
Diagnostic Description ( 英語 )

由Plazi (legacy text)提供

N. nigra, punctata; abdomine nitido, scutello bituberculato; alis apice nigris.

Male. Length 5 lines. Black: the head with scattered cinereous pubescence, dense and short on the sides of the face; the clypeus with a longitudinal impression; somewhat swollen on each side; the flagellum testaceous beneath. Thorax closely punctured, subopake; a line of pale pubescence beneath the scutellum, which is bituberculate; the tegulae yellowish; the wings hyaline, the nervures testaceous, the costal nervure dark brown; the apex of the anterior wings with a large dark fuscous cloud; the legs with a glittering cinereous pubescence; the posterior tibiae curved, and dilated at their apex. Abdomen shining and punctured, the apical margins of the segments depressed, the apical half of the depressions impunctate.

Hab. Singapore.

Smith, F., 1857, Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace., Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, pp. 42-88, vol. 2
Smith, F.
Plazi (legacy text)