
Cressida cressida ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Cressida cressida, the clearwing swallowtail or big greasy, is a Troidine swallowtail butterfly found in northern Australia, New Guinea, Maluku, and Timor. It is in the monotypic genus Cressida.[1]

Remarkably, this species is not particularly closely related to other Asian swallowtails, but instead seems to be the closest living relative of the peculiar South American swallowtails of genus Euryades.


Johann Fabricius acquired the first specimens of this species from Joseph Banks, who collected them at the site of present-day Cooktown in 1770. Fabricius described the male and female as Papilio cressida and P. harmonia respectively, under the premise that the two were different species. The original specimens now reside in the Natural History Museum, London.[2] Both male and female now possess the same name, cressida, however, this species is no longer placed in the genus Papilio, but in the genus Cressida.


  • C. c. cressida Fabricius, 1775 – Australia: Cape York --- Sydney; Is.of Torres Street
  • C. c. insularis Fruhstorfer, 1909 – Leti Is.,Timor, Alor
  • C. c. kuehni Rothschild, 1918 - Wetar
  • C. c. subspecies - Damar, Serua Is., Tanimbar; Lucipara Is., Batuatas Is.
  • C. c. cassandra (Waterhouse & Lyell, 1914) – N.W. Australia: North Territoy
  • C. c. troilus (Butler, 1876) – Papua New Guinea


  • Genus: Eurycus Boisduval, [1836]
  • Species: Papilio cressida Fabricius, 1775; Papilio harmonia Fabricius, 1793; Papilio harmonides Godart, 1819; Cressis heliconides Swainson, 1832; Eurycus cressida intermedius Rothschild, 1918; Eurycus cressida kühni Rothschild, 1918
  • Subspecies insularis: Eurycus cressida insularis Fruhstorfer, 1909
  • Subspecies cassandra: Eurycus cassandra Waterhouse & Lyell, 1914
  • Subspecies troilus: Eurycus troilus Butler, 1876[1]


For terms see External morphology of Lepidoptera

Life history

The eggs vary greatly in size. The caterpillars occur in several colour forms and possess yellow osmeteria that release a sweet smell. The caterpillars generally consume their entire food plant, and must travel along the ground to find another one. The chrysalis has a marble colouration, and is attached to dead grass or stones.[2]


Plate from Zoological Illustrations, Volume 3, 2nd series

Adult males and females are quite dissimilar in appearance. However, both sexes have a black body marked with red scales and tough, transparent wings with limited scale covering. Both sexes have an unusually great range of size variation.[2]

The spermatophore of Cressida cressida is modified into an external mating plug known as a sphragis (plural sphragides). The sphragis acts to increase the chance of individual males successfully producing offspring by preventing other males from inseminating already mated females. There is evidence that females have attempted to counter this strategy by evolving remarkably broad genitalia that makes it more difficult for sphragides to remain in place. The evolutionary incentive to counter the sphragis is likely the nutritional benefit females obtain from the spermatophore, hence multiple matings provide female butterflies with additional resources.[3] The sphragis does not obstruct the passage of eggs as there are separate orifices for copulation and oviposition.[2]

Males have a wingspan of 80 mm,[4] wider than that of the female, an unusual trait among butterflies.[2] The forewings are translucent with two black spots and a fine black border thickest at the apex of the wing. The hindwing has a thick black border surrounding a central white area with black veining. The black border encloses a series of red spots, whose size and number can vary; a warning colouration found in most butterflies that utilise the toxic Aristolochia as a larval food plant.

Females have a wingspan of 70 mm.[4] The wings are a semi-translucent tawny colour, similar to aged greaseproof paper. This colouration is most intense immediately after the butterfly emerges, but soon fades and renders the wing almost totally transparent. Patterning of the female wing is similar to that of the male, but greatly reduced and diffused, with white areas on the hindwing extremely reduced and all red markings replaced by pale pink. The extent of the terminal band on the hindwing varies geographically.[4]


The larvae feed on Aristolochia species, including A. tagala in the tropics. More commonly, it utilises smaller growing species such as A. thozetii and A. meridionalis ssp. centralis (formerly listed as A. pubera, A. sp. D'Aguilar Range and A. sp. Mt. Coot-tha)[5] in southern Queensland. Having fed on these poisonous plants, the caterpillar is unpalatable to predators and remains so as an adult. Papilio anactus is a Batesian mimic of the male of this species in both appearance and style of flight, to achieve the same predator avoidance.[6]

Cressida cressida occurs predominantly in drier forest throughout its range; in Australia, it is often encountered in dry Eucalyptus forest where its hosts grow as small scrambling vines in open areas. It is most common in forests bordering the Great Dividing Range.[4] It is not a threatened species.


Copulating pair (female left, male right) of C. c. cressida on ground

Cressida cressida flies less erratically and more slowly than most other swallowtails, but may fly rapidly if disturbed.

Males tend to patrol breeding areas one to three meters above the ground in search of females, rarely landing. Areas where the larval food plant grows are defended aggressively by males, more often successfully by the larger males. Females are seized and forcibly mated in mid-air, but smaller males may carry the female to the ground. Females already bearing a sphragis are sometimes captured, but released soon after. Copulation lasts at least fourteen hours.[2]

Females tend to fly closer to the ground in search of suitable larval food plants, and if already mated, will signal their unavailability in flight by raising the abdomen and lowering the wings to display the sphragis.[2]


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cressida cressida.
Wikispecies has information related to Cressida cressida.
  1. ^ a b c Savela, Markku. "Cressida". Funet. Retrieved 24 July 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g A. Orr & R. Kitching (2010). The Butterflies of Australia. ISBN 9781741751086.
  3. ^ A. G. Orr (1999). "The Big Greasy, Cressida cressida (Papilionidae)". In R. L. Kitching; E. Scheermeyer; R. E. Jones; N. E. Pierce (eds.). Biology of Australian Butterflies. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Vol. 6. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. pp. 115–134. ISBN 978-0-643-05027-3.
  4. ^ a b c d Michael F. Braby (2000). Butterflies of Australia: their Identification, Biology and Distribution. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-06591-8.
  5. ^ Australian Plant Census (2010). "Aristolochiaceae" (PDF). Retrieved 6 March 2010.
  6. ^ Burns A.N. & Thorn L.B. "The Dainty Swallowtail Butterfly". Royal Botanic Gardens. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 25 July 2015.
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Cressida cressida: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Cressida cressida, the clearwing swallowtail or big greasy, is a Troidine swallowtail butterfly found in northern Australia, New Guinea, Maluku, and Timor. It is in the monotypic genus Cressida.

Remarkably, this species is not particularly closely related to other Asian swallowtails, but instead seems to be the closest living relative of the peculiar South American swallowtails of genus Euryades.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Cressida ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Cressida es un género de mariposas de la familia Papilionidae con una sola especie Cressida cressida.[2]

Taxonomía y Sistemática

El género Cressida está clasificado en la tribu Troidini de la subfamilia Papilioninae.[3]​ Según un análisis filogenético reciente basado en dos genes mitocondriales y uno nuclear, Cressida estaría más cercanamente relacionado con el género Pharmacophagus.[4]

Plantas hospederas

Las especies del género Cressida se alimentan de plantas de la familia Aristolochiaceae. Las plantas hospederas reportadas incluyen el género Aristolochia.Robinson, G. S., P. R. Ackery, I. J. Kitching, G. W. Beccaloni & L. M. Hernández (2010) HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Natural History Museum, London. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosts. (Consultado en diciembre de 2012).


  1. G. Lamas (2008) Genera and Genus-group Names of the Butterflies of the World, compartido por J. Mallet en The Taxome Project Home Page (Consultado en marzo 2013)
  2. Swainson, W (1832) Zool. Illustr. 3:pl. 94
  3. Haeuser, C. L., Holstein, J. & Steiner, A. (2005) The Global Butterfly Information System. Última actualización en 14.04.2011, consultado en diciembre de 2012.
  4. F.L. Condamine, F. A. H. Sperling, N. Wahlberg, J Rasplus & G.J. Kergoat (2012) What causes latitudinal gradients in species diversity? Evolutionary processes and ecological constraints on swallowtail biodiversity Ecology Letters 15: 267–277, doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01737.x
Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Cressida: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Cressida es un género de mariposas de la familia Papilionidae con una sola especie Cressida cressida.​

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Cressida cressida ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Cressida cressida est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Papilionidae, de la sous-famille des Papilioninae et du genre Cressida dont il est le seul représentant.


Le genre Cressida a été nommé par Swainson en 1832.

Cressida cressida a été décrit par Fabricius en 1775 sous le nom de Papilio cressida[1].

Cressida cressida femelle


  • Cressida cressida cressida présent en Australie.
  • Cressida cressida cassandra (Waterhouse & Lyell, 1914); présent en Australie.
  • Cressida cressida troilus (Butler, 1876); présent en Papouasie[1].

Nom vernaculaire

Cressida cressida se nomme Clearwing Swallowtail ou Big Greasy en anglais.


Cressida cressida est un grand papillon d'une envergure de 70 mm à 80 mm, avec un dimorphisme sexuel. La femelle est de couleur blanc nacré. Le mâle présente des ailes antérieures blanc nacré marquées de deux grosses taches rondes noires, alors que les postérieures sont blanches dans la partie médiane, noires dans la partie basale et la partie marginale avec une ligne de points rouges submarginaux[2]..


La chenille est couverte de tubercules marron et de tubercules blancs[2].


Les plantes hôtes de sa chenille sont des aristoloches, dont Aristolochia holtzei, Aristolochia pubera et Aristolochia thozetii[1].

Écologie et distribution

Il est présent en Australie et en Nouvelle-Guinée[1].


Pas de statut de protection particulier.


La poste australienne a émis deux timbres en 1981 et en 1997[2].

Notes et références

  1. a b c et d funet
  2. a b et c butterfly house


Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Cressida cressida: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Cressida cressida est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Papilionidae, de la sous-famille des Papilioninae et du genre Cressida dont il est le seul représentant.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Cressida cressida ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供


Cressida cressida is een vlinder uit de familie van de pages (Papilionidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1775 door Johann Christian Fabricius. Het is de enige soort uit het geslacht Cressida.


De vrouwtjes zijn meestal fletser van kleur, hetgeen te wijten is aan het verlies van vele pigmenthoudende schubben op de vleugels. De mannetjes zijn doorgaans feller van kleur en vertonen veel kenmerken van de giftige Pachliopta polydorus


De rupsen van deze soort leven op planten van de familie Aristolochiaceae, met name op de soorten Aristolochia pubera en Aristolochia thozetti, die giftig zijn en groeien in open bossen in kustgebieden. De vlinders zelf zijn trage dieren, maar kunnen in noodgevallen pijlsnel versnellen.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort komt voor in Australië en Nieuw-Guinea.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Cressida cressida: Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Cressida cressida is een vlinder uit de familie van de pages (Papilionidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1775 door Johann Christian Fabricius. Het is de enige soort uit het geslacht Cressida.

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Cressida cressida ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供

Cressida cressida este un fluture diurn de dimensiuni medii din familia Papilionidae


Anvergura aripilor constituie 70 – 80 mm. Aripile anterioare ale masculilor sunt semitransparente, uneori pot fi colorate în alb sau gri, cu două pete negre și cu marginea anterioară mai îngroșat și întunecată. Baza lor este neagră. Aripile posterioare de regulă sunt negre, cu excepția regiunii centrale, albe. În apropierea marginilor posterioară și parția cea anterioară a aripilor posterioare prezintă câte pete de diferite dimensiuni, de culoare roșie – vișinie. Nervurile principale ale aripilor sunt închise[1].
Aripile femelelor, de asemenea sunt semitransparente, au și o nuanță vierzui – portocalie. Această colorație este mai intensă la ieșirea adultului din cocon, apoi ele devin transparente. Nuanțele de negru și roșu lipsesc la femele[1].


Ouăle sunt de culoare portocalie - maro, având un diametru de 0,9 – 1 mm[1]. Larvele prezint o colorație variată, dar de obicei sunt roșu - maroniu până la maro închis sau chiar negru, cu marcaje albe și tuberculi pe suprafața corpului. Capul chitinizat este negricios - brun. Lungimea maximă a larvelor este 30 mm [2].


Larvele se hrănesc cu frunzele de Aristolochia. Adulții habitează în savane și pădurile australiene de eucalipt, în poienele unde se găsesc plantele-gazdă pentru larve[3]. Preferă pădurile riverane din Munții Marii Cumpene de Ape. Masculii sunt foarte activi zburând în timpul zilei până la o înălțime de 2 m deasupra solului. Femelele sunt întotdeauna găsite zburând foarte aproape de sol, în căutarea plantei-gazdă pentru depunerea ouălelor[4].


Cressida cressida se întâlnește numai în statele de est ale Australieie și în Papua Noua Guinee.


  1. ^ a b c Kitching, R.L., Scheermeyer, E., Jones, R.E., and Pierce, N.E (1999). „The Big Greasy, Cressida cressida (Papilionidae)”. Biology of Australian Butterflies. Vol. 6: 115 – 132.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
  2. ^ „Cressida cressida”. James Cook University Australia. Accesat în 7 ianuarie 2011.
  3. ^ „Butterflies in Wetlands of Kakadu National Park, Northern Australia” (PDF). Eriss notes. Accesat în 7 ianuarie 2011.
  4. ^ „Clearwing Swallowtail - Cressida cressida”. Brisbane Insects and Spiders. Accesat în 7 ianuarie 2011.

Legături externe

Wikipedia autori și editori
wikipedia RO

Cressida cressida: Brief Summary ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供

Cressida cressida este un fluture diurn de dimensiuni medii din familia Papilionidae

Wikipedia autori și editori
wikipedia RO

Cressida cressida ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Cressida cressida là một loài bướm ngày kích thước trung bình thuộc họ Bướm phượng, được tìm thấy ở Úc, Papua New Guinea và Indonesia.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Cressida, Site of Markku Savela

Tham khảo

 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Cressida cressida  src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Cressida cressida
  • Australian Plant Census (2010). Aristolochiaceae. Available online at: http://www.chah.gov.au/chah/apc/interim/Aristolochiaceae.pdf [1]. Downloaded on 6 tháng 3 năm 2010.
  • Braby, M.F. (2000) Butterflies of Australia their identification, sinh học và distribution. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.
  • Orr, A.G. (1999) The Big Greasy, Cressida cressida (Papilionidae). In Kitching, R.L., Scheermeyer, E., Jones, R.E., và Pierce, N.E. Biology of Australian Butterflies. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.

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Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Cressida cressida: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Cressida cressida là một loài bướm ngày kích thước trung bình thuộc họ Bướm phượng, được tìm thấy ở Úc, Papua New Guinea và Indonesia.

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI