Allestrupgård Plantage
Terry L. Erwin, George E. Ball
Figure 1. Badister amazonus sp. n., female, ADP051544; type locality. Habitus, dorsal aspect. ABL = 7.13mm.
Allestrupgård Plantage
Terry L. Erwin, George E. Ball
Figure 2. Badister amazonus sp. n., dorsal aspect, female, ADP051544; type locality. Head, including eyes, antennomeres 1–3, mouthparts, and anterior part of pronotum. Legend: a3, antennomere 3; cl, clypeus; lb, labrum; lp3, labial palpomere 3; mb, mandibular boss; mn, mandibular notch; mp4, maxillary palpomere 4.
Allestrupgård Plantage
Terry L. Erwin, George E. Ball
Figure 3. Badister amazonus sp. n., dorsal aspect, female, ADP051544; type locality. A. Scutellar region of elytra: (pss) parascutellar stria; B–C. Foreleg tarsomeres of male (ADP051713); B. Dorsal aspect, C. ventral aspect; ats, articulo-seta; ta1, ta2, ta3, tarsomeres 1–3.
Allestrupgård Plantage
Terry L. Erwin, George E. Ball
Figure 4. Badister amazonussp. n., dorsal aspect, ADP051543; type locality. Pygidial (defense) gland system, Legend: cc, collecting canal; ed, efferent duct; edbl, efferent duct, basal lobe; gldr, pygidial gland reservoir. Ovipositor sclerites, Legend: gc1, gonocoxite 1; gc2, gonocoxite 2; lt, laterotergite
Allestrupgård Plantage
Terry L. Erwin, George E. Ball
Figure 5. Badister amazonus sp. n., ADP127149; type locality. Male genitalia, median lobe, and parameres, A - left lateral, B - dorsal, and C- right lateral aspects. Legend: a, apical area; bl, basal lobe; bo, basal orifice; lp, left paramere; ml, median lobe; om, ostial membrane; oo, ostial opening; par, preapical ridge; rp, right paramere; sh, shaft; ss, dorsal sclerotized strip.
Allestrupgård Plantage
Terry L. Erwin, George E. Ball
Figure 6. Badister amazonus sp. n. ADP127151; type locality. Female genital tract. A. Ventral aspect, B. Dorsal aspect: Legend, b, base of gonocoxite 2; bl, blade of gonocoxite 2; des, dorsal ensiform seta; gc1, gonocoxite 1; gc2, gonocoxite 2; lt, laterotergite; ves, ventral ensiform setae. Ovipositor. C. Ventral aspect, D. Dorsal aspect: Legend, bc, bursa copulatrix; co, common oviduct; sg, spermathecal gland; sgd, spermathecal gland duct; sp, spermatheca. dorsal aspect; vc, villous canal.
Allestrupgård Plantage
Terry L. Erwin, George E. Ball
Figure 7.Distribution dot map for known localities of Badister amazonus sp. n.. along the rivers Samiria and Ucayali (★).