

Aphanizomenon A. Morren ex Bornet & Flahault 1888

Aphanizomenon ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Aphanizomenon ist eine Gattung der Cyanobacteria (früher „Blaualgen“ genannt). Typische Vertreter sind die Schlanke Wassernadel (A. gracile) und die Grüne Spanalge (oder Sichelalge der Karpfenteichwirtschaft) (A. flos-aquae).

Jeweils 20 bis 50 Zellen der Aphanizomenon-Arten bilden fadenförmige Kolonien, die sich ihrerseits büschelweise zusammenlagern, sodass makroskopisch sichtbare Aggregate entstehen. Diese schweben im Wasser und erzeugen den Eindruck etwa von Lärchennadeln. Insbesondere A. flos-aquae tritt in Form von Wasserblüten (Name!) massenhaft auf. Karpfenzüchter schätzen sie irrtümlich als Zeichen guter Fruchtbarkeit des betroffenen Teiches, dabei zeigt ihr Auftreten untrüglich eine einseitige Phosphat-Überdüngung an.


  • Helmut Pankow: Algenflora der Ostsee. II. Plankton. Stuttgart 1976 ISBN 3-437-30226-4
  • Heinz Streble, Dieter Krauter: Das Leben im Wassertropfen. Mikroflora und Mikrofauna des Süßwassers. Ein Bestimmungsbuch. 4. Auflage. Franckh, Stuttgart 1978, ISBN 3-440-04000-3.
  • Kurt Bauer: Zur Bedeutung der Kohlensäure in Karpfenteichen. Österreichs Fischerei 44 (1991) S. 49–64
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Aphanizomenon: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
 src= Illustration

Aphanizomenon ist eine Gattung der Cyanobacteria (früher „Blaualgen“ genannt). Typische Vertreter sind die Schlanke Wassernadel (A. gracile) und die Grüne Spanalge (oder Sichelalge der Karpfenteichwirtschaft) (A. flos-aquae).

Jeweils 20 bis 50 Zellen der Aphanizomenon-Arten bilden fadenförmige Kolonien, die sich ihrerseits büschelweise zusammenlagern, sodass makroskopisch sichtbare Aggregate entstehen. Diese schweben im Wasser und erzeugen den Eindruck etwa von Lärchennadeln. Insbesondere A. flos-aquae tritt in Form von Wasserblüten (Name!) massenhaft auf. Karpfenzüchter schätzen sie irrtümlich als Zeichen guter Fruchtbarkeit des betroffenen Teiches, dabei zeigt ihr Auftreten untrüglich eine einseitige Phosphat-Überdüngung an.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Afanizomenon ( 烏茲別克語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Afanizomenon (Aphanizomenon Mogg) – ko‘k-yashil suvo‘tlar bo‘limining bir turkumi. Chuchuk suvlarda ko‘p uchraydi. O‘rta Osiyo suv havzalarida 4 ta turi bor. A. ba’zan suvning "gullashi"ga sa-bab bo‘ladi.


  • OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil

Vikipediya mualliflari va muharrirlari
wikipedia emerging languages

Afanizomenon: Brief Summary ( 烏茲別克語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Afanizomenon (Aphanizomenon Mogg) – ko‘k-yashil suvo‘tlar bo‘limining bir turkumi. Chuchuk suvlarda ko‘p uchraydi. O‘rta Osiyo suv havzalarida 4 ta turi bor. A. ba’zan suvning "gullashi"ga sa-bab bo‘ladi.

Vikipediya mualliflari va muharrirlari
wikipedia emerging languages

Aphanizomenon ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Aphanizomenon is a genus of cyanobacteria that inhabits freshwater lakes and can cause dense blooms. They are unicellular organisms that consolidate into linear (non-branching) chains called trichomes. Parallel trichomes can then further unite into aggregates called rafts.[1] Cyanobacteria such as Aphanizomenon are known for using photosynthesis to create energy and therefore use sunlight as their energy source.[2] Aphanizomenon bacteria also play a big role in the Nitrogen cycle since they can perform nitrogen fixation. Studies on the species Aphanizomenon flos-aquae have shown that it can regulate buoyancy through light-induced changes in turgor pressure.[3] It is also able to move by means of gliding, though the specific mechanism by which this is possible is not yet known.


Overcoming phosphate limitation

Aphanizomenon may become dominant in a water body partially due to their ability to induce phosphate-limitation in other phytoplankton while also increasing phosphate availability to itself through release of cylindrospermopsin.[4] The cylindrospermopsin causes other phytoplankton to increase their alkaline phosphatase activity, increasing inorganic phosphate availability in the water to Aphanizomenon during times when phosphate becomes limiting.


All species in the cyanobacteria phylum can perform photosynthesis. They use a similar photosynthesis to plants, using two photosystems which is called the Z-scheme. This is different from other photosynthetic bacteria that only use one photosystem and do not have thylakoids. Cyanobacteria species such as Aphanizomenon also use Oxygen as their final electron acceptor in the Electron Transport Chain, which is also different from other photosynthetic bacteria, which perform a type of photosynthesis called anoxygenic photosynthesis.[5]

Nitrogen fixation

Aphanizomenon are a special type of cyanobacteria called heterocysts, which are capable of producing biologically useful nitrogen (ammonium) by the process of nitrogen fixation from atmospheric nitrogen.

A large proportion (between 35 and 50%) of fixed nitrogen may be released into the surrounding water, providing an important source of biologically available nitrogen to the ecosystem.[6][7] Since Aphanizomenon are one of the few species of bacteria that can perform nitrogen fixation, other bacterial species that use nitrogen ions as a reactant will start to rely on the species as a source of usable nitrogen. This will cause a bacterial bloom to form, which is a condition under which the number of bacterial colonies in a area will suddenly increase.[8]

Algal blooms

Aphanizomenon can produce algal blooms from producing usable nitrogen causing other bacterial species to form colonies around the Aphanizomenon. Algal Blooms formed from Aphanizomenon species tend to be very toxic and create a variety of toxins. These blooms may also create dead zones in the water. This ends up being bad for the ecosystem, since it can hurt many of the plants and animals living around it.[9]

Toxin production

Aphanizomenon species may produce cyanotoxins including cylindrospermospin (CYN), lipopolysaccharides (LPS), anatoxin-a, saxitoxin and BMAA.[10][11] Though not all Aphanizomenon produce cyanotoxins, many do. CYNs are a toxin that is especially toxic for the liver and kidney, thought to inhibit protein synthesis. LPSs are found in the cellular membrane of gram-negative bacterial cells and is released when the cellular membrane is degraded. The releasing of LPSs in animals can cause a severe immune response causing it to be very toxic for animals. Anatoxin-a is a type of anatoxin, it is normally released during algal blooms in lakes, causing exposure to animals around it. Anatoxin-a is toxic to the nerves in animals and is very lethal to humans with a lethal dose thought to be less than 5mg.[12] Similarly to anatoxin-a, BMAAs are another type of neurotoxin that lingers inside animals for longer than anatoxin-a. It will keep affecting animals even after a algal bloom dies down. Last, saxitoxins is yet another type of neurotoxin known to be released by a species of Aphanizomenon. It interrupts nerve transmissions to and from the brain, causing it to be very toxic.[13]

Colony formation

Aphanizomenon may form large colonies as a defense against herbivore grazing, especially Daphnia in freshwater. [14]

See also


  1. ^ "Phycokey - Aphanizomenon". cfb.unh.edu. Retrieved 2021-04-22.
  2. ^ "Life History and Ecology of Cyanobacteria". ucmp.berkeley.edu. Retrieved 2021-04-27.
  3. ^ Konopka, A.; T. D. Brock; A. E. Walsby (1978). "Buoyancy regulation by planktonic blue-green algae in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin". Arch. Hydrobiol. 83: 524–537.
  4. ^ Yehonathan Bar-Yosef; Assaf Sukenik; Ora Hadas; Yehudit Viner-Mozzini & Aaron Kaplan (2010). "Enslavement in the Water Body by Toxic Aphanizomenon ovalisporum, Inducing Alkaline Phosphatase in Phytoplanktons". Current Biology. 20 (17): 1557–1561. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.07.032. PMID 20705465.
  5. ^ Mullineaux, Conrad W. (2014-01-21). "Electron transport and light-harvesting switches in cyanobacteria". Frontiers in Plant Science. 5: 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2014.00007. ISSN 1664-462X. PMC 3896814. PMID 24478787.
  6. ^ Adam, B.; Klawonn, I.; Svedén, J. B.; Bergkvist, J.; Nahar, N.; Walve, J.; Littmann, S.; Whitehouse, M. J.; Lavik, G.; Kuypers, M. M.; Ploug, H. (2015). "N2-fixation, ammonium release and N-transfer to the microbial and classical food web within a plankton community". The ISME Journal. 10 (2): 450–459. doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.126. PMC 4737936. PMID 26262817.
  7. ^ Ploug, Helle; Musat, Niculina; Adam, Birgit; Moraru, Christina L.; Lavik, Gaute; Vagner, Tomas; Bergman, Birgitta; Kuypers, Marcel M. M. (2010). "Carbon and nitrogen fluxes associated with the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon sp. in the Baltic Sea". The ISME Journal. 4 (9): 1215–1223. doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.53. PMID 20428225.
  8. ^ "Bacterial Bloom, Cloudy Water, Ammonia/Nitrite Spike - What do I do?". the fishroom. 2019-12-09. Retrieved 2021-04-27.
  9. ^ US EPA, OW (2013-06-03). "Harmful Algal Blooms". US EPA. Retrieved 2021-05-10.
  10. ^ "Cyanobacteria/Cyanotoxins". US EPA. 2015. Archived from the original on 2015-10-17. Retrieved 2015-10-25.
  11. ^ "Aphanizomenon (cyanoScope) · iNaturalist". iNaturalist. Retrieved 2021-04-27.
  12. ^ Minnesota Department of Health. "Anatoxin-a and Drinking Water" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2020-10-20. Retrieved 2021-05-07.
  13. ^ "Saxitoxin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics". www.sciencedirect.com. Retrieved 2021-05-08.
  14. ^ "Aphanizomenon blooms: alternate control and cultivation by Daphnia pulex" (PDF). American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Special Symposium No. 3: 299-304. 1980.

Guiry, M.D.; Guiry, G.M. "Aphanizomenon". AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Aphanizomenon: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Aphanizomenon is a genus of cyanobacteria that inhabits freshwater lakes and can cause dense blooms. They are unicellular organisms that consolidate into linear (non-branching) chains called trichomes. Parallel trichomes can then further unite into aggregates called rafts. Cyanobacteria such as Aphanizomenon are known for using photosynthesis to create energy and therefore use sunlight as their energy source. Aphanizomenon bacteria also play a big role in the Nitrogen cycle since they can perform nitrogen fixation. Studies on the species Aphanizomenon flos-aquae have shown that it can regulate buoyancy through light-induced changes in turgor pressure. It is also able to move by means of gliding, though the specific mechanism by which this is possible is not yet known.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Aphanizomenon ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Aphanizomenon on syanobakteerien suku, joka aiheuttaa leväkukintoja makeissa- ja murtovesissä.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Kuollutta Aphanizomenon-sinilevää rannalla.

Elävät Aphanizomenon-syanobakteerit ovat vihreitä, mutta kuollessaan ne muuttuvat turkoosinsinisiksi ja voivat muodostaa maalimaista massaa.[1][2]

Ne voidaan tunnistaa lajin ja suvun tarkkuudella mikroskoopin avulla. Aphanizomenon-suvulle ovat ominaisia sukkulamaiset rihmakimput. Rihmat koostuvat akineeteistä (kestosoluista) ja heterokysteistä (typensitojasoluista). Rihman solut eivät ole kuroutuneet helminauhamaisesti, vaan ne ovat tasaisemman jaokkeisia kuin Anabaena-rihmat.[3]

Esiintyminen ja vaikutukset

Aphanizomenon-levän kukinnat ovat yleisiä Itämeressä. Siellä siitä ei ole löydetty myrkyllisiä kantoja.[4] Ne voivat kuitenkin tuottaa myrkkyä järvissä. Joistakin aphanizomenon-levistä on löytynyt maksamyrkkyjä ja hermomyrkky anatoksiini-a:ta.[3]

Suvun tyyppilajia Aphanizomenon flosaquae on tavattu makeassa vedessä Euroopassa, Aasaissa, Pohjois- ja Etelä-Amerikassa, Australiassa ja Uudessa Seelannissa.[5]


  1. Mira Strandberg: Det finns blågröna alger utanför Porkala – mitt i vintern Värsta Nyland. 4.1.2019. Viitattu 11.1.2019. (ruotsiksi)
  2. Sinilevää on jopa nyt talvella Porkkalanniemen edustalla − Syke: Levähavaintoja tullut yllättävän paljon Viisykkönen. Viitattu 11.1.2019.
  3. a b Kristiina Vuorio, Liisa Lepistö ja Marko Järvinen: Sinilevät, niiden aiheuttamat haitat, leväkukintojen runsauden arviointi ja sinilevien tunnistaminen kasviplanktonseura. 2013. Viitattu 11.1.2019.
  4. Sinileväkukinta Järviwiki. Viitattu 11.1.2019.
  5. Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M.: Aphanizomenon flosaquae Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault AlgaeBase. Viitattu 11.1.2019.

Aiheesta muualla

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Aphanizomenon: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Aphanizomenon on syanobakteerien suku, joka aiheuttaa leväkukintoja makeissa- ja murtovesissä.

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Aphanizomenon ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Aphanizomenon est un genre de cyanobactéries de la famille des Aphanizomenonaceae.

Liste d'espèces

Selon AlgaeBase (14 mai 2018)[1] :

Selon BioLib (14 mai 2018)[2] :

Selon Catalogue of Life (14 mai 2018)[4] et ITIS (14 mai 2018)[5] :

Selon NCBI (14 mai 2018)[6] :

Selon World Register of Marine Species (14 mai 2018)[3] :

Notes et références

  1. a et b Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org, consulté le 14 mai 2018
  2. a b et c BioLib, consulté le 14 mai 2018
  3. a et b World Register of Marine Species, consulté le 14 mai 2018
  4. Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Vandepitte, L., DeWalt, R. E., Remsen, D., Schalk, P., Orrell, T., Keping, M., Miller, J., Aalbu, R., Adlard, R., Adriaenssens, E., Aedo, C., Aescht, E., Akkari, N., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Alvarez, B., Alvarez, F., Anderson, G., et al. (2021). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2021-10-18). Catalogue of Life. https://doi.org/10.48580/d4t2, consulté le 14 mai 2018
  5. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 14 mai 2018
  6. NCBI, consulté le 14 mai 2018

Références taxinomiques

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Aphanizomenon: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Aphanizomenon est un genre de cyanobactéries de la famille des Aphanizomenonaceae.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

束絲藻屬 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
Ambox wikify.svg








當中有研究透過比對16SrRNARubisco两个基因,表明水华束丝藻和纤细束丝藻具有较高的亲缘关系,其相似性分别为 99%和99%,而依沙束丝藻亲缘关系较远,相似性分别只有96%和93-94%[2]


  1. ^ 參看:http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/54/5/1895
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 吴忠兴李仁辉. 我国淡水水体中束丝藻(Aphanizomenon)的形态及分子特征研究. 中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会第七届会员大会暨第十四次学术讨论会论文摘要集. 2008 (中文(简体)‎).
  3. ^ Jensen, Gitte S.; Ginsberg, Donald I.; Drapeau, Christian. Blue-Green Algae as an Immuno-Enhancer and Biomodulator (PDF). Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association. 2001, 3 (4): 24–30 [2012-05-18]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-04-26) (英语).
  4. ^ Konopka, A.; T. D. Brock; Walsby, A. E. "Buoyancy regulation by planktonic blue-green algae in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin.". Arch. Hydrobiol.. 1978, (83): 524–537 (英语).
  5. ^ Carmichael, Wayne W. The Toxins of Cyanobacteria. Scientific American. January 1994, 270 (1): 78–86. ISSN 0036-8733. PMID 8284661. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0194-78.
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束絲藻屬: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供



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