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Thrips tabaci Lindeman 1889

Associations ( 英語 )

由BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK提供
Virus / infection vector
Iris Yellow Spot virus is spread by Thrips tabaci
Other: major host/prey

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / feeds on
larva of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Allium cepa
Remarks: season: 1-12
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live flower of Taraxacum officinale agg. sensu lato

Plant / resting place / on
larva of Thrips tabaci may be found on live Magnoliopsida
Remarks: season: 1-12

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Allium porrum
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Brassica

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Lycopersicon esculentum

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Begonia

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Dianthus caryophyllus garden hybrids

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Pericallis x hybrida

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Cyclamen

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Dahlia

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Incarvillea delavayi

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Orchidaceae

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Zantedeschia aethiopica

Foodplant / feeds on
larva of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Lathyrus odoratus

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Gerbera jamesonii

Foodplant / feeds on
larva of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Dendranthema

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Thrips tabaci feeds on live leaf of Pelargonium

Virus / infection vector
Tomato Spotted Wilt virus is spread by Thrips tabaci

BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Conservation Status

由University of Alberta Museums提供
Pest of onions and other agricultural crops, vector of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (Nakahara 1994).
University of Alberta Museums
University of Alberta Museums


由University of Alberta Museums提供
University of Alberta Museums
University of Alberta Museums


由University of Alberta Museums提供
Alberta, B.C., Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan (Chiasson 1986), Cosmopolitan (Nakahara 1994).
University of Alberta Museums
University of Alberta Museums

General Description

由University of Alberta Museums提供
The body varies around 1.2mm in length and is yellow, except for light brown blotches on the thorax and median parts of the abdominal tergites, which are yellowish-brown to brown to gray. Antennal segment 1 is light brown as are all the remaining antennal segments, except for segments 3 to 5, which have paler bases. The forewings are pale gray. The head is moderate in size. The prothorax is heavily setose, except for small bare areas on either side of the midline, posteriorly. The inner posterior pair of major setae is shorter than the dorsal length of the eye, and along the posterior margin of the prothorax, there are 3 pairs of setae between the major pairs of setae (Stannard 1968). The forewings have 4 to 6 apical bristles on the forevein (Nakahara 1994). Both males and females are macropterous (Stannard 1968). The abdominal pleurotergites have fine microtrichia along the lines of sculpture. There are 3 setae on the each lateral margin of abdominal tergite 2, and abdominal tergite 8 has a complete comb of long setae on the posterior margin. Tergite 9 has 2 campaniform sensilla, one on each side of the tergite. Males also have the comb on tergite 8, and have transversely elongated glandular areas on sternites 3 to 5 (Nakahara 1994).
University of Alberta Museums
University of Alberta Museums


由University of Alberta Museums提供
Polyphagous (Nakahara 1994), commonly on onions, and in greenhouses (Stannard 1968).
University of Alberta Museums
University of Alberta Museums

Life Cycle

由University of Alberta Museums提供
Most likely introduced to North America from the Mediterranean (Nakahara 1994). This species breeds in flowers and leaves (Moritz et al 2001).
University of Alberta Museums
University of Alberta Museums

Trophic Strategy

由University of Alberta Museums提供
Feeds on onions, canola (Stannard 1968), mites and larvae of other thrips (Moritz et al 2001).
University of Alberta Museums
University of Alberta Museums

Tabakblasenfuß ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Der Tabakblasenfuß (Thrips tabaci), auch als Zwiebelthrips oder Tabakthrips bekannt, ist ein bis zu ein Millimeter langes Insekt aus der Ordnung der Fransenflügler. Er ruft durch Saugen weiße Fleckenbinden hervor, unter anderem an Tabak-, Kohl- und Kartoffelpflanzen. Die Art ist weltweit verbreitet. In feuchteren Gebieten, wie den Tropen, tritt sie allerdings seltener auf.


Die Weibchen des Tabakblasenfußes haben nur zurückgebildete Flügel. Ihre Farbe variiert von gelb bis dunkelbraun, während die kleineren Männchen gelb sind. Die Vorderflügel sind hell und die Hauptader ist mit zwei bis sechs Borsten besetzt. Auf der Nebenader finden sich 15 Borsten. Die Punktaugen (Ocellen) sind üblicherweise grau, aber niemals rot, und es gibt zwei Paar Ocellarborsten. Das dritte Paar ist kleiner und liegt gerade noch im Ocellendreieck. Die Fühler bestehen aus sieben Gliedern, wobei das siebte Glied kürzer ist und sich auf dem dritten und vierten Glied ein kurzer gegabelter Sinneskegel befindet. Der Kopf ist kürzer als breit. Der Tabakblasenfuß hat für Vertreter der Thripidae eine extrem lange Tentotiumsbrücke und extrem lange vordere Tentoriumsarme. Auf dem Tergit II finden sich, wie auf den Sterniten III bis VII, seitlich jeweils drei weitere Borsten. Auf Sternit II befinden sich zwei Borsten. Der Abdominalganglienkomplex ist mit dem Metathorakalganglion verschmolzen.


Laboruntersuchungen ergaben, dass Tabakblasenfüße weiße, gelbe und blaue Flächen bevorzugen. Sie ernähren sich phytophag, können in Mangelsituationen aber auch zu Prädatoren werden. Die Auswahl der Nahrungspflanzen ist noch nicht genau bekannt. Aus Experimenten im Labor schließt man aber darauf, dass jede Pflanze, die ungiftig ist, als Nahrung in Anspruch genommen wird.

Die Ablage der Eier erfolgt in das Blattgewebe. Dabei wird aber nicht, wie beispielsweise bei Vertretern der Gattung Retithrips, eine Blattseite bevorzugt. Die Embryonalphase dauert sechs Tage. Bis zur Imago werden zwei Larven- und zwei Nymphenstadien durchlaufen. Die Larven sind dabei im Hinblick auf die Luftfeuchtigkeit bei weitem nicht so anspruchsvoll wie jene von Frankliniella occidentalis. Die Tiere überwintern in einer von der Temperatur geregelten Quieszenz. Die überwinterten Individuen sind deutlich dunkler als die Sommerindividuen.


Tabakblasenfüße werden von Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Neozygites parvispora, Zoophthora radicans und Entomophthora thripidum befallen. Gegen Milben wie Amblyseius cucumeris wurde eine erfolgreiche Abwehrstrategie mittels Analsekreten beobachtet.


Die Art tritt in vielen Varietäten auf, je nach Futterpflanze. So gilt sie in Europa, Afrika, Asien und Australien als Schadart bei Baumwollpflanzungen, in Peru hingegen tritt sie als Schädling vor allem auf Ölbäumen in Erscheinung. In Deutschland ist der Tabakblasenfuß im Weinanbau und im Anbau von Allium-Arten wie Zwiebel, Lauch, Echalotten und Knoblauch die dominante Thripsart.[1]

Die Art wirkt, beispielsweise bei der Zuckerrübe, auch als Bestäuber.



  1. G. Crüger et al.: Pflanzenschutz im Gemüsebau, 4. Auflage, Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2002, S. 137–140, ISBN 88-506-5296-8


  • Moritz, Gerald: Thripse. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei Bd. 663. Westarp Wissenschaften, Hohenwarsleben 2006, ISBN 3-89432-891-6
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Tabakblasenfuß: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Der Tabakblasenfuß (Thrips tabaci), auch als Zwiebelthrips oder Tabakthrips bekannt, ist ein bis zu ein Millimeter langes Insekt aus der Ordnung der Fransenflügler. Er ruft durch Saugen weiße Fleckenbinden hervor, unter anderem an Tabak-, Kohl- und Kartoffelpflanzen. Die Art ist weltweit verbreitet. In feuchteren Gebieten, wie den Tropen, tritt sie allerdings seltener auf.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Thrips tabaci ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Thrips tabaci is a species of very small insect in the genus Thrips in the order Thysanoptera. It is commonly known as the onion thrips, the potato thrips, the tobacco thrips or the cotton seedling thrips.[1] It is an agricultural pest that can damage crops of onions and other plants, and it can additionally act as a vector for plant viruses.


In some populations, nearly all onion thrips are female, and males are very rare.[2] The adult onion thrips is some 1 to 1.3 mm (0.04 to 0.05 in) long. The body is some shade of yellow, yellowish-brown or brown; the antennae have seven segments, the wings are well-developed and females have an ovipositor at the tip of the abdomen.[1]

Distribution and host range

The onion thrips is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean region but is now found on all continents except Antarctica.[3] It infests a wide range of host plants that include onion, leek and garlic, brassicaceous plants such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, asparagus, sugarbeet, melon, pumpkin, marrow and cucumber, strawberry, potato, tobacco, cotton and many fruiting and ornamental plants.[1] Onion thrips was the first vector identified for tomato spotted wilt virus, being reported in 1927. There are now some identified populations of onion thrips that are not able to transmit tomato spotted wilt virus, possibly due to genetic spread in the global population.[2]

Life cycle

The female inserts her saw-like ovipositor into plant tissues and lays her eggs under the epidermis. The eggs are white at first, turning orange later, and hatch in four to five days. The larvae are white or yellowish and suck sap from the plant tissues. Two larval stages lasting about nine days in total are followed by the non-feeding prepupal and pupal stages which last four to seven days in total. The adult survives for two or three weeks during which time the females lay about eighty eggs. Most of the eggs are unfertilised and produced by parthenogenesis. In Hawaii, only about one in a thousand individuals is male,[3] and in this location, it breeds throughout the year.[3] In cooler climates it overwinters in plant debris and becomes active again in spring.[4]

In populations from different areas, the ratio of males to females varies. A male to female ratio as high as 1 male to 2 females has been recorded from Central Spain, and 1 male to 6 females in Colorado. In contrast, counts as low as 1 male to 300 females have been recorded from Sudan, and in Hawaii a collection of over 5000 specimens held only 5 males in total. Some collections over the years from France, Japan, Taiwan and India have had no reported males at all. One study of the literature published in 1990 suggested a correlation between longitude and male population number, with the higher male counts occurring in the Western hemisphere.[2]


The onion thrips is the most serious insect pest attacking onion crops in the tropics. The thrips rasp and pierce the surface of the plant with their mouthparts, mostly choosing young plant growth. They then add digestive juices and suck up the fluids that seep from the wounds. As the plant part grows, so do the damaged regions, leaving silvery streaks. The more thrips that are present, the greater the area of plant damaged, reducing the area of foliage available for photosynthesis. At the same time, more water is transpired and pathogens can find a way to gain entry. In severely damaged plants, leaves may wither and the whole plant may appear silvery; the crop ripens prematurely but the yield is greatly reduced.[5]

The onion thrips is a vector of certain plant viruses, including iris yellow spot tospovirus, strawberry necrotic shock virus, tobacco streak virus and tomato spotted wilt virus.[1] It is also a vector of Alternaria porri, which causes the fungal disease known as purple blotch.[5]


  1. ^ a b c d "Thrips tabaci (onion thrips)". Invasive Species Compendium. CABI. Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  2. ^ a b c Jenser, G.; Lipcsei, S.; Szénási, Á.; Hudák, K. (2006). "Host range of the arrhenotokous populations of Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)". Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica. 41 (3–4): 297–303. doi:10.1556/APhyt.41.2006.3-4.12.
  3. ^ a b c Mau, Ronald F.L.; Kessing, Jayma L. Martin (1 October 1991). "Thrips tabaci Linderman". Knowledge Master. Department of Entomology, Honolulu, Hawaii. Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  4. ^ Alston, Diane G.; Drost, Daniel (1 March 2008). "Onion thrips" (PDF). Utah Pests Fact Sheet. Utah State University Extension. Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  5. ^ a b "Onion thrips". Global Crop Pests. Cornell University. Retrieved 25 February 2017.
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Thrips tabaci: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Thrips tabaci is a species of very small insect in the genus Thrips in the order Thysanoptera. It is commonly known as the onion thrips, the potato thrips, the tobacco thrips or the cotton seedling thrips. It is an agricultural pest that can damage crops of onions and other plants, and it can additionally act as a vector for plant viruses.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Thrips du tabac et de l'oignon ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Thrips tabaci

Le thrips du tabac et de l'oignon (Thrips tabaci) est une espèce de minuscules insectes de l'ordre des thysanoptères et de la famille des Thripidae qui pique les feuilles de nombreuses espèces cultivées (notamment de Solanacées et de Liliacées, mais pas seulement) et dont la larve parasite ces mêmes plantes.


L'adulte (on ne rencontre pratiquement que des femelles) est un insecte d'un millimètre de long environ, de couleur jaune pâle, à ailes longues de couleur gris perle. Cet insecte est considéré comme le plus petit insecte ailé. Ses ailes sont ornées de filaments qui leur donne un aspect plumeux.


Cette espèce est presque exclusivement parthénogénétique.

Symptômes et dégâts

Peut se nourrir de tous les organes végétaux attaqués. Les thrips piquent les tissus et injectent leur salive toxique qui lyse les contenus cellulaires, puis aspirent le tout pour l'ingurgiter.

Sur feuilles : taches claires formées de petits points blancs. Les feuilles se dessèchent et tombent. Feuilles mal formées

Sur jeunes pousses : raccourcissement des entre-nœuds

Sur fleurs : taches sur les pétales. Boutons floraux avortés.

Sur bulbes : les bulbes perdent une partie de leurs réserves aqueuses et deviennent brun-noirâtre.

Virus : vecteur du (TSWV) Tomato Spotted Witt Virus

Moyens de lutte

Détection difficile car les thrips vivent cachés. Stratégie de lutte préventive :

Éliminer les mauvaises herbes, pratiquer la rotation des cultures en plein air, mise en place de pièges englués jaunes ou bleus,...

Lutte chimique : Attention à l'apparition de résistances! Alterner les familles chimiques. Exemples de matières actives homologuées : abamectine, aldicarbe, méthomyl

Lutte biologique : Acariens prédateurs (Amblyseius cucumeris, Amblyseius barkei,...) Hémiptères prédateurs (Orius indisiosus, une punaise et Anthocoris sp.)

Notes et références

Voir aussi

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Thrips du tabac et de l'oignon: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Thrips tabaci

Le thrips du tabac et de l'oignon (Thrips tabaci) est une espèce de minuscules insectes de l'ordre des thysanoptères et de la famille des Thripidae qui pique les feuilles de nombreuses espèces cultivées (notamment de Solanacées et de Liliacées, mais pas seulement) et dont la larve parasite ces mêmes plantes.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Thrips tabaci ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供
Binominal adı Thrips tabaci
Lindeman, 1889 Diğer adları Tütün tripsi, tütün-soğan tripsi, soğan tripsi Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Thrips tabaci ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Thrips tabaci ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Thrips tabaci, tripsler (Thysanoptera) takımından kozmopolit zararlı böcek türü.


Erginleri 0.8 - 0.9 mm boyda, açık sarı veya esmerimsi renktedir. Vücutları silindir şeklinde olup, abdomen incelerek son bulur. Duyargaları 7 segmentlidir. Kanatların kenarları kirpik şeklinde saçaklıdır.

Yumurta oval şeklinde 0.3 mm boyda ve beyaz renktedir. Yaprakların alt yüzüne veya içine paketler halinde bırakılır. Genel olarak yumurtadan 4 - 5 gün içinde larva çıkar.

Birinci dönem nimf beyaz, ikinci dönem nimf açık sarı renkte 0.9 mm boydadır.


Erkekleri çok nadirdir. Dişileri partenogenez ile çoğalırlar. Yılda 4 - 6 döl verir. Kışı ergin halde çeşitli bitkiler üzerinde geçirirler.


Kozmopolit ve polifag bir türdür. Tütün, pamuk, yonca, soğan, sarımsak, domates, patlıcan, patates, bezelye, kabak, hıyar, pancar, ve yaban bitkilerinde bulunurlar.


Ergin ve nimfleri pamuk ve tütün bitkilerinin yaprak ve saplarının epidermisini ağız parçaları ile yırtarak özsuyunu emerler ve bu arada klorofil taşıyan hücreleri de tahrip ederler. Bitkilerde zararlının beslendiği yerler bir süre sonra gümüşi veya beyazımsı bir renk alır. En belirgin zararı yaprakların alt yüzünde damarlar boyunca oluşan gümüşi lekelerdir (akdamar). Yoğun olduklarında yapraklar kıvrılır daha sonra esmerleşir ve vaktinden önce dökülürler. Bitkide genellikle yaprakların alt yüzlerinde beslenirler. Erken dönemdeki zararı önemlidir.

Doğal düşmanları

Aelothrips spp. (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae), Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Deraeocoris spp. (Heteroptera: Miridae), Nabis spp. (Heteroptera: Nabidae ), Orius spp. (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), Scymnus spp. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae ), Thripoctenus spp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)


Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Thrips tabaci: Brief Summary ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Thrips tabaci, tripsler (Thysanoptera) takımından kozmopolit zararlı böcek türü.

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR