
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Memoirs of the American Entomological Society提供
Cryptocercus punctulatus Scudder (Plate X, figures 13 to 16.) 1862. C[ryptocercus punctulatus Scudder, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vii, p. 420. [ [nearly adult] cf Draper's 'alley. 'irginia; 9 New York; 9 Pennsylvania.] We here select as type, the nearly adult male from Draper's 'allcy, 'irginia.
3^= The second species is Cryptocercus spadicus Shiraki, described from Gifu, Japan, in 1906 (Annot. Zool. Jap., vi, p. t,2, pi. ii, fig. 2). The description and figure afford no specific diagnostic characters. The measurements show the type to be either immature or a much smaller species than punctulatus.
336 This segment is given as the seventh by Scudder, who considered the median segment to be the first dorsal abdominal segment.
^'" Rarely but two spines are found in this position, while in one example before us only a single spine is found there.
This remarkable insect is distinctive among the species of North American roaches in the pecuHar pronotum, which is thickened and somewhat hooded cephalad; in the absence of tegmina and wings, and in the production of the sixth dorsal and ventral abdominal segments, which completely conceal the genitalia in both sexes.
Characters of Male. — (Sulphur Springs, North Carolina.) Head flattened; eyes not projecting, ocelli absent; face polished, with minute, scattered, microscopic punctae. Maxillary palpi very short; fifth (distal) joint slightly longer than third or fourth, with distal truncation not strongly oblique, extending only onethird the distance from apex to base of joint. Pronotum polished, with punctae as on face, roughened along borders of median depression and with numerous minute, rounded projections in depressed area before the cephalic margin. Tegmina and wings absent. Mesonotum, metanotum and dorsal surface of abdomen polished, with minute, scattered, microscopic punctae, these more numerous laterad and on fifth segment, accompanied by a few, minute, rounded projections on fifth segment.
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Memoirs of the American Entomological Society提供
Cryptocercus punctulatus Scudder
A cknowledgements
The material treated in the present study totals 5354 specimens, of which 3788 are in the Philadelphia collections.
''"The female sex is unknown of the single species found in North America, north of the Mexican boundary. The characters here given are of generic significance and are taken from females before us of Compsodes delicatulus (Saussure and Zehntner).
" A key to the females of the North American species of the Polyphaginae is given on page 217. The four species of Arenivaga, found north of the Mexican boundary, are there tabulated. Our numerous requests for the loan of other entire collections, or important historic examples, have in every instance met with full compliance. Had it not been for this willing and generous cooperation, it would have been impossible to undertake this task. We would here express our deep gratitude to Mr. James A. G. Rehn of the Academy, Mr. A. N. Caudell of the National Museum, Dr. Samuel Henshaw of the Museum of Comparative ZoologyMr. Charles Schaeffer of the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Dr. F. E. Lutz of the American Museum of Natural History, Dr. E. M. Walker of the University of Toronto, Dr. J. Chester Bradley of Cornell University, Mr. F. Sherman Jr. of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Prof. C. P. Gillette of the Colorado State Experiment Station and curators of other institutions, and to Dr. A. P. Morse, Mr. William T. Davis, Dr. Henry Fox, Mr. M. P. Somes, Prof. W. S. Blatchley and Mr. Charles S, Brimley, for the opportunity of examining material in their charge or belonging to their collections.
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA

Cryptocercus punctulatus ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Cryptocercus punctulatus, known generally as brown-hooded cockroach, is a species of cockroach in the family Cryptocercidae. Other common names include the woodroach, wingless wood roach, and eastern wood-eating cockroach. It is found in North America.

Geographical Distribution

C. punctulatus are distributed within the Eastern United States of America, concentrated within the Appalachian Mountains of Western Virginia, and Pennsylvania.[1][2][3] They share this habitat with three other closely related family species, C. darwini, C. garciai, and C. wrighti,[4] although no sympatry has been documented among the species.[3] They inhabit temperate forests within the Appalachian mountain range and Allegheny mountains in either deciduous forests or forests mixed with both deciduous and coniferous trees.[4][5] They are predominantly found in elevations greater than 400 meters above sea level. C. punctulatus can be found in western Virginia, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. They do not inhabit logs where the other species are found. Research has shown that C. punctulatus has diverged from C. darwini, C. garciai, and C. wrighti 13-38 million years ago. Because these are wingless cockroaches their distribution is limited by how far they can walk and the distance between fallen logs.[2][3] C. punctulatus has inhabited these forests for tens of millions of years. There is evidence that C. punctulatus moved up and down the mountains with relation to glacial and interglacial periods.[4]


C. punctulatus is a xylophagous cockroach that will live its entire life in moist dead logs that it consumes. They excavate extensive galleries within fallen logs with the gallery formations following the moistness of the logs.[1][2] Specific spots in the log that are more dense will have less tunnels compared to softer areas. Fungi, for example brown rot fungi, has been noted in many logs and may present a preference of C. punctulatus to choose logs with specific fungi present. They will live in either deciduous or coniferous logs.[4] C. punctulatus has been collected from all montane elevations where trees exist within the Appalachian mountains, and within 11 species of coniferous trees.[4] The ability to inhabit both deciduous and coniferous trees allows them greater variability due to climate change. They will be found in older areas of forests as they require already dead and fallen trees and cannot live in regenerating areas full of young trees. They play a vital role in forest health by decomposing dead logs allowing for nutrients to be leached back into the soil.[2]


C. punctulatus is an oviparous cockroach in the family Cryptocercidae that excavates galleries in rotten wood.[6][7] The genus Cryptocercus is closely related to termites, believed that their life habits and gut symbiosis is ancestral.[8] Both males and females are wingless, brown to black coloration, and vary in size from 23-30mm in length.[6] C. punctulatus found in its geographical range are found to be a cryptic species complex with four different karyotypes (2n=37, 2n=39, 2n=43, 2n=45), although still considered on species.[1][2] Despite the genetic differences, all karyotypes of C. punctulatus are phenotypically the same, and have the same behavior and life history.[2]

Reproduction and Parental Care

C. punctulatus are a subsocial organism, of which they provide basic bi-parental care for their eggs, larvae, and young.[1][2][4] Field evidence suggests that pairs of C. punctulatus have a single reproductive episode during which they produce a mean of 73 eggs, in up to four oothecae.[9] Forming mate pairs when they reach maturity, they will produce their first, and usually only batch of offspring one year later.[5] An extended period of brood care, which can last three years or longer, follows and includes defense of the family, gallery excavation, sanitation of the nest and, in the early stages, trophallactic feeding of the young.[9][5]

Nymphs are born without the cellulolytic protozoan symbionts they require to digest their wood diet; consequently, neonates rely on adults for nourishment. The altricial extreme of the developmental spectrum in cockroaches is currently represented by Cryptocercus punctulatus: this species hatches eyeless, with a pale, thin cuticle, is defended by parents in a nest, and is dependent on parents for symbionts and nourishment.[9]

C. punctulatus require 5–6 years to reach reproductive maturity. They may be considered "the best living model of the ancestral state of termites" and give insight into "the role of parental care in the evolution of termite eusociality."[10]

Bacteria Gut Symbiosis

C. punctulatus is thought to be the most resemblance of the common ancestor between termites and cockroaches largely due to their gut symbionts. Within the digestive system of C. punctulatus are obligate and unique flagellates, commonly Hypermastigida, that can digest the cellulose in wood that the cockroach consumes as their primary diet.[5][11] In addition to the unique flagellates, there is found bacteriocytes that are common in other cockroach species, making Cryptocercus the only cockroaches with double gut symbiosis.[12] The behaviour of proctodeal trophallaxis , the transfer of hind-gut fluids from the rectal pouch to the mouth of a receiver, allows for the vertical transmission of symbionts.[11] The acquisition of the symbionts occurs early in development stages with the adult parental care and feeding the young instars via proctodeal trophallaxis,[5] as well as the loss of symbionts during molting, the regaining of healthy symbiont abundance is acquired the same way. The trophallaxis behavior is believed to be a large part of the development of social behaviors among species, and important in the study of evolutionary history of symbiosis.


  1. ^ a b c d Nalepa, Christine A. (2002). "Distribution of karyotypes of the Cryptocercus punctulatus species complex (Dictyoptera: Cryptocercidae) in the Southern Appalachians: relations to habitat and history". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 95: 276–287.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Nalepa, Christine A. (2017). "Distribution of karyotypes of the Cryptocercus punctulatus species complex (Blattodea: Cryptocercidae) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park". Journal of Insect Science. 17: 1–11.
  3. ^ a b c Kambhampati, Srinivas (2007). "Ecological niche conservation and differentiation in the wood-feeding cockroaches, Cryptocercus, in the United States". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 90: 457–466.
  4. ^ a b c d e f Nalepa, Christine A. (2003). "Evolution in the genus Cryptocercus (Dictyoptera: Cryptocercidae): no evidence of differential adaptation to hosts or elevation". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 80: 223–233.
  5. ^ a b c d e Garrick, Ryan C. (2017). "Genetic insights into family group co-occurrence in Cryptocercus punctulatus, a sub-social woodroach from the southern Appalachian Mountains". PeerJ. 5: e3127.
  6. ^ a b "Cryptocercus punctulatus". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Archived from the original on 1 August 2016. Retrieved 24 September 2019.
  7. ^ Kambhampati, Srinivas (1996). "Evidence for sibling species in Cryptocercus punctulatus, the woodroach, from variation in mitochondrial DNA and karyotype". Heredity. 5: 485–496.
  8. ^ Gade, Gerd (1997). "Structural data on hypertrehalosaemic neuropeptides from Cryptocercus punctulatus and Therea petiveriana: how do they fit into the phylogeny of cockroaches?". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 264: 763–768.
  9. ^ a b c Nalepa, Christine A. (1997). Postovulation parental investment and parental care in cockroaches. Cambridge University Press. pp. 26–51.
  10. ^ Nalepa, Christine A. (1988). "Cost of parental care in the woodroach Cryptocercus punctulatus Scudder (Dictyoptera: Cryptocercidae)". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 23: 135–140.
  11. ^ a b Ohkuma, Moriya (2009). "Inheritance and diversification of symbiotic trichonymphid flagellates from a common ancestor of termites and the cockroach Cryptocercus". Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 276: 239–245.
  12. ^ Bigliardi, Elisa (1995). "Membrane systems in endocytobiosis III. Ultrastructural features of symbionts and vacuolar membrane in bacteriocytes of the wood-eating cockroach Cryptocercus punctulatus (Dictyoptera, Cryptocercidae)". Italian Journal of Zoology. 62: 235–238.
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Cryptocercus punctulatus: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Cryptocercus punctulatus, known generally as brown-hooded cockroach, is a species of cockroach in the family Cryptocercidae. Other common names include the woodroach, wingless wood roach, and eastern wood-eating cockroach. It is found in North America.

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