Adult found about 2 mi east of Hell Hollow
Adult found about 2 mi east of Hell Hollow
Adult found at night about 2 mi east of Hell Hollow
Very small juvenile found at night under small rocks in rock pile at base of slope
Very small juvenile found at night under small rocks in rock pile at base of slope
Adult found under small rocks in rock pile at base of slope
Sub-adult found under small rocks in rock pile at base of slope
Adult found under small rocks in rock pile at base of slope
Adult found under rock. A common sharp-tailed snake was also found nearby.
Two discovered beneath logs on shaded, moist slope.
Discovered beneath log on low, north-facing hill with scattered trees and rock outcrops. This is an arid location, and B. gregarious here have evolved longer bodies, shorter limbs, and smaller feet than those that inhabit forested areas with greater rainfall (Stebbins 2003).
Two discovered beneath logs on shaded, moist slope.
Discovered beneath stone resting in humus and pine needles in vicintiy of outcrop and large rotting Douglas Fir logs; tiny hatchling also observed.