among grasses on volcanic gravels along trail in natural, non-cultivated area of the Jardin Botanico. SYN.= A. lindheimeri
on open, grassy, undulating plain in basin along & below eastern Madrean escarpment, among diverse grasses and forbs on coarse volcanic alluvium. SYN: A. lindheimeri.
on open, grassy, undulating plain in basin along & below eastern Madrean escarpment, among diverse grasses and forbs on coarse volcanic alluvium. SYN: A. lindheimeri.
in silty calcareous soils of drainage flats at west end of earthen flood control dam on Dry Creek arroyo, shaded in roadside thicket with Prosopis, Koeberlinia, Flourensia. SYN: A. lindheimeri
Staminate flowers. Plant on open, grassy, undulating plain in basin along & below eastern Madrean escarpment, among diverse grasses and forbs on coarse volcanic alluvium. SYN: A. lindheimeri.