Diagnostic Description
Diagnosis: adipose fin always present (Ref. 43912, 81643) and fully developed (Ref. 81643). Anterior nostrils closer to each other than to the posterior pair; nasal barbel reaching beyond posterior border of eye, sometimes up to anterior edge of opercle; eyes strikingly large (31-32.7% HL); inner side of pectoral spine strongly serrated; snout projecting beyond mouth (Ref. 43912, 81643).Description: head rounded, snout prominent, mouth subterminal (Ref. 81643). 50-54 branched rays in anal fin (Ref. 43912, 81643). 46 non-fused vertebrae; 9 branchiostegal rays on one side of head; caudal peduncle longer than deep; nasal barbel at least reaching to midway between eye and opercle and at maximum to anterior border of opercle; maxillary barbel at least reaching to posterior border of opercle and at maximum a little further; inner mandibular barbels short and not reaching beyond eye; outer mandibular barbels at least reaching to anterior and at maximum to posterior border of opercle (Ref. 43912). This species is allied to S. grenfelli and S. mystus which also have the anterior nostrils closer to each other than the posterior ones; S. nyongensis however is easily distinguished from S. mystus by the longer nasal barbel which does not reach beyond the orbit in the latter species, and from S. grenfelli both by the longer barbels and by the strongly serrated inner side of the pectoral spine which is feebly serrated in S. grenfelli; since S. nyongensis is thus far known only from the River Nyong, where S. grenfelli and S. mystus are not found, it is quite probable that the three species are allopatric (Ref. 43912).Coloration: preserved specimens: dorsum uniformly dark brown, flanks and belly paler; anal fin greyish except basally; pectoral, dorsal and caudal fins greyish, slightly speckled; colourless pelvic fins (Ref. 43912, 81643). Blackish blotch present on each side above pectoral fin (Ref. 43912).
Life Cycle
Distinct pairing (Ref. 205).
Oviparous, eggs are unguarded (Ref. 205).
Schilbe nyongensis: Brief Summary
由wikipedia CA提供
Schilbe nyongensis és una espècie de peix de la família dels esquílbids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.
Schilbe nyongensis: Brief Summary
由wikipedia ES提供
Schilbe nyongensis es una especie de peces de la familia Schilbeidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.
Schilbe nyongensis
由wikipedia EU提供
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Schilbe nyongensis: Brief Summary
由wikipedia EU提供
Schilbe nyongensis Schilbe generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Schilbeidae familian sailkatzen da.
尼翁錫伯鯰: Brief Summary
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