl (2016). "The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa". Phytotaxa. 277 (2): 101. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.277.2.1. ISSN 1179-3163.
  2. ^ Larsén, Eva; Rydin, Catarina (2016). "Disentangling the Phylogeny of Isoetes (Isoetales), Using Nuclear and Plastid Data". International Journal of Plant Sciences. 177 (2): 157–174. doi:10.1086/684179. ISSN 1058-5893. S2CID 85737029.
  3. ^ Wood, Daniel; Besnard, Guillaume; Beerling, David J.; Osborne, Colin P.; Christin, Pascal-Antoine (2020-06-18). "Phylogenomics indicates the "living fossil" Isoetes diversified in the Cenozoic". PLOS ONE. 15 (6): e0227525. Bibcode:2020PLoSO..1527525W. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0227525. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 7302493. PMID 32555586.
  4. ^ International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) see section 60.6: "The diaeresis, indicating that a vowel is to be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel (as in Cephaëlis, Isoëtes), is a phonetic device that is not considered to alter the spelling; as such, its use is optional."
  5. ^ Stace, C. A. (2010). New Flora of the British Isles (3rd ed.). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521707725.
  6. ^ Levyns, M.R. (1966). A Guide to the Flora of the Cape Peninsula (2nd Revised ed.). Juta & Company, Limited. OCLC 621340.
  7. ^ a b Tropical Alpine Environments: Plant Form and Function
  8. ^ Isoëtes Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1100. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 486, 1754.
  9. ^ The Formation of Wood in Forest Trees: The Second Symposium Held under the Auspices of the Maria Moors Cabot Foundation for Botanical Research
  10. ^ Jacobsen, Dean; Dangles, Olivier (18 August 2017). Ecology of High Altitude Waters]. ISBN 9780191056666.
  11. ^ Haas, Michael J. (2 December 2021). "Quillwort genome highlights divergences in aquatic CAM photosynthesis". The Global Plant Council. Retrieved 29 December 2021.
  12. ^ a b c Wickell, David; Kuo, Li-Yaung; Yang, Hsiao-Pei; others, and 11 (2021). "Underwater CAM photosynthesis elucidated by Isoetes genome". Nature Communications. 12 (1): 6348. Bibcode:2021NatCo..12.6348W. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26644-7. PMC 8566536. PMID 34732722.
  13. ^ Pfeiffer, Norma E. (1922). "Monograph of the Isoetaceae". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 9 (2): 79 –. doi:10.2307/2990000. JSTOR 2990000. Retrieved 29 December 2021.
  14. ^ Haas, Michael J. "Secrets of quillwort photosynthesis could boost crop efficiency". Cornell Chronicle. Retrieved 12 March 2023.
  15. ^ Cody, William; Britton, Donald (1989). Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada. Agriculture Canada. ISBN 9780660131023.
  16. ^ Kenrick, Paul. (1997). The origin and early diversification of land plants : a cladistic study. Crane, Peter R. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 1-56098-730-8. OCLC 37107157.
  17. ^ a b c Taylor, W. Carl; Hickey, R. James (1992). "Habitat, Evolution, and Speciation in Isoetes". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 79 (3): 613. doi:10.2307/2399755. JSTOR 2399755.
  18. ^ "A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns". Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 54 (6): 563–603. 2016. doi:10.1111/jse.12229. ISSN 1759-6831. S2CID 39980610.
  19. ^ a b c FARMER, J. BRETLAND (1890). "On Isoetes lacustris, L." Annals of Botany. 5 (17): 37–62. ISSN 0305-7364. JSTOR 43234433.
  20. ^ Hickey, R. James (January 1986). "Isoetes Megaspore Surface Morphology: Nomenclature, Variation, and Systematic Importance". American Fern Journal. 76 (1): 1–16. doi:10.2307/1547394. ISSN 0002-8444. JSTOR 1547394.
  21. ^ a b La Motte, Charles (April 1933). "Morphology of the Megagametophyte and the Embryo Sporophyte Ofisoetes Lithophila". American Journal of Botany. 20 (4): 217–233. doi:10.1002/j.1537-2197.1933.tb08887.x.
  22. ^ SCOTT, D. H.; HILL, T. G. (1900). "The Structure of Isoetes Hystrix". Annals of Botany. 14 (55): 413–454. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aob.a088787. ISSN 0305-7364. JSTOR 43235515.
  23. ^ a b c d e LA MOTTE, CHARLES (1937). "Morphology and Orientation of the Embryo of Isoetes". Annals of Botany. 1 (4): 695–715. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aob.a083498. ISSN 0305-7364. JSTOR 42906582.
  24. ^ Abeli, Thomas; Mucciarelli, Marco (2010). "Notes on the Natural History and Reproductive Biology of Isoëtes malinverniana". American Fern Journal. 100 (4): 235–237. doi:10.1640/0002-8444-100.4.235. ISSN 0002-8444. JSTOR 41237871. S2CID 83658338.
  25. ^ a b c d Troia, Angelo (2016-06-16). "Dispersal and colonization in heterosporous lycophytes: palynological and biogeographical notes on the genusIsoetesin the Mediterranean region". Webbia. 71 (2): 277–281. doi:10.1080/00837792.2016.1191171. ISSN 0083-7792. S2CID 89179370.
  26. ^ a b Lellinger, David B.; Kramer, K. U. (April 1979). "Synaptospory: A Hypothesis". American Fern Journal. 69 (2): 48. doi:10.2307/1546895. ISSN 0002-8444. JSTOR 1546895.
  27. ^ Sessa, Emily B.; Testo, Weston L.; Watkins, James E. (2016-04-20). "On the widespread capacity for, and functional significance of, extreme inbreeding in ferns". New Phytologist. 211 (3): 1108–1119. doi:10.1111/nph.13985. ISSN 0028-646X. PMID 27094807.
  28. ^ "Isoetes L.". Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 2019-11-18.
  29. ^ Hassler, Michael & Schmitt, Bernd (November 2019). "Isoetes caroliniana". Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World. 8.11. Retrieved 2019-11-18.
  30. ^ Retallack, G. J. (1997). "Earliest Triassic Origin of Isoetes and Quillwort Evolutionary Radiation". Journal of Paleontology. 71 (3): 500–521. doi:10.1017/s0022336000039524. JSTOR 1306630. S2CID 140566050.
  31. ^ Retallack, Gregory J. (2013). "Permian and Triassic greenhouse crises". Gondwana Research. 24 (1): 90–103. Bibcode:2013GondR..24...90R. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2012.03.003.
  32. ^ Phylogenomics indicates the “living fossil” Isoetes diversified in the Cenozoic

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Isoetes: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Isoetes, commonly known as the quillworts, is a genus of lycopod. It is the only living genus in the family Isoetaceae and order Isoetales. There are currently 192 recognized species, with a cosmopolitan distribution mostly in aquatic habitats but with the individual species often scarce to rare. Some botanists split the genus, separating two South American species into the genus Stylites, although molecular data place these species among other species of Isoetes, so that Stylites does not warrant taxonomic recognition. Species of Isoetes virtually identical to modern forms have existed since the Jurassic epoch.

The name of the genus may also be spelled Isoëtes. The diaeresis (two dots over the e) indicates that the o and the e are to be pronounced in two distinct syllables. Including this in print is optional; either spelling (Isoetes or Isoëtes) is correct.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Lahnarohi ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供

Lahnarohi (Isoëtes) on perekond Isoetopsida klassi Isoetales seltsi lahnarohuliste sugukonnast.

Leidub ka teisi taksonoomilisi käsitlusi, kus näiteks seltsi Isoetales on käsitletud hoopis pärisraigaste (Lycopsida) klassi all.

Lahnarohu perekonda kuulub umbes 140–150 liiki. Perekond on küll kosmopoliitne, kuid sageli on kasvukohtades nende arvukus väike.

Eesti liigid

Eestis leidub kaks lahnarohu liiki:

Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
wikipedia ET

Lahnarohi: Brief Summary ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供

Lahnarohi (Isoëtes) on perekond Isoetopsida klassi Isoetales seltsi lahnarohuliste sugukonnast.

Leidub ka teisi taksonoomilisi käsitlusi, kus näiteks seltsi Isoetales on käsitletud hoopis pärisraigaste (Lycopsida) klassi all.

Lahnarohu perekonda kuulub umbes 140–150 liiki. Perekond on küll kosmopoliitne, kuid sageli on kasvukohtades nende arvukus väike.

Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
wikipedia ET

Isoetes ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Les isoètes font partie de l'ordre des Isoetales, de la famille des Isoetaceae qui ne comprend qu'un seul genre, Isoetes, constitué d’au moins 200 espèces actuelles[1].

Leurs spores fossilisées (microfossiles) présentent un intérêt pour l'étude des paléoenvironnements du Paléozoique[2].

Isoetes lacustris


Le nom Isoëtes est dérivé du grec ίσος / isos, égal, et σετήἔτος / étos, année - ετήσιο / etísio, annuel, littéralement « égal toute l'année », en référence aux feuilles persistantes (toujours vertes) de ces plantes tout au long de l'année.

Identification des espèces

Elle est notoirement difficile au sein de ce genre, en raison suppose-t-on d'adaptations aux habitats qui ont conduit à une simplicité morphologique, à l'homoplasie et à l'évolution réticulée[3].

Histoire évolutive

Des chambres à air interne sont présentes dans les feuilles de tous les taxons d'isoètes, ce qui prouve qu'ils ont un ancêtre commun qui était aquatique[3].

Selon les botanistes WC Taylor & RJ Hickey (1992), lors de la fragmentation du Gondwana les ancêtres des taxons modernes auraient traversé une phase de « terrestrialisation » phase qui s'est accompagnée du développement de plusieurs nouveautés et réductions morphologiques (dont une évolution des phyllopodes sclérotiques, adaptation qui semble avoir évolué après la séparation du sous-continent indien ; Ces auteurs ont mis en évidence une nouvelle section du sous-genre Isoetes centrée en Inde et possédant des bases de feuilles non sclérifiées et persistantes ; cela laisse supposer qu'après une phase de terrestrialisation, plusieurs lignées sont redevenues aquatiques pour dans certains de ces cas à nouveau évoluer pour s'adapter à un habitat terrestre[3].
Ceci explique la grande variété de niches écologiques occupées par ces espèces ; des plus aquatique à des milieux entièrement terrestres[3].

  • Presque tous les taxons terrestres, sont des populations isolées composées de sujets diploïdes qui semblent être issus d'une progressive spéciation par isolement reproductif et divergence génétique[3].
  • Quelques espèces aquatiques vivent souvent en populations mixtes (i.e. comprenant des taxons de ploidies différentes) ; elles semblent avoir évolué brusquement par hybridation interspécifique avec doublement de leur nombre de chromosomes. Les modèles de distribution, de morphologie et de la viabilité des mégaspores, ainsi que l'étude du nombre de chromosomes et des profils électrophorétiques des enzymes foliaires tendent à soutenir l'hypothèse d'une spéciation allopolyploïde[3].

Métabolisme inhabituel

Ces espèces présentent une particularité : leur métabolisme acide varie le jour[4], ce qui semble lié à une capacité particulière qu'elles ont acquise ; celle de pouvoir mieux que la plupart des autres plantes capter le CO2 inorganique du sédiment ou de l'eau pour alimenter leur photosynthèse[5],[6].

Description générale

Les isoètes sont des plantes peu spectaculaires, fondamentalement adaptées à la vie aquatique, même si certaines espèces sont revenues en milieu aérien.

Appareil végétatif

L'ensemble de la plante représente le sporophyte. Il est composé d'un court rhizome ressemblant à un bulbe, souvent bilobé ou trilobé, d'où prennent naissance les racines ramifiées par dichotomie[7] et les frondes. Ces dernières sont linéaires et élargies à leur base ; elles sont parcourues par des canaux aérifères, visibles en coupe transversale, qui sont une adaptation à la vie aquatique.

La partie immergée de la plante présente un métabolisme de type CAM alors que sa partie aérienne est de type C3[réf. nécessaire].

Appareil reproducteur

Ce sont des plantes hétérosporées portant des mégasporanges à la base des frondes les plus externes, et des microsporanges à la base des frondes les plus internes[7].

Répartition et habitat

Ces plantes sont inféodées aux lieux humides. Elles peuvent être aquatiques, semi-aquatiques ou aériennes. Dans les deux premiers cas, les espèces vivent en eau douce et généralement à courant faible ou nul.

Menaces, vulnérabilités

Comme Littorella uniflora et comme beaucoup d'espèces de milieux oligotrophes et plus généralement des milieux humides et aquatiques, elles sont victimes de la régression des mares et des zones humides, de la destruction des habitats ainsi que d'une tendance générale à l'eutrophisation des milieux, notamment due aux apports de phosphore et de nitrates provenant d'engrais, du ruissellement et de l'érosion des sols, de l'apport en sédiments, de rejets d'eaux usées (excréments et eaux de lavage/nettoyage), de rejets liés aux transports, etc.


Hybrides :

Notes et références

  1. (en) Angelo Troia, Jovani B. Pereira, Changkyun Kim et W. Carl Taylor, « The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa », Phytotaxa, vol. 277, no 2,‎ 2016, p. 101 (ISSN , DOI )
  2. Knox E.M (1950) The Spores of Lycopodium, Phylloglosum, Selaginella and Isoetes and Their Value in the Study of Microfossils of the Paleozoic Age. Botanical Society.
  3. a b c d e et f Taylor W.C & Hickey R.J (1992) Habitat, evolution, and speciation in Isoetes. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 613-622 (résumé)
  4. Keeley JE, Morton BA (1982) Distribution of diurnal acid metabolism in submerged aquatic plants outside the genus Isoetes ; Photosynthetica 16:546-553
  5. Boston HL (1986) A discussion of the adaptations for carbon acquisition in relation to the growth strategy of aquatic isoetids. Aquat Bot 26:259-270
  6. Boston HL, Adams MS, Pienkowski TP (1987) Utilisation of sediment CO 2 by selected North American isoetids. Ann Bot 60: 485-494
  7. a et b R. Auger, J. Laporte-Cru, Flore du domaine atlantique du Sud-ouest de la France et des régions des plaines, Bordeaux, CNDP, 1982, 516 p. (ISBN 2-86617-225-6), p. 40

Voir aussi

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Isoetes: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Les isoètes font partie de l'ordre des Isoetales, de la famille des Isoetaceae qui ne comprend qu'un seul genre, Isoetes, constitué d’au moins 200 espèces actuelles.

Leurs spores fossilisées (microfossiles) présentent un intérêt pour l'étude des paléoenvironnements du Paléozoique.

 src= Isoetes lacustris
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Lus an chleite ( 愛爾蘭語 )

由wikipedia GA提供
léaráid lus an chleite

Planda feadánach spórach atá gaolmhar le garbhógach. Den chuid is mó is planda uisce é, agus na teiridifítí scaipthe ar fud an Domhain. Na duilleoga tomacha cosúil le féar, ach sorcóireach, ag imchlúdach na spóragán ina mbunanna ata. Timpeall 75 speiceas ann.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
wikipedia GA

Črnovka ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Črnovka (lat. Isoetes), biljni rod iz razreda Lycopodiopsida, koji čini samostalnu porodicu Isoetaceae i red Isoetales. Pripada mu preko 180 vrsta[1] vodenih i poluvodenih trajnica raširenih po Europi, Aziji (Sibir, Kina, Japan) i Americi, uključujući i južni Grenland (Isoetes lacustris)


  1. Isoetes abyssinica Chiov.
  2. Isoetes acadiensis Kott
  3. Isoetes aemulans J.P.Roux
  4. Isoetes aequinoctialis Welw. ex A.Br.
  5. Isoetes alcalophila S.Halloy
  6. Isoetes alpina Kirk
  7. Isoetes alstonii C.F.Reed & Verdc.
  8. Isoetes × altonharvillii Musselman
  9. Isoetes amazonica A.Br.
  10. Isoetes anatolica Prada & Rolleri
  11. Isoetes andicola (Amstutz) L.D.Gómez
  12. Isoetes andina Spruce ex Hook.
  13. Isoetes appalachiana D.F.Brunt. & D.M.Britton
  14. Isoetes araucaniana Macluf & Hickey
  15. Isoetes asiatica (Makino) Makino
  16. Isoetes attenuata C.R.Marsden & Chinnock
  17. Isoetes australis S.Williams
  18. Isoetes azorica Durieu
  19. Isoetes baculata Hickey & H.P.Fuchs
  20. Isoetes biafrana Alston
  21. Isoetes bischlerae H.P.Fuchs
  22. Isoetes bolanderi Engelm.
  23. Isoetes boliviensis U.Weber
  24. Isoetes boomii Luebke
  25. Isoetes boryana Durieu
  26. Isoetes boyacensis H.P.Fuchs
  27. Isoetes bradei Herter
  28. Isoetes brasiliensis H.P.Fuchs
  29. Isoetes brevicula E.R.L.Johnson
  30. Isoetes × brittonii D.F.Brunt. & W.C.Taylor
  31. Isoetes × bruntonii Knepper & Musselman
  32. Isoetes butleri Engelm.
  33. Isoetes cangae J.B.S.Pereira, Salino & Stützel
  34. Isoetes capensis
  35. Isoetes × carltaylorii Musselman
  36. Isoetes caroli E.R.L.Johnson
  37. Isoetes chubutiana Hickey, Macluf & W.C.Taylor
  38. Isoetes coromandelina L.f.
  39. Isoetes creussensis Lazare & S.Riba
  40. Isoetes cristata C.R.Marsden & Chinnock
  41. Isoetes cubana Engelm.
  42. Isoetes delilei (Bory) Rothm.
  43. Isoetes dispora Hickey
  44. Isoetes × dodgei A.A.Eaton
  45. Isoetes drummondii A.Braun
  46. Isoetes durieui Bory
  47. Isoetes eatonii R.Dodge
  48. Isoetes × echtuckerii D.F.Brunt. & D.M.Britton
  49. Isoetes ecuadoriensis Aspl.
  50. Isoetes ekmanii U.Weber
  51. Isoetes elatior A.Braun
  52. Isoetes eludens J.P.Roux, Hopper & Rhian J.Sm.
  53. Isoetes engelmannii A.Braun
  54. Isoetes escondidensis S.Halloy
  55. Isoetes eshbaughii Hickey & H.P.Fuchs
  56. Isoetes × fairbrothersii J.D.Montgom. & W.C.Taylor
  57. Isoetes flaccida Shuttlew.
  58. Isoetes fluitans M.I.Romero
  59. Isoetes foveolata A.A.Eaton
  60. Isoetes fuliginosa R.L.Small & Hickey
  61. Isoetes fuscomarginata H.P.Fuchs
  62. Isoetes gardneriana Kunze
  63. Isoetes georgiana Luebke
  64. Isoetes giessii Launert
  65. Isoetes gigantea U.Weber
  66. Isoetes × gopalkrishnae S.K.Singh, P.K.Shukla & N.K.Dubey
  67. Isoetes graniticola D.F.Brunt.
  68. Isoetes gunnii A.Braun
  69. Isoetes gymnocarpa (Gennari) A.Braun
  70. Isoetes habbemensis Alston
  71. Isoetes hallasanensis H.K.Choi, Ch.Kim & J.Jung
  72. Isoetes harveyi A.A.Eaton
  73. Isoetes haussknechtii Troìa & Greuter
  74. Isoetes hawaiiensis W.C.Taylor & W.H.Wagner
  75. Isoetes heldreichii Wettst.
  76. Isoetes hemivelata R.L.Small & Hickey
  77. Isoetes × herb-wagneri W.C.Taylor
  78. Isoetes herzogii U.Weber
  79. Isoetes heterospora A.A.Eaton
  80. Isoetes hewitsonii Hickey
  81. Isoetes × hickeyi W.C.Taylor & Luebke
  82. Isoetes hieronymi U.Weber
  83. Isoetes histrix Bory
  84. Isoetes hopei J.R.Croft
  85. Isoetes howellii Engelm.
  86. Isoetes humilior A.Braun
  87. Isoetes hypsophila Hand.-Mazz.
  88. Isoetes inflata E.R.L.Johnson
  89. Isoetes jaegeri Pitot
  90. Isoetes jamaicensis Hickey
  91. Isoetes japonica A.Braun
  92. Isoetes × jeffreyi D.M.Britton & D.F.Brunt.
  93. Isoetes jejuensis H.K.Choi, Ch.Kim & J.Jung
  94. Isoetes junciformis D.F.Brunt. & D.M.Britton
  95. Isoetes karstenii A.Braun
  96. Isoetes killipii C.V.Morton
  97. Isoetes kirkii A.Br.
  98. Isoetes labri-draconis N.R.Crouch
  99. Isoetes lacustris L.
  100. Isoetes laosiensis C.Kim & H.K.Choi
  101. Isoetes lechleri Mett.
  102. Isoetes libanotica Musselman, Bolin & R.D.Bray
  103. Isoetes lithophila N.Pfeiff.
  104. Isoetes longissima Bory
  105. Isoetes louisianensis Thieret
  106. Isoetes luetzelburgii U.Weber
  107. Isoetes macrospora
  108. Isoetes malinverniana Ces. & De Not.
  109. Isoetes × marensis D.M.Britton & D.F.Brunt.
  110. Isoetes maritima Underw.
  111. Isoetes martii A.Braun
  112. Isoetes mattaponica Musselman & W.C.Taylor
  113. Isoetes maxima Hickey, Macluf & Link-Pérez
  114. Isoetes melanopoda J.Gay & Durieu
  115. Isoetes melanospora Engelm.
  116. Isoetes melanotheca Alston
  117. Isoetes mexicana Underw.
  118. Isoetes × michinokuana M.Takamiya, Mits.Watan. & K.Ono
  119. Isoetes microvela D.F.Brunt.
  120. Isoetes minima A.A.Eaton
  121. Isoetes mississippiensis S.W.Leonard, W.C.Taylor, Musselman & R.D.Bray
  122. Isoetes mongerensis E.R.L.Johnson
  123. Isoetes montana U.Weber
  124. Isoetes mourabaptistae J.B.S.Pereira, P.G.Windisch, Lorscheitt. & Labiak
  125. Isoetes muelleri A.Braun
  126. Isoetes naipiana P.G.Windisch, Lorscheitt. & Nervo
  127. Isoetes nana J.B.S.Pereira
  128. Isoetes neoguineensis
  129. Isoetes nigritiana A.Br.
  130. Isoetes nigroreticulata Verdc.
  131. Isoetes × novae-angliae D.F.Brunt. & D.M.Britton
  132. Isoetes novogranadensis H.P.Fuchs
  133. Isoetes nuttallii A.Braun
  134. Isoetes occidentalis L.F.Hend.
  135. Isoetes olympica A.Br.
  136. Isoetes orcuttii A.A.Eaton
  137. Isoetes organensis U.Weber
  138. Isoetes orientalis Hong Liu & Q.F.Wang
  139. Isoetes ovata N.Pfeiff.
  140. Isoetes pallida Hickey
  141. Isoetes palmeri H.P.Fuchs
  142. Isoetes panamensis Maxon & C.V.Morton
  143. Isoetes × paratunica D.F.Brunt., Mochalova & A.A.Bobrov
  144. Isoetes parvula Hickey
  145. Isoetes pedersenii H.P.Fuchs ex E.I.Meza & Macluf
  146. Isoetes perralderiana Durieu & Letourn. ex Milde
  147. Isoetes perrieriana Iversen
  148. Isoetes philippinensis Merr. & L.M.Perry
  149. Isoetes phrygia Hausskn.
  150. Isoetes piedmontana (N.Pfeiff.) C.F.Reed
  151. Isoetes pitotii Alston
  152. Isoetes precocia R.L.Small & Hickey
  153. Isoetes pringlei Underw.
  154. Isoetes prototypus D.M.Britton & Goltz
  155. Isoetes pseudojaponica M.Takamiya, Mits.Watan. & K.Ono
  156. Isoetes × pseudotruncata D.M.Britton & D.F.Brunt.
  157. Isoetes pusilla C.R.Marsden & Chinnock
  158. Isoetes quiririensis J.B.S.Pereira & Labiak
  159. Isoetes ramboi Herter
  160. Isoetes riparia Engelm. ex A.Braun
  161. Isoetes sabatina Troìa & Azzella
  162. Isoetes saccharata Engelm.
  163. Isoetes sahyadrii Mahab.
  164. Isoetes sampathkumarnii L.N.Rao
  165. Isoetes saracochensis Hickey
  166. Isoetes savatieri Franch.
  167. Isoetes schweinfurthii A.Br.
  168. Isoetes sehnemii H.P.Fuchs
  169. Isoetes septentrionalis D.F.Brunt.
  170. Isoetes serracarajensis J.B.S.Pereira, Salino & Stützel
  171. Isoetes setacea Lam.
  172. Isoetes sinensis
  173. Isoetes smithii H.P.Fuchs
  174. Isoetes spannagelii H.P.Fuchs
  175. Isoetes spinulospora C.Jermy & Schelpe
  176. Isoetes stellenbossiensis A.V.Duthie
  177. Isoetes stephanseniae A.V.Duthie
  178. Isoetes stevensii J.R.Croft
  179. Isoetes storkii T.C.Palmer
  180. Isoetes taiwanensis De Vol
  181. Isoetes tamaulipana Mora-Olivo, A.Mend. & Mart.-Aval.
  182. Isoetes tegetiformans Rury
  183. Isoetes tenella Léman ex Desv.
  184. Isoetes tennesseensis Luebke & Budke
  185. Isoetes tenuifolia Jermy
  186. Isoetes tenuissima Boreau
  187. Isoetes texana Singhurst, Rushing & W.C.Holmes
  188. Isoetes todaroana Troìa & Raimondo
  189. Isoetes toximontana Musselman & J.P.Roux
  190. Isoetes transvaalensis C.Jermy & Schelpe
  191. Isoetes triangula U.Weber
  192. Isoetes tripus A.Braun
  193. Isoetes truncata Clute
  194. Isoetes tuckermanii A.Braun ex Engelm.
  195. Isoetes tuerckheimii Brause
  196. Isoetes ulei U.Weber
  197. Isoetes valida Clute
  198. Isoetes vanensis M.Keskin & G.Zare
  199. Isoetes vermiculata Hickey
  200. Isoetes viridimontana M.A.Rosenthal & W.C.Taylor
  201. Isoetes weberi Herter
  202. Isoetes welwitschii A.Br. ex Kuhn
  203. Isoetes wormaldii Sim
  204. Isoetes yunguiensis Q.F.Wang & W.C.Taylor

Redu Isoetales uključene su i fosilne porodice Suavitasaceae, Nathorstianaceae i Chaloneriaceae, te rodovi koji još pobliže nisu klasificirani[2]:

  1. Genus Clevelandodendron S. Chitaley & K.B. Pigg, 1996
  2. Genus Isoetodendron W. Bock, 1969
  3. Genus Otzinachsonia W.L. Cressler III & H.W. Pfefferkorn, 2005
  4. Genus Porostrobus Nathorst, 1914
  5. Genus Tomiodendron G.P. Radczenko, 1956
  6. Genus Wexfordia L.C. Matten, 1989
  7. Genus Zoophycos A.B. Massalongo, 1855
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  1. Plants of the World online
  2. IRMNG pristupljeno 3. siječnja 2019
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wikipedia hr Croatian

Črnovka: Brief Summary ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Črnovka (lat. Isoetes), biljni rod iz razreda Lycopodiopsida, koji čini samostalnu porodicu Isoetaceae i red Isoetales. Pripada mu preko 180 vrsta vodenih i poluvodenih trajnica raširenih po Europi, Aziji (Sibir, Kina, Japan) i Americi, uključujući i južni Grenland (Isoetes lacustris)

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Isoetes ( 冰島語 )

由wikipedia IS提供

Isoetes, er eina núlifandi ættkvíslin í álftalauksætt (Isoetaceae). Það eru nú 192 viðurkenndar tegundir,[2] með heimsútbreiðslu, en stakar tegundir eru lítt útbreiddar til sjaldgæfar. Sumir grasafræðingar vilja skifta ættkvíslinni upp og setja tvær Suður-Amerískar tegundir í ættkvíslina Stylites, en erfðagreiningar styðja ekki þá skiftingu.[3]

Heiti ættkvíslarinnar er einnig hægt að stafa Isoëtes. Hvorutveggja Isoetes eða Isoëtes er jafngilt.[4]

Isoetes megasporangia


Í samanburði við aðrar ættkvíslir er Isoetes lítt þekkt. Flestar greiningar byggja á einkennum spora því annað í útliti getur verið breytilegt eftir aðstæðum.[5]

Valdar tegundir


  1. illustration from Otto Wilhelm Thomé Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera, Germany
  2. Troia, Angelo; Pereira, Jovani B.; Kim, Changkyun; Taylor, W. Carl (2016). „The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa“. Phytotaxa. 277 (2): 101. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.277.2.1. ISSN 1179-3163.
  3. Larsén, Eva; Rydin, Catarina (2016). „Disentangling the Phylogeny ofIsoetes(Isoetales), Using Nuclear and Plastid Data“. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 177 (2): 157–174. doi:10.1086/684179. ISSN 1058-5893.
  4. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) see section 60.6: "The diaeresis, indicating that a vowel is to be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel (as in Cephaëlis, Isoëtes), is a phonetic device that is not considered to alter the spelling; as such, its use is optional."
  5. Cody, William; Britton, Donald (1989). Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada. Agriculture Canada.
  6. Retallack, G. J. (1997). „Earliest Triassic Origin of Isoetes and Quillwort Evolutionary Radiation“. Journal of Paleontology. 71 (3): 500–521. doi:10.2307/1306630. JSTOR 1306630.
  7. Jovani B. S. Pereira and Paulo.H Labiak. A New Species of Isoetes with Tuberculate Spores from Southeastern Brazil (Isoetaceae) ISSN 1548-2324

Höfundar og ritstjórar Wikipedia
wikipedia IS

Isoetes: Brief Summary ( 冰島語 )

由wikipedia IS提供

Isoetes, er eina núlifandi ættkvíslin í álftalauksætt (Isoetaceae). Það eru nú 192 viðurkenndar tegundir, með heimsútbreiðslu, en stakar tegundir eru lítt útbreiddar til sjaldgæfar. Sumir grasafræðingar vilja skifta ættkvíslinni upp og setja tvær Suður-Amerískar tegundir í ættkvíslina Stylites, en erfðagreiningar styðja ekki þá skiftingu.

Heiti ættkvíslarinnar er einnig hægt að stafa Isoëtes. Hvorutveggja Isoetes eða Isoëtes er jafngilt.

 src= Isoetes megasporangia
Höfundar og ritstjórar Wikipedia
wikipedia IS

Slepišerė ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Slepišerė (Isoetes) – pataisūnų (Lycopodiophyta) skyriaus, slepišerainių (Isoetopsida) klasės monotipinės slepišerinių (Isoetaceae) šeimos augalų gentis. Priklauso sporinių induočių grupei.

Gentyje 140-150 rūšių, paplitusių visame pasaulyje.

Lietuvoje žinomos rūšys:

Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Isoetes ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Isoetes (anteriormente grafado Isoëtes) é um género de plantas vasculares herbáceas junciformes da classe Isoetopsida da ordem Isoetales, que agrupa cerca de 192 espécies validamente descritas,[3] com distribuição cosmopolita, embora geralmente com populações escassas a raras nos habitats onde essas espécies ocorrem.


O género Isoetes agrupa as plantas herbáceas perenes junciformes da classe Isoetopsida, sendo em geral considerado o único género da família Isoetaceae, embora alguns investigadores segreguem do género duas espécies sul-americanas para criar o género Stylites, embora recentes resultados de filogenia molecular coloquem essas espécies entre outras espécies de Isoetes, negando assim reconhecimento taxonómico ao género Stylites.[4] Todas as espécies de Isoetes são heterospóricas.

O nome genérico era frequentemente grafado Isoëtes, sendo o uso do trema (dois pontos sobre o e: ë) um sinal diacrítico que visa indicar que o «o» e o «e» devem ser pronunciados em duas sílabas distintas. A inclusão do trema na grafia do nome genérico é opcional, sendo que ambas as grafias (Isoetes ou Isoëtes) são correctas.[5]

Os membros do género Isoetes são maioritariamente aquáticos ou semi-aquáticos, preferindo habitats lênticos de águas transparentes, geralmente charcos, lagoas e margens de rios e riachos com pouca corrente. Apesar disso, algumas espécies (e.g. I. butleri, I. histrix e I. nuttallii) crescem em solos encharcados que secam durante o verão.

As folhas destas espécies são ocas e semelhantes a pequenos juncos, com uma minúscula lígula na base da superfície superior[6]:7 na zona em que emergem do cormo central. Cada folha é uma estreita tira, com 2–20 cm de comprimento (excepcionalmente até 100 cm) e 0,5-3,0 mm de largura.

As folhas alargam-se na base, formando um engrossamento com até 5 mm de largura, onde se agregam formando uma roseta basal na maioria das espécies sobre uma estrutura subterrânea com característica de bolbo, na realidade um rizoma. Algumas espécies, entre as quais I. tegetiformans, formam esteiras de espalhamento. Esta base inchada também contém os esporângios masculinos e femininos, protegidos por um revestimento fino e transparente (o velum). Este revestimento é usado diagnosticamente para identificar as espécies, já que são muito difíceis de distinguir pela morfologia geral, sendo que para além do velum, a melhor maneira de as identificar é examinando os megásporos sob um microscópio.

A maioria das espécies é perene, mas algumas são plantas decíduas, neste último caso perdendo as folhas durante a estação seca.


Comparado com outros géneros, Isoetes é pouco conhecido. Mesmo após estudos com recursos à citologia, microscopia electrónica de varrimento e cromatografia, as espécies são difíceis de identificar e a sua filogenia não é consensual. Os caracteres vegetativos geralmente usados para distinguir as espécies de outros géneros, como comprimento, rigidez, cor ou forma das folhas, são variáveis e dependem do habitat. A maioria dos sistemas de classificação para Isoetes baseia-se nas características dos esporos, o que torna quase impossível a identificação de espécies sem recurso a microscopia.[7]

Espécies seleccionadas

A lista que se segue contém as espécies mais comuns e conhecidas. A lista completa é bem maior (192 espécies):

Muitas espécies de Isoetes, como I. louisianensis e I. tegetiformans, são espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Várias outras espécies de Isoetes estão em estado de conservação vulnerável, entre as quais I. virginica.


Espécimes fossilizados de I. beestonii foram encontrados em rochas do Permiano tardio.[8][9] As espécies de Isoetes são consideradas como os últimos representantes da linhagem que inclui a árvore fóssil Lepidodendron,[8] com o qual compartilham algumas características incomuns, incluindo o desenvolvimento de estrutuas lenhificadas e casca, um sistema de rebentos modificados agindo como raízes, crescimento bipolar e uma postura erecta.

Do ponto de vista filogenético, o género Isoetes apresenta o seguinte enquadramento:






  1. Ilustração da obra de Otto Wilhelm Thomé intitulada Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 1885, Gera, Alemanha.
  2. Reichenbach, H. G. L. (1828). Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis. [S.l.: s.n.] p. 43
  3. Troia, Angelo; Pereira, Jovani B.; Kim, Changkyun; Taylor, W. Carl (2016). «The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa». Phytotaxa. 277 (2). 101 páginas. ISSN 1179-3163. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.277.2.1
  4. Larsén, Eva; Rydin, Catarina (2016). «Disentangling the Phylogeny ofIsoetes(Isoetales), Using Nuclear and Plastid Data». International Journal of Plant Sciences. 177 (2): 157–174. ISSN 1058-5893. doi:10.1086/684179
  5. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) see section 60.6: "The diaeresis, indicating that a vowel is to be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel (as in Cephaëlis, Isoëtes), is a phonetic device that is not considered to alter the spelling; as such, its use is optional."
  6. Stace, C. A. (2010). New Flora of the British Isles Third ed. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521707725
  7. Cody, William; Britton, Donald (1989). Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada. [S.l.]: Agriculture Canada
  8. a b c Retallack, G. J. (1997). «Earliest Triassic Origin of Isoetes and Quillwort Evolutionary Radiation». Journal of Paleontology. 71 (3): 500–521. JSTOR 1306630. doi:10.2307/1306630
  9. Retallack, Gregory J. (2013). «Permian and Triassic greenhouse crises». Gondwana Research. 24: 90–103. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2012.03.003

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Isoetes: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Isoetes (anteriormente grafado Isoëtes) é um género de plantas vasculares herbáceas junciformes da classe Isoetopsida da ordem Isoetales, que agrupa cerca de 192 espécies validamente descritas, com distribuição cosmopolita, embora geralmente com populações escassas a raras nos habitats onde essas espécies ocorrem.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

물부추속 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

물부추물부추속(Isoetes) 양치식물의 총칭이다. 부추나 산달래와 같은 원기둥 모양의 잎이 덩이줄기로부터 뭉쳐나는 수생 식물이다. 잎의 길이는 20-60m 정도이며, 그 안쪽에 포자낭이 생긴다. 뿌리줄기는 3가닥의 덩어리 모양이며, 그 하반부는 담근체이다. 잎 밑부분에 소설이 있는 것으로 보아 부처손과와 근연종임을 알 수 있다. 또한, 중생대 트라이아스기의 화석 플레우로메이아, 백악기의 화석 나소르스티아나, 최근에 안데스 산속의 습원에서 발견된 스틸리테스를 비교하면 물부추류가 석탄기의 인목류에서 유래되었다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이 중, 플레우로메이아의 담근체는 덩어리 모양으로, 줄기 꼭대기에는 포자낭 이삭이 있다. 높이 1-2m, 폭 10 cm 정도이다. 나소르스티아나는 높이 5–10 cm, 폭 2 cm 정도로 이보다 더 작다. 포자낭 이삭이 생기지 않고, 잎 밑부분에 포자낭이 있다. 한편, 스틸리테스는 줄기가 곧게 뻗어 자라 10-20cm나 되며, 1,2회에 걸쳐 2차 분지한다. 잎은 로제트 모양으로 뭉쳐나며, 높이 3.3–7 cm, 폭 0.7-1.3cm이다.

일부 종

계통 분류

다음은 2019년 현재 제안된 석송류의 계통 분류이다.<[1]

현존하는 석송류 석송강








  1. PPG I (2016). “A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns”. 《Journal of Systematics and Evolution》 54 (6): 563–603. doi:10.1111/jse.12229.
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

물부추속: Brief Summary ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

물부추는 물부추속(Isoetes) 양치식물의 총칭이다. 부추나 산달래와 같은 원기둥 모양의 잎이 덩이줄기로부터 뭉쳐나는 수생 식물이다. 잎의 길이는 20-60m 정도이며, 그 안쪽에 포자낭이 생긴다. 뿌리줄기는 3가닥의 덩어리 모양이며, 그 하반부는 담근체이다. 잎 밑부분에 소설이 있는 것으로 보아 부처손과와 근연종임을 알 수 있다. 또한, 중생대 트라이아스기의 화석 플레우로메이아, 백악기의 화석 나소르스티아나, 최근에 안데스 산속의 습원에서 발견된 스틸리테스를 비교하면 물부추류가 석탄기의 인목류에서 유래되었다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이 중, 플레우로메이아의 담근체는 덩어리 모양으로, 줄기 꼭대기에는 포자낭 이삭이 있다. 높이 1-2m, 폭 10 cm 정도이다. 나소르스티아나는 높이 5–10 cm, 폭 2 cm 정도로 이보다 더 작다. 포자낭 이삭이 생기지 않고, 잎 밑부분에 포자낭이 있다. 한편, 스틸리테스는 줄기가 곧게 뻗어 자라 10-20cm나 되며, 1,2회에 걸쳐 2차 분지한다. 잎은 로제트 모양으로 뭉쳐나며, 높이 3.3–7 cm, 폭 0.7-1.3cm이다.

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wikipedia 한국어 위키백과