
Description ( 英語 )

由NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates提供

Astrochlamys sol, n.sp.

(Plate VII, fig. 9)

St. 170. 23. ii. 27. Off Cape Bowles, Clarence Island, 342 m. 1 specimen, attached to a coral-like Bryozoan.

Diameter of disk ca. 13 mm., length of arms ca. 50 mm. Arms 10.

In its general characters this species closely resembles A. bruneus. Mouth papillae not distinct, being covered by the thick skin that invests the whole animal. First pair of arm pores apparently rudimentary. As in A. bruneus there are one or two spines (papillae) at the second pore pair, three at the third pair, and thereafter four spines. These latter are slightly different from those of A. bruneus, having fewer thorns (Figs. 2 c-d). The hooks are alike in both; the hook belts are interrupted in the dorsal median line in the proximal part of the arms. In regard to the plates of the oral region it appears that the buccal plates are somewhat better developed than in A. bruneus. Ventral plates of arms irregularly divided as in bruneus.

Not thinking it desirable to remove the specimen from the Bryozoan to which it clings, or to spoil it too much by cleaning off the skin, I cannot give any detailed figures. But the species is so markedly different from the five-armed A. bruneus by reason of its numerous arms that the characters here given should suffice for recognizing it with certainty.”

(Mortensen, 1936; 239)

Morphology ( 英語 )

由World Register of Marine Species提供
Decamerous species with 10 arms and 10 jaws.
WoRMS Editorial Board
Sabine Stöhr [email]
World Register of Marine Species