Coregonus clupeoides és una espècie de peix de la família dels salmònids i de l'ordre dels salmoniformes.
Menja crustacis i insectes.[4]
Es troba a Europa: Escòcia.[5][4][6]
Coregonus clupeoides és una espècie de peix de la família dels salmònids i de l'ordre dels salmoniformes.
The powan (Coregonus clupeoides) is a kind of freshwater whitefish endemic to two lochs in Scotland, Loch Lomond and Loch Eck.[1] It has been successfully introduced in two other sites, Loch Sloy and the Carron Valley Reservoir.[2]
Powan populations are relatively healthy,[1] but may have been negatively impacted by the introduced ruffe, which eats powan eggs and fry. As a conservation action, an attempt to establish populations in four additional lochs has been undertaken.[3][4]
The taxonomic status of the British whitefish populations, including powan, is a matter of debate. Currently the Scottish powan, along with the Welsh gwyniad known from a single lake, and four similar populations in England known as schelly, are generally considered belonging to the widespread Eurasian common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus).[2][5] This accords with the close genetic similarity among these units,[6] and the absence of clear morphological differences between them.[7] The FishBase and IUCN continue to recognize the Scottish powan as a distinct species, Coregonus clupeoides.[8][1]
This fish is benthopelagic, feeding on the lakebed on insect larvae and crustaceans. In Loch Lomond, this fish exhibits a pattern of daily migration to feeding sites and of seasonal migration to breeding grounds. Before the breeding season, the mature males begin to congregate in deep water near the spawning beds; these are shallow areas of gravel and pebbles washed by waves. In late December and January they move into the shallows where they are joined by the ripe females, and spawning is completed by early February, after which the fish disperse to other parts of the loch. The eggs are eaten by brown trout (Salmo trutta), common roach (Rutilus rutilus), other powan and Phryganea larvae, and the adult powan are heavily predated by the northern pike (Esox lucius) at breeding time.[9]
The powan (Coregonus clupeoides) is a kind of freshwater whitefish endemic to two lochs in Scotland, Loch Lomond and Loch Eck. It has been successfully introduced in two other sites, Loch Sloy and the Carron Valley Reservoir.
Powan populations are relatively healthy, but may have been negatively impacted by the introduced ruffe, which eats powan eggs and fry. As a conservation action, an attempt to establish populations in four additional lochs has been undertaken.
The taxonomic status of the British whitefish populations, including powan, is a matter of debate. Currently the Scottish powan, along with the Welsh gwyniad known from a single lake, and four similar populations in England known as schelly, are generally considered belonging to the widespread Eurasian common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). This accords with the close genetic similarity among these units, and the absence of clear morphological differences between them. The FishBase and IUCN continue to recognize the Scottish powan as a distinct species, Coregonus clupeoides.
Coregonus clupeoides es una especie de pez de la familia Salmonidae en el orden de los Salmoniformes.
Come crustáceos y insectos.[2]
Se encuentra en Europa: Escocia.
Coregonus clupeoides es una especie de pez de la familia Salmonidae en el orden de los Salmoniformes.
Coregonus clupeoides Coregonus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Salmonidae familian sailkatzen da.
Coregonus clupeoides Coregonus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Salmonidae familian sailkatzen da.
Le Corégone clupéoïde (Coregonus clupeoides) est une espèce de poissons d'eau douce appartenant à la famille des Salmonidés.
Le Corégone clupéoïde (Coregonus clupeoides) est une espèce de poissons d'eau douce appartenant à la famille des Salmonidés.
Coregonus clupeoides is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de zalmen (Salmonidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1803 door Bernard Germain de Lacépède.[2] De plaatselijke naam van de vis is powan.
Deze houting kan een lengte van 38 cm bereiken en heeft een stompe snuit en 29 tot 39 kieuwboogaanhangsels.[3][4]
De soort is endemisch in twee meren in Schotland, Loch Lomond en Loch Eck en is succesvol geïntroduceerd in twee andere (Loch Sloy, Carron Reservoir) in het bekken van Loch Lomond. De vis houdt zich op in open water en paait in de wintermaanden op structuren onder water, ook in open water en niet langs de oevers.[4]
De grootste bedreiging voor deze soort is de introductie van andere Coregonus-soorten in het meer, waardoor hybridisering optreedt. Daarom staat deze soort als kwetsbaar op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesCoregonus clupeoides is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de zalmen (Salmonidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1803 door Bernard Germain de Lacépède. De plaatselijke naam van de vis is powan.
鯡形白鮭,為輻鰭魚綱鮭形目鮭科的一種,被IUCN列為次級保育類動物,僅分布於蘇格蘭的Loch Lomond,為特有種,棲息在開放性水域,屬肉食性,以昆蟲及蠕蟲等為食,體長可達38公分。