
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

由AnAge articles提供
Maximum longevity: 11 years (captivity) Observations: One male was at least 11 years old when it died at Perth Zoo (Richard Weigl 2005).
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
AnAge articles

Conservation Status ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Numbats are currently listed by the IUCN Red List and the US Fish & Wildlife Service as an endangered species. Decreasing in population by more than 20% within a short five years (between the years 2003 and 2008), numbat populations contain approximately less than 1,000 mature individuals globally. There are two native sites of the species, Dryanda and Perup of Western Australia. In Dryanda, populations have and continue to decrease dramatically for unknown reasons, declining from an estimated peak of 600 in 1992 to 50 in 2012 today. In Perup, populations are stable and possibly increasing in number. In reintroduced sites, there are 500 to 600 numbat individuals and populations seem stable; however, they are not self-sustaining and, thus, are not considered secure.

The introduction of several predators, specifically red foxes and raptors, have greatly added to the decline in numbat populations. The introduction of rabbits and rats may also have increased the number of feral cats in the habitat, which are another major predator of numbats. In addition to the increase in predators, changed fire regimes and habitat destruction in some areas have reduced the number of logs, which numbats use as shelter for resting, refugees from predators, and as a source of termites (the base of their diet).

A number of conservation actions have been taken. These include captive breeding, reintroduction programs, protected areas, and red fox control programs. Other objectives for recovery, as listed by Maxwell et al. (1996), are also being implemented, such as trying to increase the number of self-sustaining populations to at least nine and the number of individuals to over 4,000.

US Federal List: endangered

CITES: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: endangered

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Numbats produce a variety of vocalizations. During breeding season, if a female and male are both interested in one another, they vocalize by producing a series of soft clicks. However, if a male approaches a female and she rejects his advances, she will produce growling vocalizations that may lead to loud altercations. A similar vocalization that resembles these growling sounds can also be heard from numbats that are being handled or disturbed. Differing slightly, these distressed low-throaty growls are produced with the mouth closed, along with a repetitive "tut tut tut." Another type of vocalization is the hissing growls produced by numbats that are protecting their territory against foreign numbats. Besides the breeding season and stressful situations, the only other time one tends to hear vocalizations produced by numbats are when a mother is caring for her young. Once the young have emerged from the log or burrow, the mother communicates with them by soft chirping sounds.

The numbat relies heavily on sight, hearing, and smell when perceiving their environment. Constantly on alert when roaming and feeding, the numbat detects threats from predators primarily by sound (hearing the predator's approach) and vision (seeing their approach). When feeding, the numbat only uses smell. The numbat's incredibly keen sense of smell allows them to locate termite galleries, brimming with prey, despite the fact that some galleries are as far as 50 mm below the surface of the soil. Smell is also used during breeding season. When a male has found a female, he smears an oily, foul-smelling substance from his sternal gland around the female numbat's territory, which wards off other males.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: scent marks

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

There are no known adverse effects of numbats on humans.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

When numbats used to flourish throughout Southern Australia, parts of Western Australia, and the Northern Territory, Aboriginal natives hunted them for food. Known to these people as the "walpurti," numbats were captured by being chased into burrows and then dug up by hand in order to eat. However, due to the dramatic decrease in numbat populations, numbat are now a protected species that has become of great importance to scientists and environmental program agencies. By studying numbats, scientists are gaining a greater understanding of several different aspects of mammalogy, such as morphology, physiology, and ecology. A collection of up to two hundred specimens of numbats can be found in museums. This not only aids scientists in their research, but also benefits future generations that are interested in this species as well as mammals in general. Environmental program agencies have also benefited from numbats. Necessitating intensive work for over twenty years, a number of environmental program agencies, which were founded to save the numbats from extinction, have been provided long-term support for their recovery programs allowing program longevity. In addition to once being important to the Aboriginal people and currently to scientists and environmental program agencies, numbats assist in the control of the termite population in eucalypt woodlands, eating approximately 15,000 to 20,000 termites per day.

Positive Impacts: food ; research and education; controls pest population

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Numbats play an important role in controlling termite populations. Numbats feed on approximately 20,000 termites daily. The termite species consumed are based on their abundance. Although uncommon, ants can also be found in the termite diet, but these ants are incidentally consumed while numbats are feeding on termites. In addition, numbats invariably ingests debris (at least 0.33 g of dirt for every gram of organic matter) that adheres to the tongue along with the termites.

Numbats are hosts for many species of endo- and ectoparasites. Three nematodes (Beveridgeiella calabyi, Beveridgeiella inglisi, Mulusentis myrmecobius), have been found in the alimentary tract of numbats. A new species of acanthocephalan (Mulusentis myrmecobius) uses arthropods as intermediate hosts; thus, numbats are infected by this acanthocephalan by feeding on infected termites. Several ectoparasites have also been found on numbats, including mites (Mesolaelaps australiensis), ticks (Ixodes vestitus, Ixodes myrmecobii, Amblyomma triguttatum), and fleas (Echidnophaga myrmecobii, Echidnophaga perilis).

Ecosystem Impact: creates habitat; keystone species

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • nematodes (Beveridgeiella calabyi)
  • nematodes (Beveridgeiella inglisi)
  • acanthocephalan (Mulusentis myrmecobius)
  • mites (Mesolaelaps australiensis)
  • ticks (Ixodes vestitus)
  • ticks (Ixodes myrmecobii)
  • ticks (Amblyomma triguttatum)
  • fleas (Echidnophaga myrmecobii)
  • fleas (Echidnophaga perilis)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Numbats diets consist primarily of termites, although they ingest some predator ants by accident while eating termites. Eating approximately 15,000 to 20,000 termites per day, numbats have evolved several morphological features in order to be successful in obtaining and feeding on termites. The elongated snout is used for getting into logs and small holes in the ground to search for termites. Their nose is extremely sensitive, sensing the presence of termites by smell and small vibrations in the ground. A long, thin tongue, which is coated with saliva, allows numbats to gain access to the termite passageways, also known as galleries, and quickly withdraw several termites that have adhered to the sticky saliva. The saliva is produced from a pair of quite enlarged and complex salivary glands. The forefeet and hind feet bear razor-sharp claws, which allow numbats to dig rapidly into termite galleries in the soil. Their mouths are filled with 47 to 50 blunt "pegs," instead of proper teeth as in other mammals, because numbats do not chew the termites.

Numbats daily diet of termites, which corresponds to approximately 10% of the body weight of an adult numbat, includes the genera Heterotermes, Coptotermes, Amitermies, Microcerotermes, Termes, Paracapritermes, Nasutitermes, Tumulitermes, and Occasitermes, usually in proportion to their relative abundance. Due to the fact that Coptotermes and Amitermies are the most common termite species in numbat habitat, these two genera are the most commonly eaten. However, numbats do have preferences; some lactating females prefer Coptotermes species at certain periods of the year, and some numbats have refused to eat Nasutitermes species during the winter.

In "Fauna of Australia," by J.A. Friend, author J.H. Calaby (1960) describes feeding in numbats. Numbats use scent to locate termite galleries and begin to dig out the insects with both feet rapidly. Numbats use their tongue to pick up exposed termites and may leave to find another gallery or dig in the same gallery once termites are no longer exposed. Numbats also turn over leaves and sticks with their teeth to expose and prey upon termites.

Animal Foods: insects

Primary Diet: carnivore (Insectivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Since the beginning of European settlement in Australia, the abundance of numbats has declined dramatically. Previously occupying most of southern Australia, including New South Wales and Victoria, and parts of Western Australia and the Northern Territory, numbat are now extinct in approximately 99% of its former range. Only two natural populations remain, the Dryandra and Perup sites, both located in Western Australia. Reintroduced populations can be found in Dragon Rocks Nature Reserve, Batalling State Forest, Tutanning Nature Reserve, and Boyagin Nature Reserve (all located in Western Australia), Yookamurra Sanctuary (located in South Australia), and Scotia Sanctuary (located in New South Wales).

Biogeographic Regions: australian (Introduced , Native )

Other Geographic Terms: island endemic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

When numbats were abundant, they occupied semi-arid and arid woodlands (composed of flowering trees and shrubs of the genera Eucalyptus and Acacia) and grasslands (composed of grasses of the genera Triodia and Plectrachne). Now, they can only be found in eucalypt woodlands, which are located at an elevation of approximately 317m, in the wettest periphery of the former range because of the abundance of old and fallen trees. The logs of eucalypt woodlands play a great role in aiding in the survival of numbats. At night, the numbats seek shelter inside hollow logs, and during the day, numbats can avoid predators, especially birds and foxes, by staying hidden within the darkness of the logs. During mating seasons, logs provide numbats an area for their nesting sites. Most importantly, the heartwood of the majority of trees in eucalypt woodlands are eaten by termites, which are the base of the numbat's diet. Numbats depend on sufficient presence and availability of termites so much so that the presence of termites restricts the habitat of numbats to areas only where termites can be found. If areas are too wet or too cold, termites will not flourish, and, thus, neither will numbats.

Average elevation: 317 m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Numbats are small, slender carnivorous marsupials, weighing between 300 g and 752 g, and measuring 175 mm to 290 mm body length and 120 mm to 210 mm tail-length. The head is relatively small and flat with an elongated, pointed snout and a slim, sticky tongue that has the capability to extend to at least 100 mm. The coat is composed of short, stiff, reddish-brown or grey-brown hair, which is marked by four to eleven white bands running across the back and rump, giving each individual a unique, distinct appearance. A single dark stripe, accentuated by a white band below it, crosses each side of the face and travels through each eye. The hair on the tail tends to be slightly longer than the hair on the body. Tails do not differ greatly among numbats; they tend to be brown in color interspersed with white with an orange-brown color on the underside. The hair on the ventral side, or abdomens, of numbats are white. The eyes and ears are located high on the head, and the erect ears are twice as long as broad. The forefeet, which bear five toes, and the hind feet, which bear four toes, all have strong, sharp claws. Unlike other mammals, numbats do not have proper teeth but instead have blunt “pegs” because they do not chew their food. In female numbats, there is no trace of a proper pouch; instead, skin folds, which are covered in short crimped, golden hair, enclose the young when suckling from one of the four nipples found on the abdomen. In addition to the skin folds, females and males differ from one another in body mass, with males tending to weigh slightly more than females. Females weigh between 320 g and 678 g, averaging 478 g. While males weigh between 300 g and 715 g, averaging 597 g. When young, newborn numbats range in length from less than 20 mm to 75 mm, and the snout is extremely shortened. When the young reach the length of approximately 30 mm, a light downy coat arises, and this coat eventually bears the characteristic white stripes when the numbat is about 55 mm in length.

Range mass: 300 to 752 g.

Range length: 175 to 290 mm.

Average length: 270 mm.

Average basal metabolic rate: 0.389 cm3.O2/g/hr.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

Average basal metabolic rate: 0.907 W.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Numbats fave several predators on a daily basis. The three primary predators of the numbat are red foxes, raptors, and feral cats. Unfortunately, because of their small size, they are easy prey for these predators. Even the smaller species of these predators, such as little eagles, which ranges in size from 45 cm to 55 cm, can effortlessly overpower numbats. At times, numbats are also taken by snakes, such as carpet pythons, and large lizards, such as sand goannas. Due to the fact that the number of these predators are overly elevated in fragmented woodlands, the populations of numbats have decreased rapidly since they are constantly being preyed upon.

Numbats have several adaptations for predator avoidance. It primarily avoids detection while roaming on the forest floor by the composition of its hair color, which camouflages with the surrounding brush. The erect ears located high on the head and the eyes located on the opposite sides of their head allow numbats to hear or see predators coming towards them. If numbats sense danger or encounters a predator, they will freeze and keep very still until the danger has passed. If pursued, numbats will run to shelter and grasp the sides of the enclosure. At times, numbats may also try to ward off predators by producing low-throaty growls along with a repetitive "tut tut tut."

Known Predators:

  • red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
  • raptors (Falconiformes)
  • feral cats (Felis catus)
  • snakes (Python)
  • goannas (Varanus species)
  • carpet pythons (Morelia spilota)

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The average lifespan for male or female numbats in the wild is four to five years, as compared to seven years for a female and eleven years for a male in captivity. The lifespan for those in the wild is quite short because numbats are constantly preyed on by foxes, raptors, and cats. Therefore, their longevity is limited by the injuries incurred from their predators and their constant expenditure of energy in trying to survive. In addition, when captive-bred numbats are released in the wild, they lack the basic knowledge and skills to avoid their predators. This is demonstrated by the research at Perth Zoo in Western Australia. In the year 2000, Perth Zoo implemented an experimental training program where young captive-bred numbats were exposed to a raptor while loud noises and bird alarm calls were sounded. The results suggest that these trained numbats had a higher survival rate over the first 5 months after release than the untrained numbats. Due to training programs, as well as fox-and-cat-control programs, the mortality rate of numbats in the wild (recorded in the year 2011) has dropped to a fairly low rate.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
5 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
11 years.

Typical lifespan
Status: wild:
4 to 5 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
11 years.

Average lifespan
Sex: female
Status: captivity:
6.0 years.

Average lifespan
Sex: male
Status: captivity:
5.0 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Leading up to the mating season, which occurs from December to January, male numbats secrete an oily substance from their sternal gland, which is located at the top of the chest. Turning the fur red, this pungent oil is rubbed over surfaces of logs and rocks by the male. In addition to advertising to females that the male is looking for a mate, the smell also warns other males to stay away from his territory. When a male desires a certain female, he will follow her and pay particularly close attention to her cloacal region by sniffing it. Both the male and female will vocalize to one another, producing sounds that are composed of a series of soft clicks. Numbats vocalize only during two different periods in their life (during the breeding season and during infancy when communicating with the mother); however, breeding vocalizations are significantly different than baby numbat vocalizations. If a female rejects male advances, loud altercations will take place. The female will produce low, throaty, aggressive growls with her mouth closed. At times, the male will attempt to mount the aggravated female, which will lead to them tumbling together on the ground with the female growling. The male may still try to pursue the female by chasing her, or he may stop his advances all together. After copulation, which ranges in time from less than one minute to an hour, the male may leave immediately in order to mate with another female, or he may stay in the den (hollow logs, burrows, and nests composed of bark, grass, and leaves) until the mating season ends. However, after the reproductive season finishes, the male will leave the female. The female then cares and tends to the young by herself. Numbats are polygynous, meaning males mate with more than one female; thus, during the next breeding season, the male will mate with a different female.

Mating System: polygynous

The reproductive cycles of numbats are seasonal, with the female producing one litter per year. The female is polyestrous, which means she has several estrous cycles during a single breeding season. Thus, females that have failed to conceive or have lost their young may conceive again with a subsequent mate. Males too have a distinct fertility cycle; the sperm appear in early December, decline in February, and are absent by March. Females first breed when they are 12 months of age, and males are sexually mature at 24 months. After a gestation period of 14 days, female numbats give birth to four young in January or February. The underdeveloped young, which are about 20 mm long, travel to the mother's nipples. Unlike most marsupials, female numbats lack a pouch to house the young. Instead, the four nipples are covered by crimped, golden hair that differs greatly from the long white hair on her chest. There, the young entwine their forelimbs in the specialized crimped hair of the mammary area and attach to her nipples for up to six months until the young have grown so large that the mother cannot walk properly. By late July or early August, the young are detached from the nipples and are placed in the nest. Although detached from the nipples, they continue to suckle until they are approximately nine months of age. In late September, the young begin to forage for themselves, becoming independent and moving to a territory of their own by November.

Breeding interval: During a single breeding season females may breed several times or just once if initially successful.

Breeding season: Numbat breeding seasons take place from December to January.

Average number of offspring: 4.

Average gestation period: 14 days.

Average weaning age: 9 months.

Average time to independence: 11 months.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 12 months.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 24 months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous ; post-partum estrous

Average number of offspring: 4.

Males play no part in post-breeding parental investment, leaving females to care for the young alone. After females give birth, the underdeveloped young immediately travel to the mother's nipples and attach. The litter size usually consists of four numbats so that all nipples are occupied. Due to the fact that there is no pouch, the young survive by holding onto the mother only by their oral attachment to the nipples and by entwining their forelimbs into the crimped hair of the mammary area, also known as skin folds. The young stay attached to the mother for approximately six to seven months. By this time, the young are so big that they cause the mother to walk abnormally; thus, she removes them from her body and places them in a log or burrow. Provisioning and protecting her young, the mother consistently returns to the log or burrow to suckle them until they are eight or nine months of age. Over the next two months, the young begin to investigate the area outside their nest, encountering their first predators and eating termites. The mother weans them from her milk between ten and eleven months of age. By the twelfth month, the juveniles leave their mother to find their own territory, forage for themselves, and breed.

Parental Investment: altricial ; female parental care ; pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
de la Riva, A. 2013. "Myrmecobius fasciatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Myrmecobius_fasciatus.html
Angelique de la Riva, Sierra College
Jennifer Skillen, Sierra College
Laura Podzikowski, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Biology ( 英語 )

Unlike most marsupials the numbat is active during the day, reflecting the behaviour patterns of termites, spending most of its active hours searching for food (2) (5). It is the only marsupial that strictly feeds on social insects, and consumes 20,000 per day, the equivalent to ten percent of its body weight (4). The numbat walks with its nose to the ground, sniffing and turning over small pieces of wood in search of shallow underground termite galleries (5). On finding a gallery it squats on its hind legs and digs rapidly with its clawed forefeet, licking up the termites with its long, thin tongue (4) (5). Some ants are also eaten, but research shows that most are predatory ants that rush in when numbats uncover a termite nest, indicating that they are lapped up accidentally with the termites, rendering its other name, the banded anteater, some-what misleading (6). At night, numbats shelter in hollow logs that are too narrow for its predators, such as foxes, to enter. Should the numbat feel threatened, it turns its rump, which is extremely thick-skinned, to plug the hole and protect itself (4). It is a solitary animal for most of the year, occupying a home range of up to 370 acres, though in the summer before the breeding season a male will roam long distances outside its home range in search of a female (4) (5). During the cooler months, a male and a female may share the same home range, but they are rarely seen together (5). The female gives birth to four young between January and May, which attach themselves to her four nipples, as she does not have a pouch like other marsupials (5). The female does, however, have longer underbelly hairs to keep the young warm and protected (2). In July or August, the cooler months in Australia, the female deposits her young in a burrow measuring one to two metres long, leaving them to forage during the day and returning to suckle them at night. By October the young are half grown and by the summer months of December they disperse (5).

Conservation ( 英語 )

The numbat is Western Australia's mammal emblem, a status which gives it widespread recognition and may well have saved it from extinction (4). Following the numbat's decline, this species has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List (1), and Vulnerable on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (3). Active intervention by the Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) has fortunately improved the numbat's chances of survival. DEC has implemented fox control in the areas where numbats are found, and is establishing new populations in various nature reserves and forests (5). Conservation programs are also re-introducing the numbat to areas from which they have disappeared, and are radio-tracking individuals to monitor their fate (8). Regular fox baiting is also carried out at Perup, Dryandra and at re-introduction sites and numbats are currently being bred for release at Perth Zoo (4) (7). The numbat's habitat is said to be secure at present, though this species will certainly need constant protection and continued re-introductions in order to recover (5) (8).

Description ( 英語 )

The numbat is a small carnivorous marsupial from Australia, and the only member of the family Myrmecobiidae (2). It is a specialised termite-eater and is easily recognised by its slender, graceful body and short, stiff hair which is reddish-brown with black and white stripes across its back and rump (2). This marsupial has a long, hairy tail, which is often erected to give a bottle-brush appearance (2). Its snout is narrow and pointed, allowing it to get its tongue into narrow crevices, and it has a striking white-bordered dark stripe through each eye (4) (5). Males, females and juveniles are all similar in appearance. Indeed, it is difficult to mistake the numbat for anything else because of its distinctive appearance and because the numbat is the only Australian mammal that is solely active during the day (4).

Habitat ( 英語 )

Inhabits eucalyptus forest and woodland, in areas particularly dominated by wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo) or jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) trees, though it was previously also found in areas of mulga (Acacia aneura) woodland (2). Semi-arid areas with these vegetation types provide the numbat with fallen hollow logs and branches for shelter, as well as food and support for termites that the numbat feeds on (2).

Range ( 英語 )

The numbat was once widespread in Australia, and at the time of European settlement it was found in southern semi-arid and arid Australia and across much of the southern half of Western Australia (2). However, this species only survived in two remnant populations at Perup and Dryandra, in the south west of Western Australia. There are now also six self-sustaining re-introduced populations: four in Western Australia and one each in South Australia and New South Wales (2).

Status ( 英語 )

Classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List (1), and Vulnerable under the EPBC Act 1999 (3).

Threats ( 英語 )

The numbat's populations have dramatically suffered from predation by introduced mammals such as the cat and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) (4) (7), and the clearing of the land for agriculture. This removes dead and fallen trees which numbats need for shelter and termites need for resources (4). Another factor could be the suppression of Aboriginal fire regimes, after the movement of Aboriginal people away from their traditional lands following the European settlement of Australia. Aboriginal fires were small and controlled, allowing regeneration each year and reducing the incidence of larger bush fires in the hot summer. Now these large bush fires are a greater threat and more widespread, causing extensive damage to the numbats' habitat, shelter and food sources (4) (6).

Merienaer godellek ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Ar merienaer godellek, pe numbat, (Myrmecobius fasciatus) a zo ur godelleg amprevanetaer hag a vev e kornôg Aostralia.

Doareoù pennañ

En em vagañ a ra diwar merien-gwenn ha, raloc'h, diwar merien. Faoutañ a ra ar grugell gant skilfoù e bavioù a-raok ha sunañ an amprevaned gant e deod 10 cm.

Bevañ a ra en e-unan hag argas a ra ar merienaerien all diouzh e diriad.

52 zant bihan-bihan zo en e c'henoù. War-dro 25 cm eo hirder e gorf ha 20 cm hini e lost. E bouez zo etre 300 ha 700 g.

Ar re vihan a chom stag ouzh bronnoù ar vamm e-pad 4 miz.


Ar spesad nemetañ eo er c'herentiad Myrmecobiidae.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia BR

Merienaer godellek: Brief Summary ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Ar merienaer godellek, pe numbat, (Myrmecobius fasciatus) a zo ur godelleg amprevanetaer hag a vev e kornôg Aostralia.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia BR

Numbat ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

El numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) és un petit marsupial endèmic d'Austràlia occidental. És l'únic membre del gènere Myrmecobius i la família dels mirmecòbids (Myrmecobiidae), una de les tres que componen l'ordre Dasyuromorphia. Malgrat el seu nom científic rarament menja formigues i gran part de la seva dieta es compon gairebé únicament de tèrmits.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Numbat Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

El numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) és un petit marsupial endèmic d'Austràlia occidental. És l'únic membre del gènere Myrmecobius i la família dels mirmecòbids (Myrmecobiidae), una de les tres que componen l'ordre Dasyuromorphia. Malgrat el seu nom científic rarament menja formigues i gran part de la seva dieta es compon gairebé únicament de tèrmits.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Mravencojed žíhaný ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Mravencojed žíhaný (Myrmecobius fasciatus), známý též jako numbat, je druh vačnatce. Jeho srst je nápadně oranžově hnědá se sedmi, vzácně se šesti bílými pruhy na trupu. Má charakteristický tvar těla a dlouhý, chlupatý ocas.


Tento v současnosti vzácný druh se vyskytuje již jen v malé oblasti na jihozápadě Austrálie. Žije především v lesích tvořených různými druhy blahovičníků.

Základní data

Mravencojed žíhaný měří 20 až 28 cm, bez ocasu 16–21 cm. Jeho hmotnost se pohybuje od 275 až 550 g.


Stejným druhům stromů dávají přednost i termiti, kteří staví v dutinách svá hnízda. Potravu mravencojeda proto tvoří termiti a mravenci, které pomocí svého velmi dlouhého, lepkavého jazyka vytahuje z děr. Na rozdíl od většiny vačnatců hledá potravu přes den. Mravencojed je také zajímavý vysokým počtem zubů. Má 52 zubů jako jediný ze suchozemských savců.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]

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Mravencojed žíhaný: Brief Summary ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Mravencojed žíhaný (Myrmecobius fasciatus), známý též jako numbat, je druh vačnatce. Jeho srst je nápadně oranžově hnědá se sedmi, vzácně se šesti bílými pruhy na trupu. Má charakteristický tvar těla a dlouhý, chlupatý ocas.

Wikipedia autoři a editory
wikipedia CZ

Numbat ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Der Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), auch als Ameisenbeutler bekannt, ist ein kleines australisches Beuteltier aus der Ordnung der Raubbeutlerartigen (Dasyuromorphia). Wegen seiner abweichenden Anatomie und Lebensweise wird er einer eigenen Familie, Myrmecobiidae, zugeordnet. Seine Nahrung besteht nahezu ausschließlich aus Termiten, die er mit starken Krallen ausgräbt und mit einer wurmförmigen Zunge fängt. Vor allem die Nachstellung durch den von Menschen in Australien eingeschleppten Rotfuchs hat dazu geführt, dass der Numbat aus großen Teilen seines einstigen Verbreitungsgebiets verschwunden ist und nur mit intensiven Schutzmaßnahmen überleben kann.



Seine Gestalt, seine spitze Schnauze und die auffälligen Streifen machen den Numbat unter Australiens Säugetieren unverwechselbar. Die Grundfarbe des Fells ist bei der einzigen heute noch existierenden Unterart vorne rotbraun, nach hinten dunkelbraun bis schwarz. Die Unterseite ist weißlich. Über den hinteren Rücken laufen vier bis elf weiße Querbänder, die nach vorne hin blasser und undeutlicher werden. Der lange Schwanz hat eine braune Farbe, kann durch zahlreiche weiße Haare aber grau wirken. Ein schwarzer Streifen läuft von der Ohrbasis zur Schnauze und umrahmt das Auge. Darunter liegt ein weißlicher Streifen.[1]

Das Fell ist dünn und besteht aus kurzen, steifen Haaren. Die Haare des Schwanzes sind sehr viel länger. Wird der Schwanz aufgerichtet, können die borstigen Haare aufgestellt werden, so dass der Eindruck einer Flaschenbürste entsteht.[1]

Der Vorderrücken ist die höchste Stelle des Körpers, während Kopf und Hinterrücken tiefer liegen.[2] Die Ohren sind doppelt so lang wie breit. Die Augen sitzen verhältnismäßig hoch am Kopf.[1]

Numbats tragen an den Vorderbeinen fünf Zehen, an den Hinterbeinen vier. Alle Zehen sind mit starken Krallen bewehrt.[2]

Die Kopfrumpflänge des Numbats beträgt im Durchschnitt 27 cm. Hinzu kommt ein 20 cm langer Schwanz. Das Gewicht liegt zwischen 500 und 700 Gramm.[1]

Bezahnung und Zunge

In der Form der Schnauze, der Vereinfachung der Zähne und der Länge der Zunge lässt sich manche Konvergenz zu anderen insektenfressenden Säugetieren (Ameisenbären, Schuppentiere) erkennen. Der Numbat hat zahlreiche Zähne, die in der Größe sehr reduziert sind und als einfache kegelförmige Spitzen erscheinen, die zum Teil kaum über das Zahnfleisch hinausragen. Weil sich nicht immer alle Zähne entwickeln, schwankt die Zahl der Zähne zwischen den Individuen und manchmal sogar zwischen linker und rechter Kieferseite ein und desselben Tieres.[3]

Meistens aber zeigt sich folgende Zahnformel: [2]

4 · 1 · 3 · 4-5 = 48-52 3 · 1 · 3 · 5-6
Zahnformel des Numbats

Der Numbat hat stets mehr als sieben postcanine Zähne (Molaren und Prämolaren). Dies ist unter Landsäugetieren einmalig.[3]

Die Zunge des Numbats ist lang und wurmförmig. Die stark vergrößerten Speicheldrüsen produzieren einen klebrigen Speichel, der die Zunge bedeckt und dafür sorgt, dass Nahrung an ihr kleben bleibt. Quer zum Gaumen verlaufen dreizehn oder vierzehn Kämme, an denen die Zunge beim Einziehen entlanggezogen wird, um die festhaftenden Insekten abzustreifen.[3]

Sinnesorgane und Drüsen

Der Numbat nutzt vorwiegend Gesichts- und Geruchssinn. Der Geruch dient ihm dabei zum Aufspüren der Nahrung im Boden, die Augen zur frühen Erkennung von Feinden. Auffällig ist die relative Komplexität der Augen, die unter Beuteltieren ihresgleichen sucht. Die Netzhaut wird von Zapfen dominiert, die Pupillen sind unbeweglich – beides typische Kennzeichen tagaktiver Tiere. Kein anderes bisher untersuchtes Beuteltier hat einen schärferen Gesichtssinn als der Numbat. Das Sehfeld umfasst einen Winkel von 240° in der Horizontalen, ist aber in der Vertikalen recht begrenzt.[4]

An der Brust haben Numbats einen runden, nahezu haarlosen, orangebraun gefärbten Bereich, der von Duftdrüsen besetzt ist, die vermutlich der Reviermarkierung dienen. Weibchen besitzen zudem eine Analdrüse, Männchen hingegen nicht.[4]


Bei Höheren Säugetieren mit vergleichbarer Lebensweise zeigt sich oft ein verringerter Stoffwechsel, da der hohe Anteil unverdaulichen Chitins in der Beute dafür sorgt, dass dem Körper weniger Energie zugeführt wird. Beim Numbat ist dies jedoch nicht der Fall. Seine Körpertemperatur von 34,1° entspricht weitgehend der anderer Beuteltiere. Wie alle Raubbeutlerartigen verfällt der Numbat gelegentlich in einen Torpor, der bis zu fünfzehn Stunden andauern kann und bei dem die Körpertemperatur auf 19 Grad absinken kann.[4]

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Heutiges Verbreitungsgebiet des Numbats, ursprüngliche Restpopulationen in grün, wieder eingeführte in pink

Die frühere Verbreitung des Numbats kann anhand von subfossilen Funden, Reiseberichten, Aborigine-Überlieferungen und der dokumentierten Fundorte von Museumsexemplaren rekonstruiert werden.[5]

Demnach lebte der Numbat einst im südlichen Teil von Western Australia, in South Australia mit Ausnahme der Nullarbor-Wüste, in den zentralen Wüsten sowie im äußersten Westen von New South Wales (siehe auch Karte unter Bedrohung und Schutz). Seit der Ankunft der ersten europäischen Siedler ist dieses Territorium dramatisch geschrumpft, bis schließlich nur noch zwei Populationen übrig waren: [1]

In jüngster Zeit hat man durch Aussetzungen neun weitere Populationen geschaffen, davon sieben in Western Australia, eine in South Australia und eine in New South Wales. Zum Teil sind diese Schutzgebiete eingezäunt, um Füchse fernzuhalten.[1]

Einst war der Numbat in verschiedenartigsten Lebensräumen beheimatet. Er kam sowohl in der Sandwüste als auch in der Spinifex-Savanne vor, im Mulga-Buschland ebenso wie im Eukalyptuswald. Die verbliebenen Populationen leben inzwischen nur noch in Wäldern.[6]




Der Numbat ist das einzige ausschließlich tagaktive Beuteltier Australiens. Hier besteht ein Zusammenhang mit seiner Beute, den Termiten, die ebenfalls am Tage aktiv sind. Im Sommer ist der Morgen und der späte Nachmittag die Zeit der größten Aktivität, und die Mittagshitze verbringt er geschützt im Bau. Im Winter hingegen ist der Numbat zur Tagesmitte aktiv. Regenwetter wird stets gemieden.[7]

Als Bau kann eine selbst gegrabene Erdhöhle dienen, manchmal reicht aber auch ein hohler Stamm. Hier gibt es einen großen Unterschied zwischen Wald- und Freilandpopulationen: letztere sind naturgemäß auf Erdhöhlen angewiesen, während die waldbewohnenden Numbats wenige bis keine Höhlen bauen.[6] Ein selbst gegrabener Bau hat einen Eingang von 8 cm Durchmesser. Dieser Gang führt über eine Länge von 1 m zu einer Kammer mit 15 bis 23 cm Durchmesser, die sich 10 bis 60 cm unter der Oberfläche befindet. In seinem Aktionsraum hat ein Numbat mehrere Baue.[7]

Numbats sind Einzelgänger mit einem großen Aktionsraum von bis zu 50 Hektar.[7] Sie bewegen sich für gewöhnlich in einem langsamen Gang vorwärts und halten immer wieder an, um sich auf die Hinterbeine zu setzen und die Gegend auszukundschaften. Bei Bedrohung können sie aber mit einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu etwa 30 km/h davonlaufen. Die Flucht führt zu einem Bau in der Nähe.[8]


Numbats ernähren sich ausschließlich von Termiten. Somit ist der deutsche Name „Ameisenbeutler“ irreführend, denn Ameisen werden nur ungewollt gefressen; die einzigen Ameisen, deren Reste sich in Numbat-Kot fanden, waren solche Arten, die räuberisch von Termiten leben und daher mit diesen verspeist wurden. In den jetzt von Numbats bewohnten Gebieten sind die Termitenarten Coptotermes acinaciformis und Amitermes obeuntis die wichtigsten Beutetiere. Mit jedem Gramm organischer Nahrung nimmt ein Numbat auch 0,33 Gramm Erde zu sich, die ebenfalls an der Zunge hängenbleibt.[9]

Die Krallen des Numbats sind zwar kräftig, aber nicht stark genug, um einen Termitenhügel aufzubrechen. Deshalb werden nur jene Termiten, die rund um den Hügel in den abzweigenden unterirdischen Gängen unterwegs sind, verspeist. Der Numbat setzt sich hierzu auf seine Hinterbeine und gräbt die Erde mit den Vorderklauen auf.[7]

In Gefangenschaft fraß ein Numbat 10.000 bis 20.000 Termiten am Tag. Kleine Termiten werden geschluckt, nur besonders große werden mit den Zähnen zuvor zerkaut.[10]


Die Tragzeit beträgt vierzehn Tage. Zwischen Januar und April kommen zwei bis vier Junge zur Welt. Für gewöhnlich umfasst der Wurf die volle Zahl von vier Jungen, entsprechend den vier existierenden Zitzen.[10]

Die Zitzengegend des Weibchens ist von gekräuseltem, gelblichem Haar umgeben, das sich deutlich vom Weiß des Bauchs abhebt. Ein Beutel fehlt komplett. Somit müssen sich die 2 cm kleinen Jungen, wenn sie zu den Zitzen gekrochen sind, in den Haaren festklammern. So verbleiben sie bis zu sechs Monate an den Zitzen. Die Milch des Numbats ist besonders reich an Ölsäure. Diese Parallele zum nicht verwandten Ameisenigel scheint mit der gleichartigen Ernährung zusammenzuhängen.[11]

Gegen Ende Juli, wenn die Jungen eine Länge von 7,5 cm erreicht haben, lassen sie die Haare los. Im Schutz eines Baus werden sie von der Mutter weiter gesäugt. Wenn der Bau gewechselt wird, trägt die Mutter sie auf dem Rücken mit sich. Ende September laufen die Jungen auch draußen eigenständig umher, und im November verlassen sie die Mutter.[11]

Weibchen sind bereits im ersten Lebensjahr geschlechtsreif, Männchen erst im zweiten.[11] Zur Lebensdauer in der Wildnis gibt es keine Erkenntnisse, im Zoo werden Numbats fünf bis sechs Jahre alt.[10]

Feinde und Parasiten

Der wichtigste Fressfeind des Numbats ist heute der Rotfuchs. Auch Hauskatzen stellen Numbats nach. Somit sind zwei vom Menschen eingeschleppte Räuber die ärgsten Feinde des Numbats. Daneben wurden Greifvögel und Schlangen als Fressfeinde nachgewiesen, namentlich die Arten Bänderhabicht, Sydneysperber, Kaninchenadler, Keilschwanzadler, Habichtfalke und Rautenpython. Nie beobachtet wurde, dass Dingos oder Beutelmarder Numbats jagen, es wird aber vermutet.[9]

Ein Kratzwurm der Art Mulusentis myrmecobius, die nur vom Numbat bekannt ist, befällt die Tiere gelegentlich und hat vereinzelt auch zu deren Tod geführt. Termiten sind offensichtlich die Zwischenwirte dieser Würmer, die also mit der Nahrung aufgenommen werden.[9]

Von Numbats in Gefangenschaft sind, wie allgemein häufig bei gefangen gehaltenen Beuteltieren, Infektionen mit Mykobakterien bekannt. Diese können eitrige Läsionen verursachen, die zum Tod führen können.[12]

Systematik und Namen

Äußere Systematik

Kladogramm der Raubbeutlerartigen




Der Numbat ist in Anatomie und Lebensweise so einzigartig, dass sich keine nahen Verwandten feststellen lassen. Daher wird er einer eigenen Familie Myrmecobiidae zugeordnet. Molekulargenetische Analysen stellen den Numbat an die Basis der Raubbeutlerartigen, so dass die gemeinsame Klade aus Raubbeutlern und Beutelwölfen als Schwestergruppe anzusehen ist.[8]

Innere Systematik

1923 wurde eine zweite Numbat-Art als Myrmecobius rufus beschrieben; 1933 wurde diese von Hedley Herbert Finlayson als Unterart des bekannten Numbats eingestuft und somit Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus benannt (englisch Rusty Numbat, = „Rostroter Numbat“). Diese Unterart hatte ein kräftig rotes Rückenfell, das nach hinten in ein helleres Braun überging; die Unterseite war beige und nicht weiß. Der letzte Vertreter dieser Unterart wurde um 1950 bei Warburton gefunden. Bis in die 1960er soll es angeblich noch Sichtungen gegeben haben, heute aber ist die rote Unterart höchstwahrscheinlich ausgestorben.[13]

Die Nominatform Myrmecobius fasciatus fasciatus, die einzige heute noch lebende Unterart, hat einst das westliche Western Australia bewohnt, während im Osten von Western Australia sowie in den anderen australischen Bundesstaaten die rote Unterart beheimatet war.[2]



Fossilfunde sind kaum vorhanden. Lediglich dreimal wurden Numbat-Fossilien gefunden und alle gehören der heute lebenden Art an. Zwei stammen aus dem Pleistozän, eine aus dem Holozän. Einer der pleistozänen Funde stammt aus der Nullarbor-Wüste, einer Gegend, in der nach heutigem Wissen in historischer Zeit niemals Numbats gelebt haben.[1]


Beschrieben wurde der Numbat 1836 von George Robert Waterhouse unter dem heute noch gültigen Namen Myrmecobius fasciatus.[13] Zunächst waren im Englischen Bezeichnungen wie Banded Anteater („Gestreifter Ameisenbär“), Marsupial Anteater („Beutelameisenbär“) oder White-banded Bandicoot („Weißstreifen-Bandikut“) üblich, im Deutschen der Name „Ameisenbeutler“. Inzwischen hat sich der aus einer Aborigine-Sprache übernommene Name Numbat zumindest im Englischen durchgesetzt. Im Übrigen haben die Aborigines mehrere Bezeichnungen für dieses Tier, da es auch eine Vielzahl von Sprachen gibt. Andere Bezeichnungen sind zum Beispiel noobat, nombat, nyoombot, waihoo, weeu, walpurti oder mutjurarranypa.[13]

Bedrohung und Schutz

Der Bestandsrückgang des Numbats im Laufe der Jahrzehnte.
gelb: ausgestorben nach 1800.
orange: ausgestorben nach 1910.
grün: ausgestorben nach 1930.
blau: ausgestorben nach 1960.
schwarz: verbliebene Verbreitung 1980.[14]

Der Rückgang des Numbats setzte wohl sofort nach Beginn der europäischen Besiedlung Australiens ein. Dabei verschwand der Numbat zunächst aus den östlichsten Teilen seines einstigen Verbreitungsgebiets. In New South Wales wurde er 1857 letztmals gesehen. In South Australia gab es bis in die 1920er gesicherte und bis in die 1940er angebliche Nachweise. In den zentralen Wüsten verschwand der Numbat gegen 1960, anschließend auch in den größten Teilen von Western Australia, so dass in den 1980ern nur noch die zwei kleinen Reservate im Dryandra Woodland und im Perup Nature Reserve übrig waren.[8]

Obwohl mehrere Ursachen für den Rückgang des Numbats genannt werden, scheinen die dramatischen Bestandseinbrüche während des 20. Jahrhunderts hauptsächlich auf eine einzige Ursache zurückzuführen sein: den von Menschen in Australien ausgesetzten Rotfuchs. Der Fuchs drang allmählich immer weiter westwärts vor, und wo immer er heimisch wurde, erlosch die Numbatpopulaton kurz darauf. So ist das Überleben in Dryandra und Perup auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass man in diesen Gebieten Programme zur Fuchsausrottung durchsetzte und bis heute darauf achtet, dass Füchse ferngehalten werden. Der Erfolg war ein stetiger Anstieg der Numbat-Populationen bis 1990.[15]

Nach dem Tiefpunkt 1980 bemühte man sich auch um eine Wiederansiedlung des Numbats in Teilen seines einstigen Verbreitungsgebiets. Der Anfang wurde 1985 im Boyagin Nature Reserve in Western Australia gemacht, nachdem auch dort zuvor alle Füchse planmäßig ausgerottet worden waren.[15] Nach der erfolgreichen Wiederansiedlung wurden weitere solche Versuche unternommen, so dass Numbats heute unter anderem auch in folgenden Reservaten vorkommen:[16]

Manche von ihnen sind vollständig eingezäunt, um das Eindringen von Füchsen zu verhindern.[16] Bei der Wiederansiedlung spielt der Perth Zoo eine Rolle, wo Numbats laufend auf die Auswilderung vorbereitet werden.[15]

Die Wiederansiedlungen führten dazu, dass die IUCN 1996 den Numbat vom Status „stark gefährdet“ (endangered) auf „gefährdet“ (vulnerable) zurückstufte. Allerdings kam es anschließend zu einem Bestandseinbruch im Dryandra Woodland von 600 auf 50 Individuen. Die Gründe für diesen Einbruch sind unklar und werden noch erforscht. Im Perup Nature Reserve sind die Bestände dagegen stabil geblieben. 2008 hob die IUCN den Gefährdungsstatus wieder auf „stark gefährdet“ an.[16]

Es wird geschätzt, dass heute zwischen 500 und 600 Numbats in freier Wildbahn leben.[16]


  1. a b c d e f g Cooper 2011, S. 130
  2. a b c d Nowak 1999, S. 65
  3. a b c Cooper 2011, S. 131
  4. a b c Cooper 2011, S. 132
  5. Friend & Thomas 2003, S. 453
  6. a b Cooper 2011, S. 134
  7. a b c d Cooper 2011, S. 136
  8. a b c Cooper 2011, S. 137
  9. a b c Cooper 2011, S. 135
  10. a b c Nowak 1999, S. 66
  11. a b c Cooper 2011, S. 133
  12. William T. Gaynor, Debra V. Cousins & J. Anthony Friend: Mycobacterial Infections in Numbats (Myrmecobius fasciatus). In: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1990, Bd. 21, Nr. 4, S. 476–479
  13. a b c Cooper 2011, S. 129
  14. L. Fumagalli, C. Moritz, P. Taberlet & J. A. Friend: Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation within the remnant populations of the endangered numbat (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae: Myrmecobius fasciatus). In: Molecular Ecology 1999, Nr. 8, S. 1545–1549
  15. a b c Cooper 2011, S. 138
  16. a b c d Myrmecobius fasciatus in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN. Abgerufen am 21. Januar 2012.
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Der Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), auch als Ameisenbeutler bekannt, ist ein kleines australisches Beuteltier aus der Ordnung der Raubbeutlerartigen (Dasyuromorphia). Wegen seiner abweichenden Anatomie und Lebensweise wird er einer eigenen Familie, Myrmecobiidae, zugeordnet. Seine Nahrung besteht nahezu ausschließlich aus Termiten, die er mit starken Krallen ausgräbt und mit einer wurmförmigen Zunge fängt. Vor allem die Nachstellung durch den von Menschen in Australien eingeschleppten Rotfuchs hat dazu geführt, dass der Numbat aus großen Teilen seines einstigen Verbreitungsgebiets verschwunden ist und nur mit intensiven Schutzmaßnahmen überleben kann.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Myrmecobius fasciatus ( 因特語(國際輔助語言協會) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Myrmecobius fasciatus es un specie de Myrmecobius.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Numbat ( 蘇格蘭蓋爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Se seorsa pocanach a tha ann an numbat, tha iad a' fuireach ann an Astrailia.

Ùghdaran agus luchd-deasachaidh Wikipedia
wikipedia emerging languages

Numbat ( 低地蘇格蘭語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), an aa kent as the bandit anteater, marsupial anteater, or walpurti, is a marsupial foond in Wastren Australie.


  1. Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Friend, T. & Burbidge, A. (2008). "Myrmecobius fasciatus". IUCN Reid Leet o Threatened Species. Version 2008. Internaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur. Retrieved 8 October 2008.CS1 maint: uises authors parameter (link)
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 低地蘇格蘭語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), an aa kent as the bandit anteater, marsupial anteater, or walpurti, is a marsupial foond in Wastren Australie.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Νούμπατ ( 現代希臘語(1453 年以後) )

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To Νούμπατ (Μυρμηκόβιος ο ταινιωτός - Myrmecobius fasciatus), γνωστό επίσης και ως ταινιωτός μυρμηγκοφάγος, μαρσιποφόρος μυρμηγκοφάγος ή walpurti, είναι εντομοφάγο μαρσιποφόρο που προέρχεται από τη Δυτική Αυστραλία και πρόσφατα εισήχθη στη Νότια Αυστραλία. Η διατροφή του αποτελείται σχεδόν αποκλειστικά από τερμίτες. Κάποτε ήταν πολύ διαδεδομένο στη Νότια Αυστραλία, πλέον όμως η περιοχή του περιορίζεται σε αρκετές μικρές αποικίες και αναφέρεται ως απειλούμενο είδος. To Νούμπατ είναι ένα σύμβολο της Δυτικής Αυστραλίας και προστατεύεται από προγράμματα προστασίας.


Το Νούμπατ, το γένος Μυρμηκόβιος, είναι το μοναδικό μέλος της οικογένειας Μυρμηκοβιίδες, μιας από τις τέσσερις οικογένειες που απαρτίζουν την τάξη Δασυουρόμορφα, τα αυστραλιανά μαρσιποφόρα σαρκοφάγα.[1]

Το είδος δεν είναι στενά συνδεδεμένο με άλλα μαρσιποφόρα. Η ισχύουσα κατάταξή του είναι στην τάξη των Δασυουρόμορφων ως το μοναδικό είδος της οικογένειας Μυρμηκοβιίδες μαζί με τα σαρκοφάγα είδη της οικογένειας Δασυουρίδες. Έχει προταθεί μια στενότερη συγγένεια με τον εξαφανισμένο θυλακίνο, που περιέχεται στην ίδια τάξη. Γενετικές μελέτες έδειξαν ότι οι πρόγονοι του νούμπατ άρχισαν να αποκλίνουν από τα άλλα μαρσιποφόρα πριν από 32 με 42 εκατομμύρια χρόνια, κατά τα τέλη του Ηώκαινου.[2]

Δύο υποείδη είναι αναγνωρισμένα, αλλά ένα από αυτά, ο σκουριασμένος Νούμπατ (M. f. rufus), έχει εξαφανιστεί τουλάχιστον από τη δεκαετία του 1960 και μόνο το υποείδος του ταινιωτού Νούμπατ (Μ. F. Fasciatus) παραμένει ζωντανό σήμερα. Όπως υποδηλώνει το όνομά του, ο σκουριασμένος Νούμπατ λέγεται ότι είχε πιο κοκκινωπή γούνα από τον ταινιωτό Νούμπατ.[3] Μόνο ένας πολύ μικρός αριθμός απολιθωμένων δειγμάτων είναι γνωστός, ο παλαιότερος χρονολογείται από το Πλειστόκαινο και δεν υπάρχουν απολιθώματα που να ανήκουν σε άλλα είδη από την ίδια οικογένεια.[3]


Νούμπατ στο ζωολογικό κήπο του Περθ

Το Νούμπατ είναι ένα μικρό, πολύχρωμο πλάσμα με μήκος μεταξύ 35 και 45 εκατοστών, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ουράς, με λεπτό μυτερό ρύγχος και μια προεξέχουσα, πυκνή ουρά περίπου το ίδιο μήκος με το σώμα του. Το χρώμα του ποικίλλει σημαντικά από ελαφρά γκρι έως κοκκινωπό-καφέ, συχνά με μια κεραμιδί περιοχή στην πλάτη και πάντα με μια εμφανή μαύρη λωρίδα που ξεκινάει από την άκρη του ρύγχους μέσα από τα μάτια έως τα μικρά αιχμηρά αυτιά. Στην πλάτη του υπάρχουν τέσσερις έως έντεκα λευκές λωρίδες, οι οποίες σταδιακά φθίνουν προς το μεσαίο τμήμα. Η κάτω πλευρά έχει χρώμα κρεμ ή ανοιχτό γκρι, ενώ η ουρά είναι καλυμμένη με μακριές, γκρίζες έως και λευκές τρίχες. Το βάρος ττου κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 280 και 700 γραμμαρίων.[3][4]

Σε αντίθεση με τα περισσότερα άλλα μαρσιποφόρα, το νούμπατ είναι ημερόβιο, κυρίως λόγω των περιορισμών της εξειδικευμένης δίαιτας χωρίς να έχει το συνηθισμένο φυσικό εξοπλισμό για αυτή. Τα περισσότερα οικοσυστήματα με αφθονία τερμιτών έχουν ένα αρκετά μεγάλο πλάσμα με ισχυρά μπροστινά άκρα με μεγάλα νύχια.[5] Τα νούμπατ δεν είναι μεγάλα και έχουν πέντε δάχτυλα στα μπροστινά πόδια και τέσσερα στα πίσω πόδια.[3] Ωστόσο, όπως και τα άλλα θηλαστικά που τρώνε τερμίτες ή μυρμήγκια, το νούμπατ έχει μια εκφυλισμένη σιαγόνα με έως και 50 πολύ μικρά, μη λειτουργικά δόντια και παρόλο που είναι σε θέση να μασήσει [3] σπάνια το κάνει λόγω της μαλακής φύσης της διατροφής του. Μοναδικά μεταξύ των χερσαίων θηλαστικών, τα νούμπατ έχουν ένα επιπλέον δόντι το οποίο βρίσκεται μεταξύ των προγομφίων και των γομφίων. Είναι ασαφές εάν αυτό το επιπλέον δόντι είναι ένας υπεράριθμος γομφίος είτε ένα νεογιλό δόντι που διατηρείται στην ενήλικη ζωή.

Όπως πολλά ζώα που τρώγουν μυρμήγκια, το νούμπατ έχει μια ασυνήθιστα μεγάλη, στενή γλώσσα, επικαλυμμένη με κολλώδες σάλιο που παράγεται από μεγάλους υπογνάθιους αδένες. Μια περαιτέρω προσαρμογή στη διατροφή είναι η παρουσία πολλών ραχών κατά μήκος του μαλακού ουρανίσκου, που προφανώς συμβάλλουν στην απόξεση των τερμιτών από τη γλώσσα έτσι ώστε να μπορούν να καταποθούν. Το πεπτικό σύστημα είναι σχετικά απλό και στερείται πολλών από τις προσαρμογές που υπάρχουν σε άλλα εντομοφάγα ζώα, πιθανώς επειδή οι τερμίτες είναι πιο εύπεπτοι από τα μυρμήγκια, έχοντας ένα πιο μαλακό εξωσκελετό. Τα νούμπατ είναι προφανώς ικανά να αποκτήσουν σημαντική ποσότητα νερού από τη διατροφή τους, καθώς τα νεφρά τους δεν διαθέτουν τις συνήθεις εξειδικεύσεις για τη συγκράτηση νερού που βρίσκονται σε άλλα ζώα που ζουν στο άγονό περιβάλλον τους.[6] Τα νούμπατ έχουν επίσης στο θώρακα έναν εξωκρινή αδένα, ο οποίος μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη σήμανση των εδαφών τους.[3]

Παρόλο που το νούμπατ εντοπίζει τους τερμίτες κυρίως με την όσφρηση, έχει την υψηλότερη οπτική οξύτητα από οποιοδήποτε μαρσιποφόρο και, ασυνήθιστα για τα μαρσιποφόρα, έχει υψηλό ποσοστό κονίων στον αμφιβληστροειδή. Αυτές και οι δύο πιθανές προσαρμογές οφείλονται στο ότι είναι ημερόβιο ζώο και η όραση φαίνεται να είναι η πρωταρχική αίσθηση που χρησιμοποιεί για την ανίχνευση πιθανών αρπακτικών.[3] Τα νούμπατ εισέρχονται τακτικά σε κατάσταση νάρκης, η οποία μπορεί να διαρκέσει έως και δεκαπέντε ώρες την ημέρα κατά τους χειμερινούς μήνες.[7]

Οικολογία και συμπεριφορά

Ενήλικο νούμπατ στο ζωολογικό κήπο του Περθ

Τα νούμπατ είναι εντομοφάγα και η διατροφή τους αποτελείται αποκλειστικά από τερμίτες. Ένα ενήλικο νούμπατ χρειάζεται έως και 20.000 τερμίτες κάθε μέρα. Το μόνο ημερόβιο μαρσιποφόρο, το νούμπατ περνάει το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του χρόνου του στην αναζήτηση τερμιτών. Τους ξεθάβει από το μαλακό χώμα με τα μπροστινά νύχια και τα συλλαμβάνει με τη μακριά, κολλώδη γλώσσα του.[8] Παρά το όνομα του, φαίνεται ότι δεν τρώει σκοπίμως μυρμήγκια, αν και απομεινάρια μυρμηγκιών έχουν περιστασιακά βρεθεί στα περιττώματα του, αυτά τα μυρμήγκια ανήκουν σε είδη που λεηλατούν τους τερμίτες, και κατά πάσα πιθανότητα τρώγονται τυχαία μαζί με τους τερμίτες. Γνωστά αρπακτικά των νούμπατ είναι οι πύθωνες, οι κόκκινες αλεπούδες και διάφορα γεράκια και αετοί.[3]

Τα ενήλικα νούμπατ είναι μοναχικά και εδαφικά ζώα. Ένα αρσενικό ή θηλυκό νούμπατ οριοθετεί μια περιοχή μέχρι 1,5 τετραγωνικό χιλιόμετρο,[5] νωρίς στη ζωή του, και τον υπερασπίζεται από άλλους του ίδιου φύλου. Το ζώο γενικά παραμένει στο έδαφος αυτό από τότε και τα αρσενικά και τα θηλυκά εδάφη αλληλοεπικαλύπτονται, και κατά την περίοδο αναπαραγωγής, τα αρσενικά θα βγουν έξω από τις περιοχές τους για να βρουν ταίρι.

Παρότι το νούμπατ έχει σχετικά ισχυρά νύχια για το μέγεθός του, δεν είναι αρκετά ισχυρά για να φτάσει τους τερμίτες μέσα στο ανάχωμά τους και έτσι πρέπει να περιμένει μέχρι να είναι ενεργοί οι τερμίτες. Χρησιμοποιεί την καλά αναπτυγμένη αίσθηση της όσφρησης για να εντοπίσει τις ρηχές και μη ενισχυμένες υπόγειες στοές που κατασκευάζουν οι τερμίτες μεταξύ της φωλιάς και των χώρων σίτισης τους. Αυτές βρίσκονται συνήθως σε μικρή απόσταση κάτω από την επιφάνεια του εδάφους και είναι ευάλωτες στα νύχια του νούμπατ.

Το νούμπατ συγχρονίζει την ημέρα του με τη δραστηριότητα των τερμιτών, η οποία εξαρτάται από τη θερμοκρασία: το χειμώνα, τρέφεται από αργά το πρωί έως νωρίς το απόγευμα, ενώ το καλοκαίρι, τρέφεται νωρίτερα το πρωί, βρίσκει καταφύγιο κατά τη διάρκεια της ζέστης του μεσημεριού και τρέφεται και πάλι αργά το απόγευμα.

Τη νύχτα το νούμπατ υποχωρεί σε μια φωλιά, η οποία μπορεί να βρίσκεται σε ένα κοίλο κούτσουρο ή δέντρο ή σε ένα βράχο, συνήθως ένα στενό άνοιγμα μήκους 1-2 μ., που τερματίζεται σε ένα σφαιρικό θάλαμο επενδεδυμένο με μαλακό φυτικό υλικό: γρασίδι, φύλλα, λουλούδια και τεμαχισμένο φλοιό. Το νούμπατ είναι σε θέση να εμποδίσει το άνοιγμα της φωλιάς του, με το παχύ δέρμα των οπισθίων του, για να εμποδίσει την πρόσβαση ενός αρπακτικού στο λαγούμι. Τα νούμπατ έχουν σχετικά λίγες φωνητικές εκδηλώσεις, αλλά έχουν αναφερθεί σφυρίγματα, γρυλίσματα ή κάνουν έναν επαναλαμβανόμενο ήχο «tut» όταν ενοχλούνται.[3]


Τα νούμπατ αναπαράγονται τον Φεβρουάριο και τον Μάρτιο, κανονικά γεννούν μια φορά το χρόνο, παρόλο που μπορούν να γεννήσουν και δεύτερη εάν η πρώτη χαθεί.[9] Η κύηση διαρκεί 15 ημέρες και έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τη γέννηση τεσσάρων μικρών. Ασυνήθιστα ανάμεσα στα μαρσιποφόρα, οι θηλυκοί μαστοί δεν έχουν μάρσιπο, παρόλο που οι τέσσερις θηλές προστατεύονται από ένα κομμάτι πτυχωτών χρυσών μαλλιών και από το πρήξιμο της κοιλιάς και των μηρών κατά τη διάρκεια της γαλουχίας.[3]

Τα μικρά έχουν μήκος 2 εκατοστών κατά τη γέννηση, και σέρνονται στις θηλές και παραμένουν συνδεδεμένοι μέχρι τα τέλη Ιουλίου ή τις αρχές Αυγούστου, οπότε έχουν αυξηθεί στα 7,5 εκ.. Αρχικά αναπτύσσουν γούνα στα 3 εκατοστά και το ενήλικο σχέδιο γούνας αρχίζει να εμφανίζεται μόλις φτάσουν τα 5,5 εκ.. Μετά τον απογαλακτισμό, τα μικρά αφήνονται αρχικά στη φωλιά ή μεταφέρονται στην πλάτη της μητέρας και είναι πλήρως ανεξάρτητα μέχρι τον Νοέμβριο. Τα θηλυκά ωριμάζουν σεξουαλικά το επόμενο καλοκαίρι, ενώ τα αρσενικά χρειάζονται ακόμη έναν χρόνο.[3]


  1. Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., επιμ. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (3rd έκδοση). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. (2007). «The delayed rise of present-day mammals». Nature 446: 507–512. doi:10.1038/nature05634. PMID 17392779.
  3. 3,00 3,01 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,06 3,07 3,08 3,09 3,10 Cooper, C.E. (2011). «Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae)». Mammalian Species 43 (1): 129–140. doi:10.1644/881.1.
  4. Ellis, Eric (2003). «Animal Diversity Web: Myrmecobius fasciatus». Ανακτήθηκε στις 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Lee, A.K. (1984). Macdonald, D., επιμ. The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. σελ. 844. ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  6. Cooper, C.E.; Withers, P.C. (2010). «Gross renal morphology of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (Marsupialia : Myrmecobiidae)». Australian Mammalogy 32 (2): 95–97. doi:10.1071/AM10005.
  7. Cooper, C.E.; Withers, P.C. (2004). «Patterns of body temperature variation and torpor in the numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae)». Journal of Thermal Biology 29 (6): 277–284. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2004.05.003.
  8. «Archived copy». Αρχειοθετήθηκε από το πρωτότυπο στις 2 Ιουνίου 2009. Ανακτήθηκε στις 17 Ιουνίου 2009.
  9. Power, V. (2009). «Reproduction of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus): observations from a captive breeding program». Australian Mammalogy 31 (1): 25–30. doi:10.1071/AM08111.
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wikipedia emerging languages

Νούμπατ: Brief Summary ( 現代希臘語(1453 年以後) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

To Νούμπατ (Μυρμηκόβιος ο ταινιωτός - Myrmecobius fasciatus), γνωστό επίσης και ως ταινιωτός μυρμηγκοφάγος, μαρσιποφόρος μυρμηγκοφάγος ή walpurti, είναι εντομοφάγο μαρσιποφόρο που προέρχεται από τη Δυτική Αυστραλία και πρόσφατα εισήχθη στη Νότια Αυστραλία. Η διατροφή του αποτελείται σχεδόν αποκλειστικά από τερμίτες. Κάποτε ήταν πολύ διαδεδομένο στη Νότια Αυστραλία, πλέον όμως η περιοχή του περιορίζεται σε αρκετές μικρές αποικίες και αναφέρεται ως απειλούμενο είδος. To Νούμπατ είναι ένα σύμβολο της Δυτικής Αυστραλίας και προστατεύεται από προγράμματα προστασίας.

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Numbat ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), also known as the noombat or walpurti,[4][5] is an insectivorous marsupial. It is diurnal and its diet consists almost exclusively of termites.

The species was once widespread across southern Australia, but is now restricted to several small colonies in Western Australia. It is therefore considered an endangered species and protected by conservation programs. Numbats were recently re-introduced to fenced reserves in South Australia and New South Wales.[6][7][8][9] The numbat is the faunal emblem of Western Australia.[10]


The numbat genus Myrmecobius is the sole member of the family Myrmecobiidae, one of four families that make up the order Dasyuromorphia, the Australian marsupial carnivores.[11]

The species is not closely related to other extant marsupials; the current arrangement in the order Dasyuromorphia places its monotypic family with the diverse and carnivorous species of Dasyuridae. Genetic studies have shown the ancestors of the numbat diverged from other marsupials between 32 and 42 million years ago, during the late Eocene.[12]

Two subspecies have been described, but one of these—the rusty coloured Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus Finlayson, 1933,[13][14]—has been extinct since at least the 1960s, and only the nominate subspecies (M. fasciatus fasciatus) remains alive today. The population described by Finlayson occurred in the arid central regions of South Australia, and he thought they had once extended to the coast.[13] The separation to subspecies was not recognised in the national census of Australian mammals, following W. D. L. Ride and others.[a] As its name implies, M. fasciatus rufus had a more reddish coat than the surviving population.[15] Only a very small number of fossil specimens are known, the oldest dating back to the Pleistocene, and no other species from the same family have been identified.[15]

The following is a phylogenetic tree based on mitochondrial genome sequences:[16]


Thylacinus (thylacine)Thylacinus cynocephalus white background.jpg

Myrmecobius (numbat)A hand-book to the marsupialia and monotremata (Plate XXX) (white background).jpg

Sminthopsis (dunnarts)The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus and Terror (Sminthopsis leucopus).jpg

Phascogale (wambengers)Phascogale calura Gould white background.jpg

Dasyurus (quolls)Dasyurus viverrinus Gould white background.jpg

Placement of the family within the order of dasyuromorphs may be summarised as

The common names are adopted from the extant names at the time of English colonisation, numbat, from the Nyungar language of southwest Australia, and walpurti, the name in the Pitjantjatjara dialect.[5] The orthography and pronunciation of the Nyungar name is regularised, following a survey of published sources and contemporary consultation that resulted in the name noombat, pronounced noom'bat.[4]

Other names include banded anteater and marsupial anteater.[18][10]


A numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) at Perth Zoo

The numbat is a small, distinctively-striped animal between 35 and 45 centimetres (14 and 18 in) long, including the tail, with a finely pointed muzzle and a prominent, bushy tail about the same length as its body. Colour varies considerably, from soft grey to reddish-brown, often with an area of brick red on the upper back, and always with a conspicuous black stripe running from the tip of the muzzle through the eye to the base of the small, round-tipped ear. Between four and eleven white stripes cross the animal's hindquarters, which gradually become fainter towards the midback. The underside is cream or light grey, while the tail is covered with long, grey hair flecked with white. Weight varies between 280 and 700 g (9.9 and 24.7 oz).[15][19]

Unlike most other marsupials, the numbat is diurnal, largely because of the constraints of having a specialised diet without having the usual physical equipment for it. Most ecosystems with a generous supply of termites have a fairly large creature with powerful forelimbs bearing heavy claws.[20] Numbats are not large, and they have five toes on the fore feet, and four on the hind feet.[15] However, like other mammals that eat termites or ants, the numbat has a degenerate jaw with up to 50 very small, nonfunctional teeth, and although it is able to chew,[15] rarely does so, because of the soft nature of its diet. Uniquely among terrestrial mammals, an additional cheek tooth is located between the premolars and molars; whether this represents a supernumerary molar tooth or a deciduous tooth retained into adult life is unclear. As a result, although not all individuals have the same dental formula, in general, it follows the unique pattern:[15]

Like many ant- or termite-eating animals, the numbat has a long and narrow tongue coated with sticky saliva produced by large submandibular glands. A further adaptation to the diet is the presence of numerous ridges along the soft palate, which apparently help to scrape termites off the tongue so they can be swallowed. The digestive system is relatively simple, and lacks many of the adaptations found in other entomophagous animals, presumably because termites are easier to digest than ants, having a softer exoskeleton. Numbats are apparently able to gain a considerable amount of water from their diets, since their kidneys lack the usual specialisations for retaining water found in other animals living in their arid environment.[21] Numbats also possess a sternal scent gland, which may be used for marking their territories.[15]

Although the numbat finds termite mounds primarily using scent, it has the highest visual acuity of any marsupial, and, unusually for marsupials, has a high proportion of cone cells in the retina. These are both likely adaptations for its diurnal habits, and vision does appear to be the primary sense used to detect potential predators.[15]

Distribution and habitat

Historical range map of the numbat with extinctions shown in yellow (1800–1910), orange (1910–1930), green (1930–1960), and blue (1960–1980), and with its remaining range shown in black

Numbats were formerly widely distributed across southern Australia, from Western Australia to north-western New South Wales. However, their range has significantly decreased since the arrival of Europeans, and the species has survived only in two small patches of land in the Dryandra Woodland and the Perup Nature Reserve, both in Western Australia.

Today, numbats are naturally found only in areas of eucalypt forest, but they were once more widespread in other types of semiarid woodland, spinifex grassland, and in terrain dominated by sand dune.[15] There are estimated to be fewer than 1,000 left in the wild.[22]

After measures aimed at excluding feral cats, the number of numbats trapped during annual population surveys in the Dryandra Woodland had increased to 35 by November 2020, after recording just 10 in 2019 and 5 in 2018. There had not been so many numbats recorded since 36 were recorded in the 1990s.[22]

The species has been successfully reintroduced into three fenced, feral predator-proof reserves in more varied environments; Yookamurra Sanctuary in the mallee of South Australia,[23] Scotia Sanctuary in semi-arid NSW,[1] and Western Australia's Mount Gibson Sanctuary.[24] Reintroduction began at a large fenced reserve in Mallee Cliffs National Park in NSW in December 2020.[25]

Attempted reintroductions of the species to fenced reserves in two other areas – one in the South Australian arid zone, near Roxby Downs, and the other in the northernmost part of its former range, at Newhaven Sanctuary in the Northern Territory – both failed.[26][27]

There are plans to reintroduce the species to a managed and semi-fenced area of the southern Yorke Peninsula in South Australia,[28] as part of the Marna Banggara (formerly Great Southern Ark) project.[29]

Ecology and habits

Adult numbat at Perth Zoo

Numbats are insectivores and subsist on a diet of termites. An adult numbat requires up to 20,000 termites each day. The only marsupial fully active by day, the numbat spends most of its time searching for termites. It digs them up from loose earth with its front claws and captures them with its long, sticky tongue.[30] Despite its banded anteater name, it apparently does not intentionally eat ants; although the remains of ants have occasionally been found in numbat excreta, these belong to species that themselves prey on termites, so were presumably eaten accidentally, along with the main food.[31] Known native predators include various reptiles and raptors, such as the carpet python, sand goanna, wedge-tailed eagle, collared sparrowhawk, brown goshawk, and the little eagle.[6][31] They are also preyed upon by invasive red foxes and feral cats.[6][15]

Adult numbats are solitary and territorial; an individual male or female establishes a territory of up to 1.5 square km (370 acres)[20] early in life, and defends it from others of the same sex. The animal generally remains within that territory from then on; male and female territories overlap, and in the breeding season, males will venture outside their normal home ranges to find mates.

While the numbat has relatively powerful claws for its size,[20] it is not strong enough to get at termites inside their concrete-like mounds, and so must wait until the termites are active. It uses a well-developed sense of smell to locate the shallow and unfortified underground galleries that termites construct between the nest and their feeding sites; these are usually only a short distance below the surface of the soil, and vulnerable to the numbat's digging claws.

The numbat synchronises its day with termite activity, which is temperature dependent: in winter, it feeds from midmorning to midafternoon; in summer, it rises earlier, takes shelter during the heat of the day, and feeds again in the late afternoon. Numbats are able to enter a state of torpor, which may last up to fifteen hours a day during the winter months.[32]

At night, the numbat retreats to a nest, which can be in a log or tree hollow, or in a burrow, typically a narrow shaft 1–2 m long which terminates in a spherical chamber lined with soft plant material: grass, leaves, flowers, and shredded bark. The numbat is able to block the opening of its nest, with the thick hide of its rump, to prevent a predator being able to access the burrow.[33]

Numbats have relatively few vocalisations, but have been reported to hiss, growl, or make a repetitive 'tut' sound when disturbed.[15]


Mural of a numbat by Belgian street artist ROA in Fremantle

Numbats breed in February and March (late austral summer), normally producing one litter a year. They are able to produce a second if the first is lost.[34] Gestation lasts 15 days, and results in the birth of four young. Unusual for marsupials, female numbats have no pouch, although the four teats are protected by a patch of crimped, golden hair and by the swelling of the surrounding abdomen and thighs during lactation.[15]

The young are 2 cm (0.79 in) long at birth. They crawl immediately to the teats and remain attached until late July or early August, by which time they have grown to 7.5 cm (3.0 in). They are 3 cm (1.2 in) long when they first develop fur, the patterning of the adult begins to appear once they reach 5.5 cm (2.2 in). The young are left in a nest or carried on the mother's back after weaning, becoming fully independent by November. Females are sexually mature by the following summer, but males do not reach maturity for another year.[15]

Conservation status

Trap set to monitor the wild population in the Dryandra Woodland

At the time of European colonisation, the numbat was found across western, central, and southern regions of Australia, extending as far east as New South Wales and Victorian state borders and as far north as the southwest corner of the Northern Territory. It was at home in a wide range of woodland and semiarid habitats. The deliberate release of the European red fox in the 19th century, however, is presumed to have wiped out the entire numbat population in Victoria, NSW, South Australia and the Northern Territory, and almost all numbats in Western Australia. By the late 1970s, the population was well under 1,000 individuals, concentrated in two small areas not far from Perth, at protected areas of the Dryandra forest and at Perup.[15]

The population recognised and described as a subspecies by Finlayson, M. fasciatus rufus, is presumed to be extinct.[15]

The first record of the species described it as beautiful,[35] and its popular appeal led to its selection as the faunal emblem of the state of Western Australia and initiated efforts to conserve it from extinction.[33]

The two small Western Australia populations apparently were able to survive because both areas have many hollow logs that may serve as refuge from predators. Being diurnal, the numbat is much more vulnerable to predation than most other marsupials of a similar size: its natural predators include the little eagle, brown goshawk, collared sparrowhawk, and carpet python. When the Western Australia government instituted an experimental program of fox baiting at Dryandra (one of the two remaining sites), numbat sightings increased by a factor of 40.

An intensive research and conservation program since 1980 has succeeded in increasing the numbat population substantially, and reintroductions to fox-free areas have begun. Perth Zoo is very closely involved in breeding this native species in captivity for release into the wild. Despite the encouraging degree of success so far, the numbat remains at considerable risk of extinction and is classified as an endangered species.[1]

Since 2006, Project Numbat volunteers have helped to save the numbat from extinction. One of Project Numbat's main objectives is to raise funds that go towards conservation projects, and to raise awareness through presentations held by volunteers at schools, community groups and events.

Numbats can be successfully reintroduced into areas of their former range if protected from introduced predators.[36]

Early records

A reproduction of George Fletcher Moore's drawing of a numbat
Richter's Myrmecobius fasciatus, 1845

The numbat first became known to Europeans in 1831. It was discovered by an exploration party exploring the Avon Valley under the leadership of Robert Dale. George Fletcher Moore, who was a member of the expedition, drew a picture in his diary on 22 September 1831, and recounted the discovery:

Saw a beautiful animal; but, as it escaped into the hollow of a tree, could not ascertain whether it was a species of squirrel, weasel, or wild cat...

and the following day:

chased another little animal, such as had escaped from us yesterday, into a hollow tree, where we captured it; from the length of its tongue, and other circumstances, we conjecture that it is an ant-eater—its colour yellowish, barred with black and white streaks across the hinder part of the back; its length about twelve inches.[35]

The first classification of specimens was published by George Robert Waterhouse, describing the species in 1836 and the family in 1841.[3]

Myrmecobius fasciatus was included in the first part of John Gould's The Mammals of Australia, issued in 1845, with a plate by H. C. Richter illustrating the species.



  1. ^ a b c Woinarski, J.; Burbidge, A.A. (2016). "Myrmecobius fasciatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T14222A21949380. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T14222A21949380.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Myrmecobius fasciatus — Numbat".
  3. ^ a b Waterhouse, G.R. (1836). "Description of a new genus (Myrmecobius) of mammiferous animals from New Holland, probably belonging to the marsupial type". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1836: 69–70.
  4. ^ a b Abbott, Ian (2001). "Aboriginal names of mammal species in south-west Western Australia". CALMScience. 3 (4): 451.
  5. ^ a b Copley, P.B.; Kemper, C.M.; Medlin, G.C. (1989). "The mammals of northwestern South Australia". Records of the South Australian Museum. Published under the authority of the board of governors and edited by the museum director. v.23 (1989).
  6. ^ a b c "Numbat". AWC – Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Retrieved 1 March 2021.
  7. ^ "Numbats reintroduced to NSW National Park". AWC – Australian Wildlife Conservancy. 3 December 2020. Retrieved 1 March 2021.
  8. ^ author. "Rare numbats reintroduced to NSW national park". NSW Environment, Energy and Science. Retrieved 1 March 2021. {{cite web}}: |last= has generic name (help)
  9. ^ Water (DEW), Department for Environment and (15 October 2020). "Fifteen local projects receive Grassroots Grants funding". www.landscape.sa.gov.au. Retrieved 1 March 2021.
  10. ^ a b "Symbols of Western Australia". www.wa.gov.au. Retrieved 1 March 2021.
  11. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  12. ^ Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. (2007). "The delayed rise of present-day mammals". Nature. 446 (7135): 507–512. Bibcode:2007Natur.446..507B. doi:10.1038/nature05634. PMID 17392779. S2CID 4314965.
  13. ^ a b Finlayson, H.H. (1933). "On the eremian representative of Myrmecobius fasciatus (Waterhouse)". Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 57: 203–205.
  14. ^ "Species Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus Finlayson, 1933". Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Government. April 2011.
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Cooper, C.E. (2011). "Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae)". Mammalian Species. 43 (1): 129–140. doi:10.1644/881.1.
  16. ^ Miller, W.; Drautz, D. I.; Janecka, J. E.; Lesk, A. M.; Ratan, A.; Tomsho, L. P.; Packard, M.; Zhang, Y.; McClellan, L. R.; Qi, J.; Zhao, F.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Dalen, L.; Arsuaga, J. L.; Ericson, P. G.P.; Huson, D. H.; Helgen, K. M.; Murphy, W. J.; Gotherstrom, A.; Schuster, S. C. (February 2009). "The mitochondrial genome sequence of the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus)". Genome Res. 19 (2): 213–20. doi:10.1101/gr.082628.108. PMC 2652203. PMID 19139089.
  17. ^ Archer, M.; Hand, S. J.; Black, K. H.; Beck, R. M. D.; Arena, D. A.; Wilson, L. A. B.; Kealy, S.; Hung, T.-t. (27 May 2016). "A new family of bizarre durophagous carnivorous marsupials from Miocene deposits in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area, northwestern Queensland". Scientific Reports. 6: 26911. Bibcode:2016NatSR...626911A. doi:10.1038/srep26911. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 4882580. PMID 27229325.
  18. ^ McNab, Brian K. (1984). "Physiological convergence amongst ant-eating and termite-eating mammals". Journal of Zoology. 203 (4): 485–510. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1984.tb02345.x. ISSN 1469-7998.
  19. ^ Ellis, Eric (2003). "Animal Diversity Web: Myrmecobius fasciatus". Retrieved 1 September 2006.
  20. ^ a b c Lee, A.K. (1984). Macdonald, D. (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. p. 844. ISBN 978-0-87196-871-5.
  21. ^ Cooper, C.E. & Withers, P.C. (2010). "Gross renal morphology of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (Marsupialia : Myrmecobiidae)". Australian Mammalogy. 32 (2): 95–97. doi:10.1071/AM10005. hdl:20.500.11937/29671.
  22. ^ a b Dobson, John (19 November 2020). "Numbat numbers at WA's Dryandra Woodland grow as feral cat culling program kicks in". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 19 November 2020.
  23. ^ "Numbat nirvana: conservation ecology of the endangered numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae) reintroduced to Scotia and Yookamurra Sanctuaries, Australia". scholars.latrobe.edu.au. Retrieved 30 August 2020.
  24. ^ Merrin, Venessa (1 January 2016). "Numbat numbers on the up at Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary". friendsofawc. Retrieved 29 August 2020.
  25. ^ Hannam, Peter (2 December 2020). "Once thought extinct in NSW for a century, the diminutive numbat returns to the wild". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 3 December 2020.
  26. ^ Bester, Adam J.; Rusten, Karen (7 May 2009). "Trial translocation of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) into arid Australia". Australian Mammalogy. 31 (1): 9–16. doi:10.1071/AM08104. ISSN 1836-7402.
  27. ^ "Native threatened species roams Central Australian bush for the first time in decades". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 23 June 2020. Retrieved 29 August 2020.
  28. ^ "Bilbies, numbats, quolls included in 'great southern ark' rewilding project". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 31 January 2019. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  29. ^ "Marna Banggara: Creating a safe haven for native species". Landscape South Australia. Northern and Yorke. 24 December 2020. Retrieved 6 April 2021.
  30. ^ "Numbat". Archived from the original on 2 June 2009. Retrieved 17 June 2009.
  31. ^ a b "Numbat – profile | NSW Environment, Energy and Science". www.environment.nsw.gov.au. Retrieved 2 March 2021.
  32. ^ Cooper, C.E. & Withers, P.C. (2004). "Patterns of body temperature variation and torpor in the numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae)". Journal of Thermal Biology. 29 (6): 277–284. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2004.05.003. hdl:20.500.11937/28561.
  33. ^ a b "What is the fauna emblem of Western Australia?". NatureBase. Western Australia's Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Archived from the original on 29 September 2007. Retrieved 11 May 2009.
  34. ^ Power, V.; et al. (2009). "Reproduction of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus): observations from a captive breeding program". Australian Mammalogy. 31 (1): 25–30. doi:10.1071/AM08111.
  35. ^ a b Moore, George Fletcher (1884). Diary of ten years. London: M. Walbrook.
  36. ^ Hayward, M. W., Poh, A. S., Cathcart, J., Churcher, C., Bentley, J., Herman, K., . . . Friend, J. A. (2015). Numbat nirvana: Conservation ecology of the endangered numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (Marsupialia : Myrmecobiidae) reintroduced to Scotia and Yookamurra Sanctuaries, Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology, 63(4), 258. doi:10.1071/zo15028

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ Australian Faunal Directory citing Mahoney, J.A. & Ride, W.D.L. 1988. Myrmecobiidae. pp. 34-35 in Walton, D.W. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia Volume 5. Mammalia. Canberra : Australian Government Publishing Service 274 pp.; Ride, W.D.L. 1970. A Guide to the Native Mammals of Australia. Melbourne : Oxford University Press xiv 249 pp. 62 pls.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), also known as the noombat or walpurti, is an insectivorous marsupial. It is diurnal and its diet consists almost exclusively of termites.

The species was once widespread across southern Australia, but is now restricted to several small colonies in Western Australia. It is therefore considered an endangered species and protected by conservation programs. Numbats were recently re-introduced to fenced reserves in South Australia and New South Wales. The numbat is the faunal emblem of Western Australia.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Myrmecobius fasciatus ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

El numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) es una especie de marsupial dasiuromorfo de la familia Myrmecobiidae: se trata del único mirmecóbido.[2]​ Se encuentra sólo en algunas zonas remotas del suroeste australiano. Su disminución se ha debido a la destrucción de su hábitat y la depredación de animales introducidos por el hombre en Australia. Es el animal estatal de Australia Occidental.[3]



La principal característica que distingue a los marsupiales de los demás mamíferos es que las crías nacen cuando todavía no están desarrolladas. En la mayoría de marsupiales, la diminuta cría, casi en estado de embrión, se arrastra hasta el marsupio localizado en el vientre de la madre, donde se aferra a un pezón y continúa su crecimiento. Sin embargo, el numbat difiere de los demás marsupiales en que no posee marsupio. En su lugar, las crías se aferran al pezón que se encuentra debajo del largo pelo de la madre, donde permanecen durante cuatro meses.

Este animal es de color marrón rojizo encima de la cabeza y la parte superior de la espalda, pero en la mitad inferior de la espalda tienen rayas blancas y negras. En el vientre el pelo es más pálido. La larga cola es frondosa y las cerdas son grises y blancas. Una raya negra con un borde blanco va desde la base de la oreja, rodea el ojo y recorre cada lado del largo y puntiagudo hocico. Las extremidades son cortas y gruesas, con fuertes uñas en sus dedos.


Es mirmecófago, pues se alimenta casi exclusivamente de termitas, las cuales caza irrumpiendo en un tronco o un túnel subterráneo, recorriéndolo con su larga lengua pegajosa y comiendo las que quedan agarradas a su piel.

Comparte las características de los mamíferos comedores de hormigas: fuertes garras, un largo hocico puntiagudo, una larga lengua pegajosa y cilíndrica para buscar entre las grietas, y un paladar óseo contra el que aplasta las termitas antes de tragarlas.

Es el único marsupial australiano totalmente activo durante el día. Aunque a menudo toma el sol, pasa la mayoría de sus horas activas buscando termitas entre árboles caídos, troncos en putrefacción y removiendo el subsuelo, escarbando con las uñas, husmeando con su largo hocico, levantando hojarasca y dando la vuelta a pequeños trozos de madera.


Vive en los bosques con matorrales bajos, particularmente donde terminan los eucaliptos, debido a que es en las ramas caídas donde principalmente viven las termitas. El numbat recorre las grietas de la madera extrayendo una gran cantidad de termitas, que quedan pegadas a su pegajosa lengua.

Además de a las termitas, las ramas huecas que caen de los árboles de eucalipto dan refugio al numbat y muchas sirven para formar nidos de hojas y hierbas. A veces, los numbats excavan madrigueras para protegerse durante la noche y también para parir. Ocasionalmente aprovechan las madrigueras abandonadas por otros animales.


Es un animal solitario; sin embargo, el macho y la hembra se juntan para aparearse entre los meses veraniegos de diciembre a abril. De enero a mayo nacen de dos a cuatro crías. A los pocos minutos de nacer se arrastran hasta el vientre de la madre, donde permanecen cuatro meses agarrados a los pezones, protegidos entre el abrigado pelo y recibiendo así calor y alimento.

A medida que crecen comienzan a bajar al suelo. A los cuatro meses de edad, la madre los suele dejar en una madriguera durante el día, a donde regresa de noche para amamantarlos. A los seis meses de edad comienzan a comer termitas. Las crías permanecen cerca de la madre hasta que esta pare nuevamente en diciembre.


Los principales depredadores del numbat en estado salvaje son la pitón tapiz (Morelia spilota) y algunos lagartos grandes. Sin embargo, los zorros, los perros y los gatos introducidos en Australia por los colonos se han convertido en terribles depredadores.

En peligro de extinción

Distribución histórica.Etapas de extinción: 1800 - 1910
1910 - 1930
1930 - 1960
1960 - 1980 Poblaciones de 1980: Marcadas con puntos

Anteriormente se encontraba en Nueva Gales del Sur, en Australia Meridional y en Australia Occidental, pero la tala para los cultivos que elimina los árboles muertos, que son el hogar de las termitas, ha forzado al numbat a ocupar un territorio cada vez más pequeño.

A pesar de que desde hace años su hábitat está protegido, su número ha descendido hasta el punto en que es una especie en peligro de extinción. Debido a ello, se han establecido en Australia colonias reproductivas para su posterior puesta en libertad.


Se han descrito las siguientes subespecies:[2]


  1. Friend, T. & Burbidge, A. (2008). «Myrmecobius fasciatus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2014.1 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 12 de julio de 2014.
  2. a b Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  3. «The Animal Emblem of Western Australia». Department of the Premier and Cabinet (WA). Archivado desde el original el 31 de agosto de 2007. Consultado el 18 de octubre de 2007.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Myrmecobius fasciatus: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

El numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) es una especie de marsupial dasiuromorfo de la familia Myrmecobiidae: se trata del único mirmecóbido.​ Se encuentra sólo en algunas zonas remotas del suroeste australiano. Su disminución se ha debido a la destrucción de su hábitat y la depredación de animales introducidos por el hombre en Australia. Es el animal estatal de Australia Occidental.​

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Kukkur-sipelgakaru ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供

Kukkur-sipelgakaru[3][viide?] (Myrmecobius fasciatus), ka kukkur-sipelgaõgija,[4][viide?] on kukruline põlisasukas Lääne-Austraalias ja hiljuti taasasustatud liik Lõuna-Austraalias. Tema söögisedel koosneb peaaegu eranditult termiitidest. Olles kunagi väga laialt levinud kogu Lõuna-Austraalias, piirdub tema levila praegu mõne väikese kolooniaga ja liik on kantud ohustatud liikide nimekirja. Kukkur-sipelgakaru on Lääne-Austraalia vapiloom ja kaitstud keskkonnaprogrammidega.


Kukkur-sipelgakaru liik Myrmecobius fasciatus on sugukonna Myrmecobiidae ainus liik. Seltsii kukkurkärplased (Dasyuromorphia) kuulub veel kolm perekonda Austraalia lihatoidulisi kukkurloomi.[5] See liik ei ole lähedalt seotud teiste säilinud kukkurloomadega.

Kukkurkärplaste alamseltsis platseerub oma monotüüpse perekonnaga Dasyuridae, eripärase lihatoidulise liigi hulka. On pakutud välja ka lähisugulust väljasurnud kukkurhundiga. Geneetilised uuringud on näidanud kukkur-sipelgakaru esivanemate lahknemist teistest kukkurloomadest vahemikus 32 ja 42 miljonit aastat tagasi, hilises Eotseenis.[6]

Tuntakse kaht alamliiki, kuid üks nendest, roostekarva kukkur-sipelgakaru (M. f. rufus), on välja surnud alates 1960-ndatest ja ainult nimetatud alamliik (M. f. fasciatus) on jäänud ellu tänapäevani. M. f. rufusel olevat olnud punakam karvkate kui ellujäänud alamliigil. Fossiilseid eksemplare tuntakse vähesel määral, vanim neist dateerub Pleistotseeni ajastusse ja teisi fossiile, mis kuuluvad sama perekonna teistesse liikidesse pole veel avastatud.[7]

Hõimkonna puu, mis baseerub mitokondrilisel genoomijadal:[8]


Thylacinuskukkurhunt Thylacinus cynocephalus white background.jpg

Myrmecobius – kukkur-sipelgakaru A hand-book to the marsupialia and monotremata (Plate XXX) (white background).jpg

Sminthopsiskukkurhiirik [9]The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus and Terror (Sminthopsis leucopus).jpg

Phascogalekukkurhiir Phascogale calura Gould white background.jpg

Dasyuruskvoll Dasyurus viverrinus Gould white background.jpg


Kukkur-sipelgakaru on väike värvikirev olend, 35–45 cm pikk, sabaga, tal on peenelt väljajoonistuv koon ja esileulatuv kohev saba, kehaga umbes samas pikkuses. Värvus varieerub märgatavalt, pehmest hallist kuni punakaspruunini, sageli esineb telliskivipunast ülaselja piirkonnas ja alati esineb silmatorkav musta triip, mis jookseb koonu tipust silmade vahelt kuni väikeste ümaratipuliste kõrvadeni. 4–11 valget triipu katavad looma tagakülgi, mis järk-järgult muutuvad kahvatumaks keskselja suunas. Kõhualune on kreemikas või helehall, samas saba on kaetud pika, halli, valgete tähnidega kirjatud karvaga. Kaal jääb vahemikku 280–700 grammi.[7]

Numbat Face.jpg

Erinevalt enamikust teistest kukkurloomadest on kukkur-sipelgakaru päevase eluviisiga, peamiselt kitsenduse tõttu toitumaks spetsialiseeritult, omamata selleks tavalist füüsilist varustatust. Enamik ökosüsteeme rohkete termiitidega toidab üsnagi suuri elukaid, kel on tugevad esijäsemed kõvade küünistega. Kukkur-sipelgakarud ei ole suured, neil on esijäsemetel 5 varvast ja tagajäsemetel 4 varvast. Siiski, nagu teistelgi imetajatel, kes söövad termiite ja sipelgaid, on kukkur-sipelgakarul taandarenenud lõuad, milles on kuni 50 väikest mittefunktsionaalset hammast, ja kuigi ta on võimeline mäluma, teeb ta seda harva, seda oma toidu pehme koostise tõttu. Maismaal elavate imetajate seas ainulaadsena omab ta lisahammast põses, mis asetseb eelpurihammaste ja purihammaste vahel- kas see kujutab endast liigarvulist purihammast või piimahammast, mis säilinud täiskasvanueani, on ebaselge. Kuigi kõikidel indiviididel ei ole sama hambumusvalem, järgib see unikaalset mustrit.

Nagu ka paljudel sipelgaid söövatel loomadel, on kukkur-sipelgakarul ebatavaliselt pikk ja kitsas keel, mis on kaetud kleepuva süljega, mida toodavad suured submandikulaarsed näärmed.[10] Toitumisega kohandumisest annavad tõendust ka suu pehmelae arvukad kõrgendikud, mis ilmselt aitavad termiite keelelt ära kraapida, et neid siis neelata. Seedesüsteem on suhteliselt lihtne, puuduvad paljud adaptatsioonid, mis on omased teistele putuktoidulistele, eelkõige on see seletatav faktiga, et termiite on kergem seedida kui sipelgaid, kuna neil on pehmem väline luukest.

Kukkur-sipelgakarud on ilmselt võimelised saama arvestavat veekogust kätte oma toidust, kuna nende neerudel puudub võime talletada vett erinevalt teistest põuases piirkonnas elavatest loomadest.[11] Kukkur-sipelgakarudel on ka lõhnanääre, mida saab kasutada territooriumi märgistamiseks. Kuigi kukkur-sipelgakaru leiab termiidikuhilaid peamiselt lõhna järgi, on tal kukkurloomadest kõige kõrgem nägemisteravus, ja erinevalt teistest kukkurloomadest, kõrge proportsioon värvusretseptoreid võrkkestal. Need mõlemad on adaptatsioonid päevaseks eluviisiks ja nägemine osutubki esmaseks meeleks, millega märgata potentsiaalseid kiskjaid. Kukkur-sipelgakarud viibivad sageli hibernatsiooniseisundis, mis võib kesta kuni 15 tundi päevas talvekuudel.

Levik ja elupaik

Kukkur-sipelgakarusid leidus varem kogu Lõuna-Austraalias kuni Lääne-Austraaliani – kuni edelas asuva Uus-Lõuna-Walesini. Alates eurooplaste saabumisest on nende levila märkimisväärselt kahanenud. Liik on säilinud vaid kahel väikesel maalapil Dryandra Woodlandis ja Perupi loodusreservaadis, mõlemad asuvad Lääne-Austraalias. Viimastel aastatel on suudetud edukalt taastada liik mõnel tarastatud kaitsealal, sealhulgas Lõuna-Austraalias (Yookamurra kaitsealal) ja Uus-Lõuna-Walesis (Scotia kaitseala). Tänapäeval leidub kukkur-sipelgakarusid ainult eukalüptimetsade piirkonnas, kuid kunagi olid nad laialt levinud ka muud tüüpi poolpõuases puistus, Spinifexi rohtlas ja isegi maastikel, kus domineerisid liivadüünid.

Ökoloogia ja käitumine

Kukkur-sipelgakarud on putuktoidulised ja söövad ainuvalikuliselt termiite. Täiskasvanud loom vajab kuni 20 000 termiiti päevas. Olles ainsana kukkurloomadest aktiivne kogu päeva vältel, veedab ta enamuse ajast termiite otsides. Ta kaevab neid lahtisest pinnasest oma esikäppade küünistega ja haarab nad oma pika ja kleepuva keelega. Kuigi teda kutsutakse ka vöödiliseks sipelgaõgijaks, ta ilmselgelt ei söö sipelgaid tahtlikult. Kuigi sipelgate jäänuseid on leitud kukkur-sipelgakaru väljaheitest, kuuluvad need liiki, mis ise toituvad termiitidest. Nii et need söödi kogemata, koos põhitoidusega.

Kukkur-sipelgakaru teadaolevate vaenlaste hulgas on võrkpüüton, punarebane ja mitut liiki pistrikud, kullilised ja kotkad. Täiskasvanud isendid on üksildased ja territoriaalsed; indiviidist emane või isane kehtestab territooriumi kuni 1,5 km2 varajaselt ja kaitseb seda samasooliste eest. Loom üldiselt jääb territooriumi piiresse edaspidi, emase ja isase territooriumid kattuvad ja jooksuajal isased julgevad väljuda oma kodupiirkonnast leidmaks paarilist.

Kuigi kukkur-sipelgakarul on oma suuruse kohta suhteliselt võimsad küünised, pole ta siiski piisavalt tugev saamaks termiite kätte nende betoonilaadsetest kuhilatest, seega peavad ootama, kuni termiidid on aktiivsed. Ta kasutab hästiarenenud lõhnameelt et lokaliseerida madalad ja kindlustamata maa-alused rõhtkäigud mille termiidid on ehitanud pesa ja toitumispaikade vahele; need on tavaliselt maapinna lähedal ja haavatavad kukkur-sipelgakaru küüniste poolt.

Kukkur-sipelgakaru sätib oma päeva termiitide aktiivsuse järgi, mis on ka temperatuurist sõltuv: talvel toitub ta keskhommikust keskpäevani: suvel tõuseb varem ja poeb varju päevakuumuse eest, toitudes jälle hilisel pärastlõunal.

Ööseks tõmbub loom oma pessa, mis võib olla õõnes puunott või urg, tüüpiliselt kitsas, 1–2 m pikk šaht, mis lõppeb sfäärilise kambriga, mis on vooderdatud pehme taimmaterjaliga: rohu, lehtede, lillede ja ribastatud puukoorega. Loom on võimeline blokeerima pesa avause oma paksu tagapoolega, et tõrjuda kiskjat urgu sisenemast.

Kukkur-sipelgakarudel on suhteliselt vähe häälitsusi, kuid kui neid häiritakse, on nad siiski sisisenud, urisenud ja toonud kuuldavale korduvaid "tut"-häälitsusi.


Kukkur-sipelgakarud paarituvad veebruaris ja märtsis, tavaliselt tuues ilmale ühe pesakonna aastas, kuigi võivad tuua ilmale ka teise pesakonna, kui esimene kaob.[12] Tiinus kestab 15 päeva ja lõpeb 4 poja ilmaletoomisega. Vastupidi kukkurloomadele ei ole kukkur-sipelgakarul kukrut, kuigi neli nisa on kaitstud kullakate karvadega ja alakõhul ja reitel moodustuva nahapaisega imetamisperioodil.

Pojad on 2 cm pikad sündides ja roomavad nisade juurde, jäädes sinna kinnitatuna juuli lõpuni või augusti alguseni, millal nad on kasvanud kuni 7,5 cm. Täiskasvanu karvkate hakkab ilmuma kui nad on 5,5 cm pikad. Pärast rinnast võõrutamist lastakse pojad algselt pesas lahti, või kannab ema neid seljas, novembriks on nad täiesti iseseisvunud. Emased on seksuaalselt küpsed järgmiseks suveks, isased ei saavuta suguküpsust veel ka järgmisel aastal.


Kuni eurooplaste kolonisatsioonini leidus kukkur-sipelgakaru Uus-Lõuna-Walesi ja Victoria piirialadelt kuni läände India ookeani kallasteni, ja põhja pool kuni Põhjaterritooriumi kagunurgani. See oli puistute ja poolpõualiste alade piirkond. 19. sajandil tahtlikult levitatud Euroopa punarebased pühkisid maapinnalt kogu kukkur-sipelgakarude populatsiooni Victoria, NSW, Lõuna-Austraalia ja Põhjaterritooriumi aladelt, ja peaaegu kõik kukkur-sipelgakarud Lääne-Austraaliast ka. 1970. aastate lõpuks oli populatsiooni järel alla 100 isendi, kes olid koondunud kahte väiksesse piirkonda, mitte kaugel Perthist, Dryandrast ja Perupist.

Esimesed teated liigist kirjeldasid teda kui ilusat, tema võlu viis tema valimiseni Lääne-Austraalia vapiloomaks ja tema väljasuremise ärahoidmiseni.[13] Kaks Lääne-Austraalia populatsiooni ilmselt olid võimelised ellu jääma tänu piirkondades rohkelt leiduvatele õõnsatele puupalkidele, mis võisid olla pelgupaikadeks kiskjate eest.

Olles päevase eluviisiga, on kukkur-sipelgakaru palju haavatavam kiskjate poolt kui teised temasuurused kukkurloomad. Tema looduslikud vaenlased on austraalia kääbuskotkas, vööt-tuvikull, raudkull ja võrkpüüton.

Kui Lääne-Austraalia valitsus lõi Dryandra piirkonnas (üks kahest allesjäänud alast) rebaste lõksupüüdmise eksperimentaalse programmi, suurenes kukkur-sipelgakarude esinemissagedus faktorini 40.

Intensiivsed uurimis- ja kaitseprogrammid alates 1980. aastast on suurendanud kukkur-sipelgakarude populatsiooni oluliselt ja rebasevaba piirkondade taasasustamine on alanud. Perthi loomaaed on programmi kaasatud ülesandega paljundada seal põlisliike, et noored loomad hiljem vabasse loodusesse lasta.

Hoolimata julgustavast edust, on kukkur-sipelgakarud ikkagi väljasuremise riskialdis ja liigituvad ohustatud loomade hulka. Alates aastast 2006 on kukkur-sipelgakarude projektis osalevad vabatahtlikud aidanud päästa neid loomi väljasuremisohust. Üks selle projekti peamisi eesmärke on rahakogumine, mille tulu läheks otse projektidele ja teadlikkuse tõstmine, mis toimuks vabatahtlike korraldatavate tutvustuste nii koolides, kogukonnagruppides ja üritustel.

Varem IUCNi punastes nimistutes avaldatud kukkur-sipelgakaru kaitsestaatused[14]:

  • 2008 – eriti ohustatud (EN)
  • 1996 – ohualdis (VU)
  • 1994 – eriti ohustatud (E)
  • 1990 – eriti ohustatud (E)
  • 1988 – eriti ohustatud (E)
  • 1986 – eriti ohustatud (E)
  • 1982 – eriti ohustatud (E)
  • 1965 –


Richteri illustratsioon Myrmecobius fasciatus, 1845

Kukkur-sipelgakaru sai eurooplastele tuntuks aastal 1831. Ta avastati Robert Dale'i juhitud uurimisgrupi avastusretkel Avon Valleys. George Fletcher Moore, kes oli ekspeditsiooni liige, andis avastusest aru nõndaviisi:

„" Nägin kaunist looma, aga, kuna ta põgenes õõnsa puu sisse, ei suutnud ma tuvastada , kas tegu oli orava, nirgi või metskassi liigiga…"“

Ja järgmisel päeval:

„"ajasin taga järjekordset väikest looma, sellist kes põgenes meie eest eile, õõnsa puu sisemuses vangistasime ta, tema keele pikkuse järgi ja teistest asjaoludest tulenevalt me oletame, et see on sipelgaõgija- tema värv on kollakas, triibustatud mustade ja valgete vöötidega keha tagapoolel; tema pikkus umbes 12 tolli.[15]"“

Esimesed eksemplari klassifikatsioonid avaldas George Robert Waterhouse, kus ta kirjeldas liike 1836. aastal ja perekondi viis aastat hiljem. Myrmecobius fasciatus kanti John Gouldi raamatu "Austraalia imetajad" esimesse osasse, mis anti välja 1845. aastal koos H. C. Richteri illustratsioonidega.


  1. Friend, T., Burbidge, A. (2008). Myrmecobius fasciatus. IUCNi punase nimistu ohustatud liigid. IUCN 2008.
  2. http://lepo.it.da.ut.ee/~mprous/Zoa/mammalia.htm
  3. Andrei Grigorjevitš Bannikov, V. J. Flint, T. D.Gladkova... [jt.] (1987). Loomade Elu. Kd. 7, imetajad. Tallinn: Valgus. Lk 38-39.
  4. U. Agur, J. Ant jne (1990). Eesti Entsüklopeedia 5 (KONJ-LÕUNA). Kd. 5. Tallinn: Valgus. Lk 187.
  5. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  6. Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. (2007). "The delayed rise of present-day mammals". Nature. 446: 507–512. doi:10.1038/nature05634. PMID 17392779.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Cooper, C.E. (2011). "Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae)". Mammalian Species. 43 (1): 129–140. doi:10.1644/881.1.
  8. "The mitochondrial genome sequence of the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus)". Genome Res. 19 (2): 213–20. Mai 2017. PMC 2652203. PMID 19139089. doi:10.1101/gr.082628.108.
  9. https://www.riigiteataja.ee/akt/83475
  10. http://www.perthzoo.wa.gov.au/en/Animals--Plants/Australia/Australian-Bushwalk/Numbat/
  11. Cooper, C.E. & Withers, P.C. (2010). "Gross renal morphology of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (Marsupialia : Myrmecobiidae)". Australian Mammalogy. 32 (2): 95–97. doi:10.1071/AM10005.
  12. Power, V.; et al. (2009). "Reproduction of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus): observations from a captive breeding program". Australian Mammalogy. 31 (1): 25–30. doi:10.1071/AM08111.
  13. "What is the fauna emblem of Western Australia?". NatureBase. Western Australia's Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Retrieved 2009-05-11.
  14. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/14222/0
  15. Moore, George Fletcher (1884). Diary of ten years. London: M. Walbrook.
Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
wikipedia ET

Kukkur-sipelgakaru: Brief Summary ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供

Kukkur-sipelgakaru[viide?] (Myrmecobius fasciatus), ka kukkur-sipelgaõgija,[viide?] on kukruline põlisasukas Lääne-Austraalias ja hiljuti taasasustatud liik Lõuna-Austraalias. Tema söögisedel koosneb peaaegu eranditult termiitidest. Olles kunagi väga laialt levinud kogu Lõuna-Austraalias, piirdub tema levila praegu mõne väikese kolooniaga ja liik on kantud ohustatud liikide nimekirja. Kukkur-sipelgakaru on Lääne-Austraalia vapiloom ja kaitstud keskkonnaprogrammidega.

Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
wikipedia ET

Numbat ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) Australian bizi den animalia da. Myrmecobius generoko eta Myrmecobiidae familia monotipikoko animalia espezie bakarra da. Dasyuromorphia ordenaren barruko ugaztuna da.[3] Arrisku bizian dago eta Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus azpiespeziea dagoeneko galdu da.


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Waterhouse (1836) 1836 Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 69. or..
  3. Cooper, C.E. (2011) «Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae)» Mammalian Species 43 (1): 129–140 doi:10.1644/881.1.

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wikipedia EU

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) Australian bizi den animalia da. Myrmecobius generoko eta Myrmecobiidae familia monotipikoko animalia espezie bakarra da. Dasyuromorphia ordenaren barruko ugaztuna da. Arrisku bizian dago eta Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus azpiespeziea dagoeneko galdu da.

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wikipedia EU

Pussimuurahaiskarhu ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Pussimuurahaiskarhu eli numbatti (Myrmecobius fasciatus) on pussipetojen lahkoon kuuluvan pussimuurahaiskarhujen heimon (Myrmecobiidae) viimeinen elossa oleva edustaja. Aiemmin laajalle levinnyt pussimuurahaiskarhu on nykyään erittäin uhanalainen.


Pussimuurahaiskarhun vartalo on enintään 30 ja häntä 15 senttimetriä pitkä. Painoltaan eläin kasvaa enintään puoleen kiloon. Pussimuurahaiskarhun ominaispiirteitä ovat pitkä kieli, musta raita huulilta korville, kuusi tai seitsemän valkoista raitaa vartalon takaosassa ja tuuhea häntä. Sen turkki on lyhyttä ja karkeaa ja väriltään harmaanruskea tai joskus punertava.


Päiväaktiiviset pussimuurahaiskarhut käyttävät suuren osan päivästään ruoan etsimiseen. Ne syövät pääasiassa termiittejä, mutta myös muurahaiset ja muut hyönteiset käyvät ravinnoksi.


  1. Friend, T. & Burbidge, A.: Myrmecobius fasciatus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 4.8.2014. (englanniksi)

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Pussimuurahaiskarhu: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Pussimuurahaiskarhu eli numbatti (Myrmecobius fasciatus) on pussipetojen lahkoon kuuluvan pussimuurahaiskarhujen heimon (Myrmecobiidae) viimeinen elossa oleva edustaja. Aiemmin laajalle levinnyt pussimuurahaiskarhu on nykyään erittäin uhanalainen.

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
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Myrmecobius fasciatus ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Myrmecobius fasciatus (noms vernaculaires : myrmécobie à bandes, numbat ou encore fourmilier marsupial) est un petit marsupial endémique d'Australie-Occidentale. C'est le seul membre du genre Myrmecobius et de la famille Myrmecobiidae, l'une des trois familles qui composent l'ordre des Dasyuromorphia, regroupant l'ensemble des carnivores marsupiaux.


Formule dentaire mâchoire supérieure 4 3-4 1 4 4 1 3-4 4 4 4-5 1 3 3 1 4-5 4 mâchoire inférieure Total : 52 max Denture du numbat

Le numbat mesure entre 17,5 et 29 cm de long et sa queue mesure de 12 à 21 cm. Le mâle pèse entre 300 et 715 g (597 g en moyenne) et la femelle entre 320 et 678 g (478 g en moyenne). La tête est petite avec un museau fin. Une bande noire horizontale traverse les yeux, elle est soulignée par une ligne blanche. Le pelage est court, raide et peu dense. Le dos est brun-roux à l'avant et devient progressivement brun foncé puis noir sur la croupe. Il est parcouru par 4 à 11 bandes transversales blanches qui sont nettes et larges sur la croupe et de moins en moins visibles à l'avant du corps. Le pelage est blanc sur le ventre. La femelle possède 4 tétons recouverts de poils dorés, elle n'a pas de marsupium. Les poils de la queue sont bruns et blancs, ils sont plus longs que sur le reste du corps[1],[2].

Comme la plupart des mammifères qui se nourrissent de termites ou de fourmis, Myrmecobius fasciatus a un maxillaire dégénéré avec des dents qui ne sont pas fonctionnelles et il est incapable de mâcher. Néanmoins il a une formule dentaire analogue à celle des autres marsupiaux.


  • Myrmecobius fasciatus fasciatus
  • Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus

Répartition et habitat

Répartition historique du Myrmecobius fasciatus.
Répartition actuelle. En vert les populations survivantes et en rose les populations réintroduites (agrandir pour voir les couleurs).

Avant l'arrivée des Européens en Australie, les numbats étaient présentes dans tout le sud de l'île, Australie-Occidentale, en Territoire du Nord, en Australie-Méridionale, en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, en Victoria. Ils ne sont plus aujourd'hui présents qu'en Australie-Occidentale[2],[3].

Lorsque les numbats étaient abondants, ils occupaient les zones boisées d'eucalyptus et d'acacias ainsi que les prairies de Triodia et de Plectrachne. Ils ne sont plus aujourd'hui présents que dans les bois d'eucalyptus avec de nombreux arbres morts qui leur servent d'abris[2].


Myrmecobius fasciatus est un animal très spécialisé, se nourrissant exclusivement de termites. Il en consomme entre 20 000 par jour, ce qui correspond à 10 % de son poids. Il se nourrit notamment des genres Heterotermes, Coptotermes, Amitermies, Microcerotermes, Termes, Paracapritermes, Nasutitermes, Tumulitermes et Occasitermes. Il ingère également quelques fourmis par accident[2].

Le numbat passe l'essentiel de son temps de veille à la recherche de nourriture, marchant, s'arrêtant et repartant, reniflant le sol à la recherche des galeries souterraines peu profondes de termites. Quand il en a repéré, il s'accroupit sur ses pattes arrière et creuse la terre rapidement avec ses pattes antérieures munies de griffes robustes. Il récupère ensuite les termites avec sa langue étroite qu'il introduit dans les galeries.

Mode de vie

Le myrmécobie à bandes est le seul marsupial australien totalement diurne. Cela est dû à son régime alimentaire spécialiste qui lui impose d'être actif aux mêmes heures que les termites[1].

L'activité du numbat est régie par de fortes variations saisonnières qui dépendent de l'ensoleillement, de l'abondance en proies et des conditions de reproduction. Durant le printemps et l'été australs, période qui correspond à la saison de reproduction, le numbat est actif plus longtemps pendant la journée qu'en automne et en hiver. En été, il est actif tôt le matin, tard le soir et reste caché puis dans un terrier ou un tronc d'arbre mort durant l'après-midi. En hiver, il est plus actif vers le milieu de la journée. Ces variations suivent l'abondance en proies et permettent également au numbat de réduire au minimum sa thermorégulation[1].

Comportement social

Myrmecobius fasciatus reste solitaire une grande partie de l'année, chaque individu occupe un territoire d'environ 50 hectares. Les territoires d'individus de même sexe sont strictement séparés tandis que les territoires des individus de sexe opposés peuvent se chevaucher[2],[1].

Il utilise des souches creuses comme abri et refuge toute l'année, même s'il passe la nuit pendant les mois les plus froids dans des terriers qu'il creuse. Les terriers et certains abris contiennent un nid à base de feuilles, graminées et écorces[2]. En été, le myrmécobie prend le soleil sur des souches.


La période de reproduction a lieu de décembre à janvier. Le mâle sécrète une substance huileuse par la glande sternale dont il enduit les rochers en se frottant. Cette substance odorante lui permet d'avertir les femelles qu'il recherche une partenaire et de tenir les mâles éloignés de son territoire. La copulation dure de moins d'une minute à une heure. Le mâle peut s'accoupler avec plusieurs femelles[2].

La gestation dure 14 jours. La femelle donne naissance à quatre petits entre janvier et février. Contrairement à la plupart des marsupiaux, la femelle de cette espèce n'a pas de poche, elle transporte donc ses petits accrochés à ses quatre tétons. Ils y restent attachés pendant six mois, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient devenus trop lourds pour que la mère puisse continuer à les porter. Elle les dépose alors dans un nid vers juillet-août. Ils continuent néanmoins à téter leur mère jusqu'à l'âge de neuf mois. Ils commencent à s'alimenter seuls vers fin septembre et sont indépendants en novembre, ils quittent alors leur mère et partent à la recherche d'un nouveau territoire[1],[2].

La longévité est de 4 ans dans la nature. En captivité, une femelle a survécu 7 ans et un mâle 11 ans[2].

Prédateurs et parasites

Les principaux prédateurs du numbat sont les renards roux et les chats féraux, qui ont été importés par les Européens. Ils sont également la proie d'animaux indigènes comme les rapaces (aigle d'Australie, faucon bérigora, aigle nain, autour australien), le varan de Gould et le serpent Morelia spilota[3],[1].

Les numbats peuvent être parasités par les tiques Ixodes vestitus, I. myrmecobii et Amblyomma triguttatum, les mouches Echidnophaga myrmecobii et E. perilis ainsi que par la mite Mesolaelaps australiensis. Des nématodes (Beveridgeiella calabyi, B. inglisi) ont également été trouvés dans le tube digestif de certains individus[1].


Des études génétiques ont montré que l'ancêtre de Myrmecobius fasciatus aurait divergé des autres Dasyuromorphia il y a entre 32,8 et 42,2 millions d'années[1].


Thylacinus † (thylacine)Thylacinus cynocephalus white background.jpg

Myrmecobius (numbat)A hand-book to the marsupialia and monotremata (Plate XXX) (white background).jpg

Sminthopsis (souris marsupiales)The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus and Terror (Sminthopsis leucopus).jpg

Phascogale (phascogaleq)Phascogale calura Gould white background.jpg

Dasyurus (chats marsupiaux)Dasyurus viverrinus Gould white background.jpg

Menaces et conservation

Myrmecobius fasciatus était autrefois répandu dans le sud et le centre de l'Australie, des côtes ouest à la zone subaride de l'ouest de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Il ne vit plus désormais que dans quelques forêts d'eucalyptus et des zones boisées du sud-ouest de l'Australie occidentale. Sa raréfaction est principalement due à la destruction de son habitat pour les besoins agricoles et à la prédation des chats sauvages[4] et des renards. Malgré le fait que l'essentiel de leur habitat actuel ne risque plus d'être déboisé, les populations qui subsistent sont si réduites que l'UICN considère aujourd'hui l'espèce en danger. Le Zoo de Perth est un des rares zoos à abriter le myrmécobie à bandes.

On estime qu'il ne reste en 2016 à l'état sauvage, plus que 800 individus adultes qui occupent une superficie totale de 1 200 km2[3].

Notes et références

  1. a b c d e f g et h Christine Elizabeth Cooper, « Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae) », Mammalian Species, vol. 43,‎ 2011, p. 129-140 (résumé).
  2. a b c d e f g h et i (en) Référence Animal Diversity Web : Myrmecobius fasciatus.
  3. a b et c (en) Référence UICN : espèce Myrmecobius fasciatus Waterhouse, 1836.
  4. Caroline Taïx (Sydney correspondance), « L’Australie s’apprête à abattre deux millions de chats », Le Monde.fr,‎ 18 janvier 2017 (ISSN , lire en ligne).

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Myrmecobius fasciatus: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Myrmecobius fasciatus (noms vernaculaires : myrmécobie à bandes, numbat ou encore fourmilier marsupial) est un petit marsupial endémique d'Australie-Occidentale. C'est le seul membre du genre Myrmecobius et de la famille Myrmecobiidae, l'une des trois familles qui composent l'ordre des Dasyuromorphia, regroupant l'ensemble des carnivores marsupiaux.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Numbat ( 印尼語 )

由wikipedia ID提供

Numbat merupakan binatang simbol untuk wilayah Australia Barat, tetapi sayangnya saat ini populasi mereka berada dalam status "Terancam Punah". Untuk melindungi satwa yang saat ini hanya ditemukan dalam beberapa koloni kecil ini, pemerintah Australia mengadakan sebuah program konservasi.

Numbat memiliki ukuran tubuh kecil dengan panjang hanya sekitar 35–45 cm, diukur hingga ujung ekornya, di mana panjang ekornya hampir sama dengan panjang tubuhnya. Berat badan Numbat berkisar antara 280 gram hingga 700 gram.

Binatang ini memiliki berbagai macam variasi warna, terbentang dari abu-abu muda hingga cokelat kemerahan dengan garis-garis melingkari tubuh berwarna putih, garis hitam yang memanjang dari wajah hingga ujung ekornya, dan bulu bagian atas berwarna lebih kemerahan.

Berbeda dengan binatang marsupial (berkantung) lainnya, Numbat merupakan binatang diurnal (aktif disiang hari). Di siang hari mereka akan berburu rayap sebagai makanan utama mereka dengan menggunakan cakar kuatnya dan lidah yang sangat panjang, ramping, serta lengket untuk menangkap rayap.

Daerah penyebaran Numbat terbentang dari Australia bagian Selatan, Australia Bagian Barat hingga bagian barat daya New South Wales. Namun sejak kedatangan bangsa Eropa ke Australia, daerah penyebaran mereka semakin menyusut. Dan saat ini mereka hanya dapat ditemukan di 2 tempat yaitu di Dryandra Woodland dan Perup Nature Reserve, yang keduanya merupakan daerah di Australia Bagian Barat.


  1. ^ Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., ed. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (edisi ke-3rd). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Friend, T. & Burbidge, A. (2008). "Myrmecobius fasciatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal 8 October 2008.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link)

Pranala luar

Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia ID

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 印尼語 )

由wikipedia ID提供

Numbat merupakan binatang simbol untuk wilayah Australia Barat, tetapi sayangnya saat ini populasi mereka berada dalam status "Terancam Punah". Untuk melindungi satwa yang saat ini hanya ditemukan dalam beberapa koloni kecil ini, pemerintah Australia mengadakan sebuah program konservasi.

Numbat memiliki ukuran tubuh kecil dengan panjang hanya sekitar 35–45 cm, diukur hingga ujung ekornya, di mana panjang ekornya hampir sama dengan panjang tubuhnya. Berat badan Numbat berkisar antara 280 gram hingga 700 gram.

Binatang ini memiliki berbagai macam variasi warna, terbentang dari abu-abu muda hingga cokelat kemerahan dengan garis-garis melingkari tubuh berwarna putih, garis hitam yang memanjang dari wajah hingga ujung ekornya, dan bulu bagian atas berwarna lebih kemerahan.

Berbeda dengan binatang marsupial (berkantung) lainnya, Numbat merupakan binatang diurnal (aktif disiang hari). Di siang hari mereka akan berburu rayap sebagai makanan utama mereka dengan menggunakan cakar kuatnya dan lidah yang sangat panjang, ramping, serta lengket untuk menangkap rayap.

Daerah penyebaran Numbat terbentang dari Australia bagian Selatan, Australia Bagian Barat hingga bagian barat daya New South Wales. Namun sejak kedatangan bangsa Eropa ke Australia, daerah penyebaran mereka semakin menyusut. Dan saat ini mereka hanya dapat ditemukan di 2 tempat yaitu di Dryandra Woodland dan Perup Nature Reserve, yang keduanya merupakan daerah di Australia Bagian Barat.

Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia ID

Myrmecobius fasciatus ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

Il numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus Waterhouse, 1836), noto anche come formichiere fasciato o walpurti, è un marsupiale originario dell'Australia Occidentale[2]. La sua dieta consiste quasi esclusivamente di termiti. Un tempo diffuso in tutta l'Australia meridionale, ne rimangono solo piccole colonie, ed è classificato come specie in pericolo. Il numbat è uno degli emblemi dell'Australia Occidentale ed è protetto da vari programmi di conservazione.


Il genere Myrmecobius, al quale appartiene il numbat, costituisce da solo la famiglia dei Mirmecobidi (Myrmecobiidae), una delle tre famiglie che formano l'ordine dei Dasiuromorfi, comprendente i marsupiali carnivori australiani[2].

La specie non è strettamente imparentata con nessuno degli altri marsupiali esistenti; l'inserimento tra i Dasiuromorfi pone la sua famiglia monotipica al fianco delle specie multiformi e carnivore dei Dasiuridi. Taluni studiosi hanno ipotizzato una stretta affinità con l'estinto tilacino, appartenente allo stesso ordine. Studi genetici hanno dimostrato che gli antenati del numbat si separarono dagli altri marsupiali tra i 42 e i 32 milioni di anni fa, nell'Eocene superiore[3].

Vengono riconosciute due sottospecie, ma una di esse, il numbat rosso (M. f. rufus Wood Jones, 1923), è scomparsa almeno dagli anni '60 e sopravvive unicamente la sottospecie nominale (M. f. fasciatus Waterhouse, 1836). Come indica il nome, il numbat rosso aveva un manto più rossastro dell'altra sottospecie[4]. Sono noti solamente pochissimi resti fossili di numbat, il più antico dei quali risalente al Pleistocene, e nessuno di questi appartiene ad altre specie della stessa famiglia[4].


Il numbat è una piccola creatura variopinta, lunga 35–45 cm, coda compresa, con un muso sottile e appuntito e una grossa coda cespugliosa all'incirca della stessa lunghezza del corpo. La colorazione varia considerevolmente, dal grigio chiaro al bruno-rossastro, spesso con un'area color rosso mattone sulla parte superiore del dorso, e sono sempre presenti due evidenti strisce nere che dalla punta del muso, passando attraverso gli occhi, giungono fino alla base delle orecchie, piccole e dalla punta arrotondata. Da quattro a undici strisce bianche attraversano i quarti posteriori, divenendo generalmente più sbiadite verso la regione mediana del dorso. La regione ventrale è color crema o grigio chiaro, mentre la coda è ricoperta da lunghi peli grigi brizzolati di bianco. Il peso è di circa 280-700g[4][5].

Diversamente dalla maggior parte degli altri marsupiali, il numbat è un animale diurno, a causa soprattutto del fatto di essersi indirizzato verso una dieta specializzata senza aver sviluppato adeguati equipaggiamenti anatomici. Quasi tutti gli ecosistemi in cui è presente un gran numero di termiti ospitano una creatura piuttosto grossa munita di lingua molto lunga, sottile e appiccicosa per penetrare all'interno delle colonie di termiti, e di potenti arti anteriori dotati di robusti artigli[6]. Il numbat ha cinque dita sui piedi anteriori, e quattro su quelli posteriori[4]. Come altri mammiferi che si nutrono di termiti o formiche, ha mascelle molto deboli con al massimo 50 denti rudimentali molto piccoli e, sebbene sia in grado di masticare[4], lo fa solo molto raramente, data la consistenza morbida della sua dieta. Tra tutti i mammiferi terricoli, il numbat è l'unico ad avere un dente posteriore addizionale posto tra premolari e molari; non è chiaro, tuttavia, se esso sia un molare extra o un dente deciduo conservato in età adulta. Di conseguenza, sebbene non tutti gli esemplari abbiano la stessa formula dentaria, si può affermare in generale che essa segua questa partizione unica[4]:

Come molti animali mirmecofagi, il numbat ha lingua molto lunga e sottile, foderata di saliva appiccicosa prodotta da grandi ghiandole sottomandibolari. Un ulteriore adattamento alla dieta è la presenza di numerose creste lungo il palato molle, che apparentemente servono a grattare via le termiti dalla lingua in modo da poter essere inghiottite. L'apparato digerente è relativamente semplice, e manca di molti degli adattamenti presenti in altri animali entomofagi, probabilmente per il fatto che le termiti sono più facili da digerire delle formiche, avendo un esoscheletro più morbido. Apparentemente i numbat sono in grado di ricavare una considerevole quantità di liquidi dalla loro dieta, dal momento che i loro reni sono privi delle particolari specializzazioni per la ritenzione idrica presenti in altri animali che vivono nel loro ambiente arido[7]. I numbat possiedono inoltre una ghiandola odorifera sullo sterno, che potrebbe essere utilizzata per marcare il territorio[4].

Sebbene il numbat trovi i termitai prevalentemente grazie all'olfatto, è dotato della vista più acuta di qualsiasi marsupiale, e, cosa strana per questo gruppo di animali, ha una grande quantità di coni nella retina. È probabile che questa caratteristica sia un adattamento alla vita diurna, e la vista sembra essere il senso principale utilizzato per individuare potenziali predatori[4]. I numbat entrano regolarmente in uno stato di letargia, che, durante i mesi invernali, può protrarsi anche per quindici ore al giorno[8].

Distribuzione e habitat

I numbat in passato erano diffusi in tutta l'Australia meridionale, dall'Australia Occidentale fino al Nuovo Galles del Sud nord-occidentale. Tuttavia, il loro areale è diminuito drasticamente in seguito all'arrivo degli europei, e la specie è riuscita a sopravvivere solamente in due piccole aree, la foresta di Dryandra e la riserva naturale di Perup, entrambe in Australia Occidentale: è stata comunque reintrodotta con successo in alcune riserve recintate, sia in Australia Meridionale (santuario di Yookamurra) che in Nuovo Galles del Sud (santuario di Scotia)[1].

I numbat si incontrano solamente nelle foreste di eucalipto ma una volta occupavano altri tipi di habitat forestali aridi, praterie di Spinifex e addirittura terreni dominati da dune sabbiose[4].



I numbat sono insettivori e la loro dieta è costituita quasi esclusivamente da termiti. Un esemplare adulto necessita anche di 20.000 termiti al giorno. Unico marsupiale attivo nelle ore diurne, il numbat trascorre gran parte del suo tempo alla ricerca di questi insetti. Li porta allo scoperto dove il suolo è poco compatto grazie agli artigli anteriori e li cattura con la lunga lingua appiccicosa[9]. Nonostante venga chiamato anche formichiere fasciato, in apparenza sembra non mangiare mai intenzionalmente formiche; sebbene resti di formiche vengano ogni tanto ritrovati tra le sue feci, si tratta di specie a loro volta predatrici di termiti, così è probabile che esse vengano ingerite accidentalmente, assieme al loro cibo principale. Tra i predatori del numbat ricordiamo pitoni tappeto, volpi rosse introdotte dall'uomo, e varie specie di falchi, sparvieri e aquile[4].


Un esemplare adulto allo zoo di Perth.

I numbat adulti sono solitari e territoriali; ciascun esemplare, maschio o femmina, si stabilisce già in giovane età in un territorio che può raggiungere gli 1,5 km²[6], e lo difende dalle intrusioni di individui dello stesso sesso. Gli animali rimangono generalmente entro i confini del proprio territorio; i territori di maschi e femmine si sovrappongono, e durante la stagione riproduttiva i maschi si avventurano al di fuori del loro territorio alla ricerca di femmine con cui accoppiarsi.

Sebbene in rapporto alle sue dimensioni il numbat abbia artigli relativamente potenti[6], non è in grado di aprire brecce nei termitai, duri come calcestruzzo, così deve attendere i periodi in cui le termiti sono attive. Utilizza l'olfatto ben sviluppato per localizzare le gallerie sotterranee superficiali, non fortificate, che le termiti costruiscono tra il nido e i loro siti di foraggiamento; generalmente esse sono situate a breve distanza dal suolo e per questo risultano vulnerabili agli artigli del numbat.

Il numbat sincronizza la sua giornata con l'attività delle termiti, che varia a seconda della temperatura: in inverno, si nutre tra metà mattina e metà pomeriggio; in estate, si sveglia di primo mattino per andare in cerca di cibo, rimane nascosto nelle ore più calde del giorno, e si nutre nuovamente nel tardo pomeriggio.

Di notte, il numbat si ritira nel proprio nido, che può essere situato nella cavità di un tronco caduto o di un albero, o in una tana nel terreno, generalmente una stretta galleria di 1–2 m di lunghezza terminante in una camera circolare foderata con materiale vegetale morbido: erba, foglie, fiori e pezzi di corteccia. Il numbat è in grado di bloccare l'ingresso del nido con la parte posteriore del corpo, ricoperta da uno spesso strato di pelle, per impedire l'accesso ai predatori[10]. I numbat emettono solo pochi vocalizzi, ma quando si sentono disturbati sibilano, ringhiano o lanciano una serie di tut[4].


I numbat si riproducono a febbraio e marzo, partorendo generalmente un'unica cucciolata all'anno, sebbene possano dare alla luce un'altra nidiata se la prima va perduta[11]. Dopo una gestazione di 15 giorni vengono partoriti quattro piccoli. Diversamente dalla maggior parte dei marsupiali, le femmine di numbat non sono dotate di marsupio: la zona attorno ai quattro capezzoli è circondata di peli ispidi di colore dorato, ai quali si aggrappano i piccoli durante l'allattamento, e protetta da pieghe di pelle estese tra l'addome e le cosce[4].

Dopo la nascita i piccoli, che misurano 2 cm di lunghezza, raggiungono i capezzoli, ai quali rimangono aggrappati fino alla fine di luglio o ai primi di agosto, quando misurano 7,5 cm. Iniziano a ricoprirsi di pelo non appena raggiunta una lunghezza di 3 cm, mentre la colorazione tipica degli adulti compare quando sono lunghi 5,5 cm. Dopo lo svezzamento, i piccoli rimangono da soli nel nido, o trasportati qua e là sul dorso della madre, e sono del tutto indipendenti a partire da novembre. Le femmine sono già in grado di procreare l'estate seguente, ma i maschi devono aspettare un altro anno per raggiungere la maturità sessuale[4].


Trappola per monitorare la popolazione selvatica della foresta di Dryandra.

Prima della colonizzazione europea, il numbat era presente da Nuovo Galles del Sud e Victoria fino all'Oceano Indiano, mentre a nord si spingeva fino all'estremità sud-occidentale del Territorio del Nord. Era di casa in una vasta gamma di ambienti forestali e semiaridi. L'introduzione volontaria di volpi rosse europee nel XIX secolo, tuttavia, ha cancellato l'intera popolazione di numbat di Victoria, Nuovo Galles del Sud, Australia Meridionale e Territorio del Nord, nonché quasi tutti gli esemplari dell'Australia Occidentale. A partire dalla fine degli anni '70, l'intera popolazione, meno di 1000 individui, è concentrata in due piccole aree non distanti dalle città di Perth, Dryandra e Perup.

Fin dalla sua scoperta il numbat è stato considerato un animale curioso[12]; il suo aspetto grazioso ne ha fatto l'emblema dell'Australia Occidentale e vari progetti di conservazione sono in atto per cercare di proteggerlo dall'estinzione[10].

Le due piccole popolazioni nell'Australia Occidentale sono riuscite a sopravvivere poiché abitano in aree dove vi sono molti tronchi caduti che forniscono riparo dai predatori. Avendo abitudini diurne, i numbat sono più vulnerabili agli attacchi dei predatori della maggior parte degli altri marsupiali di dimensioni simili: tra i suoi predatori naturali figurano l'aquilastore minuto, l'astore bruno, lo sparviere dal collare e il pitone tappeto. Quando il governo dell'Australia Occidentale ha istituito un progetto sperimentale di abbattimento delle volpi a Dryandra (uno dei due siti dove la specie sopravvive), il numero di avvistamenti è salito di 40 volte.

A partire dal 1980 è in corso un intenso programma di ricerca e conservazione per cercare di aumentare il numero di esemplari esistenti in natura e la loro reintroduzione in aree libere dalle volpi. Lo Zoo di Perth in particolare è strettamente coinvolto in un progetto che comporta la riproduzione in cattività e la liberazione di esemplari in natura. Nonostante i primi successi, il numbat rimane una specie a serio rischio di estinzione ed è classificato tra le specie in pericolo[1].


Tavola di H. C. Richter (1845).

Il numbat è noto agli europei dal 1831. Venne scoperto durante l'esplorazione della valle del fiume Avon guidata da Robert Dale. George Fletcher Moore, membro della spedizione, racconta così la scoperta:

«Vidi un animale grazioso; ma, dal momento che si era rifugiato nella cavità di un albero, non potei capire se si fosse trattato di una specie di scoiattolo, donnola o gatto selvatico...»

Il giorno successivo

«inseguimmo un altro piccolo animale, come quello sfuggitoci ieri, nella cavità di un albero, dove riuscimmo a catturarlo; data la lunghezza della lingua e altre caratteristiche, ipotizzammo che fosse una sorta di formichiere - la sua colorazione è giallastra, segnata da strisce bianche e nere lungo la parte posteriore del dorso; la sua lunghezza è di circa dodici pollici.[12]»

La prima descrizione scientifica dell'animale venne pubblicata da George Robert Waterhouse, che battezzò la specie nel 1836 e la classificò in una famiglia a parte nel 1841. Myrmecobius fasciatus è una delle specie descritte da John Gould nella prima parte della sua opera The Mammals of Australia, pubblicata nel 1845, con una tavola a colori di H. C. Richter.


Dal 25 luglio 1973, il numbat è il mammifero emblema dello Stato dell'Australia Occidentale[13].


  1. ^ a b c (EN) Lamoreux, J. & Hilton-Taylor, C. (Global Mammal Assessment Team) 2008, Myrmecobius fasciatus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ a b (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Myrmecobius fasciatus, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P., The delayed rise of present-day mammals, in Nature, vol. 446, 2007, pp. 507–512, DOI:10.1038/nature05634, PMID 17392779.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Cooper, C.E., Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae), in Mammalian Species, vol. 43, n. 1, 2011, pp. 129–140, DOI:10.1644/881.1.
  5. ^ Ellis, Eric, Animal Diversity Web: Myrmecobius fasciatus, su animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu, 2003. URL consultato il 1º settembre 2006.
  6. ^ a b c Lee, A.K., The Encyclopedia of Mammals, a cura di Macdonald, D., New York, Facts on File, 1984, p. 844, ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  7. ^ Cooper, C.E. & Withers, P.C., Gross renal morphology of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (Marsupialia : Myrmecobiidae), in Australian Mammalogy, vol. 32, n. 2, 2010, pp. 95–97, DOI:10.1071/AM10005.
  8. ^ Cooper, C.E. & Withers, P.C., Patterns of body temperature variation and torpor in the numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae), in Journal of Thermal Biology, vol. 29, n. 6, 2004, pp. 277–284, DOI:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2004.05.003.
  9. ^ Copia archiviata, su perthzoo.wa.gov.au. URL consultato il 17 giugno 2009 (archiviato dall'url originale il 2 giugno 2009).
  10. ^ a b What is the fauna emblem of Western Australia?, su NatureBase, Western Australia's Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). URL consultato l'11 maggio 2009 (archiviato dall'url originale l'8 maggio 2009).
  11. ^ Power, V. et al., Reproduction of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus): observations from a captive breeding program, in Australian Mammalogy, vol. 31, n. 1, 2009, pp. 25–30, DOI:10.1071/AM08111.
  12. ^ a b George Fletcher Moore, Diary of ten years, London, M. Walbrook, 1884.
  13. ^ Gallery: Australia's animal emblems 4/8, in Australia Geographic. URL consultato il 17 gennaio 2017.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Myrmecobius fasciatus: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

Il numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus Waterhouse, 1836), noto anche come formichiere fasciato o walpurti, è un marsupiale originario dell'Australia Occidentale. La sua dieta consiste quasi esclusivamente di termiti. Un tempo diffuso in tutta l'Australia meridionale, ne rimangono solo piccole colonie, ed è classificato come specie in pericolo. Il numbat è uno degli emblemi dell'Australia Occidentale ed è protetto da vari programmi di conservazione.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Myrmecobius fasciatus ( 拉丁語 )

由wikipedia LA提供

Myrmecobius fasciatus, (Waterhouse anno 1836), (Aboriginal: Numbat; Anglice: Banded anteater ) est marsupialium carnivorum Australiana.

Nexus externi

Wikispecies-logo.svg Vide "Myrmecobius" apud Vicispecies.
Commons-logo.svg Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Myrmecobius fasciatus spectant.


  • Kennedy, M. (1992) Australian Marsupials and Monotremes, An Action Plan for their Conservation. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Lee, Anthony K., and Cockburn, Andrew. Evolutionary Ecology of Marsupials. Cambridge University Press, 1985.
  • Macdonald, D (2001) The New Encyclopedia of Mammals. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Nowak, Ronald M., and Paradiso, John L.. Walker's Mammals of the World, 4th Edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983.
  • Strahan, R (1983) The Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Cornstalk Publishing, Australia.
  • Taylor, J. Mary.. The Oxford Guide to Mammals of Australia. Oxford University Press, 1984.
Et auctores varius id editors
wikipedia LA

Myrmecobius fasciatus: Brief Summary ( 拉丁語 )

由wikipedia LA提供

Myrmecobius fasciatus, (Waterhouse anno 1836), (Aboriginal: Numbat; Anglice: Banded anteater ) est marsupialium carnivorum Australiana.

Et auctores varius id editors
wikipedia LA

Sterblinė skruzdėda ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供
Binomas Myrmecobius fasciatus

Sterblinė skruzdėda (lot. Myrmecobius fasciatus) – plėšriųjų sterblinių (Dasyuromorphia) būrio žinduolis, priskiriamas monotipinei sterblinių skruzdėdų (lot. Myrmecobiidae) šeimai ir genčiai (Myrmecobius).

Rūšis yra žiurkės didumo. Turi 56 dantis. Ilgu liežuviu rankioja termitus ir skruzdėles. Paplitusi vakarinėje Australjoje.


Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Sterblinė skruzdėda: Brief Summary ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Sterblinė skruzdėda (lot. Myrmecobius fasciatus) – plėšriųjų sterblinių (Dasyuromorphia) būrio žinduolis, priskiriamas monotipinei sterblinių skruzdėdų (lot. Myrmecobiidae) šeimai ir genčiai (Myrmecobius).

Rūšis yra žiurkės didumo. Turi 56 dantis. Ilgu liežuviu rankioja termitus ir skruzdėles. Paplitusi vakarinėje Australjoje.


Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Nambats ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Nambats (Myrmecobius fasciatus) ir plēsīgais somainis, kas ir vienīgā suga nambatu dzimtā (Myrmecobiida). Lai arī kādreiz tas bija plaši sastopmas visā Austrālijas dienvidu daļā, tomēr mūsdienās nambats mājo tikai nelielās, izolētās teritorijās Rietumaustrālijā, Dienvidaustrālijā un Jaundienvidvelsā.[1] Tas ir izmiris 99% no sava kādreizējā izplatības areāla.[1] Tā kā sugas izdzīvošana ir apdraudēta, to aizsargā likums un tiek realizētas dažādas sugas saglabāšanas programmas.[2] Nambats ir Rietumaustrālijas simbols.

Izskats un īpašības

Nambatam ir slaida, viegli saplacināta galva
Iegurņa daļā nambtam uz muguras ir melni baltas svītras, kas virzienā uz muguras vidusdaļu pamazām izgaist
Nambats barojas tikai ar termītiem

Nambats ir neliela auguma somainais plēsējs. Tā ķermeņa garums, ieskaitot asti, ir 35—45 cm, svars 280—750 g.[1][3] Tēviņi nedaudz masīvāki nekā mātītes. Tā galva ir proporcionāli neliela un saplacināta, purniņš garš un smails, aste kupla, kas ir apmēram tikpat gara kā ķermenis.

Kažoks īsspalvains, svītrains, pamatkrāsa var būt, sākot ar gaiši pelēku un beidzot ar sarkanbrūnu, svītras baltas uz tumša pamata. Mugura ļoti bieži ir ķieģeļsarkana, pavēdere gaiša. No purna gala līdz ausu pamatnei, katrā galvas pusē pāri acīm stiepjas melna svītra. Ausis stāvas, vidēji garas, noapaļotas. Asti sedz garš, pelēks matojums ar baltu lāsumojumu. Priekšķepām ir pieci pirksti, pakaļkājām četri, nagi ļoti spēcīgi, piemēroti rakšanai.[1] Tā kā dzīvnieciņa pamatbarība ir termīti, tad apakšžoklis ir atrofējies, un nambata mutē ir 50 ļoti smalki zobiņi. Lai arī nambats var košļāt barību, tomēr dara to reti, tā kā tā pamatbarība ir samērā mīksta. Mēle kā visiem termītēdājiem ir gara un tieva (apmēram 10 cm[1]), kā arī to sedz lipīgas siekalas.

Gremošanas sistēma ir samērā vienkārša, tā kā termītus ir daudz vieglāk sagremot nekā skudras. Salīdzinoši termītiem ir daudz mīkstāks eksoskelets. Nambatam krūšu rajonā ir smaržu dziedzeri, ar kuru palīdzību tas iezīmē teritoriju.[3] Mātītēm uz vēdera somas vietā ir ar īsu matojumu apaugusi neliela ādas kroka, kura tikai nosedz zīdekļus un mazuļus, kas pie tiem piestiprinājušies.

Uzvedība un barība

Mūsdienās nambats sastopams tikai eikaliptu mežos, vietās, kurās ir daudz kritušo koku, kas savukārt nodrošina iztikšanu termītiem. Nambata izplatība ir cieši saistīta ar termītu izplatību.[1] Atšķirībā no daudziem citiem somainiem zīdītājiem nambats ir aktīvs dienas laikā, jo arī tā iecienītie termīti ir aktīvi dienas laikā. Nakts laikā, kad termīti paslēpušies savā pūznī, nambats tiem netiek klāt, jo tā ķepas nav tik spēcīgas, lai uzlauztu termītu pūzni.[1]

Barību tas galvenokārt meklē, izmantojot lielisko ožu, bet arī redze, salīdzinot ar citiem somaiņiem, nambatam ir ļoti laba. Tā ir galvenā maņa, lai noteiktu, vai tuvumā nav ienaidnieki.[3] Lielāko daļu no nepieciešamā šķidruma tas uzņem ar barību.

Nakts laikā nambats slēpjas dobos, kritušos koku stumbros, kā arī dienas laikā tie kalpo par slēptuvi no plēsējiem (plēsīgajiem putniem un lapsām). Kad piedzimst mazuļi, dobumos tiek ierīkotas migas.[1] Ziemas periodā nambats daudz guļ, apmēram 15 stundas diennaktī.[4]

Nambati ir vientuļnieki, izņemot mātītes ar mazuļiem. Laikā, kad mazuļi tiek atstāti vieni paši migā, kamēr māte dodas barības meklējumos, tie daudz spēlējas, skraida un lēkā, līdzīgi kā citu zīdītāju mazuļi. Izbiedēti nambati piepūšas, pārmet arkveidā pāri savu asti un sabož spalvas. Briesmu gadījumā tie metas bēgt, sasniedzot ātrumu 32 km/h un meklējot glābiņu koka dobumā.[1]


Tēviņiem vairošanās sezonas laikā uz krūtīm izdalās eļļains sekrēts, kas iekrāso kažoku rudā krāsā

Nambatiem vairošanās sezona noris no decembra līdz janvārim, un gadā mazuļi dzimst tikai vienu reizi. Mātīte dzimumbriedumu sasniedz 12 mēnešu vecumā, bet tēviņš 24 mēnešos.[1] Šajā laikā tēviņiem no krūšu smaržu dziedzeriem izdalās eļļains sekrēts, kas iekrāso tēviņa kažoku rudi sarkanu. Tēviņš ar sekrētu ierīvē kritušus koka gabalus, klinšu virsmas, tādējādi sevi piesakot kā pārošanās partneri. Sekrēta smarža vienlaicīgi brīdina citus tēviņus, ka teritorija ir aizņemta. Kad tēviņš satiek mātīti, viņi viens ar otru sasveicinās ar klusiem klikšķiem. Tēviņš seko mātītei un to pamet, līdzko sapārojas, lai meklētu nākamo partneri. Ja mātīte nepieņem tēviņu, tā to brīdina ar skaļu rūkšanu. Ja neatzītais tēviņš ir pārāk neatlaidīgs, mātīte var ar to sakauties. Par mazuļiem rūpējas tikai mātīte.[1]

Grūsnības periods ilgst 14 dienas, parasti piedzimst 4 mazuļi. Tie piedzimstot ir mazāki par 20 mm, un to purniņi ir ļoti īsi. Tūlīt pēc piedzimšanas mazuļi aizrāpo līdz mātes zīdekļiem, pie kuriem uzreiz piestiprinās. Šādā pozīcijā mazuļi zīž mātes pienu apmēram 6 mēnešus, līdz mazuļi ir tik lieli, ka māte vairs nevar gandrīz paiet.[1] Kad mazuļi sasniedz 30 mm lielumu, tos sedz gaišs, mīksts matojums, bet sasniedzot 55 mm, to kažociņš jau iegūst raksturīgo nambata svītrojumu.[1] Mazuļiem sasniedzot 6 mēnešu vecumu, māte tos atstāj īpaši iekārtotā migā. Mazuļi joprojām tiek zīdīti, līdz tie sasniedz 9 mēnešu vecumu. Šajā laikā mazuļi kļūst patstāvīgi un sāk baroties ar termītiem. Mātes teritorijā tie mājo līdz 10—11 mēnešu vecumam. Nambatu vidējais mūža ilgums ir 4—5 gadi.[1]


  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 ADW: Myrmecobius fasciatus
  2. IUCN: Myrmecobius fasciatus
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Cooper, C.E. (2011). "Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae)". Mammalian Species 43 (1): 129–140. doi:10.1644/881.1
  4. Cooper, C.E. & Withers, P.C. (2004). "Patterns of body temperature variation and torpor in the numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae)". Journal of Thermal Biology 29 (6): 277–284. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2004.05.003

Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Nambats: Brief Summary ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Nambats (Myrmecobius fasciatus) ir plēsīgais somainis, kas ir vienīgā suga nambatu dzimtā (Myrmecobiida). Lai arī kādreiz tas bija plaši sastopmas visā Austrālijas dienvidu daļā, tomēr mūsdienās nambats mājo tikai nelielās, izolētās teritorijās Rietumaustrālijā, Dienvidaustrālijā un Jaundienvidvelsā. Tas ir izmiris 99% no sava kādreizējā izplatības areāla. Tā kā sugas izdzīvošana ir apdraudēta, to aizsargā likums un tiek realizētas dažādas sugas saglabāšanas programmas. Nambats ir Rietumaustrālijas simbols.

Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Numbat ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

De numbat of buidelmiereneter (Myrmecobius fasciatus) is een Australisch buideldier ter grootte van een eekhoorn, dat leeft in het zuidwestelijk deel van Australië. Het is de enige soort van de familie Myrmecobiidae.


Zijn vacht heeft een rood-/bruin-/grijzige kleur met strepen. De bossige staart is vrij lang. Hoewel er geen buidel aanwezig is, is het toch een buideldier. De lichaamslengte bedraagt tussen 20 en 28 cm, met een 16 tot 21 cm lange staart. Het gewicht ligt tussen 300 en 725 gram.


Dit solitaire dier is overdag actief en eet zowel mieren als termieten. De numbat heeft sterke voorpoten en de lange klauwen die daar aan zitten gebruikt hij om termietennesten open te maken. Hij gebruikt dan zijn 10 cm lange tong om de termieten op te likken. De 52 tanden zijn klein, maar ten opzichte van andere landzoogdieren zijn dat er heel wat. Soortgenoten worden niet geaccepteerd in zijn territorium en worden gelijk verjaagd. Het dier bewoont gematigde bossen of bosachtige terreinen.

Als slaapplaats hebben numbats meestal een holle boomstam of iets vergelijkbaars. De numbat kan de open kant van zijn slaapplaats afsluiten door met zijn rugspieren van zijn rug een schild te maken.


De numbat is het West-Australische fauna-embleem. Vroeger kwam hij ook veel voor in West-Australië, maar nu is hij een bedreigde diersoort.


De jongen hangen 4 maanden aan de 4 tepels van hun moeder en worden daarna nog 2 tot 3 maanden in het nest gezoogd.


Er bestaan twee ondersoorten: Myrmecobius fasciatus fasciatus en Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

De numbat of buidelmiereneter (Myrmecobius fasciatus) is een Australisch buideldier ter grootte van een eekhoorn, dat leeft in het zuidwestelijk deel van Australië. Het is de enige soort van de familie Myrmecobiidae.

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Numbat ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Numbat eller maurpungdyr (Myrmecobius fasciatus) er et rovlevende pungdyr (Dasyuromorphia) som er eneste art i numbatfamilien (Myrmecobiidae). Den kalles også walpurti. Benevnelsen pungmaursluker må man kanskje tilskrive europeernes manglende kunnskap om dyret og den fysiske og gastronomiske likhet arten tross alt har med en maursluker – den elsker termitter. To underarter erkjent; en sørvestlig og en sørlig.

Numbaten har et ganske særegent utseende. Arten har en langstrakt, stripete kropp med lang, busket hale og et smalt hode med lang, spiss snute. Den har ganske mye behåring. Numbaten står ofte på bakbena. Den bruker snuten til å lete etter insekter, som den spiser. Den har en lang tunge som kan strekkes langt ut.

Arten yngler mellom desember og februar (sommer på den sydlige halvkule).


  1. ^ Woinarski, J. & Burbidge, A.A. 2016. Myrmecobius fasciatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T14222A21949380. Myrmecobius fasciatus. Hentet 31. desember 2017.

Eksterne lenker

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia NO

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Numbat eller maurpungdyr (Myrmecobius fasciatus) er et rovlevende pungdyr (Dasyuromorphia) som er eneste art i numbatfamilien (Myrmecobiidae). Den kalles også walpurti. Benevnelsen pungmaursluker må man kanskje tilskrive europeernes manglende kunnskap om dyret og den fysiske og gastronomiske likhet arten tross alt har med en maursluker – den elsker termitter. To underarter erkjent; en sørvestlig og en sørlig.

Numbaten har et ganske særegent utseende. Arten har en langstrakt, stripete kropp med lang, busket hale og et smalt hode med lang, spiss snute. Den har ganske mye behåring. Numbaten står ofte på bakbena. Den bruker snuten til å lete etter insekter, som den spiser. Den har en lang tunge som kan strekkes langt ut.

Arten yngler mellom desember og februar (sommer på den sydlige halvkule).

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia NO

Mrówkożer workowaty ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Mrówkożer workowaty (Myrmecobius fasciatus) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny mrówkożerowatych (Myrmecobiidae), jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Myrmecobius i rodziny mrówkożerowatych (Myrmecobiidae).

Mrówkożer workowaty osiąga do 22 cm długości ciała i około 16 cm długości ogona. Ma rudobrązowy kolor ciała i białe pręgi, pysk wydłużony, ryjkowaty. Przy pomocy dziesięciocentymetrowego języka zlizuje termity lub mrówki. Kończyny przednie pięciopalczaste, wyposażone w potężne pazury, służące do rozrywania ścian w kopcach termitów. Kończyny tylne czteropalczaste. Mrówkożer workowaty jest jednym z niewielu torbaczy, które są aktywne w dzień. Poza okresem rozrodu prowadzi samotniczy tryb życia, agresywnie przepędza ze swojego terytorium intruzów tej samej płci. W miocie rodzą się zwykle cztery młode, przez cztery miesiące pozostają przyczepione do czterech sutków w torbie lęgowej samicy. Potem karmione są w kryjówce przez następne 2-3 miesiące.

Zamieszkuje eukaliptusowe lasy południowo-zachodniej Australii. Jest zagrożony wyginięciem.


Wyróżniono dwa podgatunki mrówkożera[3]:

  • M. fasciatus fasciatus
  • M. fasciatus rufus


  1. Myrmecobius fasciatus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Friend, T. & Burbidge, A. 2008, Myrmecobius fasciatus [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015.1 [dostęp 2015-06-28] (ang.).
  3. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Myrmecobius fasciatus. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 23 lipca 2010]


  1. Friend JA (1989). Myrmecobiidae. In Fauna of Australia. Volume 1B, Mammalia (eds DW Walton, BJ Richardson). Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. pp. 583-590 (format pdf) (en)
  2. Mały słownik zoologiczny: ssaki. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1978.
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Mrówkożer workowaty: Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供

Mrówkożer workowaty (Myrmecobius fasciatus) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny mrówkożerowatych (Myrmecobiidae), jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Myrmecobius i rodziny mrówkożerowatych (Myrmecobiidae).

Mrówkożer workowaty osiąga do 22 cm długości ciała i około 16 cm długości ogona. Ma rudobrązowy kolor ciała i białe pręgi, pysk wydłużony, ryjkowaty. Przy pomocy dziesięciocentymetrowego języka zlizuje termity lub mrówki. Kończyny przednie pięciopalczaste, wyposażone w potężne pazury, służące do rozrywania ścian w kopcach termitów. Kończyny tylne czteropalczaste. Mrówkożer workowaty jest jednym z niewielu torbaczy, które są aktywne w dzień. Poza okresem rozrodu prowadzi samotniczy tryb życia, agresywnie przepędza ze swojego terytorium intruzów tej samej płci. W miocie rodzą się zwykle cztery młode, przez cztery miesiące pozostają przyczepione do czterech sutków w torbie lęgowej samicy. Potem karmione są w kryjówce przez następne 2-3 miesiące.

Zamieszkuje eukaliptusowe lasy południowo-zachodniej Australii. Jest zagrożony wyginięciem.

Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Numbate ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

O mirmecóbio[2] (Myrmecobius fasciatus) é um mamífero marsupial nativo do sudoeste australiano e o único membro do género Myrmecobius, e da família dos (Myrmecobiidae).


O mirmecóbio é um animal de pequeno porte, medindo entre 18 e 27 cm de comprimento, excluindo a cauda que pode chegar aos 20 cm, e pesando até 500 g. A pelagem é acastanhada a cinzenta e apresenta 6 ou 7 riscas brancas transversais na zona do dorso. A cabeça do mirmecóbio é afilada e termina numa boca pequena, repleta de dentes numerosos e afiados. A estrutura interna da boca caracteriza-se pelo palato recuado, à semelhança do que se observa nos placentários pangolins, e é um exemplo de evolução convergente.

O mirmecóbio é um animal diurno e solitário, que não tolera outros membros da sua espécie no seu território (de cerca de 150 hectares), tirando na época de reprodução. Apesar de serem animais terrícolas, os mirmecóbios são ágeis o suficiente para procurar formigas e térmitas nas árvores. São os únicos marsupiais que se alimentam exclusivamente de insectos eusociais e como tal representam um papel importante no controle das populações de térmitas na Austrália.

Hábitos alimentares

A língua do mirmecóbio é pegajosa, chega a atingir 10 cm de comprimento e constitui uma adaptação à alimentação à base de formigas e térmitas.

Características de reprodução

A época de reprodução é anual e ocorre por volta de Dezembro. Cada ninhada contém 2 a 4 juvenis, que vivem agarrados às tetas da mãe por quatro meses. Uma vez que os mirmecóbios não têm marsúpio, as crias são protegidas apenas pela pelagem comprida que as fêmeas têm no ventre. Após este período, a fêmea abandona as crias numa toca durante o dia, enquanto procura alimento. Os juvenis começam a alimentar-se sozinhos em Outubro e em Dezembro são já independentes.

Mirmecóbio do Zoológico de Perth


Este animal habita preferencialmente florestas de eucaliptos e zonas de planície seca onde haja árvores mortas.

Distribuição geográfica

Sudoeste da Austrália Ocidental, antigamente no Noroeste da Austrália Meridional e sudoeste de Nova Gales do Sul;

O mirmecóbio é uma espécie considerada vulnerável pelo IUCN, devido sobretudo a perda de habitat para actividades agrícolas e de pastoreio. A introdução de cães e gatos pelos colonos europeus também contribui para o decréscimo das suas populações.


  • Subespécie: Myrmecobius fasciatus fasciatus (Waterhouse, 1936)

Nome Popular da subespécie: mirmecóbio-do-oeste-da-Austrália;

Local: Sudoeste da Austrália Ocidental;

  • Subespécie: Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus (Jones, 1923)

Nome Popular da subespécie: mirmecóbio-vermelho-do-sul-da-Austrália;

Local: centro e sul da Austrália;

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Numbate: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

O mirmecóbio (Myrmecobius fasciatus) é um mamífero marsupial nativo do sudoeste australiano e o único membro do género Myrmecobius, e da família dos (Myrmecobiidae).

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Numbat ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供
Un exemplar de Myrmecobius fasciatus în captivitate la grădina zoologică din Perth, Australia.

Numbatul (Myrmecobius fasciatus) este singurul marsupial care este activ toată ziua, în permanență în căutare de termite, care constituie aproape în întregime hrana lui. Sapă după ele în pământul moale cu ghearele din față și le prinde cu limba lungă și lipicioasă. Trăiește în Australia și nu cântărește foarte mult.


Este un animal solitar cu o lungime de până la 27,5 cm (fără coadă), lungimea cozii fiind de până la 21 cm, cu o greutate de până la 700 g, care trăiește în pădurile temperate din S-V Australiei.

Referințe și note

  1. ^ Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., ed. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (ed. 3rd). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Numbat în dicționare
  3. ^ Friend, T. & Burbidge, A. (2008). Myrmecobius fasciatus. În: IUCN 2008. Lista roșie a speciiilor periclitate IUCN. Descărcat pe 8 October 2008.

Legături externe

 src= Caută numbat în Wikționar, dicționarul liber.
Wikimedia Commons conține materiale multimedia legate de Myrmecobius fasciatus
Wikispecies conține informații legate de Numbat
Wikipedia autori și editori
wikipedia RO

Numbat: Brief Summary ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供
 src= Un exemplar de Myrmecobius fasciatus în captivitate la grădina zoologică din Perth, Australia.

Numbatul (Myrmecobius fasciatus) este singurul marsupial care este activ toată ziua, în permanență în căutare de termite, care constituie aproape în întregime hrana lui. Sapă după ele în pământul moale cu ghearele din față și le prinde cu limba lungă și lipicioasă. Trăiește în Australia și nu cântărește foarte mult.

Wikipedia autori și editori
wikipedia RO

Numbat pásavý ( 斯洛伐克語 )

由wikipedia SK提供

Numbat pásavý (Myrmecobius fasciatus) je hmyzožravý vačkovec z čeľade Myrmecobiidae. Má nápadne oranžovohnedú srsť, charakteristický tvar tela a dlhý, chlpatý chvost.


Tento v súčasnosti vzácny druh sa vyskytuje už len v malej oblasti na juhovýchode Austrálie. Žije predovšetkým v lesoch tvorených rôznymi druhmi eukalyptov.

Dĺžka a hmotnosť

Dĺžka numbata pásavého je 20 až 28 cm, bez chvosta 16-21 cm. Jeho hmotnosť sa pohybuje od 275 až 550 g.


Rovnakým druhom stromov dávajú prednosť aj termiti, ktorí stavajú v dutinách svoje hniezda. Potravu numbata preto tvoria predovšetkým termity a mravce, ktoré pomocou veľmi dlhého, lepkavého jazyka vyťahuje z dier. Na rozdiel od väčšiny vačkovcov hľadá potravu cez deň. Numbat je tiež zaujímavý vysokým počtom zubov: 52 zubov má ako jediný zo suchozemských cicavcov.


  1. Woinarski, J. & Burbidge, A.A. 2016. Myrmecobius fasciatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T14222A21949380. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T14222A21949380.en. Prístup 1. marec 2019.


  • Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článku Mravencojed žíhaný na českej Wikipédii (číslo revízie nebolo určené).
  • BURNIE, David; KOVÁČ, Vladimír, a kol. Zviera: Obrazová encyklopédia živočíšnej ríše. Bratislava : Ikar, 2002. ISBN 80-551-0375-5.

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Numbat pásavý: Brief Summary ( 斯洛伐克語 )

由wikipedia SK提供

Numbat pásavý (Myrmecobius fasciatus) je hmyzožravý vačkovec z čeľade Myrmecobiidae. Má nápadne oranžovohnedú srsť, charakteristický tvar tela a dlhý, chlpatý chvost.

Autori a editori Wikipédie
wikipedia SK

Myrpungdjur ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Myrpungdjur eller numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) är ett pungdjur som tillhör ordningen rovlevande pungdjur. Djuret utgör den enda arten i familjen Myrmecobiidae.


Typiska kännetecken för myrpungdjuret är den långa nosen, en svart rand på huvudets sidor som går från nosen genom ögonen och bak till öronen, sex eller sju vita tvärstrimmor på den bakre delen av djurets rygg och den yviga svansen. Den gråbruna eller rödaktiga pälsen är kort och grov. Myrpungdjurets kroppslängd är ungefär 18 till 28 cm, svansen är cirka 15 cm lång och vikten går upp till 500 gram.[2]

Tandformeln är I 4/3 C 1/1 P 3/3 M 4-5/5-6. Djuret har alltså med 48 till 52 det största antalet tänder av alla landlevande däggdjur.[3]


Arten förekommer i torra buskområden med eukalyptusväxter i sydvästra Australien. Tidigare fanns de i hela södra Australien men på flera ställen har de numera försvunnit.[1]


Dessa djur är oftast aktiva på dagen och förflyttar sig mycket snabbt. Under natten vilar de i andra djurs övergivna bon eller i håligheter i träd som polstras med gräs eller löv. Utanför parningstiden lever varje individ ensam, revirets storlek går upp till 150 hektar.[2]


Trots namnet livnär sig myrpungdjur huvudsaklig av termiter. Myror och andra insekter står inte så ofta på matsedeln. Djuret gräver med sina klor i trä som står under förruttnelse, i löv eller i marken. Med sin långa klibbiga tunga får myrpungdjuret tag i födan.[2] En individ i fångenskap åt 10 000 till 20 000 insekter per dag. Mindre insekter sväljs helt medan större söndertuggas.[3]


Under den australiska sensommaren (januari till april) föder honan oftast fyra ungar. Myrpungdjur saknar pung och honan har fyra spenar. Sina första månader tillbringar ungarna fritt hängande på moderns mjölkvårtor endast skyddade av pälsen på hennes buk. Senare lever de i jordhålor. Under denna tid ger honan di på natten och söker föda dagtid. Ungefär i oktober börjar ungarna att leta föda själva. De klarar sig helt själva vid cirka nio månaders ålder.[2]

Hot och status

IUCN listar myrpungdjuret som starkt hotad (EN). Hoten är framförallt habitatförstörelse genom lantbruk och skapandet av bostadsområden samt inplanterade predatorer som rävar och hundar. Populationen uppskattas med mindre än 1 000 individer och beståndet minskade mellan 2003 och 2008 med 20 %.[1]

Sedan 1987 pågår hos djurparken i Perth ett avelsprogram som föder upp myrpungdjur vilka sedan återintroduceras i naturen. Fram till 2010 föddes 160 individer upp.[4]


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia


  1. ^ [a b c] Myrmecobius fasciatusIUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Friend, T. & Burbidge, A. 2008, besökt 12 juli 2009.
  2. ^ [a b c d] Ellis, E. 2003 Myrmecobius fasciatus på Animal Diversity Web (engelska), besökt 17 januari 2011.
  3. ^ [a b] Nowak, R. M. (1999) sid. 65-67 online
  4. ^ Perth Zoo, Conservation & Research, Mammals Arkiverad 18 februari 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. (engelska), läst 17 januari 2011.

Tryckta källor

  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.
  • Macdonald, David W. (red.), (1984) Jordens Djur 5: Pungdjuren, fladdermössen, insektätarna m.fl.. Stockholm: Bonnier Fakta. s. 116, ISBN 91-34-50357-9
Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Myrpungdjur: Brief Summary ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Myrpungdjur eller numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) är ett pungdjur som tillhör ordningen rovlevande pungdjur. Djuret utgör den enda arten i familjen Myrmecobiidae.

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Keseli karıncayiyen ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Keseli karıncayiyen (Myrmecobius fasciatus) veya Numbat, yırtıcı keseliler (Dasyuromorphia) takımı içerisinde yalnız başına Myrmecobiidae familyasına konulan bir keseli.


Keseli karıncayiyenin dış özellikleri, uzun bir burun, burnundan kulaklarına varan kara bir çizgi, sırtının arka kısmında bulunan 6 - 7 beyaz çizgi ve gür bir kuyruktur. Gri-kahverengi veya kızıl olabilen postu kısa tüylüdür. Uzunluğu 30 cm ve kuyruğu 15 cm kadar olur. 200 gram ağırlığa ulaşır.


Keseli karıncayiyenler Avustralya'nın güneybatısı'nda, okaliptüs ağaçlı bölgelerde yaşar. Eskiden Avustralya'nın bütün güneyinde rastlanırdı, ancak çoğu yerlerde avlanarak soyu tükenmiştir.


Keseli karıncayiyen

Keseli karıncayiyen genelde termitler ile beslenir. Ara sıra karınca ve böcek de yer. Aynı eteneli bir memeli olan karıncayiyen gibi tırnaklarıyla çürük ağaçları, yaprakları ve yeri kazarak avını uzun ve yapışkan dili ile toplar.

Yaşam şekli

Keseli karıncayiyen gündüz aktiftir, bütün gününü telaşlı bir şekilde sağa sola koşup, yiyecek bulmakla geçirir. Gece olunca başka bir hayvanın terk ettiği bir inin veya içi boş bir ağacın içinde ot ve yapraklarla hazırladığı yuvanın içine yatar. Üreme zamanın'ın dışında yalnız yaşar.


Avustralya'da yaz mevsimi sona ererken (Ocak - Nisan) 4 yavru doğar ve ilk aylarını annesinin memelerinde asılı şekilde sarkarak geçirirler. Keseli karıncayiyen'in kesesi olmadığı için, yavrular sadece annenin karnındaki uzun tüylü postun arasına saklanarak korunur. İlk aylardan sonra yavrular bir ine saklanır. Dişi geceleyin yavruları emzirip gündüzleri yiyecek arar. Eylül ayından itibaren yavrular kendi başına yiyecek aramaya başlar ve yaklaşık 9 aylık olunca annelerinden bağımsız olurlar.


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1999. ISBN 0-8018-5789-9

Dış bağlantılar

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Keseli karıncayiyen: Brief Summary ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Keseli karıncayiyen (Myrmecobius fasciatus) veya Numbat, yırtıcı keseliler (Dasyuromorphia) takımı içerisinde yalnız başına Myrmecobiidae familyasına konulan bir keseli.

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Намбат ( 烏克蘭語 )

由wikipedia UK提供


Морфометрія. Довжина голови й тіла: 175–275 мм, довжина хвоста: 130–200 мм, вага: 300–600 гр.

Опис. У М. fasciatus fasciatus підвиду, який населяє західніший ареал, передні частини тіла сірувато-коричневі з деякою кількістю білих волосків. У M. fatcialus rufus, який живе далі на схід, основний колір тіла багатий на цегляно-червоний. Обидва підвиди мають шість чи сім білих смуг між серединою спини і основою хвоста. Є темні смуги, що проходить по щоці через очі, і білі лінії зверху і знизу. Хутро коротке і грубе, голова і задні кінцівки дивно приплюснуті зверху. Хвіст довгий, злегка пухнастий, нечіпкий. Морда довга і загострена, рот невеликий, тонкий язик може бути продовжений щонайменше на 100 мм. Кінчик носа голий. Передні ноги порівняно товсті і широко розставлені; на передніх лапах п'ять пальців, на задніх — чотири, на всіх — сильні кігті. Самиці мають чотири молочні залози, і жодного натяку на сумку. Коли малюки прикріплюються до сосків, вони захищені тільки довгим волоссям на її нижній частині тіла. Вона забезпечує їх молоком і теплом, але вони волочаться під нею, коли вона йде. Зубна формула: I 4/3, C 1/1, P 3/3, M 4-5/5-6, загалом від 48 до 52[3].

Поведінка та розмноження

Самиці можуть копати короткий тунель з камерою в кінці, де вони будують кубло і народжують потомство. Намбат також, як відомо, знаходить прихисток вночі в кублі з листя або трави, які він розміщає в порожню колоду (при теплій погоді) або в нору якоїсь іншої тварини (в холодну погоду). Гнучкий, легко вилазить на дерева, у холодні місяці часто гріється на сонці. Терміти і мурахи є звичайною їжею; інших безхребетні споживаються лише зрідка. За винятком сезону розмноження, намбат зазвичай солітарний. Період вагітності 14 днів. У південно-західній Австралії потомство народжується з січня по квітень або травень. Народжується від 2 до 4 дитинчат. Самиця носить дітей прикріпленими до сосків 4 місяці, а потім ще 2 місяці годує їх у кублі [3].

Загрози та охорона

Введення хижої рудої лисиці було і продовжує залишатися однією з основних загроз сьогодні. Часті пожежі можуть бути загрозою через скорочення числа колод, які вид використовує як укриття. Чисельність намбата в Драйандрі різко скоротилася, за оцінками від піку близько 600 в 1992 році до 50 сьогодні. Причини цього невідомі. Намбат включений в список зникаючих видів відповідно до австралійського закону. Усі території сучасного проживання тварини є охоронними[2].


  1. Додаток 1 до Ветеринарних вимог щодо ввезення (пересилання) на митну територію України живих тварин, репродуктивного матеріалу, та продуктів тваринного походження
  2. а б Веб-сайт МСОП
  3. а б Ronald M. Nowak. Walker's marsupials of the world. — JHU Press, 2005. — С. 116–118. — ISBN 0801882222.


Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
wikipedia UK

Myrmecobius fasciatus ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Myrmecobius fasciatus (tên tiếng Anh gồm "numbat", "banded anteater", "marsupial anteater", và "walpurti") là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Myrmecobiidae, bộ Dasyuromorphia. Loài này được Waterhouse mô tả năm 1836.[4] Loài này sinh sống ở Tây Úc.

Chế độ ăn uống của loài này bao gồm hầu hết là những con mối. Đã từng hiện diện khắp miền nam Úc, phạm vi của loài này hiện đang bị hạn chế một số quần thể nhỏ, và loài này được liệt kê là một loài nguy cơ tuyệt chủng. Loài thú này là một biểu tượng của Tây Úc và được bảo vệ bởi các chương trình bảo tồn.

Phân loài

  • M. f. fasciatus
  • M. f. rufus (tuyệt chủng)

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Friend, T. & Burbidge, A. (2008). Myrmecobius fasciatus. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 8 tháng 10 năm 2008.
  2. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Myrmecobiidae”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  3. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Myrmecobius”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  4. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Myrmecobius fasciatus”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). tr. 69. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến động vật có vú này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Myrmecobius fasciatus: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Myrmecobius fasciatus (tên tiếng Anh gồm "numbat", "banded anteater", "marsupial anteater", và "walpurti") là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Myrmecobiidae, bộ Dasyuromorphia. Loài này được Waterhouse mô tả năm 1836. Loài này sinh sống ở Tây Úc.

Chế độ ăn uống của loài này bao gồm hầu hết là những con mối. Đã từng hiện diện khắp miền nam Úc, phạm vi của loài này hiện đang bị hạn chế một số quần thể nhỏ, và loài này được liệt kê là một loài nguy cơ tuyệt chủng. Loài thú này là một biểu tượng của Tây Úc và được bảo vệ bởi các chương trình bảo tồn.

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Сумчатый муравьед ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Рисунок сумчатого муравьеда работы Henry Constantine Richter, 1845

До начала европейской колонизации намбат был распространён в Западной и Южной Австралии, от границ Нового Южного Уэльса и Виктории до побережья Индийского океана, на севере доходя до юго-западной части Северной Территории. Сейчас ареал ограничен юго-западом Западной Австралии. Населяет он в основном эвкалиптовые и акациевые леса и сухие редколесья.

Питается намбат почти исключительно термитами, реже муравьями. Других беспозвоночных поедает только случайно. Это единственное сумчатое, которое питается только социальными насекомыми; в неволе сумчатый муравьед ежедневно поедает до 20 тыс. термитов. Намбат разыскивает пищу с помощью своего чрезвычайно острого обоняния. Когтями передних лап он раскапывает почву или разламывает гнилую древесину, затем липким языком ловит термитов. Добычу намбат глотает целиком или чуть разжевав хитиновые оболочки.

Весьма примечателен тот факт, что этот зверь во время трапезы совершенно не обращает никакого внимания на окружающую обстановку. В такие моменты его можно погладить или даже взять в руки.

Поскольку конечности и когти сумчатого муравьеда (в отличие от других мирмекофагов — ехидн, муравьедов, трубкозубов) слабые и не способны справиться с прочным термитником, охотится он в основном днём, когда насекомые в поисках корма передвигаются по подземным галереям или под корой деревьев. Дневная активность намбата синхронизирована с активностью термитов и температурой окружающей среды. Так летом к середине дня почва сильно прогревается, и насекомые уходят глубоко под землю, поэтому намбаты переходят на сумеречный образ жизни; зимой они кормятся с утра до полудня, примерно по 4 часа в сутки.

Намбат довольно проворен, может лазить по деревьям; при малейшей опасности прячется в укрытие. Ночь он проводит в укромных местах (неглубоких норах, дуплах деревьев) на подстилке из коры, листьев и сухой травы. Сон у него очень глубокий, похожий на анабиоз. Известно немало случаев, когда люди вместе с валежником случайно сжигали и намбатов, которые не успевали проснуться. За исключением периода размножения, сумчатые муравьеды держатся поодиночке, занимая индивидуальную территорию площадью до 150 га. Будучи пойманным, намбат не кусается и не царапается, а только отрывисто посвистывает или ворчит.


Брачный сезон у намбатов длится с декабря по апрель. В это время самцы покидают свои охотничьи участки и отправляются на поиски самок, метя деревья и землю маслянистым секретом, который вырабатывает особая кожная железа на груди.

Крохотные (10 мм длиной), слепые и голые детёныши рождаются через 2 недели после спаривания. В помёте 2—4 детёныша. Поскольку выводковой сумки у самки нет, они повисают на сосках, цепляясь за шерсть матери. По некоторым сведениям роды происходят в норе длиной 1—2 м. Самка носит детёнышей на животе около 4 месяцев, пока их размеры не достигнут 4—5 см. Затем она оставляет потомство в неглубокой норе или дупле, продолжая по ночам приходить для кормления. К началу сентября молодые намбаты начинают ненадолго покидать нору. К октябрю они переходят на смешанную диету из термитов и материнского молока. Молодняк остаётся с матерью до 9 месяцев, окончательно покидая её в декабре. Половая зрелость наступает на втором году жизни.

Продолжительность жизни (в неволе) — до 6 лет.

Статус популяции и охрана

В связи с хозяйственным освоением и расчисткой земель численность сумчатого муравьеда резко сократилась. Однако основная причина уменьшения его численности — преследование хищниками. Из-за дневного образа жизни намбаты более уязвимы, чем большинство некрупных сумчатых; на них охотятся хищные птицы, динго, одичавшие собаки и кошки и особенно рыжие лисы, которых в XIX в. завезли в Австралию. Лисы полностью уничтожили популяцию намбатов в Виктории, Южной Австралии и Северной Территории; уцелели они только в виде двух небольших популяций неподалёку от Перта. В конце 1970-х гг. намбатов насчитывалось менее 1000 особей.

В результате интенсивных охранных мероприятий, уничтожения лис и реинтродукции намбатов популяцию удалось увеличить. Популяцию намбатов активно разводят в австралийском природоохранном парке Стерлинг-Рейндж. Однако этот зверь по-прежнему входит в списки Международной Красной книги со статусом «исчезающий» (Endangered).[5]


  1. 1 2 Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 17. — 10 000 экз.
  2. Мурашеед // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
  3. 1 2 Семейство Myrmecobiidae в книге Wilson D. E. & Reeder D. M. (editors). 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). — Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.) ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0 [1]
  4. 1 2 Фишер Д., Саймон Н., Винсент Д. Красная книга. Дикая природа в опасности / пер. с англ., под ред. А. Г. Банникова. — М.: Прогресс, 1976. — С. 30—32. — 478 с.
  5. Myrmecobius fasciatus (англ.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Сумчатый муравьед: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
 src= Рисунок сумчатого муравьеда работы Henry Constantine Richter, 1845

До начала европейской колонизации намбат был распространён в Западной и Южной Австралии, от границ Нового Южного Уэльса и Виктории до побережья Индийского океана, на севере доходя до юго-западной части Северной Территории. Сейчас ареал ограничен юго-западом Западной Австралии. Населяет он в основном эвкалиптовые и акациевые леса и сухие редколесья.

Питается намбат почти исключительно термитами, реже муравьями. Других беспозвоночных поедает только случайно. Это единственное сумчатое, которое питается только социальными насекомыми; в неволе сумчатый муравьед ежедневно поедает до 20 тыс. термитов. Намбат разыскивает пищу с помощью своего чрезвычайно острого обоняния. Когтями передних лап он раскапывает почву или разламывает гнилую древесину, затем липким языком ловит термитов. Добычу намбат глотает целиком или чуть разжевав хитиновые оболочки.

Весьма примечателен тот факт, что этот зверь во время трапезы совершенно не обращает никакого внимания на окружающую обстановку. В такие моменты его можно погладить или даже взять в руки.

Поскольку конечности и когти сумчатого муравьеда (в отличие от других мирмекофагов — ехидн, муравьедов, трубкозубов) слабые и не способны справиться с прочным термитником, охотится он в основном днём, когда насекомые в поисках корма передвигаются по подземным галереям или под корой деревьев. Дневная активность намбата синхронизирована с активностью термитов и температурой окружающей среды. Так летом к середине дня почва сильно прогревается, и насекомые уходят глубоко под землю, поэтому намбаты переходят на сумеречный образ жизни; зимой они кормятся с утра до полудня, примерно по 4 часа в сутки.

Намбат довольно проворен, может лазить по деревьям; при малейшей опасности прячется в укрытие. Ночь он проводит в укромных местах (неглубоких норах, дуплах деревьев) на подстилке из коры, листьев и сухой травы. Сон у него очень глубокий, похожий на анабиоз. Известно немало случаев, когда люди вместе с валежником случайно сжигали и намбатов, которые не успевали проснуться. За исключением периода размножения, сумчатые муравьеды держатся поодиночке, занимая индивидуальную территорию площадью до 150 га. Будучи пойманным, намбат не кусается и не царапается, а только отрывисто посвистывает или ворчит.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

袋食蚁兽 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

袋食蟻獸(學名Myrmecobius fasciatus)是生存於西澳洲食蟲性有袋動物,近年再引入南澳大利亞州。袋食蟻獸曾經遍布整個澳洲南方,但現在僅在少數地區存活,屬於瀕危物種


袋食蟻獸為單科種,為澳洲有袋肉食動物袋鼬目下的 4 個科別之一[2]

基因研究顯示袋食蟻獸約於始新世晚期(32 - 42 百萬年前)與其他有袋動物分家[3],且與已滅絕袋狼關係較近。

袋食蟻獸有兩個亞種,不過 M. f. rufus 在 1960 年代滅絕,僅有指名亞種 M. f. fasciatus 存活至今。M. f. rufus 據說較紅的體表顏色[4]。袋食蟻獸的化石紀錄很少,最早的紀錄可追溯至更新世,袋食蟻獸科下也沒有其他物種的化石紀錄[4]



袋狼屬Thylacinus cynocephalus white background.jpg


袋食蟻獸屬A hand-book to the marsupialia and monotremata (Plate XXX) (white background).jpg


狹足袋鼩屬The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus and Terror (Sminthopsis leucopus).jpg


帚尾袋鼩屬Phascogale calura Gould white background.jpg


袋鼬屬Dasyurus viverrinus Gould white background.jpg



體長包含尾巴35和45厘米(14和18英寸),不過尾巴長度幾乎與身體等長。體重280、700 g(9.9、24.7 oz)[4][6],口腔有50隻無功能的牙齒,雙顎已退化,具有力雙

袋食蟻獸和其他以螞蟻為食的動物一樣,都有一條細長的舌頭與巨大的頜下腺英语submandibular glands可以分泌大量唾液。但袋食蟻獸的消化系統相對其他食蟲動物簡單,這是由於白蟻比起螞蟻擁有更軟的外骨骼,因此較好消化。


伯斯動物園英语Perth Zoo的袋食蟻獸

袋食蟻獸獨棲,在白天活動,幾乎完全以白蟻作為食物,一隻成年的袋食蟻獸每天需要 20,000 隻白蟻,白天大部分的時間均在尋找白蟻。袋食蟻獸利用前爪挖出白蟻並用長舌捕捉牠們[7]。袋食蟻獸的天敵為地毯莫瑞蟒英语Morelia spilota以及人類引入的赤狐[4]

袋食蟻獸為獨居動物,具有領域性。一隻成年個體的領域大小約為 1.5 平方公里(370 英畝[8]並且會阻止其他同性侵入領地。雄性與雌性個體的領域會重疊,且雄性會在繁殖期時離開領地去尋找合適的配偶。



晚上時,袋食蟻獸會回到巢穴中,這些巢穴多但位於中空的樹幹中,或為地洞英语burrow。巢穴通常為 1 - 2 公尺深,末端會有一個鋪滿草、樹葉、花朵與樹皮的巢室。袋食蟻獸可以利用臀部的厚皮來堵住的入口,防止掠食者入侵[9]


袋食蟻獸在二月與三月時繁殖,其中只會進行一次生產,但若第一次生產失敗則能再進行第二次生產[10]懷孕期英语Gestation維持15天,共會產下 4 隻幼崽。和其他有袋類不同的是,雌性袋食蟻獸不具有育幼袋,其四個乳頭由捲曲的毛髮與哺乳期時膨大的腹部與大腿所保護著[4]

幼崽剛出生時體長 2 cm(0.79英寸),在攀爬至乳頭後,會吸附在乳頭上成長值到七月下旬至八月上旬,此時的體長約為 7.5 cm(3.0英寸)。當幼崽體長達到 3 cm(1.2英寸) 時會開始長毛,並且在體長為 5.5 cm(2.2英寸) 時長出類似成年袋食蟻獸的花紋。在斷奶後,幼崽會留在巢穴中或是帶在母親的背上,在十一月時才能完全自立。雌性在第二年夏天時達到性成熟,雄性則還要再隔一年[4]


  1. ^ Myrmecobius fasciatus. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2008.
  2. ^ Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (编). Mammal species of the world 3rd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press. 2005年. ISBN 0-801-88221-4 (英语). 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
  3. ^ Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. The delayed rise of present-day mammals. Nature. 2007, 446: 507–512. PMID 17392779. doi:10.1038/nature05634.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Cooper, C.E. Myrmecobius fasciatus (Dasyuromorphia: Myrmecobiidae). Mammalian Species. 2011, 43 (1): 129–140. doi:10.1644/881.1.
  5. ^ The mitochondrial genome sequence of the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus). Genome Res. February 2009, 19 (2): 213–20. PMC 2652203. PMID 19139089. doi:10.1101/gr.082628.108.
  6. ^ Ellis, Eric. Animal Diversity Web: Myrmecobius fasciatus. 2003 [2006-09-01].
  7. ^ Archived copy. [2009-06-17]. (原始内容存档于2 June 2009).
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Lee, A.K. Macdonald, D., 编. The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. 1984: 844. ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  9. ^ What is the fauna emblem of Western Australia?. NatureBase. Western Australia's Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). [2009-05-11].[永久失效連結]
  10. ^ Power, V.; 等. Reproduction of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus): observations from a captive breeding program. Australian Mammalogy. 2009, 31 (1): 25–30. doi:10.1071/AM08111.
 src= 查询維基詞典中的袋食蟻獸 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:袋食蚁兽 物種識別信息
wikipedia 中文维基百科

袋食蚁兽: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

袋食蟻獸(學名:Myrmecobius fasciatus)是生存於西澳洲食蟲性有袋動物,近年再引入南澳大利亞州。袋食蟻獸曾經遍布整個澳洲南方,但現在僅在少數地區存活,屬於瀕危物種

wikipedia 中文维基百科

フクロアリクイ ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
フクロアリクイ フクロアリクイ
フクロアリクイ Myrmecobius fasciatus
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 EN.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : フクロネコ目 Dasyuromorphia : フクロアリクイ科 Myrmecobiidae
Waterhouse, 1841 : フクロアリクイ属 Myrmecobius
Waterhouse, 1836 : フクロアリクイ M. fasciatus 学名 Myrmecobius rostratus
Waterhouse, 1836 和名 フクロアリクイ 英名 Numbat
Banded anteater

フクロアリクイ(袋蟻食、Myrmecobius fasciatus)は、フクロネコ目フクロアリクイ科フクロアリクイ属に分類される有袋類。本種のみでフクロアリクイ科フクロアリクイ属を形成する。別名ナンバット









  • Myrmecobius fasciatus fasciatus Waterhouse, 1836


  • Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus Wood Jones, 1923








 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、フクロアリクイに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにフクロアリクイに関する情報があります。


  • 『原色ワイド図鑑3 動物』、学習研究社1984年、10頁。
  • 今泉吉典監修 D.W.マクドナルド編 『動物大百科6 有袋類ほか』、平凡社1986年、118、174頁。
  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『レッド・データ・アニマルズ7 オーストラリア、ニューギニア』、講談社2000年、30、130頁。
  • 『小学館の図鑑NEO 動物』、小学館2002年、25頁。


執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
wikipedia 日本語

フクロアリクイ: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供

フクロアリクイ(袋蟻食、Myrmecobius fasciatus)は、フクロネコ目フクロアリクイ科フクロアリクイ属に分類される有袋類。本種のみでフクロアリクイ科フクロアリクイ属を形成する。別名ナンバット。

wikipedia 日本語

주머니개미핥기 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

주머니개미핥기(학명:Myrmecobius fasciatus)는 호주 서부에서 발견되는 유대류 동물이다. 주머니개미핥기는 오로지 흰개미만 먹는다. 호주 서부지역의 상징인 주머니개미핥기는 현재 멸종위기에 처해있어 주 정부의 보호를 받고 있다.


주머니개미핥기는 육식성 유대류인 주머니고양이목의 3개과(科) 중 하나이다.


  1. “Myrmecobius fasciatus”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2008년 10월 8일에 확인함. 멸종위기등급으로 등록(EN C1+2a(i) v3.1)
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
wikipedia 한국어 위키백과