
Erythrina edulis ( Asturyasça )

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El Mompás, Chachafruto, Bucare Mompás, Sacha poroto, Frijol Mompás, Pisonay, Balsui, Balú o Cáñaro ye una de les 115 especies de lleguminoses fabácees pertenecientes al xéneru Erythrina. Alcuéntrase en Suramérica.

Vista del árbol


Ye un árbol con cañes espinoses, pubescentes, qu'algama hasta 14 m d'altor; 7 m de diámetru de xamasca y 4 dm de diámetru del tueru. Fueyes alternes pinnaes con trés folíolos, el terminal más grande que los llaterales, caduques nes cañes en floriamientu. Inflorescencies con 2 ó 3 recímanos terminales o axilares largamente pedunculaos de 30-45 cm de llargor, soportando munches flores coloráu anaranxaes. Vaines marrón escures sub-maderices de 8 a 30 cm de llargu, con constricciones pocu fondes.

Distribución y hábitat

Orixinariu de los Andes tropicales, espolleta ente los 1.200 y los 2.600 msnm y rique ente 1.500 a 2.000 mm d'agua al añu.


Les partes aérees de les especies del xéneru Erythrina pueden contener alcaloides, tales como la eritralina y la erisodina, que la so ingestión puede suponer un riesgu pa la salú.[1]


Cultívase especialmente pa l'alimentación, yá que se llogra un fríjol xigante, de 2 a 7 cm de llargu, 1,5 a 3 cm d'anchu y 3 cm de gruesu, que tien 23 per cientu de proteínes. Ye aptu pal manexu industrial na producción de farines, tostaos, dulces, encurtidos, potaxes y concentraos.[ensin referencies]

Rexistra una alta productividá, floria y fructifica ente los 3 y los 4 años y algama máxima productividá ente los 6 y 7 años, hasta 36 t de fríjol por hectárea 400 árboles per hectárea (5 m x 5 m).[ensin referencies]


Yá yera cultiváu polos pueblos orixinarios de la Abya Yala, por casu polos inques, dende enantes de la llegada de los europeos. Tamién s'atopen variedaes monteses.


Erythrina edulis describióse por Triana ex Micheli y espublizóse en Journal de Botanique (Morot) 6(8): 145. 1892. [2]


Erythrina: nome xenéricu que provién del griegu ερυθρóς (erythros) = "coloráu", en referencia a los color coloráu intensu de les flores de delles especies representatives.[3]

edulis: epítetu llatín que significa "comestible".[4]


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Erythrina edulis: Brief Summary ( Asturyasça )

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Erythrina edulis

El Mompás, Chachafruto, Bucare Mompás, Sacha poroto, Frijol Mompás, Pisonay, Balsui, Balú o Cáñaro ye una de les 115 especies de lleguminoses fabácees pertenecientes al xéneru Erythrina. Alcuéntrase en Suramérica.

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Pasul ( Keçuva dili )

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Pasul[2] icha Sach'a purutu (Sachapurutu), kichwapi Watu purutu[3] (Erythrina edulis) nisqaqa huk wayuq chaqallu sach'am. Prutinasapa rurunkunatam mikhunchik.

Pasul (Pumapunku, Ikwadur)


  1. «Pasul». Tropicos.org. Jardín Botánico de Misuri. 28 de octubre de 2010 rikusqa.
  2. Qheswa simi hamut'ana kuraq suntur: Simi Taqe Qheswa - Español - Qheswa. Qusqu, Piruw 2006. p. 388.
  3. MULTILINGUAL MULTISCRIPT PLANT NAME DATABASE, Sorting Erythrina names: Erythrina edulis Triana ex Micheli: Sacha purulu [qillqay pantasqach], Anteporoto (Peru), Huato poroto (Ecuador), Sacha poroto (Argentina).

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  • Commons nisqapi ruray Commons nisqapi suyukunata uyarinakunatapas tarinki kaymantam: Pasul.
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Pasul: Brief Summary ( Keçuva dili )

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Pasul icha Sach'a purutu (Sachapurutu), kichwapi Watu purutu (Erythrina edulis) nisqaqa huk wayuq chaqallu sach'am. Prutinasapa rurunkunatam mikhunchik.

 src= Pasul (Pumapunku, Ikwadur)
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Erythrina edulis ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Erythrina edulis (basul) is a nitrogen fixing tree that is native to the Andean region from western Venezuela to southern Bolivia. Nowadays it is known in Venezuela as "frijol mompás", in Bolivia, Peru and Northwest Argentina as "psonay", "pajuro", "sachaporoto del basul" or "poroto del sacha", in Colombia as "chachafruto", "balú", "baluy" or "sachaporoto" and in Ecuador as "guato". Although it is widely known, it is not commonly cultivated. Future research is needed, especially in agroforestry.[1] Basul is a legume and so it produces protein-rich beans covered in pods which can be used for human or animal nutrition. The leaves and branches can be used as fodder. Besides the agricultural aspects, Erythrina edulis can also be used as a fence plant.[2]


Erythrina edulis is a vigorous, fast-growing precocious legume species, and is considered one of the easiest trees to grow. As it is sensitive to the cold, it grows only in the tropics and is not suitable for temperate regions. Optimum temperatures are between 15 and 22 °C (59 and 72 °F)),[3] and it grows in a broad range of altitudes (from 900-3200 a.s.l.). In its native habitat, the average annual precipitation varies between 450 and 1,800 mm (18 and 71 in).[1] Erythrina edulis grows best in well-drained soils with a sandy or clayey texture and a pH ranging from 5.5 to 7.[3] Erythrina edulis is a totipotent plant and thus propagates easily. Hence, stems can be cut and planted into the soil and will sprout. Propagation can also be achieved by planting mature seeds and in most cases they germinate easily. Grafting is another possibility; the advantage is that seed production will start earlier. The seeds must be planted very soon after harvesting because they lose their viability 8 days after harvesting. The viability can be extended to 20 days when the seeds are covered in a thin paraffin layer.[4] Erythrina edulis produces a raceme of red flowers, which are pollinated by bees, wasps and birds.[2] The ripening of the seeds is not synchronized. The tree can live for decades and the older it gets, the more grain it will produce. A three- to four-year-old tree can produce about 30 kg (66 lb) of grain per year, while a 20-year-old tree reaches 120 to 210 kg (260 to 460 lb) of grain per year.[5] Thanks to the symbiosis with Rhizobium bacteria, Erythrina edulis can fix atmospheric nitrogen and therefore does not need any additional nitrogen fertilizer.

Agricultural importance

Erythrina edulis is a suitable crop for agroforestry. Thanks to nitrogen fixation, other crops included in an intercropping system with E. edulis benefit from higher nitrogen content in the soil, and the tree has potential to make wasteland more productive. E. edulis can produce food during scarcity, because the seeds are normally ripe when the previous year’s stocks are exhausted but when it is still too early for the new harvest. The trees can be grown in association with other cash crops as sugar cane, coffee and cacao. A basul tree can grow very high (8–14 m (26–46 ft)). As it provides shade, the tree can serve to protect sun-sensitive crops from strong radiation. This association is beneficial not only for the sun-sensitive crop but also for basul, since it is less harmed by pests when grown in association with other plants, compared to a monoculture.[5] Combinations with coffee, cacao, pepper, betel and grape have been observed.

Because of the advantages of spatial diversity and the sustainability of agroforestry systems, this form of cultivation continues to gain importance. Little is known about Erythrina edulis, even in the origin region, apart from some rural areas of Colombia.

Basul as a food source

Basul can be used as a food source for humans and animals. The tree carries pods with grains. The length of these pods varies between 15 and 65 cm (6 and 26 in), with an average around 32 cm (13 in). The green pods can be eaten, but it is more common to eat the mature grains. Every pod contains 6 grains, which are 1.4–6.4 cm (0.6–2.5 in) long and have a weight between 15–30 g (0.5–1.1 oz).[6] The fresh grains have a high water content, around 80%. Due to this water content, the grains cannot be stored very well. On dry matter basis, the grains have a protein content between 18-23%. The protein is composed like protein in most legumes, with a high lysine content and lower concentrations of sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine and cysteine) and tryptophan. The grains also contain a high amount of starch (26-40%).[5] The amino acid pattern of the seeds of Erythrina edulis forms a good complement to cereals and tubers.

To use the grains in human food, they need to be boiled or fried for at least 45 minutes. If the grains are eaten raw frequently, they can be toxic because they contain some alkaloids.[4] All the other Erythrina species contain much more alkaloids and are thus much more toxic. Some of these species resemble E. edulis;[7] the difference is clear for a trained eye, but less experienced people should be careful with harvesting and eating the beans.

The cooked beans can be used in soups, cakes, salads, tortillas etc. They can be dried after the boiling process, ground and used as flour for different purposes.[4] The grains are not yet very common. Usage is typically limited to periods when other food supplies are scarce, but the South American governments are advertising E. edulis in the Andes. For example, they distribute recipes to raise awareness of this possible food source. Also the Colombian government is trying to conserve these beans in cans with the aim to provide an opportunity to store them longer and to open the export market.[5]

The leaves, seeds, and pods can all be used as animal fodder. The leaves have a high protein content (around 24%), and are rich in potassium and poor in calcium. When the pods and grains are used as fodder for chickens, fish, pigs or rabbits, they need to be boiled first, otherwise they can be toxic because of the alkaloids. The boiling process is not necessary when the pods and grains are fed to goats and cattle.

Future improvements

The tree does not have a particular harvest time. The harvest times vary for each tree, even between trees grown in the same location. The grain is often used when other food is scarce, for instance during the rainy season. This is good for small farmers who only use the products from their own farm for feeding their family and animals, but not for breeding. One of the goals is to synchronize the harvest time of all the seeds in one cultivar. Another goal is to find a solution for the storage problem. The seeds cannot be stored due to the high water content, so finding or developing a cultivar with a lower water content in the seeds has value. Presently this problem is avoided by making flour from the seeds very soon after harvesting. Also the viability of the seeds needs to be improved. Erythrina edulis is not produced on a large scale yet, but the tree has potential for small-scale farmers because of the different uses (food, fence, fodder,…). Also, in South America, and as well in the rest of the world, very few crops are cultivated and used as both food and fodder sources. Erythrina edulis can change this and can benefit biodiversity.  


  1. ^ a b "Evaluación de impacto ambiental de un proyecto agroforestal", Caso: siembra de 150.000 árboles de Erythrina edulis, municipio Andrés Bello, estado Mérida-Venezuela
  2. ^ a b National Research Council (United States). advisory Committee on Technology Innovation;National Research Council (United States). Panel on lost crops of the Incas,(1989):"Lost crops of the Incas: little-known plants of the Andes with promise for worldwide cultivation", Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press
  3. ^ a b "Data sheet". Archived from the original on 2013-12-03. Retrieved 2013-11-28.
  4. ^ a b c Barrere, N., "A quick guide to useful nitrogen fixing trees from around the world", NFT Highlights', 1994
  5. ^ a b c d Muñoz Florez, J.E., Leterme, P., Barrera Martin, N., " Erythrina edulis, an Andean giant bean for human consumption", Grain legumes, 1998
  6. ^ "Legume trees and other fodder trees as protein sources for livestock". Fao.org. Retrieved 22 December 2021.
  7. ^ "2.6 Erythrina Species - Pantropical Multipurpose Tree Legumes". Archived from the original on 2013-06-16. Retrieved 2013-11-28.
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Erythrina edulis: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Erythrina edulis (basul) is a nitrogen fixing tree that is native to the Andean region from western Venezuela to southern Bolivia. Nowadays it is known in Venezuela as "frijol mompás", in Bolivia, Peru and Northwest Argentina as "psonay", "pajuro", "sachaporoto del basul" or "poroto del sacha", in Colombia as "chachafruto", "balú", "baluy" or "sachaporoto" and in Ecuador as "guato". Although it is widely known, it is not commonly cultivated. Future research is needed, especially in agroforestry. Basul is a legume and so it produces protein-rich beans covered in pods which can be used for human or animal nutrition. The leaves and branches can be used as fodder. Besides the agricultural aspects, Erythrina edulis can also be used as a fence plant.

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Erythrina edulis ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Erythrina edulis (nombres comunes: mompás, chachafruto, bucare mompás, sacha poroto, frijol mompás, pisonay, balsui, baluy, balú, cáñaro o pajuro[1]​) es una de las 115 especies de leguminosas fabáceas pertenecientes al género Erythrina. Se encuentra en Sudamérica, principalmente en los andes centrales, en el Perú y Ecuador .

Vista del árbol


Es un árbol con ramas espinosas, pubescentes, que alcanza hasta 14 m de altura; 7 m de diámetro de follaje y 4 dm de diámetro del tronco. Hojas alternas pinnadas con tres folíolos, el terminal más grande que los laterales, caducas en las ramas en floración. Inflorescencias con 2 o 3 racimos terminales o axilares largamente pedunculados de 30-45 cm de longitud, soportando muchas flores rojo anaranjadas. Vainas marrón oscuras sub-leñosas de 8 a 30 cm de largo, con constricciones poco profundas.

Distribución y hábitat

Originario de los Andes tropicales, prospera entre los 1.200 y los 2.600 msnm y requiere entre 1.500 a 2.000 mm de lluvia al año. En Ecuador, se encuentra especialmente en las provincias de Imbabura, Pichincha, Cañar y Azuay.[2]


Las partes aéreas de las especies del género Erythrina pueden contener alcaloides, tales como la eritralina y la erisodina, cuya ingestión puede suponer un riesgo para la salud.[3]


Se cultiva especialmente para la alimentación, ya que se obtiene un fríjol gigante, de 2 a 7 cm de largo, 1,5 a 3 cm de ancho y 3 cm de grueso, que tiene 23 por ciento de proteínas. Es apto para el manejo industrial en la producción de harinas, fritos, dulces, encurtidos, potajes y concentrados.[cita requerida]

Registra una alta productividad, florece y fructifica entre los 3 y los 4 años y alcanza máxima productividad entre los 6 y 7 años, hasta 36 t de fríjol por hectárea 400 árboles por hectárea (5 m × 5 m).[cita requerida]


Ya era cultivado por los pueblos originarios de la Abya Yala, por ejemplo por los incas, desde antes de la llegada de los europeos. También se encuentran variedades silvestres. El ejemplar más antiguo que se ha registrado se encuentra en Cuzco, Perú.[4]​ El pueblo cañari del sur de Ecuador puede ser el origen del nombre que aún se utiliza en el sur.[2]

Actualmente, dada la progresión hacia el monocultivo ganadero y la agroindustria que ha dominado las últimas décadas en Ecuador, hoy en día, su presencia es aún más escasa y su uso raro; la cultura del porotón sólo se ha mantenido gracias a la labor de los entusiastas que han trabajado para salvaguardar esta parte de la cultura culinaria local.[2]

Nombre Común

En Ecuador se conoce como porotón en el norte y cáñaro en el sur del país.


Erythrina edulis fue descrita por Triana ex Micheli y publicado en Journal de Botanique (Morot) 6(8): 145. 1892. [5]


Erythrina: nombre genérico que proviene del griego ερυθρóς (erythros) = "rojo", en referencia al color rojo intenso de las flores de algunas especies representativas.[6]

edulis: epíteto latino que significa "comestible".[7]



  1. Soriano, Delgado; Daniel, Víctor (2018). «Calidad proteica de las semillas de pajuro (Erythrina edulis triana) sometidas a cocción tradicional y extrusión». Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Consultado el 29 de agosto de 2020.
  2. a b c «Porotón or Cáñaro - Arca del Gusto». Slow Food Foundation (en inglés estadounidense). Consultado el 23 de noviembre de 2021.
  3. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2012). «Compendium of botanicals reported to contain naturally occuring substances of possible concern for human health when used in food and food supplements». EFSA Journal 10 (5): 2663. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2663.
  4. «Árboles añejos con historia y tradición en la ciudad del Cusco». RPP. Consultado el 22 de mayo de 2019.
  5. a b «Erythrina edulis». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 31 de enero de 2014.
  6. Gledhill, D. (2008). The Names of Plants (4 edición). Cambridge University Press. p. 157. ISBN 9780521866453.
  7. En Epítetos Botánicos

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Erythrina edulis: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Erythrina edulis (nombres comunes: mompás, chachafruto, bucare mompás, sacha poroto, frijol mompás, pisonay, balsui, baluy, balú, cáñaro o pajuro​) es una de las 115 especies de leguminosas fabáceas pertenecientes al género Erythrina. Se encuentra en Sudamérica, principalmente en los andes centrales, en el Perú y Ecuador .

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Erythrina edulis ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı
Erythrina edulis.JPG

Erythrina edulis est une espèce de plantes de la famille des Fabacées originaire d'Amérique du Sud.

Notes et références

  1. « IPNI Plant Name Details », sur www.ipni.org (consulté le 14 août 2017)

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wikipedia FR

Erythrina edulis: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Erythrina edulis.JPG

Erythrina edulis est une espèce de plantes de la famille des Fabacées originaire d'Amérique du Sud.

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Erythrina edulis ( Vietnamca )

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Bài viết này cần thêm chú thích nguồn gốc để kiểm chứng thông tin. Mời bạn giúp hoàn thiện bài viết này bằng cách bổ sung chú thích tới các nguồn đáng tin cậy. Các nội dung không có nguồn có thể bị nghi ngờ và xóa bỏ.

Erythrina edulis là một loài rau đậu thuộc họ Fabaceae. It is bản địa của the Andes. The tree grows up to 8m in height, and its seeds are often used in salads.

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Erythrina edulis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Erythrina edulis là một loài rau đậu thuộc họ Fabaceae. It is bản địa của the Andes. The tree grows up to 8m in height, and its seeds are often used in salads.

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