Sorbus randaiensis (lat. Sorbus randaiensis) - gülçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin quşarmudu cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Sorbus randaiensis (lat. Sorbus randaiensis) - gülçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin quşarmudu cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Sorbus randaiensis (лат. Sorbus randaiensis) —быдмассэзлӧн роза котырись пелідз увтырын (Sorbus субувтырын) торья вид. Пелідзыс быдмӧ 3–8 метра вылына. Пелідз пантасьӧ Тайваньын.
Sorbus randaiensis (лат. Sorbus randaiensis) —быдмассэзлӧн роза котырись пелідз увтырын (Sorbus субувтырын) торья вид. Пелідзыс быдмӧ 3–8 метра вылына. Пелідз пантасьӧ Тайваньын.
Sorbus randaiensis[1] is a deciduous tree of family Rosaceae. It is an endemic species in Taiwan and can be found in the mountain areas of middle Taiwan, with altitude 1,800m to 3,200m, mostly spotted in the forest of Xueshan, Hehuan Mountain, Mount Xiluan, and Nenggao Mountain.[2] It is a tree 3–8 m tall with white flowers and reddish fruit.[3]
It was first described as Pyrus aucuparia var. randaiensis by Bunzō Hayata in 1911, [4] then placed in Sorbus by Gen'ichi Koidzumi in 1913.[5]
Its species epithet randaiensis implies that the first type specimen was collected at Mount Xiluan.[2][a]
Deciduous trees with obvious lenticel on the branches.
Alternate, odd number pinnate leaves, with leaflets 15–21. Leaflets without petiole, shaped from long oval to lanceolate, 3–4 cm in length, 8–12 cm in width. The front end tapered, and the basal part skew, circled or obtuse. Margin jagged. Petiole with groove, and with short furs when young.
Terminal corymbs inflorescence. Pedicels are short, about 3–4 mm in length. Petals 5, white. Hypanthium with long furs, triangle shaped. Stamens 15–20, Carpels 3–5, isolated. Styles 3–5, isolated or basal synthetic. Flower perigynous.
Schizocarp, berry-like, globular with diameter 7 mm. The front end has the remaining traces of stigma and calyx. Turn rubine at maturation.[2][6]
First leaf for the spring sprouts during April to May. Inflorescence is on about May to June. Around September to October, their fruits ripen with rubine color. And in the October to November, their leaves turn yellow or red before falling down.[2][7]
Its fruit, stem, and bark can be used as medicine. Although tasting bitter, it is a cure for chronic bronchitis and cough with phlegm, and is spleen-tonifying.
It is eye-catching with their beautifully-shaped appearance from branching to flowers, especially the amazing change of leaves to red and rubine fruits in October.
The fruits are with juicy texture and sweetness, tasting delicious.[2]
Sorbus randaiensis is a deciduous tree of family Rosaceae. It is an endemic species in Taiwan and can be found in the mountain areas of middle Taiwan, with altitude 1,800m to 3,200m, mostly spotted in the forest of Xueshan, Hehuan Mountain, Mount Xiluan, and Nenggao Mountain. It is a tree 3–8 m tall with white flowers and reddish fruit.
Bogareynir er tegund af reyniviði sem er ættaður úr háfjöllum Taiwan ( 2,100–3,950 m. yfir sjávarmáli.[2]). Hann er 3–8 m. hátt tré með hvítum blómum og rauðleitum berjum.[3]
Sorbus randaiensis er stundum ræktaður.[1]
Bogareynir er tegund af reyniviði sem er ættaður úr háfjöllum Taiwan ( 2,100–3,950 m. yfir sjávarmáli.). Hann er 3–8 m. hátt tré með hvítum blómum og rauðleitum berjum.
Sorbus randaiensis er stundum ræktaður.
Sorbus randaiensis là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa hồng. Loài này được (Hayata) Koidz. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1913.[2]
Sorbus randaiensis là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa hồng. Loài này được (Hayata) Koidz. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1913.
巒大花楸(学名:Sorbus randaiensis)又名台湾花楸[1],为薔薇科花楸屬下的落葉喬木樹種,是台灣的特有植物,分布于台灣中部高海拔1,800米至3,200米的地區。一般生长在林(以雪山、合歡山,巒大山及能高山等地最為常見[2])。
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