
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Memoirs of the American Entomological Society提供
Periplaneta fuliginosa (Serville) (Plate VII, figures 20 to 24.) 1839. Kukcrlac Juliginosa Serville, Hist. Xat. Ins., Orth., p. 70. [d^, Xorth America.]
All other North American records of the present species have been incorrectly referred to P. brunnea.^'^^ The present insect is
-'^ The records of this insect's appearance at more northern localities are given and discussed in the adventive list, p. 268.
3°" Either as brunnea or Iruncata { = brunnea), frequently as "variety a," of Saussure and Zehntner. Those authors in the Biologia have evidently confused material of one of the unicolorous species of the genus under truncata, designating such material as variety a. Without examination of the material, it is impossible to determine whether or not this material represents P. Juliginosa. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Orth., i, p. 74, (1893). the only uniformly dark colored species of the genus found in North America, and it is widely distributed in the southern States from central coastal Texas eastward. It is the only species of the genus found in these regions which is not known from other portions of the world.
Close relationship is found to the Japanese P. picea Shiraki,'"'^ the tw^o species agreeing in color, size^°and even in numerous features of the genitalia. In Juliginosa the shape of the male supra-anal plate is different, the projection of its meso-ventral specialization is divided, not rectangulate, while the apical portion of the sinistral concealed genital process is shorter.
Characters of Male. — (Jacksonville, Florida.) Size large, forni stout, about intermediate between that of P. hniniiea and P. australasiae. Head much as in hrunnea but proportionately not as large, with interocular space about one and one-quarter millimeters in width. Pronotum much as in australasiae. Tegmina and wings elongate and fully developed, about as broad as in hrunnea. Dorsal surface of abdomen with median segment specialized as in brminea, but with sulcus distinctly deeper and silky hairs of mesal tuft shorter, though not as short as in australasiae. Supra-anal plate entirely chitinous, much as in australasiae, but with distal margin weaklemarginate, and mesad at the apex of this emargination project from beneath 'minute, twin, rounded projections, their surfaces composed of microscopic denticulations; these projections are seen from below to extend latero-cephalad on the ventral surface of the plate as much larger callosities, with surfaces similarly microscopically denticulate (pi. V'll, fig. 22). Cerci as in australasiae. Sinistral specialized process within anal chamber of the same general type as found in australasiae, but with apical portion much more slender, no wider than the preceding curved portion, over five times as long as broad, with apex sharply rounded. Adjacent to this, dextrad, is a small, elongate, subconical, subchitinous process, covered distad with scattered, minute, subchitinous, cylindrical projections. Above, from a convolute, chitinous plate, spring two elongate, slender, adjacent, chitinous claws, directed sinistrad at the bases, but curving evenly dorsad, then dextrad. Ventro-mesad is another corneous production, bearing dorso-sinistrad a short process, shaped like a half-section of tubing, from within the base of which [jrojects a
2°' We are able to determine this from a large series of Japanese specimens of P. picea before us.
^^ Servilie's P. pallipalpis described in 1839, from Java, is apparently a smaller insect than either fidiginosa or picea. Karny's wretchedly described P. japonica and emarginala, from Japan, appearing in a superficial key in 1908, are, as far as can be determined from such incomplete work, absolute synonyms of picea. Shiraki's description of picea was received by Karny before publication, as a footnote indicates, but no effort was made to correct the key. The probability of the above synonymy is further emphasized by the fact that, in the considerable series of Japanese roaches before us, but one dark species of Periplaneta, picea, occurs. 1 90
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA