
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology提供
Lasioglossum asaphes

TYPE MATERIAL.—The female holotype of Lasioglossum asaphes is deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. The specimen is labeled

MEXICO, Chis. [Chiapas] SanCristobal [de] las Casas, VII [July]-17–21-[19]64 Paul J. Spangler/HOLOTYPE Lasioglossum asaphes R.J. McGinley [red label].

The holotype is missing the mid left tibia and tarsus but otherwise is in good condition. Sixty female and six male paratypes are listed in the “Specimens Examined” section.

ETYMOLOGY.—The specific epithet is taken from the Greek asaphes (obscure, baffling), alluding to the difficulty in distinguishing this somewhat generalized species.

DISTRIBUTION (Figure 274).—Lasioglossum asaphes is presently known from 61 females and six males. It occurs in Mexico from Sinaloa and Durango south to Chiapas.

DIAGNOSIS.—The combination of the entirely granuloso-punctate mesoscutum (Figure 279; not contiguously coarse as in L. cercothrix (Figure 313) and L. aequatum), the ruguloso-striolate dorsal propodeal surface (Figure 278), the absence of a metasomal acarinarium and lack of conspicuous infuscation along the anterior edge of the forewing (as in L. crocoturum, L. tricnicos and L. eickworti, Figure 235) will distinguish the females of L. transvorsum, L. asaphes, L. xyriotropis, L. costale, and L. manitouellum from other New World Lasioglossum. Lasioglossum transvorsum differs from the above species in having an elongated, V-shaped posterior propodeal margin (Figure 650) and characteristic adpressed hair patches on the anterior surface of tergum I. Lasioglossum asaphes and L. xyriotropis differ from the latter three species in having a complete pronotal lateral carina (not distinctly interrupted as in Figure 281). The pronotal carina of L. xyriotropis is obviously complete (Figure 732), whereas that of L. asaphes appears to be almost interrupted by a deep, oblique, lateral sulcus (Figure 280). Furthermore, the head of L. xyriotropis is shorter than that of L. asaphes and the clypeus of the former species is strongly granulate throughout (apical half shiny in L. asaphes).

Males of L. asaphes are similar to the females in pronotal structure and propodeal sculpture. They have erect hair tufts on the lateral edges of sternum V (Figure 242). Among Mexican species, similar hair tufts are found elsewhere in males of L. tricnicos and L. pallicorne. Lasioglossum tricnicos males have the anterior edge of the forewing conspicuously infuscated (hyaline in L. asaphes), and the sternal hair tufts of L. pallicorne males include some hairs that are conspicuously elongate and curled (Figure 576). Males of L. xyriotropis are not known.

DESCRIPTION.—FEMALE: (1) Length 8.2–9.5 mm (x = 9.0, n = 15); (2) wing length 2.6–2.9 mm (x = 2.7, n = 15); (3) abdominal width 2.6–3.0 mm (x = 2.8, n = 15).

Structure: (4) Head elongate (Figure 275; length/width ratio 0.85–1.0, x = 0.96, n = 15). (7) Supracylpeal area evenly rounded, (8) moderately protuberant. (9) Clypeus projecting approximately 0.87 of its length below lower margin of eyes; (11) surface with obscure median longitudinal sulcation. (14) Distance between lateral ocelli slightly exceeded by distance between lateral ocellus and eye. (23) Flagellomere 1 subequal to 2 in length along dorsal surface. Labrum as in Figure 276; (27) distal keel very broad in frontal view, spoon-shaped, with conspicuous basal median groove; (28) distal lateral projections extremely well developed, sharply projecting (as in L. bajaense); (29) fimbrial setae acutely pointed.

(32) Pronotal lateral angle narrowly obtuse; (33) pronotal lateral ridge appearing complete, obscurely notched by narrow oblique lateral sulcus; (34) lower portion of lateral ridge sharply edged near oblique sulcus, becoming narrowly rounded ventrally. (35) Mesoscutal lip very weakly bilobed, (36) moderately elevated from pronotum. (40) Dorsal surface of propodeum about 0.88 the length of scutellum and about 1.7 times the length of metanotum, (41) depressed centrally, (42) posterior margin broadly rounded; (43) propodeal triangle very weakly defined laterally, evident medially as an inconspicuous V-shaped elevation with sharp-edged lateral rims, fading towards metanotum; (44) lateral carinae extending beyond midpoint of posterior surface, obscurely reaching dorsal surface. (45) Tibial spur as in Figure 19.

(46) Lateral edge of metasomal tergum II weakly sinuate.

Sculpture: (47) Face moderately shiny, (48) densely and uniformly punctate between ocelli and antennae, punctures contiguous. (51) Supraclypeal area moderately granulate with small polished central area; (52) punctures separated by 1–2 times their width laterally, impunctate centrally. (53) Clypeus granulate basally, apical half polished; (54) punctures obscure basally, separated by less than their width, larger and less dense on apical half. (56). Mesoscutum moderately shiny; (57) punctation as in Figure 279, punctures extremely dense and contiguous throughout, becoming granuloso-punctate anteriorly. (58) Scutellum densely punctate to granuloso-punctate with small but conspicuous impunctate areas adjacent to median line. (63) Dorsal surface of propodeum (Figure 278) very strongly ruguloso-striolate laterally, becoming rugulose medially, striae and rugulae reaching posterior margin; (64) surface obscurely alveolated. (65) Metasomal tergum I moderately shiny; (66) punctation fine, extremely dense, punctures nearly contiguous.

Coloration. (71) Wing membrane mostly hyaline, apex lightly infuscated.

Vestiture: (74) Pubescence of head pale yellowish brown. (75) Pubescence of thorax mostly pale yellowish brown, more brownish on mesoscutum and scutellum; (76) mesoscutal hairs moderately dense and plumose. (77) Hind tibial hair color differentiated, ventral and lateral hairs white, dorsal hairs brown to dark brown. (78) Anterior hairs of metasomal tergum I white, (79) basal hair bands of terga II–IV yellowish white. (80) Acarinarium absent, elongate hairs scattered over anterior surface of tergum I.

MALE: Similar to female except as follows: (1) length 7.3–9.0 mm (x = 8.0, n = 7); (2) wing length 2.2–2.5 mm (x = 2.3, n = 7); (3) abdominal width 1.9–2.2 mm (x = 2.1, n = 7). (4) Head elongate (length/width ratio 0.91–1.0, x = 0.98, n = 7). (5) Gena slightly wider than eye, (6) moderately produced posteriorly. (11) Clypeal surface shallowly depressed ventrally. (23) Unlike most species, flagellomere 1 relatively long compared to flagellomere 2 (ratio 1:2 approximately 0.90). Labrum as in Figure 277; (24) distal process very weakly developed, rounded; (25) basal area depressed medially; (26) basal lateral depressions conspicuously developed. (30) Mandible short, just reaching opposing clypeal angle. (53) Clypeus granulate basally, apical two-thirds polished; (54) punctures well-formed, nearly contiguous basally, apical two-thirds with large and small, widely scattered punctures. (68) Clypeal maculation present. (69) Flagellum entirely dark. (72) Tarsi dark, concolorous with tibiae.

Vestiture: Sternal vestiture as in Figure 242; (82) hairs on sternum IV suberect, moderately elongate, becoming elongate laterally; (83) sternum V with median rosette of short hairs that abruptly become elongate and erect laterally, posterior edge of sternum with widely spaced lateral hair lobes.

Terminalia: Sterna VII–VIII as in Figure 285: (85) sternum VIII with truncated, semicircular median process. Genitalia as in Figures 282–284; (86) gonobase moderately elongate; (87) gonostylus elongate, moderately broad, apex broadly rounded; (88) retrorse membranous lobe present (89) moderately broad (unlike other species except L. tranvorsum, apex of gonocoxite near base of retrorse lobe with moderately long, medially directed membranous flap); (90) volsella with prominent lateral lobe.

FLIGHT RECORDS (Figure 286).—Females of L. asaphes have been collected from late March to early November, with most records from late July (the November records are from Oaxaca). Males have been collected in July and August.

FLOWER RECORDS.—One pollen-laden female taken from Penstemon gentianoides in Oaxaca, Mexico.


MEXICO. CHIAPAS: San Cristobal de las Casas, 2 Aug 1956, J.W. MacSwain, D.D. Linsdale (1; CAS), 17–21 Jul 1964, P.J. Spangler (1; USNM), 7 mi E, 1 Aug 1952, E.E. Gilbert, C.D. MacNeil (1; UCB), 8 mi SE, 10 Jul 1956 (2; UCB, CAS), 8–9 mi E, 31 Jul–5Aug 1957, J.A. Chemsak, B. J. Rannells (2; CAS, UCB), 10 mi NE, 13 May 1969, 7500 ft, H.J. Teskey (1; CNC). DISTRITO FEDERAL: Mexico City, 8 mi W, 15 Jul 1953, 9050 ft, Univ. Kansas Mex. Exped. (1; KU). DURANGO: Buenos Aires, 10 mi W La Ciudad, 21 Apr–9 May, 1961, Howden & Martin (3; CNC); Durango, 21 mi W, 18 Jul 1964, 7800 ft, J.A. Chemsak (1; UCB), 30 mi W, 6 Jun 1964, 7500 ft, W.R.M. Mason (3; CNC): El Salto, 10 mi W, 19 Jun 1964, 9000 ft, W.R.M. Mason (1; CNC); La Ciudad, 3 mi W, 17 Aug 1972, 8700 ft, MacNeill & Powell (1; UCB), 8 mi W, 2 Aug 1964, 8700 ft, J. Powell (1; UCB); Las Adjuntas, 1 Jul 1952, J.D. Lattin (1; UCB); Tepalcates, 30 mi W Durango, 4–8 Aug 1972, black & white lights, 8400 ft, J. Powell, D. Veirs, C.D. MacNeill (1; UCB). HIDALGO: El Chico, Pachuca, 11 Jul 1937, Mead & Embury (1; KU), 23 Sep 1938, L.J. Lipovsky (1; KU). JALISCO: N slopes Nevado de Colima, pine-fir above Piedra Ancha, 31 Mar 1951, 2700 m, Hoover (1; UMMZ).

MEXICO: Agua Bendita, 2 Aug 1962, 9700 ft, H.E. Evans (2; MCZ); Amecameca, 7.5 mi SE, 1 Jul 1961, 9600 ft, G. W. Byers (1; KU); Popocatepetl, W slope, 5 Jul 1951, 9600 ft, P.D. Hurd (1; UCB), 31 Mar 1959, 10,000 ft, H.E. Evans (1; CU); Toluca, 15.5 mi E, 6 Jul 1961, 9500 ft, Univ. Kansas Mex. Exped. (3, 1; KU), 6 Aug 1963, Byers & Naumann (1; KU), 16 mi E, 31 Jul 1962, 9500 ft, Univ. Kansas Mex. Exped. (12, 1; KU), 18 km SW, 7 Sep 1975, B. Villegas (2, UCD). MORELOS: Lagunas de Zempoala, 11 Aug 1962, 9200 ft, H.E. Evans (1; MCZ). OAXACA: Guelatao, 22 km NE, 19 Sep 1976, on Penstemon gentianoides, C.D. George, R.R. Snelling (1; LACM); Oaxaca, 20 Jul 1937, Mead & Embury (1; KU); Sierra Juarez, 76 mi S Tuxtepec, 6 Nov 1963 (3; KU). PUEBLA: Mexico City, 40 mi E, 7 Sep 1957, 9900 ft, H.A. Scullen (2; OrS); Puebla, 25 mi W, 24 Jun 1961, D.H. Janzen, (1; UCB); San Martin Texmelucan, 15 mi NW, 26 Jul 1963, Naumann & Willis (6; KU). SINALOA: Guadalupe de Los Reyes, 20 mi E, 22 Aug 1963, F.D. Parker, L.A. Stange (1; UCD). UNCERTAIN LOCALITY: Prto. de las Cruces, 1 Aug 1962, 10,000 ft, H.E. Evans (2; MCZ).
McGinley, R. J. 1986. "Studies of Halictinae (Apoidea: Halictidae), I: Revision of New World Lasioglossum Curtis." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-294. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.429
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Lasioglossum asaphes ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供


Lasioglossum asaphes is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie Halictidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1986 door McGinley.[1]

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Lasioglossum asaphes ( 越南語 )

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Lasioglossum asaphes là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Halictidae. Loài này được McGinley mô tả khoa học năm 1986.[1]

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Lasioglossum asaphes: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Lasioglossum asaphes là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Halictidae. Loài này được McGinley mô tả khoa học năm 1986.

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