
Behavior ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Very few species of leporids communicate through auditory methods, as most rely on their senses of sight and smell for intraspecific communication. However, certain species (e.g., volcano rabbits) rely heavily on vocalizations for intraspecific communication. Though leporids are typically silent, they still posses a highly developed and acute sense of hearing and emit high pitched distress calls when captured by a predator. For example, European rabbits, brush rabbits, and Audubon's cottontails are known to thump the ground with their hind feet to warn conspecifics of potential danger (e.g., approaching predators). Many leporids have white fur on the ventral surface of their tail, which they silently wave at conspecifics to warn of a predator's presence.

Leporids possess large, protruding eyes that are laterally positioned near the apex of the skull. The position and protrusion of the eyes help them detect predators over a wide visual arc and aid in overcoming the low light availability during crepuscular and nocturnal conditions, during which they are most active.

All Leporids have scent glands in the groin, cheeks, and under the chin that are used to rub pheromones on their coat during grooming. These glands and the pheromones they produce likely play an important role during mating. Glandular activity in male leporids, specifically the amount of pheromone produced and its degree of pungency, is correlated with testicle size. It has been suggested that pheromones serve as a status marker that identify one's position in the social hierarchy.

Communication Channels: visual ; acoustic ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: pheromones ; scent marks ; vibrations

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Thirteen species within Leporidae are considered threatened or near-threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 7 of which are either endangered or critically endangered. Of the 62 species listed by the IUCN, those threatened with extinction are often the most primitive. As leporid habitat is being destroyed to create room for crops, irrigation, and ranch lands, many species of rabbits and hares are forced to persist on remnant habitat islands that result in significantly decreased genetic diversity and ultimately, genetic inbreeding. Many native species are also vulnerable to increased competition for resources with invasive rabbits, the introduction of new pathogens, and the introduction of new predators. While habitat destruction poses the biggest threat to many native leporids, they are also vulnerable to competition with livestock for food resources, over hunting, and poisoning by farmers. Suggested conservation measures include the eradication of exotic predators, reducing habitat destruction and fragmentation, creating strict hunting regulations and enforcing those already in place, the establishment of habitat reserves, and increasing public awareness about the importance of leporid conservation efforts.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The family Leporidae, consisting primarily of rabbits and hares, includes 54 species from 11 different genera. Leporids range in mass from 300 grams (1.4 lbs) in pygmy rabbits to 5 kilograms (11 lbs) in arctic hares. Adult head and body length ranges from 250 to 700 mm. Unlike most mammals, females are usually larger than males. Color patterns vary between species and across seasons, and range from black to reddish brown to white. Leporids are widely distributed and have adapted to a broad range of habitat types. They can be found throughout the world with very few exceptions. Habitat type affects pelage color as well as litter size. Some leporids are extremely social, living in large communal dens, while others are solitary, coming together in groups or pairs for mating purposes only. The term 'true hares' includes hares and jackrabbits and consists of those species in the genus Lepus; all remaining species are referred to as rabbits. While hares are well adapted for running long distances, rabbits run in short bursts and have modified limbs adapted for digging. Hares have long muscle fibers in contrast to the short fibers found in rabbit muscle. Hares are often larger than rabbits, have black tipped ears, and have distinctly different skull morphologies.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Leporids have had a long history of wreaking havoc on ecological systems and agriculture. Their high reproductive potential coupled with humankind’s desire raise them as a domestic animals has resulted in their nearly global distribution. In Australia, European rabbits have been credited with driving many marsupial species to extinction and on the Hawaiian Island of Laysan, rabbits have foraged 22 of 26 native plant species into extinction. Occasionally, leporids can damage crops and compete for forage with livestock.

Leporids can be vectors for many diseases that are transmittable to humans and domesticated animals. The most notable of these pathogens include tularemia or "rabbit fever", myxomatosis, coccidiosis, and pasteurellosis. Most diseases are contracted via the preparation and consumption of tainted meat. However, many diseases, like coccidiosis, are relatively species specific and only pose a threat to humans with significantly weakened immune systems.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (causes disease in humans , carries human disease); crop pest; causes or carries domestic animal disease

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Beginning in the middle ages when Benedictine monks first domesticated them, leporids have had a long and beneficial impact on humans. For centuries rabbits have been an affordable source of protein to the general public, and their dense and soft pelts have provided materials for warm and insulative clothing. Today they are used as model organisms in biomedical research and are popular as game animals and as pets.

Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; body parts are source of valuable material; research and education

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Long thought of as pests, rabbits and hares are well known for the damage they inflict on agriculture. As generalist herbivores, leporids are known for their voracious appetite and high reproductive potential. Their role as pests often overshadows their important role in maintaining canivore biological diversity, as leporids are an integral piece of the carnivore food chain. Their importance as a food source for small to medium-sized carnivores is well-illustrated by the 10 year cycle in which Canada lynx abundance closely mimics that of Snowshoe hare.

Leporids are host to a diverse array of endo- and ectoparasites. Many species of parasitic flatworms (Cestoda and Trematoda) and roundworms spend at least part of their lifecycle in the tissues of leporid hosts. Leporids are also vulnerable to various forms of of parasitic arthropods including ticks, mites, fleas, mosquitoes, and flies. Leporids also host various forms of parasitic protozoa (e.g., coccidians). Myxomytosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease, caused by members of the viral genus Lagovirus, have resulted in the death of millions of wild and domestic leporids.

Ecosystem Impact: keystone species

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • flatworms (Cestoda and Trematoda)
  • roundworms (Nematoda)
  • ticks (Ixodoidea)
  • mites (Acari)
  • fleas (Siphonaptera)
  • mosquitoes (Culicidae)
  • flies (Diptera)
  • coccidians (Coccidae)
  • myxoma virus (Myxoma)
  • calcivirus (Lagovirus)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Leporids are obligate herbivores, with diets consisting of grasses, clover, and limited amounts of cruciferous (e.g., plants from the Brassicaceae family such as broccoli and brussels sprouts) and composite plants. They are opportunistic feeders and also eat fruits, seeds, roots, buds, and the bark of trees. During periods of high resource abundance, leporids tend to select forage in pre-reproductive and early reproductive stages of development. In general, the leporid diet is deficient in essential vitamins and micro-nutrients. Plant forage is high in fiber and contains cellulose and lignin as well. Mammals do not possess the digestive enzymes needed to breakdown these compounds. To compensate for this, however, the leporid caecum is up to ten times longer than their stomach and contains a diverse microbial community that helps break down cellulose and lignin. In addition, gut flora passing from the cecum into the small intestine are a significant source of protein for leporids, which have a notoriously protein deficient diet. Leporids are also coprophagic, re-ingesting soft green fecal pellets produced by the cecum. In addition to offsetting their dietary deficiencies, is has been suggested that coprophagy in leporids developed as a predator defense mechanism, allowing them to subsist in the safety of their burrows.

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Frugivore , Granivore , Lignivore)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Similar to its parent order, Lagomorpha, the family Leporidae has a wide geographic range. Leporids occupy most of the world’s land masses with the exception of southern South America, the West Indies, Madagascar, and most islands southeast of Asia. Although originally absent from South America, Australia, New Zealand, Java, leporids have been introduced to these locations during the last few centuries. The broad geographic range of leporids is largely due to introduction by humans.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native ); palearctic (Native ); oriental (Native ); ethiopian (Native ); neotropical (Introduced ); australian (Introduced ); oceanic islands (Introduced , Native )

Other Geographic Terms: holarctic ; cosmopolitan ; island endemic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Leporids can be found in a wide range of environments, from open deserts to boreal forests. Habitat preference and cursorial ability are tightly linked, and as a result, hares and rabbits have distinct habitat requirements. Hares are most often found in open habitat where they can use their speed to evade potential predators. They also rely on their well-camouflaged pelage to hide from predators among the shrubs and rocks. However, some hare species, such as snowshoe hares and Manchurian hares, are well-adapted forest dwellers. While hares are most often found in open habitats, rabbits are confined to habitats with dense cover where they can hide amongst the vegetation or in burrows. Some species of rabbit, such as swamp rabbits and marsh rabbits are excellent swimmers and are considered semi-aquatic. In short, cursorially adept leporids reside in open habitats, whereas cursorially challenged species reside in closed habitats.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; polar ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: tundra ; taiga ; desert or dune ; savanna or grassland ; chaparral ; forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest ; mountains

Wetlands: marsh ; swamp ; bog

Other Habitat Features: suburban ; agricultural ; riparian

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Leporid’s face a number of factors that affect longevity, the most notable being heavy predation from a variety of mammalian, reptilian, and avian predators. In their natural environment, populations of certain species have been shown to have an average lifespan of less than a year. The oldest recorded age for European hares in the wild was 12.5 years with the maximum age estimated to be between 12 to 13 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Leporids exhibit a great deal of physical diversity. European hares, one of the largest extant members of the family, reach a maximum size of 75 cm and 5 kg and pygmy rabbits, one of the smallest, reach a maximum size of 29.5 cm and 0.46 kg. Domestic leporids can be significantly larger, with an average weight of 7 kg. Female leporids are larger than males, an unusual condition among mammals. Leporids have long hind limbs and feet. Their ears, which are also relatively long, are proximally tubular with the lowest point of the external auditory meatus situated well above the skull. Pelage colors range from brown to black to white. Although spots are relatively common in domestic leporids, most wild species have relatively subdued coloration that helps them blend in with their surroundings. The Sumatran rabbit is one of two species with stripes. Neither albanism nor melanism are uncommon in leporids, and some species that inhabit higher latitudes have white coats during the winter, which are then molted during spring. Most leporids are counter colored, with dark-colored dorsal pelage and light-colored ventral pelage. Pelage texture can be thick and soft or coarse and woolly (e.g., hispid hares) and may become increasingly sparse along the length of the ears. Rabbits and hares have short bushy tales, which are sometimes conspicuously marked, and the soles of their hind feet are covered with hair. The toes terminate in long, slightly curved claws.

Leporid skulls are unmistakeable. They have an arched profile and are only slightly constricted between the orbits, unlike those of their close relatives the pikas. They have prominant post- and supraorbital processes and the parietal, occipital and maxillae are fenestrated. In some species, the squamosals are fenestrated as well. They have a moderately robust zygomatic arch, a relatively short jugal, and tubular external auditory meatuses that are vertically positioned. The dental formula of most leporids is 2/1, 0/0, 3/2, 3/3 = 28. The primary incisors are enlarged, and the secondary are small, peglike, and located immediately posterior to the primaries. The primary incisors resemble those of rodents, except that they are completely encased in enamel. Canines are absent, and a large diastema separates the incisors from the cheek teeth. Their cheekteeth (i.e., molars and premolars) have relatively simple cusp morphology, with the occlusal surface being made up of two transverse ridges (e.g., bilophodont). The cheekteeth are strongly hypsodont in most species.

Rabbits and hares are often differentiated from pikas by the length of their tails and ears. Tail length in leporids ranges from 1.5 cm to 12 cm. Rabbits and hares are characterized by their elongated hind limbs and feet and their ears, which can reach 17 cm in antelope jackrabbit. Pikas have short, rounded ears whereas the ears of leporids are significantly longer than they are wide.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: female larger

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Leporids are a major prey item for a large number of mammalian and avian predators including humans, owls, hawks and eagles, falcons, wild, domestic, and feral canids, wild, domestic and feral felids, a number of different mustelid species, and some species of ground squirrel. Predation has likely had a major impact on the evolution of leporids as they are clearly adapted for fast and efficient cursorial locomotion. Their hindlimbs are significantly longer than their forelimbs, which gives them the ability to run in a zig-zag fashion increasing their chances of evading predators. While hares prefer to outrun their pursuers, rabbits find safety in dense cover or in a nearby burrow. Their large ears help them detect approaching predators, and the lateral position of their eyes gives them a complete 360 degree field of vision. Some species, such as snowshoe hare, have large pads on their feet that act as gripping cushions as they run across deep snow to evade predators. Some leporids are especially well adept at hiding from predators. For example, European hares practice motionless “ducking”. Upon detecting an approaching predator, they decrease their heart rate by half, which allows them to remain exceptionally still. Ducking also reduces respiration rates and probably decreases sounds produced during respiration.

Many cold-adapted leporids molt before winter and summer, which helps camouflage them from predators regardless of season. Winter pelage, which is typically snowy-white, consists of longer and denser hair that increases the coat's insulative capabilities. The winter coat is then molted in the spring, as the the typical brown summer pelage returns. Young hares are born above ground and are able to see and evade predators a few hours after birth. Rabbits are often born in a fur-lined underground nest. After nursing, mothers exit this nest from a secure “brooding tube”, which they carefully conceal after each visit. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed, and must be nursed before they are able to evade predators.

Known Predators:

  • humans (Homo sapiens)
  • owls (Strigiformes)
  • hawks and eagles (Accipitridae)
  • falcons (Falconiformes)
  • wild, domestic, and feral dogs (Canidae)
  • wild and feral cats (Felidae)
  • mustelids (Mustelidae)
  • ground squirrels (Spermophilus)

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Most leporid species are polygynandrous. During mating season males and females form small groups in which males compete for access to estrus females and establish a social hierarchy. European Rabbits serve as an exception as they are highly social and have established hierarchies prior to mating season. Males find and attract mates by flagging their tail, involuntary urination, and rubbing against the female prior to copulation. Both sexes have multiple mates and females mate soon after giving birth or while carrying a litter. Gestation typically lasts longer in hares than in rabbits. For example, gestation lasts approximately 55 days in mountain hares and 30 days in European rabbits. Hares are born in a precocial state, fully furred with their eyes open, and are able to run a few hours after parturition. Rabbits are born in an altricial state and are able to see a few days after parturition.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

Some members of the family Leporidae do not have a specific breeding season while others breed during spring and summer. Female ovulation is induced during copulation, about twelve hours after insemination, and females can come into estrus at various times throughout the year. Many species mate immediately after or just before parturition, as females are able to carry two different litters at once (i.e., superfetation). Leporids have high reproductive potential and can produce several litters per breeding season, with several young per litter. Litters usually consist of 2 to 8 young with a maximum of 15 young rabbits (kittens) or hares (leverets) per litter. Resource abundance and quality play a major role in fecundity. For example, Alaskan hares and arctic hares are subjected to prolonged periods of resource scarcity during the winter and have only one litter per year. Black-tailed jackrabbits and antelope jackrabbits live in desert environments and produce several litters a year; however, the litters of these two species are relatively small, containing only 1 to 3 young.

Hares are born fully furred, with open eyes and are able to run a few hours after birth. Rabbits are born with no hair and closed eyes but often have full pelage and open eyes within a couple of days after birth. Sexual maturity and weaning can occur at a young age for both groups but varies according to species. Generally, sexual maturation can occur from 3 to 9 months after birth in rabbits and 1 to 2 years after birth for hares. Females are larger than males in most species, which is unusual in mammals, and are able to reproduce before males. Weaning age is also species specific, but females generally nurse young for at least 3 to 4 weeks, beginning the weaning process about 10 days after parturition.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; induced ovulation ; fertilization ; viviparous ; post-partum estrous

Leporids employ a reproductive strategy known as "absentee parentism". In hares, precocial leverets are born in forms, small depression in the ground or surrounding vegetation, while altricial rabbit kittens are born in well-formed, fur-lined nests, constructed in underground chambers or in dense vegetation. Maternal care in leporids is limited to one visit every twenty four hours, usually lasting no more than 5 minutes. Mothers nurse their young during this brief period, which usually occurs during the evening. In species that create subterranean nests for their young, the entrances to these chambers are re-covered after each visit. In form nesting hares, each leveret disperses about 3 days after birth to find their own hiding spot, but rejoin their litter-mates everyday around sunset for their daily nursing bout. Absentee parentism is thought to have evolved as a predator defense mechanism. Leporid milk is extremely rich in fat and protein and is rapidly pumped into offspring during nursing bouts. Paternal care is limited to protecting offspring from rival females.

Prior to the birth of the kittens, rabbit mothers prepare a fir-lined nest for her young. Some species create an underground nest that is either part of a communal den or a remote “brooding tube” dug by the mother for the specific purpose of raising her young. Other species give birth in forms, which consist of small surface depressions filled with chewed-up twigs and leaves, or small depressions among the shrubs. Hares give birth above ground in a nest heap or on a patch of exposed soil.

Hares are precocially born while rabbits are altricially born. Sexual maturity and weaning can occur at a young age for both groups but varies according to species. Weaning generally begins about 10 days after birth and can last anywhere from 17 to 23 days depending on the species. Sexual maturation can occur from 3 to 9 months after birth in rabbits and 1 to 2 years after birth for hares. In social leporids, a mother's position in the hierarchy can affect the social status of their young.

Parental Investment: altricial ; precocial ; male parental care ; female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male); maternal position in the dominance hierarchy affects status of young

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
silberstein, m. 2011. "Leporidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Leporidae.html
maya silberstein, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
John Berini, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Haas ( 南非語 )

由wikipedia AF提供

Hase is klein soogdiere wat aan die orde van haasagtiges (Lagomorpha) en familie van hase en konyne (Leporidae) behoort. Daar is sowat vyftig verskillende spesies van hase en konyne. Hase word oor groot dele van die wêreld aangetref.[1] Hulle leef in families en vreet hoofsaaklik gras en blare. In die natuur bly hase in gate, wat hulle self grawe. Hase is bekend vir spring en wortels vreet.

Hase het 'n komplekse sosiale struktuur (soos honde) en handhaaf 'n streng hiërargie. As hase gelukkig is, staan hulle ore regop. Wanner hulle nie goed voel nie, lê die ore plat.

Omdat hase prooidiere is, is hulle uiters versigtig in oop ruimtes. As gevaar dreig, vries en verstar hulle. Hulle het 'n wye visie wat selfs die lugruim dophou. Hulle vyande is jakkalse en honde, maar ook bere, slange en roofvoëls. Sommige mense jag ook hase. Hulle ontvlugtingsmetode is om na hul gate te hardloop, waar hulle meestal veilig is.

'n Jong hasie loer tussen die gras deur.
'n Kolhaas.

In die natuur het hase baie dinge om te doen. Hulle soek kos, verdedig hulle gebiede en reproduseer. Hase in gevangenskap, daarteenoor, word dikwels onvoldoende gestimuleer, wat tot gedragsprobleme en swak gesondheid kan lei. Die verwagte lewensduur van 'n haas is ongeveer 9 tot 12 jaar. Die oudste haas, sover bekend, het 18 jaar oud geword.

Hase het 'n dratyd van sowat 31 dae. Die wyfie kan 12-13 kleintjies kry, maar in buitengewone omstandighede tot 18, of so min as slegs een. Sommige mense hou hase as troeteldiere aan. Hase word ook vir hulle vleis geteel.

Bou en gedrag

Die opvallendste kenmerke van hase is hul groot ore en kort, regop stert, waarvan die onderkant wit is. Die stert dien as ʼn alarmsein vir soortgenote wanneer hulle vlug. Fluithase, dikwels ook genoem muishase, lyk uiterlik meer na 'n muis as na 'n haas. Hulle is baie kleiner, het geen stert nie en klein oortjies. Hul agterpote is ook nie, soos by ander hase, langer as die voorpote nie. Hase beweeg gewoonlik huppelend voort, maar as gevaar dreig, gaan hulle oor in 'n gestrekte galop.

Hulle verkies oop terrein, sommiges in vogtige klimaat en ander in halfwoestyne, waar hulle 'n vlak lêplek in die gras of onder bossies maak. Hulle lewe alleen of in pare, maar nooit in kolonies soos konyne en fluithase nie. Laasgenoemde hou veral in koue klimaatstreke hoog bokant seespieël tussen rotse. Hase paar verskeie kere per jaar. Haasmannetjies gedra hulle baie eienaardig tydens die bronstyd.

Hulle kom in groepe bymekaar, huppel en spring op dieselfde plek rond en hewige gevegte kan tussen mededingers ontstaan. Die wyfie is 40 tot 50 dae dragtig en die kleintjies (afhangende van die soort, tussen 2 en 15) is by geboorte reeds goed ontwikkel. Hulle is heeltemal behaard en hul oë is oop. Hoewel hulle met moedersmelk gevoed word, vreet hulle reeds van die eerste dag af ander kos. Fluithase is net sowat 30 dae dragtig. Die kleintjies is behaard, maar hul oë is toe. Jong konyne word heeltemal naak en blind gebore.


Verteenwoordigers van die orde Lagomorpha kom met uitsondering van 'n paar eilande oor die hele wêreld voor. Aanvanklik was daar geen haasagtiges in Australië nie, maar nadat 3 pare konyne ingevoer is, het hulle weens 'n gebrek aan natuurlike vyande daar so vermeerder dat hulle ʼn plaag geword het en dat streng maatreëls getref is om hulle te bestry. In die Alpe, Skotland, Ierland en Skandinawië kom die sneeuhaas (Lepus timidus) voor.

In die somer is sy vel vaal bruin, maar onder invloed van dalende temperatuur en die verandering in die ligintensiteit word dit in die winter spierwit. Net die punte van die ore bly swart. Hierdie haas se gedrag herinner meer aan 'n konyn. Wanneer gevaar dreig, kruip hy byvoorbeeld in 'n gat weg. Die sneeuskoenhaas (Lepus americanus) is 'n Amerikaanse verwant van die sneeuhaas. Sy vel word ook in die winter wit en hy kry boonop hare aan die onderkant van die pote om beter op die sneeu te kan beweeg.

Een van die hase met die grootste verspreidingsgebied is die Kaapse haas (Lepus capensis). Buiten in Suid-Afrika is hy ook inheems in ander dele van Afrika, die hele Sentraal-Asië en Spanje. Hy is ook later na Suid-Amerika, Australië, Nieu-Seeland en na sommige dele van Noord-Amerika gebring, waar hy goed aard.

Hase kom ook in Wes-Japan, Indië, Sumatra en Assam voor. Die poolhaas (Lepus arcticus), die grootste van alle haassoorte, kom In die noorde van Noord-Amerika en in Groenland voor. Fluithase kom in Suidoos-Rusland, Sentraal- en Noord-Asië en in Noord-Amerika voor.


  1. "Irish Mammals – Rabbits". eircom.net. Besoek op 2008-11-05.

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Haas: Brief Summary ( 南非語 )

由wikipedia AF提供

Hase is klein soogdiere wat aan die orde van haasagtiges (Lagomorpha) en familie van hase en konyne (Leporidae) behoort. Daar is sowat vyftig verskillende spesies van hase en konyne. Hase word oor groot dele van die wêreld aangetref. Hulle leef in families en vreet hoofsaaklik gras en blare. In die natuur bly hase in gate, wat hulle self grawe. Hase is bekend vir spring en wortels vreet.

Hase het 'n komplekse sosiale struktuur (soos honde) en handhaaf 'n streng hiërargie. As hase gelukkig is, staan hulle ore regop. Wanner hulle nie goed voel nie, lê die ore plat.

Omdat hase prooidiere is, is hulle uiters versigtig in oop ruimtes. As gevaar dreig, vries en verstar hulle. Hulle het 'n wye visie wat selfs die lugruim dophou. Hulle vyande is jakkalse en honde, maar ook bere, slange en roofvoëls. Sommige mense jag ook hase. Hulle ontvlugtingsmetode is om na hul gate te hardloop, waar hulle meestal veilig is.

 src= 'n Jong hasie loer tussen die gras deur.  src= 'n Kolhaas.

In die natuur het hase baie dinge om te doen. Hulle soek kos, verdedig hulle gebiede en reproduseer. Hase in gevangenskap, daarteenoor, word dikwels onvoldoende gestimuleer, wat tot gedragsprobleme en swak gesondheid kan lei. Die verwagte lewensduur van 'n haas is ongeveer 9 tot 12 jaar. Die oudste haas, sover bekend, het 18 jaar oud geword.

Hase het 'n dratyd van sowat 31 dae. Die wyfie kan 12-13 kleintjies kry, maar in buitengewone omstandighede tot 18, of so min as slegs een. Sommige mense hou hase as troeteldiere aan. Hase word ook vir hulle vleis geteel.

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Dovşanlar ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供
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Dovşanlar: Brief Summary ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Dovşanlar (lat. Leporidae) - dovşankimilər dəstəsindan bir məməli fəsiləsi.

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
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Leporidae ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Leporidae zo ur c'herentiad e rummatadur ar bronneged. Ennañ emañ ar c'honikled hag ar gedon.


11 genad a ya d'ober ar c'herentiad-mañ :

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Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Leporidae zo ur c'herentiad e rummatadur ar bronneged. Ennañ emañ ar c'honikled hag ar gedon.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia BR

Lepòrids ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

Els lepòrids és una família de mamífers pertanyent a l'ordre dels lagomorfs que agrupa una cinquantena d'espècies entre llebres i conills. Es distribueix a tot el planeta llevat de l'Antàrtida.

Gèneres i espècies

Llebre californiana (Lepus californicus)
Conill pigmeu (Brachylagus idahoensis)


  • Llorente, Gustavo: Els vertebrats de les zones humides dels Països Catalans. Editorial Pòrtic, S.A. Col·lecció Conèixer La Natura, núm. 6, plana 154. Desembre del 1988, Barcelona. ISBN 84-7306-354-6.

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Lepòrids: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

Els lepòrids és una família de mamífers pertanyent a l'ordre dels lagomorfs que agrupa una cinquantena d'espècies entre llebres i conills. Es distribueix a tot el planeta llevat de l'Antàrtida.

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Zajícovití ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Zajícovití jsou čeledí zajícovců, která obsahuje asi 50 rodů savců v naprosté většině s českým rodovým jménem králík, a to kromě jediného rodu zajíc (Lepus).

Od pišťuchovitých, druhé čeledi zajícovců, se liší krátkým osrstěným ocasem a charakteristicky protaženými ušními boltci a zadníma nohama.

Zajícovci jsou přirozeně rozšířeni po celém světě s výjimkou Austrálie a Oceánie, kam ovšem byli introdukováni člověkem.

Zdánlivě se některými znaky a způsobem života shodují s řádem hlodavců, vyvíjeli se však od třetihor odlišně.[1]

Systém členění čeledi



  1. HANZÁK, Jan. Naši savci. Praha: Albatros, 1970. Kapitola Zajíci, s. 118.
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Zajícovití: Brief Summary ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Zajícovití jsou čeledí zajícovců, která obsahuje asi 50 rodů savců v naprosté většině s českým rodovým jménem králík, a to kromě jediného rodu zajíc (Lepus).

Od pišťuchovitých, druhé čeledi zajícovců, se liší krátkým osrstěným ocasem a charakteristicky protaženými ušními boltci a zadníma nohama.

Zajícovci jsou přirozeně rozšířeni po celém světě s výjimkou Austrálie a Oceánie, kam ovšem byli introdukováni člověkem.

Zdánlivě se některými znaky a způsobem života shodují s řádem hlodavců, vyvíjeli se však od třetihor odlišně.

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Harer og kaniner ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Harer og kaniner er små pattedyr der tilhører familien (Leporidae). Den største slægt er Lepus. Der er forskellige arter i verden, her i blandt den europæiske hare (Lepus europaeus) og sneharen (Lepus timidus).

Blodkredsløbet hos Leporidae


Familie: Leporidae

  • Slægt: Oryctolagus
  • Slægt: Pentalagus
    • Pentalagus furnessi
  • Slægt: Pronolagus
    • Pronolagus crassicaudatus
    • Pronolagus randensis Jameson
    • Pronolagus rupestris
  • Slægt: Lepus
    • Lepus alleni
    • Lepus americanus
    • Lepus arcticus
    • Lepus brachyurus
    • Lepus californicus
    • Lepus callotis
    • Lepus capensis
    • Lepus castroviejoi
    • Lepus comus
    • Lepus coreanus
    • Lepus corsicanus
    • Lepus dayanus
    • Lepus europaeus (europæisk hare)
    • Lepus fagani
    • Lepus flavigularis
    • Lepus granatensis
    • Lepus habessinicus
    • Lepus hainanus
    • Lepus insularis
    • Lepus mandshuricus
    • Lepus nigricollis
    • Lepus oiostolus
    • Lepus othus
    • Lepus peguensis
    • Lepus ruficaudatus
    • Lepus saxatilis
    • Lepus sinensis
    • Lepus starcki
    • Lepus subg. Bunolagus
    • Lepus timidus (Snehare)
    • Lepus tolai
    • Lepus townsendii
    • Lepus victoriae
    • Lepus yarkandensis
  • Slægt: Sylvilagus
    • Sylvilagus aquaticus
    • Sylvilagus audubonii
    • Sylvilagus bachmani
    • Sylvilagus brasiliensis
    • Sylvilagus cunicularius
    • Sylvilagus dicei
    • Sylvilagus floridanus
    • Sylvilagus graysoni
    • Sylvilagus insonus
    • Sylvilagus mansuetus
    • Sylvilagus nuttallii
    • Sylvilagus palustris
    • Sylvilagus transitionalis
  • Slægt: Caprolagus
    • Caprolagus hispidus
  • Slægt: Bunolagus
    • Bunolagus monticularis
  • Slægt: Brachylagus
    • Brachylagus idahoensis
  • Slægt: Poelagus
    • Poelagus marjorita
  • Slægt: Nesolagus
    • Nesolagus netscheri
  • Slægt: Romerolagus
    • Romerolagus diazi

Se også


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Harer og kaniner: Brief Summary ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Harer og kaniner er små pattedyr der tilhører familien (Leporidae). Den største slægt er Lepus. Der er forskellige arter i verden, her i blandt den europæiske hare (Lepus europaeus) og sneharen (Lepus timidus).

 src= Blodkredsløbet hos Leporidae
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Hasen ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Hasen (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.
Florida-Waldkaninchen (Sylvilagus floridanus)

Die Hasen (Leporidae, von lateinisch lepus = Hase) sind eine Säugetierfamilie aus der Ordnung der Hasenartigen (Lagomorpha, von griechisch λαγός oder λαγῶς (lagos) = Hase und μορφή (morphe) = Form, Gestalt). Zu den rund 55 Arten zählen beispielsweise der Feldhase und das Wildkaninchen bzw. dessen Zuchtformen, die Hauskaninchen.


Ursprünglich fehlten die Hasen im südlichen Südamerika, Australien und im ozeanischen Raum sowie auf abgelegenen Inseln. Heute sind die Vertreter dieser Familie auf allen Kontinenten mit Ausnahme der Antarktis zu finden, da sie von Menschen auch in Gebiete eingeschleppt wurden, in denen sie nicht heimisch waren.


Hasen erreichen eine Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von 25 bis 70 Zentimeter und ein Gewicht von 0,4 bis 7 Kilogramm. Die Fellfärbung variiert meist von weiß über grau bis bräunlich. Nicht alle Hasen haben die langen Ohren, die von den Echten Hasen bekannt sind, aber bei allen Arten sind sie länger als breit. Die Hinterbeine sind länger als die Vorderbeine und gut zum Laufen geeignet. Das Gesicht ist durch eine Y-förmige Spalte von der Oberlippe zu den Nasenlöchern gekennzeichnet, die namensgebend für die beim Menschen manchmal vorkommende „Hasenscharte“ war.


Hasen bewohnen eine Vielzahl von Lebensräumen, von der Tundra über Grasländer bis zu tropischen Wäldern. Es handelt sich weitgehend um dämmerungs- und nachtaktive Tiere, die, abhängig von der jeweiligen Spezies, in Gemeinschaft oder als Einzelgänger leben. Nur das Europäische Wildkaninchen gräbt einen Erdbau. Alle anderen Hasen suchen Schutz unter Sträuchern und Felsen oder bauen sich wie der in der Arktis lebende Schneehase einen Bau im Schnee.[1]


Hasen sind Pflanzenfresser, sie ernähren sich von Gräsern, Kräutern, Blättern und Blüten. Sie zeigen ein Verhalten, bekannt als Caecotrophie: Außer einem normalen festen Kot erzeugen sie im Blinddarm einen vitaminhaltigeren weicheren Kot, der sofort nach der Ablage aufgenommen und geschluckt wird. Dieser wird in der Cardiaregion des Magens gesammelt und nochmals verdaut. Ein Teil der Nahrung passiert auf diese Art und Weise zweimal das Verdauungssystem und wird besser aufgeschlossen. Somit können die im Darm gebildeten Vitamine aufgenommen werden.


Generell sind Hasen durch eine hohe Fruchtbarkeitsrate gekennzeichnet. Mehrmals im Jahr kann das Weibchen Nachwuchs zur Welt bringen, die Tragzeit beträgt rund 25 bis 50 Tage, die Wurfgröße liegt bei durchschnittlich zwei bis acht, manchmal auch bis zu 15 Jungen.



Phylogenetische Systematik der Hasenartigen nach Matthee et al. 2004[2]

Pfeifhasen (Ochotonidae / Ochotona)


Buschkaninchen (Poelagus marjorita)

Rotkaninchen (Pronolagus)

Streifenkaninchen (Nesolagus)

Vulkankaninchen (Romerolagus diazi)

Wildkaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Borstenkaninchen (Caprolagus hispidus)

Buschmannhase (Bunolagus monticularis)

Ryukyu-Kaninchen (Pentalagus furnessi)

Baumwollschwanzkaninchen (Sylvilagus)

Zwergkaninchen (Brachylagus)

Echte Hasen (Lepus)


Hasen bilden zusammen mit den Pfeifhasen die Ordnung der Hasenartigen (Lagomorpha). Die systematische Stellung dieser Ordnung war lange umstritten, oft wurden die Tiere als Mitglied der Nagetiere angesehen.

Die Familie wird in zwei Unterfamilien mit elf Gattungen und rund 55 Arten unterteilt. Das nebenstehende Kladogramm zeigt die phylogenetische Verwandtschaft der einzelnen Gattungen innerhalb der Hasen auf. Es basiert auf molekularbiologischen Daten und wurde von Conrad A. Matthee et al. 2004 entwickelt.[2]

Die Gattungen der Hasen sind (bei monotypischen Gattungen wird die einzige Art genannt):[3][4]

Hasen und Kaninchen

Die Unterteilung dieser Familie in Hasen und Kaninchen ist keine systematische. „Kaninchen“ ist kein systematisches Taxon, „Hasen“ – nicht im Sinn der ganzen Familie (Leporidae), sondern als Gruppe von Arten oder Gattungen – nur dann, wenn sie auf die Gattung der Echten Hasen (Lepus) beschränkt bleibt. Manche Gattungen, die Rotkaninchen (Pronolagus) zum Beispiel, werden gelegentlich als Hasen, gelegentlich als Kaninchen bezeichnet. Dennoch lassen sich eine Reihe von Merkmalen anführen, die Einfluss darauf nehmen, ob eine Gattung bzw. eine Art als Hase oder Kaninchen bezeichnet wird:

  • Hasen haben in der Regel längere Ohren und kräftigere Hinterbeine als Kaninchen.
  • Kaninchen verstecken sich vor Fressfeinden in Unterschlüpfen. Hasen leben im freien Feld und fliehen bei Angriffen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit.
  • Hasen sind in der Regel Einzelgänger, während manche Kaninchenarten, zum Beispiel das Wildkaninchen, gesellig leben.
  • Neugeborene Kaninchen kommen nach kurzer Tragezeit (üblicherweise 27–30 Tage) nackt und blind zur Welt und sind Nesthocker, während neugeborene Hasen nach längerer Tragezeit (37–50 Tage) ein Fell und offene Augen haben und Nestflüchter und Ablieger sind.

Sprachliche Besonderheit

Im Zusammenhang mit Hasenbraten und Hasengerichten wird auch der Begriff Wildhase gebraucht. Wildhase ist keine Klassifizierung.



  1. Gus Mills, Lex Hes: Säugetiere des Südlichen Afrikas - Eine illustrierte Enzyklopädie. Könemann Verlag, Köln 1997, ISBN 3-8290-3610-8, S. 114.
  2. a b Conrad A. Matthee, Bettine Jansen Van Vuuren, Diana Bell Terence J. Robinson: A Molecular Supermatrix of the Rabbits and Hares (Leporidae) Allows for the Identification of Five Intercontinental Exchanges During the Miocene. In: Systematic Biology. 53 (3), S. 433–447. (Abstract)
  3. Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (Hrsg.): Leporidae (Memento des Originals vom 19. Dezember 2013 im Internet Archive)  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.vertebrates.si.edu in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed).
  4. Systematik der Lagomorpha im Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Hasen: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
 src= Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Hasen (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.  src= Hasenschädel  src= Florida-Waldkaninchen (Sylvilagus floridanus)

Die Hasen (Leporidae, von lateinisch lepus = Hase) sind eine Säugetierfamilie aus der Ordnung der Hasenartigen (Lagomorpha, von griechisch λαγός oder λαγῶς (lagos) = Hase und μορφή (morphe) = Form, Gestalt). Zu den rund 55 Arten zählen beispielsweise der Feldhase und das Wildkaninchen bzw. dessen Zuchtformen, die Hauskaninchen.

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wikipedia DE

Haasen ( 北菲士蘭語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
Amrum.pngTekst üüb Öömrang

A haasen (Leporidae) san en famile faan tetjdiarten mä 55 slacher.



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Haasen: Brief Summary ( 北菲士蘭語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

A haasen (Leporidae) san en famile faan tetjdiarten mä 55 slacher.

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Hazzen en kninen ( 西菲士蘭語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

De hazzen en kninen (Latynske namme: Leporidae) foarmje in famylje fan 'e klasse fan 'e sûchdieren (Mammalia) en it skift fan 'e hazze-eftigen (Lagomorpha), dêr't û.o. de (Jeropeeske) hazze (Lepus europaeus) en de wylde knyn (Oryctolagus cunniculus) ta hearre, dy't yn it wyld yn Fryslân foarkomme, en teffens de domestisearre knyn.


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Hazzen en kninen: Brief Summary ( 西菲士蘭語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

De hazzen en kninen (Latynske namme: Leporidae) foarmje in famylje fan 'e klasse fan 'e sûchdieren (Mammalia) en it skift fan 'e hazze-eftigen (Lagomorpha), dêr't û.o. de (Jeropeeske) hazze (Lepus europaeus) en de wylde knyn (Oryctolagus cunniculus) ta hearre, dy't yn it wyld yn Fryslân foarkomme, en teffens de domestisearre knyn.

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Hosn ( 巴伐利亞語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

D Hosn (Leporidae) sand a Säugetierfamilie vo de Hosnoatign (Lagomorpha). Vo de rund 55 Soatn sand woahscheinli da Fejdhos, den wos ba uns gibd, und s Wuidkanickl oda des, wos draus züchdd ham, d Hauskanickl, de bekonntesdn. A Tei vo de Hosn sand de Echtn Hosn.


Uaspringli woans af da gonzn Wejd dahoam, grod ned im sidlichn Sidamerika, in Australien, im ozeanischn Raum und af a poa Insln, wo ma niamois ned hikimmd. Heitz'dogs gibds's iwaroi, grod ned af da Antarktis, wei d'Leit homs aa do hibrochd, wos eingtli ned dahoam san.


Vom Schell bis zum Rumpf weans 25 bis 70 Zantimeta long und se weand 0,4 bis 7 Kilo schwar. S Fej hod oiwei a ondare Foab vo weiß iwaa grau bis braun. Ned olle Hosn hom de longa Waschln, de wo ma vo de Echtn Hosn hea kennd.

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Hosn: Brief Summary ( 巴伐利亞語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

D Hosn (Leporidae) sand a Säugetierfamilie vo de Hosnoatign (Lagomorpha). Vo de rund 55 Soatn sand woahscheinli da Fejdhos, den wos ba uns gibd, und s Wuidkanickl oda des, wos draus züchdd ham, d Hauskanickl, de bekonntesdn. A Tei vo de Hosn sand de Echtn Hosn.

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Kerguh ( 庫德語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Kerguh, kergoşk, kîvroşk an keroşk (Leporidae), famîleyekî guhandarên gihaxwer ji koma guhandarên dirûvê kergoşkan Lagomorpha


Egera navlêkirina Kerguhê ew, ku guhên wê wek keran û mezin e. Ji ber ku bi guhê xwe dişibe keran jê re keroşk (wek kerî) hatiye gotin.


Guhên wan û lingên wan yên dawî dirêj in. Bi zayînê zêde dibin û tenê heft rojan li çêçikên xwe dinêrin.

Cureyên bejî û kedî hene. Ji bo yên kovî nêçîr dihêt kirin.


Famîleya kerguhan:[1]

Cins, binecins û cure


  1. MSW

Nivîskar û edîtorên Wikipedia-ê
wikipedia emerging languages

Kerguh: Brief Summary ( 庫德語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Kerguh, kergoşk, kîvroşk an keroşk (Leporidae), famîleyekî guhandarên gihaxwer ji koma guhandarên dirûvê kergoşkan Lagomorpha

Nivîskar û edîtorên Wikipedia-ê
wikipedia emerging languages

Leporidae ( 因特語(國際輔助語言協會) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Leporidae es un taxon.


Lepore per Albrecht Dürer (1502)

Rango taxinomic



Il ha 7 generes differente intra le familia que pote ser classificate como conilios includente al conilio europee (Orcytolagus cuniculus) , le conilio de cauda de coton (genere Sylvilagus; 13 species), e le conilio Amami (Pentalagus furnessi), un specie proprie de Amami Oshima, Japon).

Il ha altere multe species de conilios e insimul con le Lepores e le Pikas conforma le ordine del Lagomorphos.

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Leporidae ( 馬爾他語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Leporidae hija familja ta' mammiferi ta' fniek u liebri (jew kif jissejħu wkoll flimkien leporidi) fil-klassi Mammalia, fis-sottoklassi Theria, fl-infraklassi Eutheria (il-plaċentati), fl-ordni Lagomorpha, bi 11-il ġeneru b'rappreżentanti ħajjin u b'kollox mhux anqas minn 60 speċi ħajja.

Speċi ħajjin

Speċi estinti


  • Hoffmann, Robert S., Andrew T. Smith (16 ta' Novembru, 2005). Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds) Mammal Species of the World, 3et edizzjoni, Johns Hopkins University Press, 185-211. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  • Id-Databażi Palebijoloġika
Awturi u edituri tal-Wikipedia
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Leporidae ( 奧克語(1500年後) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Los Leporids (del latin lepus, leporis, "lèbre") son una familha de mamifèrs lagomòrfs comprenent las lèbres e los conilhs.

Diferenciacion lèbre/conilh[1]

  • Las lèbres, genre lepus, son en general mai grandas que los conilhs. An d'aurelhas pus longas e una forradura facha de pels pus longs e negres al som. Las lèbres an un compòrtament solitari. Naisson amb los uèlhs grands dobèrts, cobèrts de pels e son capables de córrer qualques minutas aprèp lor naissença.
  • Los conilhs son devesits en mantun genre. An una siloeta mens elançada, naisson cecs e nuts, e devon doncas demorar amagats dins un nis pendent mai d'una setmana abans de sortir a l'aire liure. Eissit del conilh europèu, lo conilh domestic es elevat dins lo mond entièr.


Los leporids son classats segon los genres seguents :

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Leporidae ( 他加祿語 )

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Ang Leporidae ay ang pamilya ng mga kuneho at liyebre, na naglalaman ng higit sa 60 species ng mga nabubuhay na mamalya sa lahat. Ang salitang Latin na Leporidae ay nangangahulugang "mga katulad ng liyebreng". Kasama ng pikas, ang Leporidae ay bumubuo sa Lagomorpha na pagkakasunod-sunod ng mamalya. Ang leporids ay naiiba sa pikas dahil mayroon silang maikli, mabalahibo na mga buntot at haba ng mga tainga at hulihan binti.

Usbong Ang lathalaing ito ay isang usbong. Makatutulong ka sa Wikipedia sa nito.

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Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 奧克語(1500年後) )

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Los Leporids (del latin lepus, leporis, "lèbre") son una familha de mamifèrs lagomòrfs comprenent las lèbres e los conilhs.

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Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 馬爾他語 )

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Leporidae hija familja ta' mammiferi ta' fniek u liebri (jew kif jissejħu wkoll flimkien leporidi) fil-klassi Mammalia, fis-sottoklassi Theria, fl-infraklassi Eutheria (il-plaċentati), fl-ordni Lagomorpha, bi 11-il ġeneru b'rappreżentanti ħajjin u b'kollox mhux anqas minn 60 speċi ħajja.

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Robtidîs ( 瓦隆語 )

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Les robtidîs, c' est ene famile di biesses ås tetes come li robete.

Come les rawiants, il ont des grandès dints di dvant.

Sacwants robtidîs

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Robtidîs: Brief Summary ( 瓦隆語 )

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Les robtidîs, c' est ene famile di biesses ås tetes come li robete.

Come les rawiants, il ont des grandès dints di dvant.

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Sungura ( 斯瓦希里語 )

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Sungura ni wanyama wa jenasi mbalimbali katika familia Leporidae ambao wanaweza kukimbia kwa kasi sana. Sungura wa Ulaya (Lepus europaeus) anaweza kwenda hata mpaka km 72 kwa saa.

Huishi kwa upweke au kwa jozi, miili yao huweza kusharabu ya mvutano wa dunia wakati wa kukimbia, hivyo kuongeza kasi ya mbio.

Kwa kawaida mnyama huyu mwenye aibu, sungura wa Ulaya, hubadilika tabia yake wakati wa masika ambapo sungura hawa dume huonekana wakati wa mchana wakifukuzana. Hii huwa ni mashindano ya sungura dume kutawala eneo kubwa na hivyo huwa na jike wengi wakati wa msimu huu.

Sungura huonekana mpaka wakipigana kwelikweli. Kwa muda mrefu iliaminika kuwa mapigano haya yalikuwa baina ya dume wawili lakini sasa imefahamika kuwa baina ya jike na dume, labda huwa jike akikataa kujamiiana na wakati mwingine akimjaribu tu kama dume amejizatiti.

Sungura wanapatikana maeneo mengi sana na wameyazoea, na kuzaliana kwa haraka, hivyo hata uwindaji wao hauthaminiwi sana kama kwa wanyama wengine. Wakati fulani huko Amerika ya Kaskazini [1] walitumika sana kwa chakula, lakini kutokana na kiasi kidogo cha mafuta kwenye nyama zao hawatumuki kama chakula cha kutegemewa, [2] Sungura huandaliwa, huchomwa kama kawaida au kuliwa pamoja na mkate ama la.

Mtoto wa sungura huitwa kitungule.

Spishi za Afrika

Spishi za mabara mengine

Spishi za kabla ya historia

  • Aztlanolagus agilis (Pliocene na Pleistocene za Marekani ya kusini na Mexiko ya Kaskazini)
  • Serengetilagus praecapensis (Miocene hadi Pleistocene ya Chad, Kenya, Maroko na Tanzania)

Ili kupata maelezo kuhusu masanduku ya uanapwa ya spishi angalia: Wikipedia:WikiProject Mammals/Article templates/doc.

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Sungura: Brief Summary ( 斯瓦希里語 )

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Sungura ni wanyama wa jenasi mbalimbali katika familia Leporidae ambao wanaweza kukimbia kwa kasi sana. Sungura wa Ulaya (Lepus europaeus) anaweza kwenda hata mpaka km 72 kwa saa.

Huishi kwa upweke au kwa jozi, miili yao huweza kusharabu ya mvutano wa dunia wakati wa kukimbia, hivyo kuongeza kasi ya mbio.

Kwa kawaida mnyama huyu mwenye aibu, sungura wa Ulaya, hubadilika tabia yake wakati wa masika ambapo sungura hawa dume huonekana wakati wa mchana wakifukuzana. Hii huwa ni mashindano ya sungura dume kutawala eneo kubwa na hivyo huwa na jike wengi wakati wa msimu huu.

Sungura huonekana mpaka wakipigana kwelikweli. Kwa muda mrefu iliaminika kuwa mapigano haya yalikuwa baina ya dume wawili lakini sasa imefahamika kuwa baina ya jike na dume, labda huwa jike akikataa kujamiiana na wakati mwingine akimjaribu tu kama dume amejizatiti.

Sungura wanapatikana maeneo mengi sana na wameyazoea, na kuzaliana kwa haraka, hivyo hata uwindaji wao hauthaminiwi sana kama kwa wanyama wengine. Wakati fulani huko Amerika ya Kaskazini [1] walitumika sana kwa chakula, lakini kutokana na kiasi kidogo cha mafuta kwenye nyama zao hawatumuki kama chakula cha kutegemewa, [2] Sungura huandaliwa, huchomwa kama kawaida au kuliwa pamoja na mkate ama la.

Mtoto wa sungura huitwa kitungule.

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Thò͘-kho ( Nan )

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Thò͘-kho (Leporidae) sī chhī-leng tōng-bu̍t ē-kha ê chi̍t-kho, lāi-té ū 50 gōa chéng ê thò͘-á kap iá-thó͘ (Lepus).

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Tigetlin ( 卡拜爾語 )

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Tigetlin neɣ Tawacult n tgetlin (isem usnan: Leporidae) d yiwet n twacult yeṭṭafaren tafesna n twetlin yellan deg wesmil n temsiffatin, dges ad naff agtul akk d imerwel.

Ẓeṛ daɣen

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Tigetlin: Brief Summary ( 卡拜爾語 )

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Tigetlin neɣ Tawacult n tgetlin (isem usnan: Leporidae) d yiwet n twacult yeṭṭafaren tafesna n twetlin yellan deg wesmil n temsiffatin, dges ad naff agtul akk d imerwel.

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Коёндор жапайы ( 吉爾吉斯語 )

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Lepus californicus.

Коёндор жапайы (лат. Leporidae) — коён сымалдар түркүмүнүн тукуму. Коёндордун 10 уруусу, 50дөй түрү бар: ак, чоң боз, манжур жана кадимки Коёндор жана башкалар Бардык Коёндордун алдынкы буту кыска, арткы буту узун, секирип чуркоого абдан ыңгайлуу. Кулагы узун, куйругу кыска, жүнү жумшак, коюу. Ак коён ири, дене узундугу 44-74 см, салмагы 3-4,8 кг, жайында күрөң же көгүш түстө, кышкысын аппак, кулактарынын учтары жайдыр-кыштыр кара. Тундра, токой жана токойталаалуу зоналарга таралган. Чоң боз коён ак коёндон чоңураак, салмагы 4-7 кгга жетет. Кышкысын бир аз көгүш болуп өзгөрөт, жону кара. Көбүнчө токой-талаалуу, ачык талаа жана кургак талааларды мекендейт. КМШ өлкөлөрүнүн Европа бөлүгүндө таралган. Кадимки коён Борбордук Азия, Казакстан жана Байкалдын чыгыш жагындагы чөлдүү, жарым чөлдүү жерлерге таралган. Дене узундугу 38-53 см, салмагы 2-2,5 кг. Кыргызстанда бийик тоолуу өрөөндөрдө (Соң-Көл, Чатыр-Көл) бар. Манжур коёну кичине, салмагы 2 кгга жетет, буту, кулагы кыска, өңү саргыч көк. Ыраакы Чыгыштын жалбырактуу токойлорунда жашайт. Коёндор 45-51 күн көтөрүп, 2-12 бөжөк тууйт. Бир жайда 2-3 жолу төлдөйт. Териси жана эти үчүн аңчылык кылынат. Өзгөчө ак коён менен чоң боз коёндун кышкы териси баалуу; андан түлкү, суу күзөндүн терилерине окшош арзан, жылуу мехтер жасалат. Кар калың түшкөндө Коёндор бакка, токой өсүмдүктөрүнө чоң зыян келтириши мүмкүн. Бакма коёндун породалары жапайы коёндон келип чыккан. Бакма коён төлчүл келип, жыл бою төлдөйт, бир төлдөгөндө 18ге чейин бөжөк тууйт. Негизинен 1-1,5 жашында жетилет, 7-10 жыл жашайт. Негизги тоюту - көк чөп, тамыры тоют өсүмдүктөр, сабиз, капуста, жем жана башкалар. Андан эт, тери, тыбыт жана башкалар алынат.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Коёндор жапайы: Brief Summary ( 吉爾吉斯語 )

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 src= Lepus californicus.

Коёндор жапайы (лат. Leporidae) — коён сымалдар түркүмүнүн тукуму. Коёндордун 10 уруусу, 50дөй түрү бар: ак, чоң боз, манжур жана кадимки Коёндор жана башкалар Бардык Коёндордун алдынкы буту кыска, арткы буту узун, секирип чуркоого абдан ыңгайлуу. Кулагы узун, куйругу кыска, жүнү жумшак, коюу. Ак коён ири, дене узундугу 44-74 см, салмагы 3-4,8 кг, жайында күрөң же көгүш түстө, кышкысын аппак, кулактарынын учтары жайдыр-кыштыр кара. Тундра, токой жана токойталаалуу зоналарга таралган. Чоң боз коён ак коёндон чоңураак, салмагы 4-7 кгга жетет. Кышкысын бир аз көгүш болуп өзгөрөт, жону кара. Көбүнчө токой-талаалуу, ачык талаа жана кургак талааларды мекендейт. КМШ өлкөлөрүнүн Европа бөлүгүндө таралган. Кадимки коён Борбордук Азия, Казакстан жана Байкалдын чыгыш жагындагы чөлдүү, жарым чөлдүү жерлерге таралган. Дене узундугу 38-53 см, салмагы 2-2,5 кг. Кыргызстанда бийик тоолуу өрөөндөрдө (Соң-Көл, Чатыр-Көл) бар. Манжур коёну кичине, салмагы 2 кгга жетет, буту, кулагы кыска, өңү саргыч көк. Ыраакы Чыгыштын жалбырактуу токойлорунда жашайт. Коёндор 45-51 күн көтөрүп, 2-12 бөжөк тууйт. Бир жайда 2-3 жолу төлдөйт. Териси жана эти үчүн аңчылык кылынат. Өзгөчө ак коён менен чоң боз коёндун кышкы териси баалуу; андан түлкү, суу күзөндүн терилерине окшош арзан, жылуу мехтер жасалат. Кар калың түшкөндө Коёндор бакка, токой өсүмдүктөрүнө чоң зыян келтириши мүмкүн. Бакма коёндун породалары жапайы коёндон келип чыккан. Бакма коён төлчүл келип, жыл бою төлдөйт, бир төлдөгөндө 18ге чейин бөжөк тууйт. Негизинен 1-1,5 жашында жетилет, 7-10 жыл жашайт. Негизги тоюту - көк чөп, тамыры тоют өсүмдүктөр, сабиз, капуста, жем жана башкалар. Андан эт, тери, тыбыт жана башкалар алынат.

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Мераҥ-влак ( 草原馬里語 )

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Мераҥ-влак (лат. Leporidae ) – Евразийыште, Африккыште да Америкыште Lagomorpha тӱчан гыч изи янлык ямагат.


  • Урлык : Pentalagus
    • Pentalagus furnessi
  • Урлык : Bunolagus
    • Bunolagus monticularis
  • Урлык : Nesolagus
    • Nesolagus netscheri
    • Nesolagus timminsi
  • Урлык : Romerolagus
    • Romerolagus diazi
  • Урлык : Brachylagus
    • Brachylagus idahoensis
  • Урлык : Sylvilagus
    • Ӱлылурлык : Tapeti
      • Sylvilagus aquaticus
      • Sylvilagus brasiliensis
      • Sylvilagus dicei
      • Sylvilagus insonus
      • Sylvilagus palustris
      • Sylvilagus varynaensis
    • Ӱлылурлык : Sylvilagus
      • Sylvilagus audubonii
      • Sylvilagus cognatus
      • Sylvilagus cunicularis
      • Sylvilagus floridanus
      • Sylvilagus graysoni
      • Sylvilagus nuttallii
      • Sylvilagus obscurus
      • Sylvilagus robustus
      • Sylvilagus transitionalis
    • Ӱлылурлык : Microlagus
      • Sylvilagus bachmani
      • Sylvilagus mansuetus
  • Урлык : Oryctolagus
  • Урлык : Poelagus
    • Poelagus marjorita
  • Урлык : Pronolagus
    • Pronolagus crassicaudatus
    • Pronolagus randensis
    • Pronolagus rupestris
    • Pronolagus saundersiae
  • Урлык : Caprolagus
    • Caprolagus hispidus
  • Урлык : Lepus
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Мераҥ-влак: Brief Summary ( 草原馬里語 )

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Мераҥ-влак (лат. Leporidae ) – Евразийыште, Африккыште да Америкыште Lagomorpha тӱчан гыч изи янлык ямагат.

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Мулкач ( 楚瓦什語 )

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Мулкач (Куян) — курăк çиекен, кăшлакан, чĕчĕ ĕмсе сĕт ĕçсе ӳсекен чĕрчун. Мулкачсем шутне Lepus, Pronolagus тата Caprolagus ăрачĕсем тата килте усракан кроликсем кĕреççĕ. Мулкач (вăрман мулкачĕ) 50 сантиметртан вăрăмрах пулать. Хăлхи 9-11 сантиметр тăршшĕ. Йывăрăшĕ 4 килограма яхăн. Вăрман мулкачĕн хăлхи хир мулкачĕн (карсакăн) хăлхипе танлаштарсан кăштах кĕскерех, ура лаппи вара сарлакарах. Ку мулкач вăрманта пурăнма юратать, анчах та сĕм вăрмансенче курăнмасть. Унăн рационĕнче 60 тĕслĕ ÿсен-тăран. Кăмпа та юратса çиет. Апат шырама каçхине тухать. Ирпе ирех те ăна апатра курма пулать. Кăнтăрла вăл канать% çулла уçă вырăнта - пĕр-пĕр хÿтлĕх хыçĕнче, хĕлле юр айĕнче. Куçĕ лайăхах курмасть, анчах та хăлхи питĕ лайăх илтет. Çулталăкра 1 е 2 хут çăвăрлать. 3-5 çура пулать пуслăхра. Пĕр эрнери мулкач çури курăк çиме тытăнать. Икĕ эрнери çурасене амăшĕ ĕмĕртме пăрахать. Малалла çурасем хăйсем тĕллĕнех пурăнаççĕ. Мулкачсене тилĕсемпе çÿлевĕçсем тапăнаççĕ. Тăманасем те канăç памаççĕ. Çынсем те вĕсене тытсах тăраççĕ. Мулкачсен хисепĕ 10 пине яхăн шутланать.

Çемйин тĕсĕсем

Çаплах пăхăр

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Мулкач: Brief Summary ( 楚瓦什語 )

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 src= Мулкач

Мулкач (Куян) — курăк çиекен, кăшлакан, чĕчĕ ĕмсе сĕт ĕçсе ӳсекен чĕрчун. Мулкачсем шутне Lepus, Pronolagus тата Caprolagus ăрачĕсем тата килте усракан кроликсем кĕреççĕ. Мулкач (вăрман мулкачĕ) 50 сантиметртан вăрăмрах пулать. Хăлхи 9-11 сантиметр тăршшĕ. Йывăрăшĕ 4 килограма яхăн. Вăрман мулкачĕн хăлхи хир мулкачĕн (карсакăн) хăлхипе танлаштарсан кăштах кĕскерех, ура лаппи вара сарлакарах. Ку мулкач вăрманта пурăнма юратать, анчах та сĕм вăрмансенче курăнмасть. Унăн рационĕнче 60 тĕслĕ ÿсен-тăран. Кăмпа та юратса çиет. Апат шырама каçхине тухать. Ирпе ирех те ăна апатра курма пулать. Кăнтăрла вăл канать% çулла уçă вырăнта - пĕр-пĕр хÿтлĕх хыçĕнче, хĕлле юр айĕнче. Куçĕ лайăхах курмасть, анчах та хăлхи питĕ лайăх илтет. Çулталăкра 1 е 2 хут çăвăрлать. 3-5 çура пулать пуслăхра. Пĕр эрнери мулкач çури курăк çиме тытăнать. Икĕ эрнери çурасене амăшĕ ĕмĕртме пăрахать. Малалла çурасем хăйсем тĕллĕнех пурăнаççĕ. Мулкачсене тилĕсемпе çÿлевĕçсем тапăнаççĕ. Тăманасем те канăç памаççĕ. Çынсем те вĕсене тытсах тăраççĕ. Мулкачсен хисепĕ 10 пине яхăн шутланать.

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Харгӯш ( 塔吉克語 )

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Шаблон:Taxobox conversionШаблон:Taxobox conversionШаблон:Taxobox conversionШаблон:Taxobox conversionШаблон:Taxobox conversionШаблон:Taxobox conversion

Шаблон:Taxobox end[[Гурӯҳ:Animalia аз рӯи алифбо]]

Харгушҳо (лотинӣ: Leporidae) — ба оилаи ширхурон аз гурӯҳи харгушмонанд, ба худ номи харгушро гирифтаанд (образи асоси оила Lepus, лекин Pronolagus ва Caprolagus) ва харгушон (оилаи мондаашон). Харгушон дар тамоми дунё паҳн шудаанд, ғайр аз Австралия ва дар назди дигар баҳрҳо, ки ба бисёри он одамонро бурдаанд. Фарқияташон аз пишух думи ақиби онҳо, бо гушҳои дароз ва бо думи кутоҳ.

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Ҡуян һымаҡтар ( 巴什基爾語 )

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Ҡуян һымаҡтар (лат. Leporidae) — ер йөҙөнөң күпселек өлөшөндә йәшәгән, 100-ҙән артыҡ төргә бүленә торған һөтимәр, кимереүсе кейектәр; һөтимәрҙәр ғаиләһенән ҡуяндар отрядынан булған, оҙон ҡолаҡлы, ҡыҫҡа ҡойроҡло ҡыр һәм йорт йәнлеге.

Кимереүселәр ғаиләһенә ҡараған ҡыҫҡа ҡойроҡло, оҙон шеш ҡолаҡлы йәнлек[1]; булмаған йәки һоро төҫлө урман һәм дала хайуаны. Ҡуяндар үлән ашай.




  1. Толковый словарь современного башкирского литературного языка. (под. ред З.Г.Ураксина, 2005)
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Ҡуян һымаҡтар: Brief Summary ( 巴什基爾語 )

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Ҡуян һымаҡтар (лат. Leporidae) — ер йөҙөнөң күпселек өлөшөндә йәшәгән, 100-ҙән артыҡ төргә бүленә торған һөтимәр, кимереүсе кейектәр; һөтимәрҙәр ғаиләһенән ҡуяндар отрядынан булған, оҙон ҡолаҡлы, ҡыҫҡа ҡойроҡло ҡыр һәм йорт йәнлеге.

Кимереүселәр ғаиләһенә ҡараған ҡыҫҡа ҡойроҡло, оҙон шеш ҡолаҡлы йәнлек; булмаған йәки һоро төҫлө урман һәм дала хайуаны. Ҡуяндар үлән ашай.

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லெப்போரிடே ( 坦米爾語 )

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லெபோரிடே என்பது முயல்கள் மற்றும் குழிமுயல்களின் குடும்பம் ஆகும். தற்போது வாழ்கின்ற பாலூட்டிகளில் சுமார் 60க்கும் மேற்பட்ட உயிரினங்களை இது உள்ளடக்கியுள்ளது. லெபோரிடே என்ற இலத்தீன் வார்த்தைக்கு "லெபஸ் (முயல்) ஐப் போன்று உள்ளவை" என்று பொருள். லெபோரிடே மற்றும் பைகாக்கள் பாலூட்டி வரிசையான லகோமோர்பாவின் கீழ் வருகின்றன. லெபோரிடே குள்ள, உரோமம் நிறைந்த வால்கள் மற்றும் நீளமான காதுகள் ஆகியவற்றைக் கொண்டுள்ளதால் பைகாக்களிலிருந்து வேறுபடுகின்றன.


விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
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லெப்போரிடே: Brief Summary ( 坦米爾語 )

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லெபோரிடே என்பது முயல்கள் மற்றும் குழிமுயல்களின் குடும்பம் ஆகும். தற்போது வாழ்கின்ற பாலூட்டிகளில் சுமார் 60க்கும் மேற்பட்ட உயிரினங்களை இது உள்ளடக்கியுள்ளது. லெபோரிடே என்ற இலத்தீன் வார்த்தைக்கு "லெபஸ் (முயல்) ஐப் போன்று உள்ளவை" என்று பொருள். லெபோரிடே மற்றும் பைகாக்கள் பாலூட்டி வரிசையான லகோமோர்பாவின் கீழ் வருகின்றன. லெபோரிடே குள்ள, உரோமம் நிறைந்த வால்கள் மற்றும் நீளமான காதுகள் ஆகியவற்றைக் கொண்டுள்ளதால் பைகாக்களிலிருந்து வேறுபடுகின்றன.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
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లెపోరిడే ( 泰盧固語 )

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లెపోరిడే (లాటిన్ Leporidae) క్షీరదాలలో లాగోమార్ఫా (Lagomorpha) క్రమానికి చెందిన కుటుంబం.


Family Leporidae:[1] rabbits and hares


వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు
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ყურდგელიშობურეფი ( 明格列爾語 )

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ყურდგელიშობურეფი (ლათ. Leporidae) — ბჟაშუმუეფიშ ფანია ყურდგელიშნერეფიშ რანწკიშე. რსხულიშ სიგჷნძა 30-60 სმ, ყურდგელეფს უღჷნა ბოლომჷწოწვენდერელი, გჷნძე ჸუჯეფი, კუნტა კუდელი. გვარობეფიშ უმენტაშობას უკახალენი ბორკეფი წოხოლენშე გჷნძე უღუ. კუჩხიშ ნარჩეფი შხირი ძაგვარით რე ფორილი. ყურდგელეფი გოფაჩილი რე ედომუშამ დიხაუჩას, მადაგასკარიშ, ობჟათე ამერიკაშ ობჟათე ოლქეფიშ დო ანტარქტიდაშ მოხ. ყურდგელი ხე მიარეფერამ ორთას. აქტიური რენა ედომუშამ წანმოწანაშ გოძვენას. იდიარა ოდიარეს, ჭკომჷნა ჯაშ ნახვაცას, გვიგვილეფს, ნოჸელეფს. წანმოწანას 4-შა ხანა 2-8 (15-შახ) ერჩქის, ნამუეფიშ უმენტაშობაშ რსხული ბოწოწით აფუ ფორილი დო გილულათ შეულებჷნა. ყურდგელეფიშ ფანიას 8 გვარი რე. ჸოფილ სსრრ-ს ხედუ 5 გვარობაშ ყურდგელიშნერი: ბოცქვერი (Oryctolagus cuniculus), მანჯურიული ყურდგელი (Caprolagus brachyurus), ჩე ყურდგელი (Leporidae timidus), სისვი ყურდგელი (Leporidae europaeus), ყურდგელი-ტოლაი (Leporidae tolai). საქორთუოს ხვალე მუთმოფხვადჷნა 1 გვარობა (სისვი ყურდგელი). აკლიმატიზაფილი რე ავსტრალიას დო მიარე კოკის. ყურდგელიშობურეფიშ მიარე წჷმმარინფალი ორეწუე დო სპორტული ჯინუაშ ობიექტი რე. კანკალე გავალს მითმიორინუანს ოდიარუს, ხეხილიშ ბაღის, ტყაშ ნარგის, გჷთმოფაჩუნს ინფექციურ ლახარეფიშ გჷნმაღელეფს.

ყურდგელიშ ერჩქის კიკო ჯოხო.


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ყურდგელიშობურეფი: Brief Summary ( 明格列爾語 )

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ყურდგელიშობურეფი (ლათ. Leporidae) — ბჟაშუმუეფიშ ფანია ყურდგელიშნერეფიშ რანწკიშე. რსხულიშ სიგჷნძა 30-60 სმ, ყურდგელეფს უღჷნა ბოლომჷწოწვენდერელი, გჷნძე ჸუჯეფი, კუნტა კუდელი. გვარობეფიშ უმენტაშობას უკახალენი ბორკეფი წოხოლენშე გჷნძე უღუ. კუჩხიშ ნარჩეფი შხირი ძაგვარით რე ფორილი. ყურდგელეფი გოფაჩილი რე ედომუშამ დიხაუჩას, მადაგასკარიშ, ობჟათე ამერიკაშ ობჟათე ოლქეფიშ დო ანტარქტიდაშ მოხ. ყურდგელი ხე მიარეფერამ ორთას. აქტიური რენა ედომუშამ წანმოწანაშ გოძვენას. იდიარა ოდიარეს, ჭკომჷნა ჯაშ ნახვაცას, გვიგვილეფს, ნოჸელეფს. წანმოწანას 4-შა ხანა 2-8 (15-შახ) ერჩქის, ნამუეფიშ უმენტაშობაშ რსხული ბოწოწით აფუ ფორილი დო გილულათ შეულებჷნა. ყურდგელეფიშ ფანიას 8 გვარი რე. ჸოფილ სსრრ-ს ხედუ 5 გვარობაშ ყურდგელიშნერი: ბოცქვერი (Oryctolagus cuniculus), მანჯურიული ყურდგელი (Caprolagus brachyurus), ჩე ყურდგელი (Leporidae timidus), სისვი ყურდგელი (Leporidae europaeus), ყურდგელი-ტოლაი (Leporidae tolai). საქორთუოს ხვალე მუთმოფხვადჷნა 1 გვარობა (სისვი ყურდგელი). აკლიმატიზაფილი რე ავსტრალიას დო მიარე კოკის. ყურდგელიშობურეფიშ მიარე წჷმმარინფალი ორეწუე დო სპორტული ჯინუაშ ობიექტი რე. კანკალე გავალს მითმიორინუანს ოდიარუს, ხეხილიშ ბაღის, ტყაშ ნარგის, გჷთმოფაჩუნს ინფექციურ ლახარეფიშ გჷნმაღელეფს.

ყურდგელიშ ერჩქის კიკო ჯოხო.

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Arwêş ( Diq )

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Arwêş (awrêş, awrês, hergoş, ergoş, argueş) (Leporidae) yew ganiyo ke miyanê keyey çıçıkınan de ca gêno, pêro piya şeşti (60) tewranê bınênan ra yeno pêra. Arwêş yew ganiyo miyan-gırdo, xeylê leze şıno u yeno. Payê inan gorey tenê xo dergo, çehar engıştan ra yenê pêser, payê veri gorey ê peyi kılmê u payê peyi sero panc engışti estê. Bınê payanê arwêşan muyê, pê muyan key ê vaz danê, vıdertışê xo war kenê. Goşê arwêşan xeylê dergê, ê ganiyanê binan ra abırriyenê. Arwêşi pê enê goşanê dergan her vengo ke dûri u nezdi ra yeno, inan eşnaweno. Çımê arwêşan gırdê u şenê şew de zi bıvênê, vênayışê arwêşi keno hewl.

Her cınsê arwêşi hetê gırani ra yewbini ra abırriyeni. Tewr arwêşê qıteki vist u panc cm qıtekê u dormey hirê sey graman vıriyenê. Heto bin ra arwêşê Ewropa yew leteyo bino, zaf gırdo, pancas u hewtay u şeş cm miyan dı vıriyeno, dı u nêm u panc kiloy gırano.


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Arwêş: Brief Summary ( Diq )

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Arwêş (awrêş, awrês, hergoş, ergoş, argueş) (Leporidae) yew ganiyo ke miyanê keyey çıçıkınan de ca gêno, pêro piya şeşti (60) tewranê bınênan ra yeno pêra. Arwêş yew ganiyo miyan-gırdo, xeylê leze şıno u yeno. Payê inan gorey tenê xo dergo, çehar engıştan ra yenê pêser, payê veri gorey ê peyi kılmê u payê peyi sero panc engışti estê. Bınê payanê arwêşan muyê, pê muyan key ê vaz danê, vıdertışê xo war kenê. Goşê arwêşan xeylê dergê, ê ganiyanê binan ra abırriyenê. Arwêşi pê enê goşanê dergan her vengo ke dûri u nezdi ra yeno, inan eşnaweno. Çımê arwêşan gırdê u şenê şew de zi bıvênê, vênayışê arwêşi keno hewl.

Her cınsê arwêşi hetê gırani ra yewbini ra abırriyeni. Tewr arwêşê qıteki vist u panc cm qıtekê u dormey hirê sey graman vıriyenê. Heto bin ra arwêşê Ewropa yew leteyo bino, zaf gırdo, pancas u hewtay u şeş cm miyan dı vıriyeno, dı u nêm u panc kiloy gırano.

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Leporidae ( Vec )

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Leporidae el xe el nome sientìfico latin de ła faméja de bestie che ła ragrupa i cuniji e i liévori. Ghin' fa parte sirca sinquanta specie diverse fra cuniji e łiévori.

Insieme coi pika, i fa parte de l'órdene dei lagomorfi.

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Leporidae ( 利古里亞語 )

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Superregno: Eukarya
Regno: Animalia (Metazoa)
Subregno: Eumetazoa
Superphylum: Bilateria: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Classi: Mammalia
Sottoclasse: Theria
Infraclasse: Placentalia
Ordine: Lagomorpha
Famiggia: Leporidae
Generi: Brachylagus - Bunolagus - Caprolagus - Lepus - Nesolagus - Oryctolagus - Pentalagus - Poelagus - Pronolagus - Romerolagus - Sylvilagus

Nomme: Leporidae
Fischer 1817

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Vóhkóóhe (Leporidae) máto héva vóóhe hova-éve.

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Leporidae ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Skeleton of Alaskan Hare on display at the Museum of Osteology.

Leporidae (/ləˈpɔːrɪd, -d/) is the family of rabbits and hares, containing over 70 species of extant mammals in all. The Latin word Leporidae means "those that resemble lepus" (hare). Together with the pikas, the Leporidae constitute the mammalian order Lagomorpha. Leporidae differ from pikas in that they have short, furry tails and elongated ears and hind legs.

The common name "rabbit" usually applies to all genera in the family except Lepus, while members of Lepus (almost half the species) usually are called hares. Like most common names, however, the distinction does not match current taxonomy completely; jackrabbits are members of Lepus, and members of the genera Pronolagus and Caprolagus sometimes are called hares.

Various countries across all continents except Antarctica and Australia have indigenous species of Leporidae. Furthermore, rabbits, most significantly the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, also have been introduced to most of Oceania and to many other islands, where they pose serious ecological and commercial threats.


Leporids are small to moderately sized mammals, adapted for rapid movement. They have long hind legs, with four toes on each foot, and shorter fore legs, with five toes each. The soles of their feet are hairy, to improve grip while running, and they have strong claws on all of their toes. Leporids also have distinctive, elongated and mobile ears, and they have an excellent sense of hearing. Their eyes are large, and their night vision is good, reflecting their primarily nocturnal or crepuscular mode of living.[2]

Leporids are all roughly the same shape and fall within a small range of sizes with short tails, ranging from the 21 cm (8 in) long Tres Marias cottontail to the 76 cm (30 in) long desert hare. Female leporids are almost always larger than males, which is unusual among terrestrial mammals, in which males are usually the larger sex.[3]

Both rabbits and hares are almost exclusively herbivorous (although some Lepus species are known to eat carrion),[4][5] feeding primarily on grasses and herbs, although they also eat leaves, fruit, and seeds of various kinds. They are coprophagous, as they pass food through their digestive systems twice, first expelling it as soft green feces, called cecotropes, which they then reingest, eventually producing hard, dark fecal pellets. Like rodents, they have powerful front incisor teeth, but they also have a smaller second pair of incisors to either side of the main teeth in the upper jaw, and the structure is different from that of rodent incisors. Also like rodents, leporids lack any canine teeth, but they do have more cheek teeth than rodents do. Their jaws also contain a large diastema. The dental formula of most, though not all, leporids is:

They have adapted to a remarkable range of habitats, from desert to tundra, forests, mountains, and swampland. Rabbits generally dig permanent burrows for shelter, the exact form of which varies between species. In contrast, hares rarely dig shelters of any kind, and their bodies are more suited to fast running than to burrowing.[2]

The gestation period in leporids varies from around 28 to 50 days, and is generally longer in the hares. This is in part because young hares, or leverets, are born fully developed, with fur and open eyes, while rabbit kits are naked and blind at birth, having the security of the burrow to protect them.[2] Leporids can have several litters a year, which can cause their population to expand dramatically in a short time when resources are plentiful.


Leporids are typically polygynandrous, and have highly developed social systems. Their social hierarchies determine which males mate when the females go into estrus, which happens throughout the year. Gestation periods are variable, but in general, higher latitudes correspond to shorter gestation periods.[6] Moreover, the gestation time and litter size correspond to predation rates as well. Species nesting below ground tend to have lower predation rates and have larger litters.[7]


Serengetilagus praecapensis skull, Naturkundemuseum, Berlin

The oldest known leporid species date from the late Eocene, by which time the family was already present in both North America and Asia. Over the course of their evolution, this group has become increasingly adapted to lives of fast running and leaping. For example, Palaeolagus, an extinct rabbit from the Oligocene of North America, had shorter hind legs than modern forms (indicating it ran rather than hopped) though it was in most other respects quite rabbit-like.[8] Two as yet unnamed fossil finds—dated ~48 Ma (from China) and ~53 Ma (India)—while primitive, display the characteristic leporid ankle, thus pushing the divergence of Ochotonidae and Leporidae yet further into the past.[9]

The cladogram is from Matthee et al., 2004, based on nuclear and mitochondrial gene analysis.[10]


Nesolagus (striped rabbits)

Poelagus (Bunyoro rabbit)

Pronolagus (red rock hares)

Romerolagus (volcano rabbit)

Sylvilagus (cottontails) Wild animals of North America, intimate studies of big and little creatures of the mammal kingdom (Page 511) (Sylvilagus palustris).jpg

Brachylagus (pygmy rabbit)

Caprolagus (hispid hare)

Oryctolagus (European rabbit) Lepus cuniculus - 1700-1880 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica -(white background).jpg

Bunolagus (riverine rabbit)

Pentalagus (Amami rabbit)

Lepus (hares) Lepus timidus - 1700-1880 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica -(white background).jpg


Family Leporidae:[1] rabbits and hares


Predators of rabbits and hares include raccoons, snakes, eagles, canids, cats, mustelids, owls and hawks. Animals that eat roadkill rabbits include vultures and buzzards.

See also


  1. ^ a b Hoffman, R.S.; Smith, A.T. (2005). "Order Lagomorpha". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 194–211. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ a b c Chapman, J.; Schneider, E. (1984). MacDonald, D. (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. pp. 714–719. ISBN 978-0-87196-871-5.
  3. ^ Ralls, Katherine (June 1976). "Mammals in Which Females are Larger Than Males". The Quarterly Review of Biology. 51 (2): 245–276. doi:10.1086/409310. PMID 785524. S2CID 25927323.
  4. ^ Best, Troy L.; Henry, Travis Hill (1994). "Lepus arcticus". Mammalian Species. American Society of Mammalogists (published 2 June 1994) (457): 1–9. doi:10.2307/3504088. JSTOR 3504088. OCLC 46381503. S2CID 253989268.
  5. ^ "Snowshoe Hare". eNature: FieldGuides. eNature.com. 2007. Archived from the original on 16 January 2009. Retrieved 23 March 2008.
  6. ^ Chapman, Joseph A. (1 September 1984). "Latitude and Gestation Period in New World Rabbits (Leporidae: Sylvilagus and Romerolagus)". The American Naturalist. 124 (3): 442–445. doi:10.1086/284286. JSTOR 2461471. S2CID 83584955.
  7. ^ Virgós, Emilio; Cabezas-Díaz, Sara; Blanco-Aguiar, José Antonio (1 August 2006). "Evolution of life history traits in Leporidae: a test of nest predation and seasonality hypotheses". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 88 (4): 603–610. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2006.00646.x. ISSN 1095-8312.
  8. ^ Savage, R.J.G.; Long, M.R. (1986). Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide. New York: Facts on File. pp. 128–129. ISBN 978-0-8160-1194-0.
  9. ^ Handwerk, Brian (21 March 2008). "Easter Surprise: World's Oldest Rabbit Bones Found". National Geographic News. National Geographic Society.
  10. ^ Matthee, Conrad A.; et al. (2004). "A Molecular Supermatrix of the Rabbits and Hares (Leporidae) Allows for the Identification of Five Intercontinental Exchanges During the Miocene". Systematic Biology. 53 (3): 433–477. doi:10.1080/10635150490445715. PMID 15503672.
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Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供
Skeleton of Alaskan Hare on display at the Museum of Osteology.

Leporidae (/ləˈpɔːrɪdiː, -daɪ/) is the family of rabbits and hares, containing over 70 species of extant mammals in all. The Latin word Leporidae means "those that resemble lepus" (hare). Together with the pikas, the Leporidae constitute the mammalian order Lagomorpha. Leporidae differ from pikas in that they have short, furry tails and elongated ears and hind legs.

The common name "rabbit" usually applies to all genera in the family except Lepus, while members of Lepus (almost half the species) usually are called hares. Like most common names, however, the distinction does not match current taxonomy completely; jackrabbits are members of Lepus, and members of the genera Pronolagus and Caprolagus sometimes are called hares.

Various countries across all continents except Antarctica and Australia have indigenous species of Leporidae. Furthermore, rabbits, most significantly the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, also have been introduced to most of Oceania and to many other islands, where they pose serious ecological and commercial threats.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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Leporidae ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los lepóridos (Leporidae, del latín lepus, liebre), conocidos vulgarmente como conejos y liebres, son una familia de mamíferos lagomorfos que engloba a una cincuentena de especies agrupadas en 11 géneros vivos.

Nombre común

El nombre común conejo designa normalmente a cualquiera de las especies de la familia, con excepción de las del género Lepus, a las que se conoce como liebres; este género se caracteriza por la precocidad de las crías, que son capaces de correr y alimentarse por sí mismas desde el momento del nacimiento, tienen las orejas y ojos más desarrollados, son más veloces en la carrera (algunas especies llegan a los 70 km/h), no construyen madrigueras sino simples encamamientos en hondonadas del terreno, y paren crías provistas de pelo y con los ojos abiertos. Las especies del género Pronolagus son llamadas indistintamente liebres o conejos.


Poseen una conformación atlética, con las extremidades posteriores robustas, muy fuertes, que les permite impulsarse con velocidad realizando saltos y acrobacias impresionantes, su esqueleto es fino y frágil a los golpes, palpándoles el dorso se puede apreciar las apófisis espinosas, el rabo suele tener la zona ventral más clara que el resto del cuerpo siendo capaces de comunicarse con rápidos movimientos de esta.

Las extremidades anteriores son más finas. Le sirven en la huida ya que gracias a ellas realizan cambios bruscos de dirección. La cabeza está caracterizada por dos orejas largas, dos filas de incisivos (de ahí que pertenezcan a los lagomorfos), y en los ojos poseen un tercer párpado semitransparente que en las peleas de los machos por el apareamiento impide la entrada de arena o lesiones en la pupila. El pelo es fino y sedoso, de longitud variable.

Los lepóridos habitan todo el mundo salvo algunas islas oceánicas y la Antártida, y son una plaga alóctona en Australia, Nueva Zelanda y otros lugares. Son animales herbívoros de gran plasticidad ecológica y que se reproducen a gran velocidad, por lo que son una pieza cinegética común en todo el globo y la presa habitual de muchos mamíferos carnívoros (linces, lobos, zorros, mustélidos, osos, así como de varias águilas).

Sólo una especie ha sido domesticada, el conejo común o europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus), de domesticación reciente con respecto al resto de animales domésticos. Las razas de conejos se han modificado en virtud de 4 características, pelo, piel, carne y compañía o exhibición.

Junto con las picas (Ochotonidae), los lepóridos conforman el orden de los lagomorfos y se unen a los roedores en el superorden de los Glires.

Los conejos en la cultura y la literatura

Los conejos son usualmente un símbolo de fertilidad por su gran capacidad reproductiva y por el mismo motivo, representan también la pascua, época en que se inicia la primavera en el hemisferio norte, y la naturaleza se vuelve fecunda. El papel del conejo Lapin como animal de presa también se presta como símbolo de la inocencia, ya que es un animal que no parece tener intención de herir a nadie. También es usado como un símbolo de sexualidad debido a su aspecto de inocencia y su fama de animal prolífico. Está arqueotipado popularmente como un animal que usa su astucia para burlar a sus enemigos. Un ejemplo de esto es el personaje de dibujos animados Bugs Bunny.

Conejos antropomorfos han aparecido regularmente en el cine y la literatura, algunos ejemplos son el conejo blanco de Alicia en el país de las maravillas, la colina de Watership de Richard Adams, y en varios trabajos de Beatrix Potter como The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

Ha existido la extraña creencia de que si un conejo era inyectado con orina de una mujer embarazada este moría, creencia es claramente falsa, pero en 1920 se descubrió que si se le inyecta con orina que contenga gonadotropina coriónica humana (GCH), una hormona encontrada en la orina de las mujeres embarazadas, el conejo sufre cambios ováricos, el conejo tiene que ser sacrificado para comprobar el estado de los ovarios, pero la muerte no es indicador de los resultados. Recientes avances permiten a los técnicos inspeccionar los ovarios sin necesidad de matar al conejo.

En los cuentos populares asiáticos los conejos vivían en la luna, esta tradición proviene de la interpretación de la forma de las manchas oscuras en la luna como un conejo puesto de puntillas trabajando en un recipiente. Sin embargo, en qué está trabajando deriva de un pueblo asiático a otro. Por ejemplo en China se dice que el conejo de la luna está creando medicinas mágicas mientras que en Japón se dice que el conejo está haciendo mochi, una golosina hecha de masa de arroz molido. De manera similar, diversos cuentos populares y leyendas mexicanos hacen mención del conejo de la luna, aunque no en todos los pueblos mesoamericanos el papel del conejo fue el mismo. Entre los mexicas el dios menor Ometochtli estaba asociado con la luna, como con la fertilidad, la ebriedad y la sexualidad.

El nombre del país España, proviene de los conejos. Cuando llegaron los fenicios a la península ibérica, la llamaron "Span" tierra de conejos. A lo largo de los siglos y por derivación llegó a lo que es hoy en día el nombre de España.


Se reconocen los siguientes géneros:[1][2]

Véase también


  1. Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  2. Łucja Fostowicz-Frelik, Chuan-kui Li, Jin Meng and Yuan-Qing Wang (2012). «New Gobiolagus (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) material from the Middle Eocene of Erden Obo (Nei Mongol, China)». Vertebrata PalAsiatica 50 (3): 219-236.
  3. Łucja Fostowicz-Frelik (2013). «Reassessment of Chadrolagus and Litolagus (Mammalia, Lagomorpha) and a new genus of North American Eocene lagomorph from Wyoming». American Museum Novitates 3773: 1-76. doi:10.1206/3773.2.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los lepóridos (Leporidae, del latín lepus, liebre), conocidos vulgarmente como conejos y liebres, son una familia de mamíferos lagomorfos que engloba a una cincuentena de especies agrupadas en 11 géneros vivos.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Jäneslased ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供

Jäneslased (Leporidae) on sugukond jäneseliste seltsis.

Eesti pärismaises faunas kuuluvad sellesse sugukonda vaid kaks liiki – jänese perekonna liigid halljänes ja valgejänes.


Sugukonda kuuluvad järgmised perekonnad:

Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
wikipedia ET

Jäneslased: Brief Summary ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供

Jäneslased (Leporidae) on sugukond jäneseliste seltsis.

Eesti pärismaises faunas kuuluvad sellesse sugukonda vaid kaks liiki – jänese perekonna liigid halljänes ja valgejänes.

Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
wikipedia ET

Leporidae ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Leporidae (latinetik, lepus = erbi) lagomorpha ugaztunen familia bat da. Bere barnean untxiak eta erbiak daude, eta berez 11 genero daude baina orokorrean untxi moduan izendatzen dira. Euretariko espezie bat, Oryctolagus cuniculus domestikatu den bakarra da.

Leporidaek bi hortz pare dituzte goikaldean, karraskariek bat baino ez dutenean. Hortz hauek etengabe hazten dira bizitzan zehar, baina esmalteak bi bi aldeak betetzen ditu. Anatomikoki artiodaktiloen itxura dute.

Biologia Artikulu hau biologiari buruzko zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.
(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("Gadget "ErrefAurrebista" was not loaded. Please migrate it to use ResourceLoader. See u003Chttps://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berezi:Gadgetaku003E.");});
Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供
(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("Gadget "ErrefAurrebista" was not loaded. Please migrate it to use ResourceLoader. See u003Chttps://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berezi:Gadgetaku003E.");});
Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Jänikset ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供
Hakusana ”jänis” ohjaa tänne. Sanan muista merkityksistä kerrotaan täsmennyssivulla.

Jänikset,[1][2][3] joskus myös jänikset ja kaniinit[4] (Leporidae) on jäniseläinten heimo. Ne eroavat samaan jäniseläinten lahkoon kuuluvista piiskujäniksistä sillä, että niillä on lyhyt ja pörröinen häntä, pitkät korvat ja takajalat. Jäniksiä on maailmassa 11 sukua ja 61 lajia[5]. Ne voidaan jaotella varsinaisiin jäniksiin ja kaniineihin. Kaniinien ja varsinaisten jänisten ero on siinä, että useimmat kaniinit elävät maan alla käytävissä, kun vain harvoilla jänislajeilla on minkäänlaista pesää.

Jänikset ovat kooltaan 25–70 senttimetriä ja painoltaan 0,4–7 kilogrammaa. Turkin väri vaihtelee yleensä harmaasta ruskeaan. Jänikset elävät monenlaisissa ympäristöissä aina tundralta sademetsiin.


Heimo Leporidae: jänikset

Katso myös


  1. Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Maailman eläimet: Nisäkkäät 2, s. 272–285. (Englanninkielinen alkuteos The Encyclopedia of Mammals 2, sarjassa World of animals). Helsinki: Tammi, 1987. ISBN 951-30-6531-6.
  2. Halkka, Antti; Miettinen, Kaarina ym.: Kotimaan luonto-opas, s. 340–341. Porvoo: WSOY, 1994. ISBN 951-0-19804-8.
  3. Laukkanen, Anna-Maija; Virtanen, Matti: Koko perheen eläinkirja, s. 104–105. (Toinen painos). Vantaa: Kirjalito, 1997. ISBN 951-28-1927-9.
  4. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunta: Maailman nisäkkäiden suomenkieliset nimet (vahvistamaton ehdotus nisäkkäiden nimiksi) luomus.fi. 2008. Viitattu 20.8.2011.
  5. Wilson & Reeder's Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition: Preface (englanniksi) Luettu 20.8.2011
Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Jänikset: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供
Hakusana ”jänis” ohjaa tänne. Sanan muista merkityksistä kerrotaan täsmennyssivulla.

Jänikset, joskus myös jänikset ja kaniinit (Leporidae) on jäniseläinten heimo. Ne eroavat samaan jäniseläinten lahkoon kuuluvista piiskujäniksistä sillä, että niillä on lyhyt ja pörröinen häntä, pitkät korvat ja takajalat. Jäniksiä on maailmassa 11 sukua ja 61 lajia. Ne voidaan jaotella varsinaisiin jäniksiin ja kaniineihin. Kaniinien ja varsinaisten jänisten ero on siinä, että useimmat kaniinit elävät maan alla käytävissä, kun vain harvoilla jänislajeilla on minkäänlaista pesää.

Jänikset ovat kooltaan 25–70 senttimetriä ja painoltaan 0,4–7 kilogrammaa. Turkin väri vaihtelee yleensä harmaasta ruskeaan. Jänikset elävät monenlaisissa ympäristöissä aina tundralta sademetsiin.

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Leporidae ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供


Les Léporidés (Leporidae) sont une famille de mammifères lagomorphes comprenant les lièvres et les lapins.

Différenciation entre lièvres et lapins

  • Les lièvres forment le genre Lepus. Ils sont en général plus grands que les lapins. Ils ont des oreilles plus longues et une fourrure faite de poils plus longs et noirs au sommet. Les lièvres ont un comportement solitaire. Ils nichent en plein air dans un petit recoin. Ils naissent avec les yeux grands ouverts, couverts de poils et sont capables de courir quelques minutes après leur naissance.
  • Les lapins sont divisés en plusieurs genres. Ils ont une silhouette moins élancée. Ils vivent en groupe et creusent des terriers. Ils naissent aveugles et nus, et doivent donc rester cachés dans un nid sous terre pendant plus d'une semaine avant de sortir à l'air libre. Issu du lapin européen, le lapin domestique est élevé dans le monde entier.

Liste des genres et sous-genres


Selon ITIS (31 oct. 2010)[1] :

Selon Fossilworks[2] :


Selon Mammal Species of the World (version 3, 2005) (31 oct. 2010)[3] :

Notes et références

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供


Les Léporidés (Leporidae) sont une famille de mammifères lagomorphes comprenant les lièvres et les lapins.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Leipiridigh ( 愛爾蘭語 )

由wikipedia GA提供

Is coiníní agus giorriacha iad Leipiridigh.

Is síol ainmhí é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
wikipedia GA

Lepóridos ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供
Coello europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

A dos lepóridos (Leporidae) é unha das dúas familias de mamíferos que se integran na orde dos lagomorfos (a outra é a dos ocotónidos).

A familia comprende unhas cincuenta especies agrupadas en once xéneros, que son coñecidas vulgarmente como lebres e coellos.[2]

O coello europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) é a especie máis difundida no mundo, e a única que foi domesticada polo home.



A familia foi descrita en 1817 polo anatomista, entomólogo e paleontólogo alemán, nacionalizado ruso, Johann Fischer von Waldheim, en Mém. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscow, 5: 372.[3]


O nome científico da familia, Leporidae, está formado, como é norma, pola raíz do xenitivo, leporis, do nome do xénero tipo, Lepus, á que se lle engade o sufixo do latín científico -ĭdae, empregado para construír os nomes das familias de animais.


Na familia recoñécense os once xéneros seguintes:[3][4]


Ademais de polo nome que lle adxudicou Fischer, e actualmente válido, a familia coñeceuse tamén polos sinónimos seguintes:[3]

  • Bunolagini Averianov, 1999
  • Lagidae Schultze, 1897
  • Leporidae Gray, 1821
  • Leporinorum Fischer, 1817
  • Oryctolaginae Gureev, 1948
  • Pentalaginae Gureev, 1948

Nomes comúns

O nome común coello designa normalmente a calquera das especies da familia, con excepción das do xénero Lepus, ás que se coñece como lebres. Este último xénero caracterízase pola precocidade das crías, que son capaces de correr e de alimentárense por si mesmas desde o momento do nacemento, teñen as orellas e os ollos máis desenvolvidos, son máis veloces na carreira (algunhas especies chegan aos 70 km/h), non constrúen tobos senón simples encamamentos en engrobas do terreo, e paren crías provistas de pelo e cos ollos abertos. As especies do xénero Pronolagus son denominadas indistintamente lebres ou coellos.


Os lepóridos teñen un corpo de conformación atlética, coas extremidades posteriores moi fortes, que lles permiten impulsarse con velocidade realizando saltos e acrobacias rechamantes. O seu esqueleto é fino e fráxil aos golpes; palpándolles o dorso pódense apreciar as apófises espiñosas. A cola adoita ter a zona ventral máis clara que o resto do corpo, sendo capaces de comunicárense con rápidos movemientos desta. As extremidades anteriores son máis finas. Sérvenlles na fuxida xa que grazas a elas poden realizar cambios bruscos de dirección. A cabeza caracterízase polas orellas longas. Na boca presentan dúas fileiras de dentes incisivos. Nos ollos teñen unha terceira pálpebra semitransparente que, nas pelexas dos machos polo apareamento impide a entrada de area ou lesións na pupila. A pelaxe é fina e sedosa, cos pelos de lonxitude variábel segundo as especies.


Os lepóridos habitan todo o mundo salvo algunhas illas oceánicas e a Antártida. Son animais herbívoros de gran plasticidade ecolóxica e que se reproducen a gran velocidade, polo que son unha peza cinexética común en todo o globo e presa habitual de moitos mamíferos carnívoros (linces, lobos, raposos, mustélidos, osos, así como de varias aguias).


Cranio de Serengetilagus praecapensis. Naturkundemuseum, Berlín.

As especies de lepóridos máis antigas que se coñecen datan do eoceno tardío, momento no que a familia xa estaba presente en América do Norte e Asia. Ao longo da súa evolución, o grupo foise adaptando cada vez máis ás rápidas carreiras e aos saltos. Por exemplo, Palaeolagus, un coello extinto do oligoceno de América do Norte, tiña as patas traseiras máis curtas que as formas modernas (o que indica que corría en lugar de saltar) aínda que na maioría dos demais aspectos era bastante parecido a un coello actual. [5]

Dous achados de fósiles, aínda sen nome, datados en hai uns 48 Ma (na China) e nuns 53 Ma (na India), aínda que primitivos, mostran o nortello leporínico característico, o que indica que a diverxencia dos ocotónidos e os lepóridos foi máis antiga do que se pensaba.[6]

O cladograma que se mostra, de Kraatz et al. (2015), está baseado en análises xenéticas de ADN mitocondrial e nucler.[7]























  1. Family Leporidae Fischer de Waldheim 1817 (rabbit) en Fossilworks.
  2. lepóridos no Dicionario da RAG.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Leporidae Fischer, 1817 en MSW.
  4. Leporidae Fischer, 1817 no ITIS.
  5. Savage, R.J.G.; Long, M.R. (1986). Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide. New York: Facts on File. pp. 128–129. ISBN 0-8160-1194-X.
  6. Handwerk, Brian (21 March 2008). "Easter Surprise: World's Oldest Rabbit Bones Found". National Geographic News (National Geographic Society).
  7. Kraatz, Brian P.; et al. (2015). "Ecological correlates to cranial morphology in Leporids (Mammalia, Lagomorpha)". PeerJ 3: e844. PMC 4369340. PMID 25802812. doi:10.7717/peerj.844.

Véxase tamén


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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Lepóridos: Brief Summary ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供
 src= Coello europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

A dos lepóridos (Leporidae) é unha das dúas familias de mamíferos que se integran na orde dos lagomorfos (a outra é a dos ocotónidos).

A familia comprende unhas cincuenta especies agrupadas en once xéneros, que son coñecidas vulgarmente como lebres e coellos.

O coello europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) é a especie máis difundida no mundo, e a única que foi domesticada polo home.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Zečevi ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Zečevi (Leporidae), porodica sisavaca iz reda dvojezubaca[1]. Zec i kunić međusobno se razlikuju i nisu isto. Kunići su sitniji od zečeva i za razliku od njih ne prave sebi skloništa na zemlji nego u rupama u zemlji. Uši i stražnje noge zeca dulje su nego kod kunića[2]. I jedna i druga vrsta prisutna je u divljini. Kunića je lakše pripitomiti, dok je kod zeca to teško ili nemoguće. Zec živi usamljenički, dok je kunić društvena životinja koja živi u grupama[3].


  1. Alilepus Dice, 1931
  2. Aluralagus Downey, 1968
  3. Archaeolaginae
  4. Austrolagomys Stromer 1926
  5. Aztlanolagus Russell and Harris 1986
  6. Brachylagus Miller, 1900
  7. Bunolagus Thomas, 1929
  8. Caprolagus Blyth, 1845
  9. Chadrolagus Gawne 1978
  10. Desmatolagus Matthew and Granger 1923
  11. Dituberolagus Tong 1997
  12. Gobiolagus Burke 1941
  13. Hypsimylus Zhai 1977
  14. Lagotherium Pictet 1853
  15. Lepoides White 1988
  16. Leporinae Trouessart 1880
  17. Lepus Linnaeus, 1758
  18. Lushilagus Li 1965
  19. Nekrolagus Hibbard 1939
  20. Nesolagus Forsyth-Major, 1899
  21. Nuralagus Quintana, Köhler & Moyà-Solà, 2011
  22. Ordolagus de Muizon 1977
  23. Oryctolagus Lilljeborg, 1873
  24. Palaeolaginae Dice 1929
  25. Palaeolagus Leidy, 1856
  26. Paranotolagus Miller and Carranza-Castaneda 1982
  27. Pentalagus Lyon, 1904
  28. Pewelagus White 1984
  29. Pliolagus Kormos 1934
  30. Pliopentalagus Gureev & Konkova, 1964
  31. Pliosiwalagus Patnaik, 2001
  32. Poelagus St. Leger, 1932
  33. Pratilepus Hibbard 1939
  34. Pronolagus Lyon, 1904
  35. Pronotolagus White 1991
  36. Romerolagus Merriam, 1896
  37. Serengetilagus Dietrich 1941
  38. Shamolagus Burke 1941
  39. Sylvilagus Gray, 1867
  40. Tachylagus Storer 1992
  41. Trischizolagus Radulesco and Samson 1967
  42. Veterilepus Radulesco and Samson 1967


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Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Zečevi: Brief Summary ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Zečevi (Leporidae), porodica sisavaca iz reda dvojezubaca. Zec i kunić međusobno se razlikuju i nisu isto. Kunići su sitniji od zečeva i za razliku od njih ne prave sebi skloništa na zemlji nego u rupama u zemlji. Uši i stražnje noge zeca dulje su nego kod kunića. I jedna i druga vrsta prisutna je u divljini. Kunića je lakše pripitomiti, dok je kod zeca to teško ili nemoguće. Zec živi usamljenički, dok je kunić društvena životinja koja živi u grupama.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Leporidae ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

I Leporidi (dal latino lepus, lepre) sono una famiglia di mammiferi Lagomorfi, comprendente circa 50 specie. Assieme ai pica, formano le uniche due famiglie di lagomorfi ancora viventi[1].

Alla famiglia appartengono le specie note col nome comune complessivo di lepri o conigli, a seconda dell'animale preso in considerazione: grossomodo, si può dire che tutte le specie del genere Lepus (circa i due terzi del totale) possono essere (con alcune eccezioni) chiamate lepri, mentre le rimanenti sono definibili come conigli. Pur essendo i due animali piuttosto simili, le lepri hanno generalmente una forma più slanciata e zampe più lunghe dei conigli, i quali hanno costituzione tozza e zampe corte e forti.

Distribuzione e habitat

I membri della famiglia vivono in tutti i continenti, ad eccezione di Antartide ed Australia: in quest'ultima, tuttavia, vennero introdotti circa un secolo fa, divenendo col tempo un flagello per le coltivazioni.

Sono animali assai adattabili e colonizzano praticamente qualsiasi tipo di habitat, dalla foresta pluviale al deserto, dalle paludi all'alta montagna. I conigli generalmente sono soliti scavarsi un qualche tipo di tana, mentre le lepri non scavano tane di sorta ed in caso di pericolo preferiscono darsi alla fuga piuttosto che rifugiarsi in una tana.


Si tratta di animali di taglia medio-piccola (dai 25 cm del coniglio pigmeo, Brachylagus idahoensis, ai 70 cm della lepre comune, Lepus europaeus), adattatisi ad una vita fatta di movimenti scattanti e da un continuo stato di allerta: possiedono zampe posteriori assai più lunghe e forti di quelle anteriori, con lunghi piedi muniti di quattro dita (mentre le zampe anteriori contano cinque dita ciascuna). Per aumentare l'aderenza al terreno anche su superfici sconnesse o viscide (o per evitare una eccessiva dispersione di calore nelle specie diffuse nei climi freddi), le piante dei quattro piedi sono ricoperte di pelo e munite di forti unghie.

Tutte le specie sono dotate di grandi orecchie assai mobili e di forma ellittica, per captare anche i rumori più flebili, possibile indizio della presenza di un predatore: nelle specie diffuse a climi caldi o desertici, le orecchie sono anche abbastanza larghe e riccamente vascolarizzate, per una maggiore e più veloce dispersione del calore in eccesso.

Gli occhi sono anch'essi di buone dimensioni e posti lateralmente rispetto al cranio, per uno spettro visivo assai ampio attorno all'animale: essendo la maggior parte delle specie di abitudini crepuscolari o notturne, è presente un tapetum lucidum per una buona visione anche in caso di scarsa luminosità[2].


I primi resti fossili di leporidi sono databili al tardo Eocene, quando si ha buona probabilità che la famiglia fosse già diffusa in Asia e Nord America.
In base ai ritrovamenti fossili risalenti a varie epoche, si intuisce che l'adattamento al salto è stato un carattere acquisito nel tempo: ad esempio, il Palaeolagus dell'Oligocene, pur essendo assai simile agli odierni conigli, aveva le quattro zampe di eguale lunghezza, ad indicare una maggiore predisposizione alla corsa[3].


Tutti i leporidi hanno abitudini esclusivamente vegetariane, fatta eccezione per alcune specie del genere Lepus, osservate sporadicamente mentre si nutrivano di insetti[4][5]: la loro dieta è basata soprattutto sulle piante erbacee, anche se non disdegnano di mangiare anche foglie, frutta e semi. Per far fronte alla loro dieta, questi animali possiedono due paia di incisivi assai forti ed a crescita continua, un paio centrale ed uno laterale, mentre sono del tutto sprovvisti di canini.

Per ricavare la massima quantità possibile di energia dal loro cibo, che notoriamente ne è povero (le fibre vegetali non sono digeribili dall'organismo e passano indenni attraverso il tubo digerente), questi animali hanno sviluppato una forma di digestione simile a quella dei ruminanti come meccanismo: dopo aver ingerito il cibo, essi lo espellono sotto forma di feci verdastre (le cosiddette feci molli), che vengono reingerite e digerite nuovamente, rendendo possibile una scissione della cellulosa in zuccheri semplici, più facili da eliminare, ed eliminando gli scarti in forma di feci di colore scuro (feci dure).

La gestazione ha una durata media di quaranta giorni, ed è generalmente più lunga nelle lepri rispetto ai conigli: in compenso, i cuccioli di lepre nascono già ricoperti di pelo e con gli occhi aperti, mentre i piccoli di coniglio nascono nudi e ciechi e devono passare il primo periodo di vita al sicuro nella propria tana. Caratteristica dei leporidi è l'alta prolificità, che ha fatto sì che nei luoghi in cui queste specie sono state introdotte, nei quali mancavano i loro predatori naturali, questi animali si sono moltiplicati a dismisura, divenendo un serio problema.


La famiglia dei Leporidi comprende una sessantina di specie viventi, racchiuse in undici generi: la maggior parte di questi comprende un paio di specie viventi, mentre i due generi maggiori (Lepus e Sylvilagus) da soli contano i tre quarti di specie totali ascritte alla famiglia.

Ordine Lagomorfi

Alcune specie


  1. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, 194-211, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  2. ^ Chapman, J. & Schneider, E., The Encyclopedia of Mammals, a cura di Macdonald, D., New York, Facts on File, 1984, pp. 714–719, ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  3. ^ Savage, RJG, & Long, MR, Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide, New York, Facts on File, 1986, pp. 128–129, ISBN 0-8160-1194-X.
  4. ^ Troy L. Best e Travis Hill Henry, Lepus arcticus, in Mammalian Species, n. 457, 2 giugno 1994, pp. 1–9, DOI:10.2307/3504088, ISSN 00763519, OCLC 46381503.
  5. ^ Snowshoe Hare, su eNature: FieldGuides, eNature.com, 2007. URL consultato il 23 marzo 2008 (archiviato dall'url originale il 16 gennaio 2009).

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

I Leporidi (dal latino lepus, lepre) sono una famiglia di mammiferi Lagomorfi, comprendente circa 50 specie. Assieme ai pica, formano le uniche due famiglie di lagomorfi ancora viventi.

Alla famiglia appartengono le specie note col nome comune complessivo di lepri o conigli, a seconda dell'animale preso in considerazione: grossomodo, si può dire che tutte le specie del genere Lepus (circa i due terzi del totale) possono essere (con alcune eccezioni) chiamate lepri, mentre le rimanenti sono definibili come conigli. Pur essendo i due animali piuttosto simili, le lepri hanno generalmente una forma più slanciata e zampe più lunghe dei conigli, i quali hanno costituzione tozza e zampe corte e forti.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Leporidae ( 拉丁語 )

由wikipedia LA提供
Taxinomia et Latinitas huius stipulae dubiae sunt
Taxinomiam e fontibus fidelibus verifica, in textum seu capsam converte, citationes adde si potes.

Leporidae est animalium familia.

Systema taxinomicum Animalis


Nexus externi

Commons-logo.svg Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Leporidae spectant.
Et auctores varius id editors
wikipedia LA

Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 拉丁語 )

由wikipedia LA提供
Taxinomia Taxinomia et Latinitas huius stipulae dubiae sunt
Taxinomiam e fontibus fidelibus verifica, in textum seu capsam converte, citationes adde si potes.

Leporidae est animalium familia.

Et auctores varius id editors
wikipedia LA

Kiškiniai ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Kiškiniai (Leporidae) – kiškiažvėrių (Lagomorpha) šeima, kuriai priklausantys žinduoliai turi pailgėjusias užpakalines galūnes ir labai ilgas ausis. Aktyvesni yra temstant, bėga šuoliuodami. Minta žole, o žiemą graužia krūmų šakeles ir žievę.

Šeimoje yra 11 genčių, apie 50 rūšių:


Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Zaķu dzimta ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Zaķu dzimta (Leporidae) ir zaķveidīgo kārtas (Lagomorpha) maza auguma zīdītāju (Mammalia) dzimta, kas apvieno zaķus un trušus. Zaķu dzimtā ir 62 sugas,[1] kas sistematizētas 11 ģintīs.

Zinātniskais nosaukums ir atvasināts no latīņu vārda lepus, kas latviski nozīmē zaķis. Visas zaķu dzimtas ģintis, izņemot zaķu ģints (Lepus), aptver dažādu sugu trušus. Tomēr ir daži izņēmumi, piemēram, hispīdu trusis (Caprolagus hispidus) tiek saukts reizēm par zaķi, vai klinšu trušus (Pronolagus) sauc arī par klinšu zaķiem.


Zaķu dzimtas dzīvnieki ir sastopami visos kontinentos, izņemot Antarktīdu. To dabīgais izplatības areāls neattiecas arī uz Okeāniju un Dienvidamerikas dienvidu daļu. Piemēram, trušu introducēšana Austrālijā ir radījusi milzīgu postu Austrālijas dabai, jo šajā kontinentā trusim nav dabīgo ienaidnieku.

Latvijā ir sastopamas 2 sugas: pelēkais zaķis (Lepus europaeus), kas Latvijas teritorijā ieceļoja tikai 17. gadsimtā, un baltais zaķis (Lepus timidus). Tomēr pēdējo gadsimtu laikā pelēkais zaķis kļuvis par dominējošo sugu.

Izskats un īpašības

Pelēkais zaķis (Lepus europaeus) ir viens no lielākajiem zaķu dzimtā
Pundurtrusis (Brachylagus idahoensis) ir mazākais dzīvnieks zaķu dzimtā

Zaķu dzimtas dzīvnieki ir maza vai vidēja auguma, kas piemērojušies ātrai skriešanai, izmantojot lēkšanu.[1] Tiem ir garas pakaļkājas, un katrai pakaļkājas pēdai ir 4 pirksti. Priekškājas ir krietni īsākas nekā pakaļkājas,[1] un tām ir 5 pirksti. Zoles visām kājām ir matotas, kas skrienot uzlabo pēdu labāku saķeri ar pamatni. Zaķu dzimtas dzīvniekiem ir gari un spēcīgi nagi, kā arī garas un kustīgas ausis. Tiem ir ļoti laba dzirde. Acis ir lielas, un tie ļoti labi redz tumsā, kas liecina, ka pirmkārt zaķu dzimtas dzīvnieki ir nakts un krēslas dzīvnieki.[2] Toties aste tiem ir īsas. Apmatojums ir biezs, mīksts, tā krāsa galvenokārt ir pelēka, brūna, iedzeltena, bet dažkārt balta.[1]

Mazākais zaķu dzimtā no savvaļas dzīvniekiem ir pundurtrusis (Brachylagus idahoensis), kura ķermeņa garums ir 25–29 cm un svars 300 g. Lielākā daļa informācijas avotu kā lielāko zaķu dzimtas dzīvnieku savvaļā min plaši izplatīto pelēko zaķi (Lepus europaeus), kura ķermeņa garums ir 52–60 cm un svars 3—5 kg.[3] Tomēr par to smagāks ir Aļaskas zaķis (Lepus othus), kura ķermeņa garums ir 50–60 cm, svars ir 3,2—6,5 kg.[3] Liels zaķis ir arī polārzaķis (Lepus arcticus), kura svars ir 4–5 kg.[3] Cilvēki ir selekcionējuši mājas truša šķirnes, kas ir gan ļoti mazas, gan ļoti lielas. Pasaules lielākā mājas truša garums ir 1,29 m,[4] bet mazākais ir Nīderlandes pundurtrusis,[5] kas pēc šķirnes standartiem nedrīkst būt smagāks par 1,13 kg.[6]

Gan zaķi, gan truši ir zālēdāji, kas barojas ar dažādiem augiem, lapām, atvasēm, zariem, dzinumiem, augļiem un sēklām.[7] Dažas zaķu sugas ziemas periodā barojas arī ar maitas gaļu.[8] Barība gremošanas sistēmai iziet cauri 2 reizes. Pirmo reizi tā tiek izdalīta kā mīkstas, zaļas spiras, kuras tiek apēstas vēlreiz, un barība tikai pēc tam tiek sagremota pilnībā. Pēc otrās reizes tā izdalās kā cietas un tumšas spiras. Tāpat kā grauzējiem zaķu dzimtas dzīvniekiem ir spēcīgi un asi 4 priekšzobi (2 augšā un 2 apakšā), kas aug visu mūžu. Augšžoklī blakus centrālajiem priekšzobiem ir vēl divi priekšzobi, kas aktīvi piedalās barības graušanā un arī šie zobi aug visu mūžu. Zaķu dzimtas sugām nav ilkņu tāpat kā grauzējiem, bet tām ir vairāk dzerokļu.


Zaķu dzimtas sugas ir piemērojušās ātrai skriešanai, attēlā pelēkais zaķis

Zaķu dzimta ir piemērojusies dzīvei ļoti dažādos apstākļos, sākot ar tundru, mežu, purvu un beidzot ar tuksnesi. Tie ir sastopami zemienēs un kalnos. Truši mājvietai izrok alas, bet zaķi alas parasti nerok. Zaķi ir arī labāki skrējēji kā truši.[2]

Zaķu dzimtas dzīvniekiem grūsnība ilgst 28—50 dienas, bet trušiem šis periods ir īsāks kā zaķiem. Zaķi piedzimst pilnībā attīstījušies atšķirībā no trušiem, kas piedzimst akli un nevarīgi pazemes alā.[2] Ja pietiek barības, zaķu dzimtas dzīvnieki vairojas vairākas reizes gadā, tādējādi tie spēj ļoti ātri atjaunot vai palielināt populāciju.


Senākās zināmās zaķu dzimtas sugas dzīvoja eocēna beigās. Šajā laikā zaķu dzimtas dzīvnieki bija sastopami gan Ziemeļamerikā, gan Āzijā. Evolūcijas gaitā tie attīstījās par ātri skrienošiem dzīvniekiem, izmantojot lēkšanu. Piemēram, oligocēna laika senajam zaķim Palaeolagus pakaļkājas ir daudz īsāks kā mūsdienu sugām, kas liecina, ka tie spēja skriet vairāk "klasiskā veidā" nevis ar lēcieniem. Tādējādi tie bija vairāk līdzīgi trušiem nekā mūsdienu zaķiem.[9]


Kalifornijas trusis (Sylvilagus bachmani)
Austrumu baltastes trusis (Sylvilagus floridanus)
Purva trusis (Sylvilagus palustris)
Eiropas trusis (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Baltais zaķis (Lepus timidus)
Etiopijas kalnu zaķis (Lepus starcki)
Indijas zaķis (Lepus nigricollis)
Antilopzaķis (Lepus alleni)
Japānas zaķis (Lepus brachyurus)


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Zaķu dzimta
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Chapman, J. & Schneider, E. (1984). Macdonald, D.. ed. The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. pp. 714–719. ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Mark Carwardine Animal Records
  4. «Pasaules lielākais trusis». Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2010. gada 27. decembrī. Skatīts: 2010. gada 29. decembrī.
  5. Breed Information
  6. Netherland Dwarf
  7. Best, Troy L.; Henry, Travis Hill (1994). "Lepus arcticus". Mammalian Species (American Society of Mammalogists) (457): pp. 1–9. June 2, 1994. doi:10.2307/3504088
  8. Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus
  9. Savage, RJG, & Long, MR (1986). Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide. New York: Facts on File. pp. 128–129. ISBN 0-8160-1194-X.

Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Zaķu dzimta: Brief Summary ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Zaķu dzimta (Leporidae) ir zaķveidīgo kārtas (Lagomorpha) maza auguma zīdītāju (Mammalia) dzimta, kas apvieno zaķus un trušus. Zaķu dzimtā ir 62 sugas, kas sistematizētas 11 ģintīs.

Zinātniskais nosaukums ir atvasināts no latīņu vārda lepus, kas latviski nozīmē zaķis. Visas zaķu dzimtas ģintis, izņemot zaķu ģints (Lepus), aptver dažādu sugu trušus. Tomēr ir daži izņēmumi, piemēram, hispīdu trusis (Caprolagus hispidus) tiek saukts reizēm par zaķi, vai klinšu trušus (Pronolagus) sauc arī par klinšu zaķiem.

Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Hazen en konijnen ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Hazen en konijnen (Leporidae) vormen een van de twee families uit de orde van de haasachtigen (Lagomorpha). Tot deze familie behoren onder andere het konijn (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en de haas (Lepus europaeus).


Soorten uit deze familie onderscheiden zich van de fluithazen, de andere familie uit de orde, door de vrij lange achterpoten en voeten, en de lange, beweeglijke oren. Vooral de ezelhazen hebben grote oren. Met de lange achterpoten en het afgeplatte lichaam zijn ze goede renners.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

De Leporidae kwamen oorspronkelijk in de hele wereld behalve in Oceanië voor. Hun introductie op dit continent was een ecologische catastrofe die verschillende kangoeroesoorten in hun voortbestaan bedreigt. De Leporidae worden dan ook zowel in Australië als in Nieuw-Zeeland als plaag beschouwd.


Zie ook

Indeling van de hazen

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Hazen en konijnen: Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Hazen en konijnen (Leporidae) vormen een van de twee families uit de orde van de haasachtigen (Lagomorpha). Tot deze familie behoren onder andere het konijn (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en de haas (Lepus europaeus).

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Harefamilien ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Harefamilien (Leporidae) er en familie av haredyr, som omfatter velkjente dyr som harer og kanin. De er små til mellomstore pattedyr med lange bakbein og ører. Alle arter er rene planteetere. De eter sin egen avføring, slik at føden passerer fordøyelsessystemet to ganger. Harefamilien har tilpasset seg de fleste biotoper på landjorda, men de mangler i tropisk regnskog. De finnes nå i alle verdensdeler, men i Australia og på mange oseaniske øyer er de innført av mennesker.


Harefamilien Leporidae


  • A. Semb-Johansson, red. (1986). Gnagere, bind 5 i serien Verdens dyr. Oversatt av R. Frislid. Cappelen. s. 130–141. ISBN 82-525-1909-1. [originalens tittel Rodents i serien World of Animals, Equinox Ltd., Oxford, 1984]
  • D.E. Wilson og D.M. Reeder (red.). «Leporidae». Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition. Besøkt 7. mai 2018.
  • C.A. Matthee m.fl. (2002). «A molecular supermatrix of the rabbits and hares (Leporidae) allows for the identification of five intercontinental exchanges during the Miocene». Systematic Biology. 53 (3): 433–447. ISSN 1076-836X. doi:10.1080/10635150490445715.

Eksterne lenker

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia NO

Harefamilien: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Harefamilien (Leporidae) er en familie av haredyr, som omfatter velkjente dyr som harer og kanin. De er små til mellomstore pattedyr med lange bakbein og ører. Alle arter er rene planteetere. De eter sin egen avføring, slik at føden passerer fordøyelsessystemet to ganger. Harefamilien har tilpasset seg de fleste biotoper på landjorda, men de mangler i tropisk regnskog. De finnes nå i alle verdensdeler, men i Australia og på mange oseaniske øyer er de innført av mennesker.

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia NO

Zającowate ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
 src= Na tę stronę wskazuje przekierowanie z „zając”. Zobacz też: inne znaczenia tego słowa. Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons Wikisłownik Hasło w Wikisłowniku
Królak florydzki (Sylvilagus floridianus)

Zającowate[2][3], zające (Leporidae) – rodzina ssaków z rzędu zajęczaków (Lagomorpha) obejmująca około 60 gatunków.


Zającowate zamieszkują wszystkie kontynenty poza Antarktydą. Pierwotnie nie zamieszkiwały Australii i Nowej Zelandii[4], ale zostały tam wprowadzone przez człowieka.

Tryb życia

Zwierzęta kolonijne, średniej wielkości.

Zającowate zwykle poruszają się skokami, osiągają szybkość do 70 km/h. Do polowań na szybko biegające zające wykorzystywano np. charty.

Często zamieszkują nory, czasem załomy skalne, nie gromadzą zapasów na zimę i nie hibernują. Gatunki borealne zmieniają na zimę barwę na białą.

Budowa ciała

Cechą charakterystyczną zajęczaków jest to, iż tylne kończyny są znacznie dłuższe od przednich. Posiadają długie, szpiczaste uszy, krótki, puszysty ogon. W górnej szczęce mają 2 pary siekaczy, z których pierwsza stale rośnie i wymaga ścierania.


Do rodziny zającowatych zalicza się następujące rodzaje[2][5]:

Fikcyjne zającowate

postacie z tradycji ludowych:

postacie z bajek:


  1. Leporidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 56-61. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  3. K. Kowalski (redaktor naukowy), A. Krzanowski, H. Kubiak, G. Rzebik-Kowalska, L. Sych: Ssaki. Wyd. IV. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1991, s. 426, seria: Mały słownik zoologiczny. ISBN 83-214-0637-8.
  4. Story: Rabbits – The spread of rabbits in New Zealand (ang.). Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. [dostęp 13.11.2012].
  5. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Leporidae. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2015-09-27]


  1. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Leporidae. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2015-09-27]
p d e
Rodziny zajęczaków
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Zającowate: Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
 src= Królak florydzki (Sylvilagus floridianus)

Zającowate, zające (Leporidae) – rodzina ssaków z rzędu zajęczaków (Lagomorpha) obejmująca około 60 gatunków.

Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Leporidae ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

A família Leporidae pertence à ordem dos mamíferos lagomorfos e inclui cerca de 60 espécies de coelhos e lebres. Os leporídeos distinguem-se das pikas pelas orelhas e patas traseiras compridas.

Em geral todos os membros destas família são chamados coelhos, excepto os géneros Caprolagus, Pronolagus e Lepus que constituem as lebres.

Os leporídeos são nativos de todo o mundo, excepto da Oceania. A sua introdução neste continente foi uma catástrofe ecológica que afectou diversas populações de marsupiais de forma irreversível. Os leporídeos são portanto considerados uma praga na Austrália e Nova Zelândia.



  • HOFFMAN, R. S., ANDREW, T. S. (2005). in WILSON, D. E., REEDER, D. M. (eds). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3ª ed. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 2.142 pp. 2 vol.
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

A família Leporidae pertence à ordem dos mamíferos lagomorfos e inclui cerca de 60 espécies de coelhos e lebres. Os leporídeos distinguem-se das pikas pelas orelhas e patas traseiras compridas.

Em geral todos os membros destas família são chamados coelhos, excepto os géneros Caprolagus, Pronolagus e Lepus que constituem as lebres.

Os leporídeos são nativos de todo o mundo, excepto da Oceania. A sua introdução neste continente foi uma catástrofe ecológica que afectou diversas populações de marsupiais de forma irreversível. Os leporídeos são portanto considerados uma praga na Austrália e Nova Zelândia.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Harar och kaniner ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Harar och kaniner[1] (Leporidae) är en familj som tillsammans med piphararna utgör ordningen hardjur. De är landlevande däggdjur som förekommer över hela världen utom i Antarktis. I Australien och på Nya Zeeland förekommer endast de två introducerade arterna vildkanin och fälthare. Flera arter av familjen kallas kaniner men avgränsningen mellan hare och kanin beror främst på yttre morfologiska kännetecken och inte på släktskap eller positionen i systematiken.


Harars och kaniners bakben är långa och anpassade för löpning. Några arter inom familjen kan nå en toppfart på 80 km/h en kort stund och 50 km/h över en längre sträcka.[2] Hörsel och synsinne är välutvecklade[3]. Harar och kaniner når en kroppslängd mellan 25 och 70 centimeter samt en vikt mellan 0,4 och 7 kilogram. Pälsens färg varierar hos de flesta arterna mellan vit-, grå- och brunaktig. Inte alla arter har lika långa öron som harar i släktet Lepus men hos alla arter är örat längre än brett[4]. De längsta öronen finns hos västlig antilophare (Lepus alleni) med upp till 17,3 centimeter.[2] Den långsmala formen ger hörseln utpräglad riktverkan.

Harar och kaniner har kluven nos och kort uppåtriktad svans. Fötterna är på undersidan beklädda med tätt ställda hår som bildar elastiska borstar. Speciellt för harar och kaniner är att de har fyra framtänder i överkäken. Bakom de två främre tänderna ligger två små stiftformiga rudimentära tänder. I överkäken har de 6 kindtänder och i underkäken 5. Tandformeln för de flesta arterna är I 2/1 C 0/0 P 3/2 M 3/3, alltså 28 tänder.[4]


Familjens ursprungliga utbredningsområde sträckte sig över nästan alla kontinenter med undantag för Australien, södra Sydamerika och Oceanien. Idag saknas harar bara i Antarktis eftersom de introducerats på de övriga kontinenterna.

Förekomst i Sverige

I Sverige förekommer arterna fälthare, skogshare och vildkanin.


Harar och kaniner lever i olika habitat, de förekommer i den arktiska tundran, på gräsmark samt i tempererade och tropiska skogar.[4] De är växtätare och är nattaktiva. Individernas sociala beteende är beroende på art. Det finns medlemmar som bildar grupper och andra medlemmar som lever ensamma.

Födan utgörs bland annat av gräs, örter, blad och blommor. De är även koprofager - de avsöndrar först mjuk spillning och äter den sedan en gång till för att ta del av de näringsämnen som blivit tillgänglig efter matspjälkningen i blindtarmen.

Arterna i familjen förökar sig bra. Honan kan para sig flera gånger per år. Efter dräktigheten, som varar 25 till 50 dagar, föds vanligen två till åtta ungar, ibland upp till 15. Ungdjur från släktet Lepus är vanligen full utvecklade medan ungdjur av andra arter är blinda och nakna. De senare föds vanligen i ett underjordiskt bo.[3]


Svansen av bomullssvanskaniner, här bergskanin (Sylvilagus nuttallii), påminner om bomull.

Familjen harar och kaniner bildar tillsammans med familjen pipharar ordningen hardjur (Lagomorpha). Ordningens ställning i systematiken var länge omdebatterad. Tidigare räknades den ofta till ordningen gnagare, dock som underordningen dubbeltandade gnagare. Familjen omfattar enligt Hoffman et al. 2005 elva släkten som omfattar ett 60-tal arter av harar och kaniner, varav släktet Lepus utgör de typiska hararna. Ibland delas familjen upp i de två underfamiljerna Palaeolaginae och Leporinae.


De äldsta kända fossilen av harar och kaniner är från senare eocen. Familjen förekom under denna period i Nordamerika och Asien. Under evolutionens lopp anpassade sig familjen allt mer till ett springande och hoppande levnadssätt. Till exempel hade det utdöda släktet Palaeolagus, som levde under oligocen i Nordamerika, kortare bakre extremiteter än dagens harar och kaniner.[5] Nya fynd från Kina och Indien, som är cirka 48 respektive 53 miljoner år gamla, visar tydliga kännetecken som är typiska för harar och kaniner. Utifrån dessa fossil antas att uppdelningen i familjerna harar och kaniner, och pipharar, skedde tidigare än hittills antagits.[6]

Släkten och arter

Familj Leporidae [7] - harar och kaniner

Harar och kaniner och människan

Tamkanin förekommer med flera raser som sällskapsdjur

Många harar jagas som vilt för pälsens och köttets skull. En del arter hölls för samma ändamål eller som boskap i burar. Kaniner som ofta gräver gångar i jordbruksmark bekämpas med gift eller konstgjorda sjukdomar.

IUCN listar bushmanharen (Bunolagus monticularis) som akut hotad (critically endangered), borstkanin (Caprolagus hispidus) och 6 andra arter som stark hotade (endangered) och ytterligare 15 arter som mindre hotade (sårbar, nära hotad eller kunskapsbrist).[8]


Small Sketch of Owl.pngDen här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från Nordisk familjebok, Hardjur, 1904–1926.
Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, 20 augusti 2010.
Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, 20 augusti 2010.


  1. ^ Dyntaxa TaxonId: 2002148, Familj: Leporidae - harar och kaniner
  2. ^ [a b] Carwardine, Mark (1996) (på svenska upplaga). Guinness Djurrekordbok. Bokförlaget Forum AB Stockholm. sid. 59. ISBN 91-37-10910-3
  3. ^ [a b] Chapman, J. & Schneider, E. (1984). The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. sid. 714–719. ISBN 0-87196-871-1
  4. ^ [a b c] Family Leporidae på Animal Diversity Web (engelska), besökt 21 augusti 2010.
  5. ^ Savage, RJG, & Long, MR (1986). Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide. New York: Facts on File. sid. 128–129. ISBN 0-8160-1194-X
  6. ^ Handwerk, Brian (21 mars 2008). ”Easter Surprise: World's Oldest Rabbit Bones Found”. National Geographic News (National Geographic Society). http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/03/080321-rabbit-bones.html. Läst 23 mars 2008.
  7. ^ Hoffman, Robert S.; Smith, Andrew T. (16 November 2005). "Order Lagomorpha (sid: 185-211". In Wilson, Don E., and Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 volymer. (2142 sidor). sid: 194-221. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494
  8. ^ LeporidaeIUCN:s rödlista, besökt 21 augusti 2010.

Externa länkar

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Harar och kaniner: Brief Summary ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Harar och kaniner (Leporidae) är en familj som tillsammans med piphararna utgör ordningen hardjur. De är landlevande däggdjur som förekommer över hela världen utom i Antarktis. I Australien och på Nya Zeeland förekommer endast de två introducerade arterna vildkanin och fälthare. Flera arter av familjen kallas kaniner men avgränsningen mellan hare och kanin beror främst på yttre morfologiska kännetecken och inte på släktskap eller positionen i systematiken.

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Hazokowate ( Szl )

由wikipedia SZL提供
Hazoki důmowe

Hazokowate, hazoki (Leporidae) – familijo hazokowcůw kero objimo kole 60 zortůw.

Teroski hazokowate pomjyškujům wšyjstky kůntynynta bez Antarktydy.

Pjyrwyj ńy přemjyškowauy Australije, nale uostauy na ńja skludzůne bez čowjeka.

Sům to gowjedńiki kolańijowe, poštředńi srogośće.

Hazokowate zauobyč gibjům śe šusůma ze šwůngym do 70 km/h.

Pořůnd pomjyškujům dźury, ńykej skoli knie, ńy skludzajům na forant na źima i ńy hibernujům. Borealne zorty wekslujům na źima farba na bjouo.

Znakym noturnym hazokowcůw je to, iže zadńi šuapy sům dužo dugše uod předńich. Majům duge, špicate ušy, krůtki, ćićaty pelc. We wyrchńi ščynce majům 2-je pory śekočůw, s kerych pjyršo štyjc růśńy i dopůmino śe zećyrańo.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia SZL

Tavşan ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供
Bu madde herhangi bir kaynak içermemektedir. Lütfen güvenilir kaynaklar ekleyerek bu maddenin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olunuz. Kaynaksız içerik itiraz konusu olabilir ve kaldırılabilir.

Tavşan, tavşangiller (Leporidae) familyasını oluşturan memeli türlerin ortak adıdır. Doğurarak çoğalırlar. Yavru bakımları çok azdır. 7 gün baktıktan sonra anne tavşan yavru tavşanı bırakır.

Tavşangiller familyası yaklaşık 50 türü içine alır. Kuyrukları uzun kıllarla örtülüdür. Kulaklar ve arka bacaklar uzamıştır. Bir kısmı toprak altında oyuklarda yaşar. Familya üyelerine tavşan veya ada tavşanı adı verilir. Tavşangiller, Ochotonidae familyasını oluşturan Pikalardan tüylü küçük kuyrukları, uzun kulakları ve arka ayakları ile ayrılır.

Lepus harici cinslerin tüm üyeleri genel olarak ada tavşanı olarak adlandırılır. Ada tavşanları başka hayvanların yuvalarında veya kendi kazdıkları yuvalarda barınırken, tavşanlar uzun ot ve çalıklarda yaşar. Tavşanlar arasında en çarpıcı özelliklere sahip olan beyaz tüylü sera tavşanı 21. yüzyıla damgasını vurmuştur.

Ayrıca, bazı türlerin kulakları oldukça iyi duymaktadır. Her türlü sese şaşkınlıkla tepki vermektedirler. Bu yüzden kendi türünden ya da başka canlıların yaklaşması durumunda yabanî tavşanlar irkilirler.

Okyanusya hariç tüm yeryüzünde yerlidir. Okyanusya'ya gelişleri yerli memeliler için büyük bir tehdit oluşturur.


Tavşanlar otçullardır. Bitkisel besinlerle beslenen hayvanlardır. Genelde Lahana, taze çimenler, havuç, turp, dereotu, marul, salata, enginar ve karnabahar yaprakları, brüksel lahanası, yeşil fasulye gibi besinlerle beslenirler. Ancak içinde şeker olan besinleri (mesela havuç) çok fazla vermemek gerekir.


Ayrıca bakınız

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Tavşan: Brief Summary ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Tavşan, tavşangiller (Leporidae) familyasını oluşturan memeli türlerin ortak adıdır. Doğurarak çoğalırlar. Yavru bakımları çok azdır. 7 gün baktıktan sonra anne tavşan yavru tavşanı bırakır.

Tavşangiller familyası yaklaşık 50 türü içine alır. Kuyrukları uzun kıllarla örtülüdür. Kulaklar ve arka bacaklar uzamıştır. Bir kısmı toprak altında oyuklarda yaşar. Familya üyelerine tavşan veya ada tavşanı adı verilir. Tavşangiller, Ochotonidae familyasını oluşturan Pikalardan tüylü küçük kuyrukları, uzun kulakları ve arka ayakları ile ayrılır.

Lepus harici cinslerin tüm üyeleri genel olarak ada tavşanı olarak adlandırılır. Ada tavşanları başka hayvanların yuvalarında veya kendi kazdıkları yuvalarda barınırken, tavşanlar uzun ot ve çalıklarda yaşar. Tavşanlar arasında en çarpıcı özelliklere sahip olan beyaz tüylü sera tavşanı 21. yüzyıla damgasını vurmuştur.

Ayrıca, bazı türlerin kulakları oldukça iyi duymaktadır. Her türlü sese şaşkınlıkla tepki vermektedirler. Bu yüzden kendi türünden ya da başka canlıların yaklaşması durumunda yabanî tavşanlar irkilirler.

Okyanusya hariç tüm yeryüzünde yerlidir. Okyanusya'ya gelişleri yerli memeliler için büyük bir tehdit oluşturur.

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Зайцеві ( 烏克蘭語 )

由wikipedia UK提供


Типовий рід родини — Заєць (Lepus).



Сьогодні заселяють усі континенти, крім Антарктиди. До Австралії були завезені людьми.


Зазвичай пересуваються стрибками. Часто живуть у норах чи ущелинах, не роблять запасів на зиму та не впадають у сплячку.


Задні кінцівки значно довші за передні. Вуха довгі, загострені, хвіст пухнастий. Деякі види на зиму змінюють забарвлення шерсті на біле.

У верхній щелепі мають дві пари різців, перша з яких постійно росте і потребує стирання.

← 4,6 млрд 542 488 444 416 359 299 251 200 145 65 23 2

Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
wikipedia UK

Leporidae ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Leporidae là một họ động vật có vú trong bộ Thỏ. Họ này được Fischer miêu tả năm 1817.[1]

Phân loại

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Leporidae”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

Tham khảo

Liên kết ngoài

 src= Phương tiện liên quan tới Leporidae tại Wikimedia Commons

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến động vật có vú này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Leporidae: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Leporidae là một họ động vật có vú trong bộ Thỏ. Họ này được Fischer miêu tả năm 1817.

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Зайцевые ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Запрос «Заяц» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения.
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Euarchontoglires
Грандотряд: Грызунообразные
Семейство: Зайцевые
Международное научное название

Leporidae Fischer, 1817

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 180110NCBI 9979EOL 1689FW 42163

За́йцевые (лат. Leporidae) — семейство млекопитающих из отряда зайцеобразных, включающее в себя собственно зайцев (главным образом род Lepus, но также Pronolagus и Caprolagus) и кроликов (остальные роды). Зайцы распространены по всему миру, кроме Антарктиды и отдалённых островов, на многие из которых ввезены людьми. Отличаются от пищух развитыми задними конечностями, длинными ушами и наличием короткого хвоста.


Русские названия приведены согласно энциклопедии «Млекопитающие» (2007)[1]

Ископаемые виды:

  • Nuralagus rex — ископаемые останки были найдены на острове Менорка. Жил около 5 миллионов лет назад. Масса тела достигала 12 килограммов.[5]
  • Hypolagus


  1. Полная иллюстрированная энциклопедия. «Млекопитающие» Кн. 2 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / под ред. Д. Макдональда. — М.: Омега, 2007. — С. 440. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8.
  2. В зоологической литературе широко распространено русское название этого вида Коста-риканский кролик: (См, например: Полная иллюстрированная энциклопедия. «Млекопитающие» Кн. 1 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / под ред. Д. Макдональда. — М.: Омега, 2007. — С. 272. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8., Энциклопедия домашних животных и др.), однако данное название не используется в статье, так как согласно правилам образования прилагательных от слов, пишущихся через дефис, написание должно быть коста-риканский кролик, но это написание ещё не укоренилось в зоологической литературе.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 205. — 10 000 экз.
  4. Гуреев А. А. 1964. Зайцеобразные (Lagomorpha) // Фауна СССР. Млекопитающие. Т. 3, Вып. 10. C. 190.
  5. Biggest-Ever Bunny Didn’t Hop, Had No Enemies. Discovery News.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Зайцевые: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供

За́йцевые (лат. Leporidae) — семейство млекопитающих из отряда зайцеобразных, включающее в себя собственно зайцев (главным образом род Lepus, но также Pronolagus и Caprolagus) и кроликов (остальные роды). Зайцы распространены по всему миру, кроме Антарктиды и отдалённых островов, на многие из которых ввезены людьми. Отличаются от пищух развитыми задними конечностями, длинными ушами и наличием короткого хвоста.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

兔科 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
Disambig gray.svg 關於与「」名称相近或相同的条目,請見「兔 (消歧義)」。
模式屬 兔屬
Linnaeus, 1758



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  • 兔是中国十二生肖之一,排名第四,对应地支中的
  • 中国现代动画/漫画作品《那年那兔那些事》以“兔子”形象代表中国人,在现实中,也会有人用“兔子”指代“中国人”或“中华人民共和国”。
  • 月兔的记载,首见于屈原的《天问》:“夜光何德,死而又育?厥利维何,而顾菟在腹。”中國神話中的月兔月球上搗藥,在嫦娥奔月后,一直在月球上陪伴她,甚至成爲傳説中消除瘟疫的兔兒爺日本神話中的月兔則是在上面製造麻糬。朝鮮童謠《小白船》(原名《半月》,諺文반달)也提到月中有兔。
  • 兔儿神是中国古代传说掌管男同性恋爱情的神祇。


  • 在美洲大陸,有著認為兔子的腳能帶來幸運,請參閱:幸運兔腳。在沙盒游戏我的世界(Minecraft)中,兔子脚是一种与酿造有关的道具。
  • 西方以兔子作為復活節的象徵之一:復活兔
  • 花花公子是美国一份以兔子商標的男性成人雜誌。


  • 野兔在體育界的某些項目中被認為是速度的象征,一些以速度見長的運動員被冠以野兔的花名,如澳洲著名網球運動員萊頓·休伊特[1]
  • 在某些跑步赛事(比如马拉松)中,兔子是定速员的俗称。一般是比赛赛会组委会聘请来控制比赛节奏,帮助参赛选手更好地发挥,甚至破纪录的陪跑人员,多在中长跑比赛中出现。








  1. ^ 休伊特-澳洲野兔. U體育. [2015-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-02).



 src= 维基共享资源中相關的多媒體資源:分類 src= 维基物种中的分类信息: 十二生肖 | | | | | | | | | | |
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兔科: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

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ウサギ科 ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
ウサギ科 ユキウサギ
ユキウサギ Lepus timidus
地質時代 始新世 - 現代 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : 兎形目 Lagomorpha : ウサギ科 Leporidae 学名 Leporidae Fischer, 1817[1] タイプ属 Lepus Linnaeus, 1758 和名 ウサギ科[2] 亜科[3][4]





最大種はヤブノウサギ体長50 - 76センチメートル、体重2.5 - 5キログラム[2]。最小種はピグミーウサギで体長25 - 29センチメートル、体重0.3キログラム[2]

耳介は長くて、可動することができる[2]。眼は大型で、夜間および薄明薄暮時の活動に適している[2]。多くの種で歯式は 2 ⋅ 0 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3 1 ⋅ 0 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 {displaystyle { frac {2cdot 0cdot 3cdot 3}{1cdot 0cdot 2cdot 3}}} {displaystyle {	frac {2cdot 0cdot 3cdot 3}{1cdot 0cdot 2cdot 3}}}の計28本[2]






ナキウサギ科 Ochotonidae


† ムカシウサギ亜科 Palaeolaginae(側系統)

† キュウウサギ亜科 Archaeolaginae


ウガンダクサウサギ属 Poelagus

アカウサギ属 Pronolagus


アナウサギ属 Oryctolagus

アラゲウサギ属 Caprolagus

ブッシュマンウサギ属 Bunolagus

アマミノクロウサギ属 Pentalagus

ピグミーウサギ属 Brachylagus

ワタオウサギ属 Sylvilagus

ノウサギ属 Lepus

メキシコウサギ属 Romerolagus




1929年に下顎第3臼歯のエナメル質の形状からウサギ亜科・ムカシウサギ亜科・キュウウサギ亜科の3亜科に分類する説が提唱された[4]。1930年 - 1940代に差異が小さいとしてキュウウサギ亜科をムカシウサギ亜科に含め2亜科とする説もあったが、1958年に臼歯と大臼歯全体(頬歯)の形状も比較しウサギ亜科・ムカシウサギ亜科・キュウウサギ亜科の3亜科が再定義され現生種は全種がウサギ亜科に含まれる[4]Notolagus属などは、J. A. White (1987, 1991) により、キュウウサギ亜科からウサギ亜科に移された[4]。 アマミノクロウサギ属・アカウサギ属・メキシコウサギ属をムカシウサギ亜科として紹介する文献もあったが、これは1929年の分類を論拠としており1960年代以降の欧米で主流になっていた分類ではない[4]。この3属は分子系統の中でまとまっていない[5]



現生種の分類・英名はMSW3(Hoffmann & Smith, 2005)、(Champman・Schneider, 川道訳, 1986)に従う[1][2]。和名は(Champman・Schneider, 川道訳, 1986)、(川道, 1992)に従う[2][8]

† キュウウサギ亜科[編集]


† ムカシウサギ亜科[編集]







繁殖形態は胎生。妊娠期間は多くの属で約30日(例としてアナウサギは28 - 33日)、妊娠期間が長い傾向にあるノウサギ属でも約40日(最も長いユキウサギで50日)[2]。ノウサギ属の幼獣は出産直後から体毛で覆われ目も開いているが、他属の幼獣は出産直後は体毛で覆われず例としてアナウサギでは生後10日で開眼する[2]






  1. ^ a b Robert S. Hoffmann & Andrew T. Smith, "Leporidae". Mammal Species of the World, (3rd ed.), Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (ed.), Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, pp. 194-211.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w J. A. Champman、E. Schneider 「アナウサギ、ノウサギ」川道武男訳『動物大百科5 小型草食獣』今泉吉典監修 D.W.マクドナルド編、平凡社1986年、128?137頁。
  3. ^ Kurtaen, Bjeorn (1980), “Order Lagomorpha”, Pleistocene mammals of North America, Columbia University Press
  4. ^ a b c d e f g 冨田幸光 「アマミノクロウサギは本当に "ムカシウサギ" か」『化石』第63号、日本古生物学会、1997年、20-28頁。
  5. ^ a b Matthee, Conrad A.; et al. (2004), “A Molecular Supermatrix of the Rabbits and Hares (Leporidae) Allows for the Identification of Five Intercontinental Exchanges During the Miocene”, Syst. Biol. 53 (3): 433?447, doi:10.1080/10635150490445715, http://sysbio.oxfordjournals.org/content/53/3/433.full.pdf
  6. ^ Handwerk, Brian (“Easter Surprise: World's Oldest Rabbit Bones Found”. National Geographic News (National Geographic Society). http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/03/080321-rabbit-bones.html
  7. ^ Savage, RJG, & Long, MR (1986). Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide. New York: Facts on File. pp. 128?129. ISBN 0-8160-1194-X.
  8. ^ 川道武男編著 「齧歯目(ネズミ目)2、ウサギ目、有鱗目(センザンコウ目)の分類表」『動物たちの地球58 哺乳類II10 ネズミ・ウサギほか』、朝日新聞社、1992年、320頁。
  9. ^ 山田文雄 「ハイナンノウサギ」『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ1 ユーラシア、北アメリカ』小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著、講談社、2000年、165頁。
  10. ^ a b 山田文雄 「コスタリカワタオウサギ」「トリスマリアスワタオウサギ」『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ3 中央・南アメリカ』小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著、講談社、2001年、176頁。
  11. ^ Darren Naish (2011), You have your giant fossil rabbit neck all wrong, http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/WSS/post.php?blog=33&post=57 [リンク切れ]
  12. ^ Best, Troy L.; Henry, Travis Hill (“Lepus arcticus”. Mammalian Species (American Society of Mammalogists) (457): pp. 1-9. June 2, 1994. doi:10.2307/3504088. OCLC 46381503. http://jstor.org/stable/3504088
  13. ^ Snowshoe Hare (HTML)”. eNature: FieldGuides. eNature.com (2008年3月23日閲覧。
 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ウサギ科に関連するメディアおよびカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにウサギ科に関する情報があります。
wikipedia 日本語

ウサギ科: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

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토끼 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

 src= 다른 뜻에 대해서는 토끼 (동음이의) 문서를 참고하십시오.

토끼(兎-, 영어: Rabbit)는 토끼과(Leporidae)에 속하는 포유동물의 총칭이다.[1] 우는토끼와 함께 토끼목을 이룬다.

경상남도, 전라도, 충청도, 평안북도 등지에서는 토끼를 토깽이라고도 부른다.



남극오세아니아 (오스트레일리아, 뉴질랜드, 등), 몰디브, 마다가스카르, 모리셔스, 코모로, 세이셸 등 인도양의 도서 지역을 제외한 전 세계에 분포한다. 오스트레일리아에서는 토끼를 방사하여 도입되었으나, 지나친 번식력과 천적의 부재로 인해 생태계에 피해를 주고 있다.


천적으로는 퓨마, 서벌, 표범, 보브캣, 치타, 호랑이, , 수리부엉이, 검독수리, 스라소니, 담비, 흑표범, 재규어, 마눌, , 참매, 카라칼, 고양이, 눈표범, 오셀롯 등이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다.


토끼는 초식동물로, 보통 '귀가 길고 앞발은 짧고 뒷발은 길어 깡충깡충 뛰어다니는' 동물로 묘사된다. 만화영화의 소재가 될 정도로 친숙한 동물이기도 하다. 고기와 털을 얻기 위한 가축으로 키우는 집토끼는 굴을 파서 생활하는 야생토끼인 굴토끼를 집에서 키우기 시작한 것이며, 외관이 귀여운 편이기 때문에 일부에서는 애완동물로도 널리 키운다. 토끼는 똥을 두 번 나누어 싸는데 처음 싼 똥은 영양분이 많아서 먹는다. 똥은 동글동글하다.똥이 딱딱한 환약처럼 생겼다.[2]

흔히 "빨갛게 충혈된 눈"을 일컬어 "토끼눈"이라 하는데, 토끼눈은 백색증을 가진 눈이다.[3] 토끼를 해부해 보면 의 분문(들문)과 유문(날문)이 가까이 있어 토하지 못한다.

그 밖에도 TV 동물농장에서 토끼가 를 이기는 경우도 간혹 있는 것으로도 물론 있다. 토끼는 보통 천적에게 늘 당하게 하거나 잡아 먹히게 하는 경우가 일반적이기도 하나, 역으로 고양이 등을 이기는 경우도 물론 있다.

토끼의 다리는 4개이고 임신기간은 평균 30일이며, 4-12마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 평균수명은 5년~13년이다. 또한 요로결석에도 매우 취약한 동물로 알려져 왔다.

또한 순간포착 세상에 이런일이에서는 토끼에 가 없는 경우도 물론 있다. 이는 유전자 문제와도 관련이 있는 것으로 보고되어 있다.

이 외에도 요로결석에도 간혹 취약한 경우도 있다.


  • 고양이의 창궐로 토끼의 개체 수가 현격하게 감소한 것으로 보인다.

관련 문화

한국 문화와 토끼

  • 한국에서는 토끼를 꾀가 많고 영민한 동물로 인식한다.
  • 토끼는 십이지신 중 네 번째 동물이다.
  • 분화구 모양이 계수나무 밑에서 절구를 찧는 토끼에 비유되기도 한다. (옥토끼)
  • 한국의 설화토끼전에서 토끼 이 용왕의 병을 고치는 데 효과가 있는 것으로 묘사된다.
  • 황해도에는 토산군 (兎山郡), 토산면 (兎山面)이 있는데, 이들은 모두 토끼와 관련된 지명이다.

중국 문화와 토끼

  • 중국에서는 토끼를 동양의 미와 관련이 있는 동물로 보이게 되며 한국과 유사하게 역사적인 인식이 깊다.
  • 전통 문화의 상징성이 큰 것으로 보인다.

일본 문화와 토끼

  • 일본의 경우 최대의 토끼 섬인 오쿠노시마섬에는 수백여 마리의 토끼가 떼지어 방사하여 활동하고 있다.
  • 토끼를 중국과 동등하게 동양의 미를 인식하고 있는 것을 굳게 믿어지는 경우를 가지고 있다.

세계 문화와 토끼

토끼가 모티브인 캐릭터

하위 종

같이 보기


  1. Hoffman, R.S.; Smith, A.T. (2005). 〈Order Lagomorpha〉 [토끼목]. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 194–211쪽. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. “동글동글 토끼 똥 - YouTube”. 2020년 11월 4일에 확인함.
  3. 네이버캐스트 오늘의 과학 - 생물 산책, 토끼
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