
Description ( İngilizce )

Flora of Zimbabwe tarafından sağlandı
Trees or shrubs. Stems usually 4-angled. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3, (1-)3-7-foliolate. Cymes mostly dichasial, short and dense to open and spreading, bracts often well developed. Corolla white and/or coloured, mostly shades of blue, lilac or mauve, ± zygomorphic; limb spreading ± 2-lipped. Stamens 4, didynamous. Drupes fleshy; fruiting calyx usually accrescent, plate-like or cup-shaped.
telif hakkı
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
bibliyografik atıf
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Vitex Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/genus.php?genus_id=1210
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings

Distribution ( Portekizce )

IABIN tarafından sağlandı
Chile Central
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Universidade Estadual de CAMPINAS
Pablo Gutierrez
ortak site

Viteks ( Azerice )

wikipedia AZ tarafından sağlandı

Viteks (lat. Vitex)[1] - dalamazkimilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.[2]


Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri


  1. Nurəddin Əliyev. Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri və fitoterapiya. Bakı, Elm, 1998.
  2. Elşad Qurbanov. Ali bitkilərin sistematikası, Bakı, 2009.
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Viteks: Brief Summary ( Azerice )

wikipedia AZ tarafından sağlandı

Viteks (lat. Vitex) - dalamazkimilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.

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Vitex ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı
Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

Vitex és un gènere botànic de prop de 250 espècies d'arbusts i d'arbres d'1-35 m d'altura, natiu de regions tropical, subtropical i temperades del món.

En el passat les hi incloïa en la família Verbenaceae, recentment transferits a la família Lamiaceae.

Espècies seleccionades

 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Vitex Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
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wikipedia CA

Vitex: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

Vitex és un gènere botànic de prop de 250 espècies d'arbusts i d'arbres d'1-35 m d'altura, natiu de regions tropical, subtropical i temperades del món.

En el passat les hi incloïa en la família Verbenaceae, recentment transferits a la família Lamiaceae.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Drmek ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Drmek (Vitex) je rod rostlin patřící do čeledě hluchavkovitých (Lamiaceae), kam ho moderní molekulární studie přeřadily z čeledi sporýšovité (Verbenaceae). Zahrnuje okolo 250 druhů stromů a keřů rozšířených převážně v tropech a subtropech, několik druhů roste též v temperátních oblastech Eurasie.


Plody některých tropických druhů (V. cymosa, V. triflora, V. cienkowskii, V. grandiflora) jsou jedlé peckovice, čerstvé nebo i pro přípravu nápojů. Některé druhy poskytují též ceněné dřevo, jiné jsou aromatické a používají se v medicíně nebo jako repelent proti komárům. Některé druhy tohoto rodu lze použít v ČR jako okrasné rostliny. Jsou to efektní solitéry.[1]


  1. HIEKE, Karel; PINC, Miroslav. Praktická dendrologie, díl 2.,. 1.. vyd. [s.l.]: nakladatelství SZN, 1978. 000128363.

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Drmek: Brief Summary ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Drmek (Vitex) je rod rostlin patřící do čeledě hluchavkovitých (Lamiaceae), kam ho moderní molekulární studie přeřadily z čeledi sporýšovité (Verbenaceae). Zahrnuje okolo 250 druhů stromů a keřů rozšířených převážně v tropech a subtropech, několik druhů roste též v temperátních oblastech Eurasie.

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Kyskhedstræ-slægten ( Danca )

wikipedia DA tarafından sağlandı

Kyskhedstræ-slægten (Vitex) er en slægt med ca. 250 arter af løvfældende buske og træer, der er udbredt i tropiske, subtropiske og varmt tempererede områder. Bladene er modsatte og 3-7 fingrede. Blomsterne sidder i slanke, endestillede aks. Tidligere blev slægten henregnet til familien Verbena-familien (Verbenaceae), men fylogenetiske undersøgelser viser, at den hører til i Læbeblomst-familien.


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Vitex ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Vitex ist eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Lippenblütler (Lamiaceae). Die etwa 250 Arten in tropischen, subtropischen und gemäßigt warmen Klimazonen weltweit verbreitet. Eine bekannte Art der Gattung ist der Mönchspfeffer (Vitex agnus-castus).


Illustration von Vitex pinnata
Zygomorphe Blüte von Vitex lucens

Vegetative Merkmale

Vitex-Arten wachsen als Sträucher oder Bäume mit Wuchshöhen von 1 bis 35 Metern, selten auch Kletterpflanzen. Die Rinde der Zweige ist glatt oder spärlich flaumig behaart.

Die gegenständig angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Die Blattspreiten sind meistens handförmig gefingert mit drei oder fünf (selten ein oder sieben) Fingerblättchen. Die gestielten Fingerblättchen besitzen glatte, gezähnte, gesägte oder eingeschnittene Ränder. Es sind keine Nebenblätter vorhanden.

Generative Merkmale

Die end- oder seitenständigen, zymösen, thyrsoiden oder rispigen Blütenstände besitzen meist kleine, oft früh abfallende Tragblätter.

Die zwittrigen Blüten sind zygomorph und oft relativ klein, meist mit doppelter Blütenhülle (Perianth). Die meist fünf Kelchblätter sind glocken-, trichterförmig oder röhrig verwachsen. Die meist fünf weißen, blauen, violetten oder gelblichen Kronblätter bilden eine zweilippige Krone. Die Unterlippe ist dreilappig, wobei der Mittellappen stark verlängert ist. Die Oberlippe ist zweilappig. Es sind vier Staubblätter vorhanden, sie können manchmal über die Krone ragen. Der Fruchtknoten enthält in jeder seiner zwei bis Kammern nur ein oder zwei Samenanlagen. Der dünne Griffel endet in einer zweispaltigen Narbe.

Früchte von Vitex trifolia, auch der Kelch ist gut erkennbar.

Die kleine und kugelige bis eiförmige oder verkehrt-eiförmig Steinfrüchte ist vom vergrößerten Kelch umhüllt und enthält normalerweise in seinen vier Kammern je einen harten Kern mit einem Samen. aber manchmal ist nur ein Teil davon ausbildet und man findet dafür Hohlräume. Das Endokarp ist hart und das Mesokarp ist üblicherweise fleischig. Die verkehrt-eiförmig bis länglichen Samen enthalten meist fleischige Keimblätter (Kotyledonen), aber kein Endosperm.

Systematik und Verbreitung

Der Gattungsname Vitex wurde 1753 durch Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum, 2, S. 638[1] aufgestellt. 1925 wurde als Lectotypus Vitex agnus-castus L. festgelegt.[2] Synonyme für Vitex L. sind: Macrostegia Nees, Neorapinia Moldenke, Paravitex H.R.Fletcher, Tsoongia Merr., Viticipremna H.J.Lam.[3]

Die Gattung Vitex wurde früher zur Familie der Eisenkrautgewächse (Verbenaceae) gestellt. Die Umgliederung in die Familie der Lippenblütler (Lamiaceae) ist neueren Datums; in dieser Familie steht sie in der Unterfamilie der Viticoideae.

Die Gattung Vitex ist in tropischen, subtropischen und gemäßigt warmen Klimazonen weltweit verbreitet. Auf Madagaskar kommen etwa 40 Arten vor, 38 davon nur dort.[4] In China kommen etwa 15 Arten vor.[5]


  • Shou-liang Chen, Michael G. Gilbert: Verbenaceae.: Vitex, S. 28 - textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk, In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven (Hrsg.): Flora of China, Volume 17 – Verbenaceae through Solanaceae, Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis, 1994, ISBN 0-915279-24-X. (Abschnitte Beschreibung und Systematik)
  • S. M. H. Jafri, Abdul Ghafoor: Verbenaceae Vitex bei Tropicos.org. In: Flora of Pakistan. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. (Abschnitt Beschreibung)


  1. Carl von Linné: Species Plantarum, 2, 1753, S. 638 eingescannt bei biodiversitylibrary.org.
  2. Vitex bei Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis Abgerufen am 23. März 2015.
  3. a b Vitex im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 23. Januar 2018.
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap Vitex bei Tropicos.org. In: Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k l Shou-liang Chen, Michael G. Gilbert: Verbenaceae.: Vitex, S. 28 - textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk, In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven (Hrsg.): Flora of China, Volume 17 - Verbenaceae through Solanaceae, Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis, 1994, ISBN 0-915279-24-X.
  6. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Vitex. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 6. Januar 2019.
  7. a b Suche nach „Vitex“ in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN.
  8. R. de Kok: A revision of the genus Gmelina (Lamiaceae). In: Kew Bulletin, Volume 67, 2012, S. 293–329.


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Vitex: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Vitex ist eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Lippenblütler (Lamiaceae). Die etwa 250 Arten in tropischen, subtropischen und gemäßigt warmen Klimazonen weltweit verbreitet. Eine bekannte Art der Gattung ist der Mönchspfeffer (Vitex agnus-castus).

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wikipedia DE

Mfuu ( Svahili )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Mifuu (pia mifuru au mifudu) ni miti ya jenasi Vitex katika familia) Lamiaceae. Spishi nyingine huitwa mbwanga, mgege, msasati, mtalali au mvumba.

Jenasi hiyo ina spishi takriban 250 na kati ya hizo kadhaa zinatokea Afrika ya Mashariki.

Matunda yake yalikayo huitwa mafuu na yana rangi ya nyeusi, zambarau au nyekundu.

Spishi za Afrika ya Mashariki


Viungo vya nje

Greentree.jpg Makala hii kuhusu mmea fulani bado ni mbegu.
Je, unajua kitu kuhusu Mfuu kama uainishaji wake wa kibiolojia, uenezi au matumizi yake?
Labda unaona habari katika Wikipedia ya Kiingereza au lugha nyingine zinazofaa kutafsiriwa?
Basi unaweza kuisaidia Wikipedia kwa kuihariri na kuongeza habari.
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Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri

Mfuu: Brief Summary ( Svahili )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Mifuu (pia mifuru au mifudu) ni miti ya jenasi Vitex katika familia) Lamiaceae. Spishi nyingine huitwa mbwanga, mgege, msasati, mtalali au mvumba.

Jenasi hiyo ina spishi takriban 250 na kati ya hizo kadhaa zinatokea Afrika ya Mashariki.

Matunda yake yalikayo huitwa mafuu na yana rangi ya nyeusi, zambarau au nyekundu.

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Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri

கருநொச்சி ( Tamilce )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

நொச்சியில் இரண்டு வகை உண்டு. ஒன்று வெண்ணொச்சி. மற்றொன்று கருநொச்சி (Vitex Negundo). வெண்ணொச்சி மரமாக வளரும். கருநொச்சி புதர்ச்செடி, வெண்ணொச்சி ஆற்றோரங்களில் வளரும். கருநொச்சி காடுமேடெல்லாம் வளரும். வெண்ணோச்சி மார்கள் வேலி பின்னவும், தட்டுக்கூடை பின்னவும் பயன்படும். கருநொச்சி மூலிகையாகவும், வயல்களுக்குத் தழையுரமாகவும் பயன்படுத்தப்படும். கருநொச்சியை மாடுகள் மேயும். வெண்ணொச்சியை வெள்ளாடு கூட ஓரிரு வாய்தான் கடிக்கும். கருநொச்சி இலையின் மணம் காரணமாகச் சில பூச்சிகள் இதனை நெருங்குவதில்லை. ஆதலால் தானியப் பாதுகாப்பில் கருநொச்சி இலை பயன்படுகிறது. ஓலைச் சுவடிகளைப் பூச்சிகளிடமிருந்து பாதுகாக்கவும் இதைப் பயன்படுத்தியுள்ளனர்.[1]


  1. "Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) – Nature’s Gift to Mankind". asianagrihistory.org (ஆங்கிலம்) (1, 2015). பார்த்த நாள் 2016-10-23.

மேலும் பார்க்க

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விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

கருநொச்சி: Brief Summary ( Tamilce )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

நொச்சியில் இரண்டு வகை உண்டு. ஒன்று வெண்ணொச்சி. மற்றொன்று கருநொச்சி (Vitex Negundo). வெண்ணொச்சி மரமாக வளரும். கருநொச்சி புதர்ச்செடி, வெண்ணொச்சி ஆற்றோரங்களில் வளரும். கருநொச்சி காடுமேடெல்லாம் வளரும். வெண்ணோச்சி மார்கள் வேலி பின்னவும், தட்டுக்கூடை பின்னவும் பயன்படும். கருநொச்சி மூலிகையாகவும், வயல்களுக்குத் தழையுரமாகவும் பயன்படுத்தப்படும். கருநொச்சியை மாடுகள் மேயும். வெண்ணொச்சியை வெள்ளாடு கூட ஓரிரு வாய்தான் கடிக்கும். கருநொச்சி இலையின் மணம் காரணமாகச் சில பூச்சிகள் இதனை நெருங்குவதில்லை. ஆதலால் தானியப் பாதுகாப்பில் கருநொச்சி இலை பயன்படுகிறது. ஓலைச் சுவடிகளைப் பூச்சிகளிடமிருந்து பாதுகாக்கவும் இதைப் பயன்படுத்தியுள்ளனர்.

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விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

విటెక్స్ ( Teluguca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

విటెక్స్ (లాటిన్Vitex) పుష్పించే మొక్కలలో లామియేసి కుటుంబానికి చెందిన ప్రజాతి.

కొన్ని జాతులు

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వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు

Vitex ( Bcl )

wikipedia emerging_languages tarafından sağlandı

An Vitex /ˈvtɛks/[3] iyo an genus kan mga tanum na nagbuburak sa pamilya kan Lamiaceae.[4] Ini igwa nin maabot sa 250 na espesye.[5][6]An ibang apod igdi iyo an"chaste tree" o "chastetree", na nagtutukoy man sa V. agnus-castus pero ipinapangapod man sa gabos na espesye.

An mga espesye kan Vitex tubo sa kabuuan kan tropics asin subtropics, na igwa man magkakapirang espesye sa temperate Eurasia.[2][7]

Halos 18 espesye an kaayon sa kultibasyon. Vitex agnus-castus asin Vitex negundo pinapadakula sa mga temperadong klima.[8] Igwang anum na pinapadakul sa tropics.[9] Halos gabos na espesye sa kultibasyon nagseserbeng masetas. An iba nagtatao man nin tabla. An mga sanga kaini ginagamit sa paggibo nin bakol.[7] An iba sa mga aromatic species ginagamit sa pagbulong.[9][10] or to repel mosquitos.[9]

An genus Vitex pinangaranan ni Linnaeus sa Species Plantarum kan 1753.[11] An Vitex an ngaran na ginamit ni Pliny the Elder para sa Vitex agnus-castus. Ini gikan sa Latin vieo, na ibig sabihon, maghabi o magbugkos.[12]

Vitex saro sa magkakapirang genera na inilipat hali sa Verbenaceae pasiring Lamiaceae kan 1990s bilang resulta kan mga phylogenetic na pag-adal kan mga DNA sequence.Ini an pinakadakulang genus sa subpamilya Viticoideae kan Lamiaceae.[5][13] An subpamilya pwedeng diphyletic, kaiba an Premna, Gmelina, asin Cornutia nagbubuo nin sarong clade, asin kan Vitex, Petitia, Pseudocarpidium, asin Teijsmanniodendron na nagbuo man kan iba.[14]


Vitex an genus kan mga palumpong asin mga kahoy, puon 1 hanggang 35 metro an taas. An ibang espesye igwa nin maputing itsura kan puno An mga dahon magkabaliktadan asin duwahan. Asin an prutas drupe.[15]

Ibang mga espesye

Vitex chrysocarpus fruit and autumn leaves


  1. "Genus: Vitex L.". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2004-09-10. http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/genus.pl?12733. Retrieved on 2010-12-12.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. Plantilya:OED
  4. List of Genera in Lamiaceae. At: Peter F. Stevens. 2001 onwards. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website At: Missouri Botanical Garden Website. (see External links below).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Raymond M. Harley, Sandy Atkins, Andrey L. Budantsev, Philip D. Cantino, Barry J. Conn, Renée J. Grayer, Madeline M. Harley, Rogier P.J. de Kok, Tatyana V. Krestovskaja, Ramón Morales, Alan J. Paton, and P. Olof Ryding. 2004. "Labiatae" pages 167-275. In: Klaus Kubitzki (editor) and Joachim W. Kadereit (volume editor). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants volume VII. Springer-Verlag: Berlin; Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 978-3-540-40593-1
  6. Vitex In: Index Nominum Genericorum. In: Regnum Vegetabile (see External links below).
  7. 7.0 7.1 David J. Mabberley. 2008. Mabberley's Plant-Book third edition (2008). Cambridge University Press: UK.
  8. Anthony J. Huxley, Mark Griffiths, and Margot Levy (editors). 1992. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. The Macmillan Press Limited, London; The Stockton Press, New York.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 George W. Staples and Derral R. Herbst "A Tropical Garden Flora" Bishop Museum Press: Honolulu (2005)
  10. "Elemental and Phytochemical Screening of Vitex Doniana Leaves and Stem Bark in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria". International Journal of Chemical Studies 1 (3): 165–172. 2013. http://www.chemijournal.com/vol1Issue3/sep2013/43.1.pdf.
  11. Carolus Linnaeus. 1753. Species Plantarum 2:706. Laurentii Salvii. (see External Links below).
  12. Umberto Quattrocchi. 2000. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names volume I, page 91. CRC Press: Boca Raton; New York; Washington, DC;, US. London, UK. ISBN 978-0-8493-2673-8 (set). (see External links below).
  13. Systematics of Lamiaceae Subfamily Viticoideae. At: Website of Kew Gardens. (see External links below).
  14. Gemma L.C. Bramley, Félix Forest, and Rogier P.J. de Kok. 2009. "Troublesome tropical mints: re-examining generic limits of Vitex and relations (Lamiaceae) in South East Asia". Taxon 58(2):500-510.
  15. "Vitex Linn.". Manual of the New Zealand Flora.

Mga kinuanan

  • Ray Harley, "In search of Labiatae in Eastern Brazil", Vitex: A Newsletter for Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Research, Plantilya:ISSN, Issue 1, February 2000, page 5.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Vitex: Brief Summary ( Bcl )

wikipedia emerging_languages tarafından sağlandı

An Vitex /ˈvaɪtɛks/ iyo an genus kan mga tanum na nagbuburak sa pamilya kan Lamiaceae. Ini igwa nin maabot sa 250 na espesye.An ibang apod igdi iyo an"chaste tree" o "chastetree", na nagtutukoy man sa V. agnus-castus pero ipinapangapod man sa gabos na espesye.

An mga espesye kan Vitex tubo sa kabuuan kan tropics asin subtropics, na igwa man magkakapirang espesye sa temperate Eurasia.

Halos 18 espesye an kaayon sa kultibasyon. Vitex agnus-castus asin Vitex negundo pinapadakula sa mga temperadong klima. Igwang anum na pinapadakul sa tropics. Halos gabos na espesye sa kultibasyon nagseserbeng masetas. An iba nagtatao man nin tabla. An mga sanga kaini ginagamit sa paggibo nin bakol. An iba sa mga aromatic species ginagamit sa pagbulong. or to repel mosquitos.

An genus Vitex pinangaranan ni Linnaeus sa Species Plantarum kan 1753. An Vitex an ngaran na ginamit ni Pliny the Elder para sa Vitex agnus-castus. Ini gikan sa Latin vieo, na ibig sabihon, maghabi o magbugkos.

Vitex saro sa magkakapirang genera na inilipat hali sa Verbenaceae pasiring Lamiaceae kan 1990s bilang resulta kan mga phylogenetic na pag-adal kan mga DNA sequence.Ini an pinakadakulang genus sa subpamilya Viticoideae kan Lamiaceae. An subpamilya pwedeng diphyletic, kaiba an Premna, Gmelina, asin Cornutia nagbubuo nin sarong clade, asin kan Vitex, Petitia, Pseudocarpidium, asin Teijsmanniodendron na nagbuo man kan iba.

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Vitex ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Vitex quinata

Vitex /ˈvtɛks/[3] is a genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae.[4] It has about 250 species.[5][6] Common names include chaste tree or chastetree, traditionally referring to V. agnus-castus, but often applied to other species, as well.

Species of Vitex are native throughout the tropics and subtropics, with a few species in temperate Eurasia and one in New Zealand.[2][7]

About 18 species are known in cultivation. V. agnus-castus and Vitex negundo are often grown in temperate climates.[8] About six others are frequently grown in the tropics.[9] Most of the cultivated species serve as ornamentals. Some provide valuable lumber. The flexible limbs of some species are used in basket weaving.[7] Some of the aromatic species are used medicinally[9][10] or to repel mosquitos.[9]

The genus Vitex was named by Linnaeus in Species Plantarum in 1753.[11] Vitex was the name used by Pliny the Elder for V. agnus-castus. It is derived from the Latin vieo, meaning to weave or to tie up, a reference to the use of V. agnus-castus in basketry.[12]

As a result of phylogenetic studies of DNA sequences, Vitex is one of several genera that were transferred from the Verbenaceae to the Lamiaceae in the 1990s. It is the largest genus in the subfamily Viticoideae of Lamiaceae.[5] Taxon sampling in molecular phylogenetic studies has never been sufficient to test the monophyly of the Viticoideae, but it is generally thought to be an unnatural group.[13] The subfamily is probably diphyletic, with Premna, Gmelina, and Cornutia constituting one clade, and with Vitex, Petitia, Pseudocarpidium, and Teijsmanniodendron constituting the other.[14]


Vitex is a genus of shrubs and trees, from 1.0 to 35 m tall. Some species have whitish bark that is characteristically furrowed. Leaves are opposite, usually compound. The fruit is a drupe.[15]


In 2009, a molecular phylogenetic study showed that three small genera, Paravitex, Viticipremna, and Tsoongia, are embedded in Vitex. These three genera were duly sunk into synonymy with Vitex.[14]

Pseudocarpidium, Petitia, and Teijsmanniodendron possibly are nested within Vitex. Sampling in the 2009 study was not sufficient to determine the phylogenetic position of these genera. The relationships of Teijsmanniodendron to these genera was not discussed in a revision of Teijsmanniodendron in 2009.[16]

Selected species

Vitex chrysocarpus fruit and autumn leaves


  1. ^ "Genus: Vitex L." Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2004-09-10. Retrieved 2010-12-12.
  2. ^ a b Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. ^ "Vitex". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  4. ^ List of Genera in Lamiaceae. At: Peter F. Stevens. 2001 onwards. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website At: Missouri Botanical Garden Website. (see External links below).
  5. ^ a b Raymond M. Harley, Sandy Atkins, Andrey L. Budantsev, Philip D. Cantino, Barry J. Conn, Renée J. Grayer, Madeline M. Harley, Rogier P.J. de Kok, Tatyana V. Krestovskaja, Ramón Morales, Alan J. Paton, and P. Olof Ryding. 2004. "Labiatae" pages 167-275. In: Klaus Kubitzki (editor) and Joachim W. Kadereit (volume editor). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants volume VII. Springer-Verlag: Berlin; Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 978-3-540-40593-1
  6. ^ Vitex In: Index Nominum Genericorum. In: Regnum Vegetabile (see External links below).
  7. ^ a b David J. Mabberley. 2008. Mabberley's Plant-Book third edition (2008). Cambridge University Press: UK.
  8. ^ Anthony J. Huxley, Mark Griffiths, and Margot Levy (editors). 1992. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. The Macmillan Press Limited, London; The Stockton Press, New York.
  9. ^ a b c George W. Staples and Derral R. Herbst "A Tropical Garden Flora" Bishop Museum Press: Honolulu (2005)
  10. ^ Tadzabia K, Maina HM, Maitera ON, Osunlaja AA (2013). "Elemental and Phytochemical Screening of Vitex Doniana Leaves and Stem Bark in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria" (PDF). International Journal of Chemical Studies. 1 (3): 165–172.
  11. ^ Carolus Linnaeus. 1753. Species Plantarum 2:706. Laurentii Salvii. (see External Links below).
  12. ^ Umberto Quattrocchi. 2000. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names volume I, page 91. CRC Press: Boca Raton; New York; Washington, DC;, US. London, UK. ISBN 978-0-8493-2673-8 (set). (see External links below).
  13. ^ Systematics of Lamiaceae Subfamily Viticoideae. At: Website of Kew Gardens. (see External links below).
  14. ^ a b Gemma L.C. Bramley, Félix Forest, and Rogier P.J. de Kok. 2009. "Troublesome tropical mints: re-examining generic limits of Vitex and relations (Lamiaceae) in South East Asia". Taxon 58(2):500-510.
  15. ^ "Vitex Linn.". Manual of the New Zealand Flora.
  16. ^ Rogier P.J. de Kok, Go Rusea, and Abdul Latiff. 2009. "The Genus Teijsmanniodendron Koord. (Lamiaceae)". Kew Bulletin 64(4):587-625.
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Vitex: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı
Vitex quinata

Vitex /ˈvaɪtɛks/ is a genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae. It has about 250 species. Common names include chaste tree or chastetree, traditionally referring to V. agnus-castus, but often applied to other species, as well.

Species of Vitex are native throughout the tropics and subtropics, with a few species in temperate Eurasia and one in New Zealand.

About 18 species are known in cultivation. V. agnus-castus and Vitex negundo are often grown in temperate climates. About six others are frequently grown in the tropics. Most of the cultivated species serve as ornamentals. Some provide valuable lumber. The flexible limbs of some species are used in basket weaving. Some of the aromatic species are used medicinally or to repel mosquitos.

The genus Vitex was named by Linnaeus in Species Plantarum in 1753. Vitex was the name used by Pliny the Elder for V. agnus-castus. It is derived from the Latin vieo, meaning to weave or to tie up, a reference to the use of V. agnus-castus in basketry.

As a result of phylogenetic studies of DNA sequences, Vitex is one of several genera that were transferred from the Verbenaceae to the Lamiaceae in the 1990s. It is the largest genus in the subfamily Viticoideae of Lamiaceae. Taxon sampling in molecular phylogenetic studies has never been sufficient to test the monophyly of the Viticoideae, but it is generally thought to be an unnatural group. The subfamily is probably diphyletic, with Premna, Gmelina, and Cornutia constituting one clade, and with Vitex, Petitia, Pseudocarpidium, and Teijsmanniodendron constituting the other.

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Vitex ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Vitex es un género de cerca de 250 especies de arbustos y de árboles de la familia Lamiaceae. Miden de 1-35 m de altura; nativo de regiones tropical, subtropical y templadas del mundo.

En el pasado se las incluía en la familia Verbenaceae, recientemente transferidas a la familia Lamiaceae (Labiadas).

Especies más proficuas



  1. a b c Malaret, Augusto (1970). Lexicón de Fauna y Flora. Madrid: Comisión Permanente de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española. pp. vii + 569.
  2. a b Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  3. Sinónimos en Kew

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wikipedia ES

Vitex: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Vitex es un género de cerca de 250 especies de arbustos y de árboles de la familia Lamiaceae. Miden de 1-35 m de altura; nativo de regiones tropical, subtropical y templadas del mundo.

En el pasado se las incluía en la familia Verbenaceae, recientemente transferidas a la familia Lamiaceae (Labiadas).

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wikipedia ES

Siveydenpuut ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Siveydenpuut (Vitex) on kasvisuku, joka kuuluu huulikukkaiskasvien (Lamiaceae) heimoon. Siihen sisältyy muun muassa lääke- ja huonekasvina kasvatettu siveydenpuu (Vitex agnus-castus).[1]



  1. a b Räty, Ella (toim.): Viljelykasvien nimistö. Helsinki: Puutarhaliiton julkaisuja nro 363, 2012. ISBN 978-951-8942-92-7.
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Siveydenpuut: Brief Summary ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Siveydenpuut (Vitex) on kasvisuku, joka kuuluu huulikukkaiskasvien (Lamiaceae) heimoon. Siihen sisältyy muun muassa lääke- ja huonekasvina kasvatettu siveydenpuu (Vitex agnus-castus).

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wikipedia FI

Vitex ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Vitex est un genre de plantes à fleurs. Il fait partie de la famille des Lamiacées selon la classification phylogénétique, ou des Verbénacées selon la classification classique. Ce genre contient plus de 200 espèces différentes.

Liste d'espèces

Selon ITIS (27 août 2013)[1] :

Pour une liste complète : voir l'encadré déroulant, plus bas sur cette page.

Liste complète des espèces selon Kew Garden World Checklist

Selon World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) (27 août 2013)[2] :

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Vitex: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Vitex est un genre de plantes à fleurs. Il fait partie de la famille des Lamiacées selon la classification phylogénétique, ou des Verbénacées selon la classification classique. Ce genre contient plus de 200 espèces différentes.

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wikipedia FR

Konopljika ( Hırvatça )

wikipedia hr Croatian tarafından sağlandı

Konopljika (lat. Vitex), rod listopadnog i vazdazelenog grmlja i drveća iz porodica usnača. Pripada mu 220 vrsta[1] raširenih po suptropskim i tropskim predjelima, ali i po klimatski umjerenoj Euroaziji. U Hrvatskoj je poznata vrsta V. agnus-castus, gdje je poznata kao otočka konopljika, monaška konopljika ili divlji papar, a poznata je po tome što regulira neredovnu menstruaciju i stabilizira nivo prolaktina.


  1. Vitex acuminata R.Br.
  2. Vitex acunae Borhidi & O.Muñiz
  3. Vitex agelaeifolia Mildbr. ex Piep.
  4. Vitex agnus-castus L.
  5. Vitex ajugiflora Dop
  6. Vitex altissima L.f.
  7. Vitex amaniensis W.Piep.
  8. Vitex angolensis Gürke
  9. Vitex aurea Moldenke
  10. Vitex axillariflora (Merr.) Bramley
  11. Vitex befotakensis Moldenke
  12. Vitex benuensis Engl. ex W.Piep.
  13. Vitex beraviensis Vatke
  14. Vitex betsiliensis Humbert
  15. Vitex bogalensis Wernham in A.B.Rendle & al.
  16. Vitex bojeri Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  17. Vitex bracteata Scott Elliot
  18. Vitex brevilabiata Ducke
  19. Vitex brevipetiolata Moldenke
  20. Vitex buchananii Baker ex Gürke in H.G.A.Engler
  21. Vitex burmensis Moldenke
  22. Vitex caespitosa Exell
  23. Vitex calothyrsa Sandwith
  24. Vitex canescens Kurz
  25. Vitex capitata Vahl
  26. Vitex carbunculorum W.W.Sm. & Ramaswami
  27. Vitex cauliflora Moldenke
  28. Vitex cestroides Baker
  29. Vitex chrysleriana Moldenke
  30. Vitex chrysocarpa Planch. in W.J.Hooker
  31. Vitex chrysomallum Steud.
  32. Vitex ciliata Pierre ex Pellegr.
  33. Vitex clementis Britton & P.Wilson
  34. Vitex cochinchinensis Dop
  35. Vitex cofassus Reinw. ex Blume
  36. Vitex collina (Montrouz.) Beauvis.
  37. Vitex columbiensis Pittier
  38. Vitex compressa Turcz.
  39. Vitex congolensis De Wild. & T.Durand
  40. Vitex cooperi Standl.
  41. Vitex coursii Moldenke
  42. Vitex cuspidata Hiern
  43. Vitex cymosa Bertero ex Spreng.
  44. Vitex degeneriana Moldenke
  45. Vitex dinklagei Gürke
  46. Vitex discoideoglandulosa De Wild.
  47. Vitex divaricata Sw.
  48. Vitex diversifolia Kurz ex C.B.Clarke in J.D.Hooker
  49. Vitex djumaensis De Wild.
  50. Vitex doniana Sweet
  51. Vitex duckei Huber
  52. Vitex duclouxii Dop
  53. Vitex eberhardtii Dop
  54. Vitex elakelakensis Moldenke
  55. Vitex excelsa Moldenke
  56. Vitex farafanganensis Moldenke
  57. Vitex ferruginea Schumach. & Thonn. in C.F.Schumacher
  58. Vitex fischeri Gürke
  59. Vitex flava Ridl.
  60. Vitex flavens Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt
  61. Vitex floridula Duchass. & Walp. in W.G.Walpers
  62. Vitex froesii Moldenke
  63. Vitex gabunensis Gürke
  64. Vitex gamosepala Griff.
  65. Vitex gardneriana Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  66. Vitex gaumeri Greenm.
  67. Vitex gigantea Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt
  68. Vitex glabrata R.Br.
  69. Vitex golungensis Baker in D.Oliver & auct. suc. (eds.)
  70. Vitex grandidiana W.Piep.
  71. Vitex grandifolia Gürke
  72. Vitex guanahacabibensis Borhidi
  73. Vitex guianensis Moldenke
  74. Vitex harveyana H.Pearson in W.H.Harvey & auct. suc. (eds.)
  75. Vitex hemsleyi Briq.
  76. Vitex heptaphylla A.Juss.
  77. Vitex hirsutissima Baker
  78. Vitex hispidissima (Seem.) Callm. & Phillipson
  79. Vitex holoadenon Dop
  80. Vitex holocalyx Baker in D.Oliver & auct. suc. (eds.)
  81. Vitex humbertii Moldenke
  82. Vitex hypoleuca Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  83. Vitex ibarensis Baker
  84. Vitex impressinervia Mildbr. ex Piep.
  85. Vitex integrifolia Urb.
  86. Vitex iraquensis Moldenke
  87. Vitex keniensis Turrill
  88. Vitex klugii Moldenke
  89. Vitex krukovii Moldenke
  90. Vitex kwangsiensis C.Pei
  91. Vitex lanigera Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  92. Vitex lastellei Moldenke
  93. Vitex leandrii Moldenke
  94. Vitex lehmbachii Gürke
  95. Vitex leucoxylon L.f.
  96. Vitex lignum-vitae A.Cunn. ex Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  97. Vitex limonifolia Wall. ex C.B.Clarke in J.D.Hooker
  98. Vitex lindenii Hook.f.
  99. Vitex lobata Moldenke
  100. Vitex lokundjensis W.Piep.
  101. Vitex longipetiolata Gürke
  102. Vitex longisepala King & Gamble
  103. Vitex lowryi Callm.
  104. Vitex lucens Kirk
  105. Vitex lutea Exell
  106. Vitex macrofoliola Moldenke
  107. Vitex madagascariensis Moldenke
  108. Vitex madiensis Oliv.
  109. Vitex maranhana Moldenke
  110. Vitex marquesii W.Piep.
  111. Vitex martii Moldenke
  112. Vitex masoalensis G.E.Schatz
  113. Vitex masoniana Pittier
  114. Vitex medusicalyx H.J.Lam
  115. Vitex megapotamica (Spreng.) Moldenke
  116. Vitex melicopea F.Muell.
  117. Vitex menabeensis Capuron
  118. Vitex micrantha Gürke
  119. Vitex microphylla Moldenke
  120. Vitex millsii M.R.Hend.
  121. Vitex milnei W.Piep.
  122. Vitex mollis Kunth
  123. Vitex mombassae Vatke
  124. Vitex mooiensis H.Pearson in W.H.Harvey & auct. suc. (eds.)
  125. Vitex morogoroensis Walsingham & S.Atkins
  126. Vitex mossambicensis Gürke in H.G.A.Engler
  127. Vitex negundo L.
  128. Vitex nlonakensis Engl. ex G.Piep.
  129. Vitex novae-pommeraniae Warb.
  130. Vitex obovata E.Mey.
  131. Vitex orinocensis Kunth
  132. Vitex oscitans Moldenke
  133. Vitex oxycuspis Baker in D.Oliver & auct. suc. (eds.)
  134. Vitex pachyclada Baker
  135. Vitex panshiniana Moldenke
  136. Vitex parviflora A.Juss.
  137. Vitex patula E.A.Bruce
  138. Vitex payos (Lour.) Merr.
  139. Vitex peduncularis Wall. ex Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  140. Vitex perrieri Danguy
  141. Vitex pervillei Baker
  142. Vitex petersiana Klotzsch in W.C.H.Peters
  143. Vitex phaeotricha Mildbr. ex Piep.
  144. Vitex phillyreifolia Baker
  145. Vitex pierreana Dop
  146. Vitex pierrei Craib
  147. Vitex pinnata L.
  148. Vitex polygama Cham.
  149. Vitex pooara Corbishley
  150. Vitex praetervisa Borhidi
  151. Vitex pseudocuspidata Mildbr. ex Piep.
  152. Vitex pseudolea Rusby
  153. Vitex pulchra Moldenke
  154. Vitex pyramidata B.L.Rob.
  155. Vitex queenslandica (Munir) Bramley
  156. Vitex quinata (Lour.) F.N.Williams
  157. Vitex regnelliana Moldenke
  158. Vitex rehmannii Gürke
  159. Vitex resinifera Moldenke
  160. Vitex rivularis Gürke
  161. Vitex rubra Moldenke
  162. Vitex rubroaurantiaca De Wild.
  163. Vitex rufescens A.Juss.
  164. Vitex sampsonii Hance
  165. Vitex scabra Wall. ex Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  166. Vitex scandens Moldenke
  167. Vitex schaueriana Moldenke
  168. Vitex schliebenii Moldenke
  169. Vitex schomburgkiana Schauer
  170. Vitex schunkei Moldenke
  171. Vitex seineri Gürke ex Piep.
  172. Vitex sellowiana Cham.
  173. Vitex siamica F.N.Williams
  174. Vitex snethlagiana Huber ex Moldenke
  175. Vitex sprucei Briq.
  176. Vitex stahelii Moldenke
  177. Vitex stellata Moldenke
  178. Vitex strickeri Vatke & Hildebr.
  179. Vitex stylosa Dop
  180. Vitex teloravina Baker
  181. Vitex thailandica Bramley
  182. Vitex thomasii De Wild.
  183. Vitex thorelii Dop
  184. Vitex thyrsiflora Baker
  185. Vitex tomentosa (Munir) Bramley
  186. Vitex tomentulosa Moldenke
  187. Vitex trichantha Baker
  188. Vitex triflora Vahl
  189. Vitex trifolia L.
  190. Vitex tripinnata (Lour.) Merr.
  191. Vitex tristis Scott Elliot
  192. Vitex turczaninowii Merr.
  193. Vitex ugogoensis Verdc.
  194. Vitex umbrosa Sw.
  195. Vitex uniflora Baker
  196. Vitex urceolata C.B.Clarke in J.D.Hooker
  197. Vitex vansteenisii Moldenke
  198. Vitex vauthieri DC. ex Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
  199. Vitex velutinifolia Munir
  200. Vitex vestita Wall. ex Walp.
  201. Vitex vitilevuensis (Munir) Bramley
  202. Vitex vondrozensis Moldenke
  203. Vitex waterlotii Danguy
  204. Vitex wimberleyi Kurz
  205. Vitex yaundensis Gürke
  206. Vitex yunnanensis W.W.Sm.
  207. Vitex zanzibarensis Vatke
  208. Vitex zenkeri Gürke
  209. Vitex zeyheri Sond. ex Schauer in A.P.de Candolle
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Konopljika: Brief Summary ( Hırvatça )

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Konopljika (lat. Vitex), rod listopadnog i vazdazelenog grmlja i drveća iz porodica usnača. Pripada mu 220 vrsta raširenih po suptropskim i tropskim predjelima, ali i po klimatski umjerenoj Euroaziji. U Hrvatskoj je poznata vrsta V. agnus-castus, gdje je poznata kao otočka konopljika, monaška konopljika ili divlji papar, a poznata je po tome što regulira neredovnu menstruaciju i stabilizira nivo prolaktina.

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Vitex ( Latince )

wikipedia LA tarafından sağlandı

Vitex est genus circa 250 specierum fruticum et arborum, 1 ad 35 m altum, in regionibus tropicis, subtropicis, et temperatis calidis endemicum. Olim in familia Verbenacearum positum, genus recentius in familiam Lamiacearum translatum est.[1][2][3]

Species selectae


  1. List of Genera in LAMIACEAE = Angiosperm Phylogeny Website.
  2. Ray Harley. 2000. [http://www.kew.org/data/vitex/jan00.pdf "In Search of Labiatae in Eastern Brazil." Vitex: A Newsletter for Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Research 1:5. ISSN 1470-0123.
  3. Systematics of Lamiaceae Subfamily Viticoideae.
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wikipedia LA

Vitex: Brief Summary ( Latince )

wikipedia LA tarafından sağlandı

Vitex est genus circa 250 specierum fruticum et arborum, 1 ad 35 m altum, in regionibus tropicis, subtropicis, et temperatis calidis endemicum. Olim in familia Verbenacearum positum, genus recentius in familiam Lamiacearum translatum est.

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wikipedia LA

Vitex ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı
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wikipedia NL

Vitex: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

Vitex is een geslacht uit de lipbloemenfamilie (Lamiaceae). Het geslacht telt ongeveer tweehonderdvijftig soorten die voorkomen in (sub)tropische regionen. Enkele soorten komen voor in gematigd Eurazië.

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wikipedia NL

Vitex ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Vitex ( /ˈvtɛks/)[1]é um género botânico pertencente à família Lamiaceae,[2] encontrado nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais de todo o mundo, com cerca de 250 espécies.[3][4]


Classificação do gênero


  1. "Vitex". Oxford English Dictionary (3.ª ed.). Oxford University Press. Setembro de 2005.
  2. Lista de gêneros em Lamiaceae. At: Peter F. Stevens. 2001 onwards. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website Em: Missouri Botanical Garden Website.
  3. Raymond M. Harley, Sandy Atkins, Andrey L. Budantsev, Philip D. Cantino, Barry J. Conn, Renée J. Grayer, Madeline M. Harley, Rogier P.J. de Kok, Tatyana V. Krestovskaja, Ramón Morales, Alan J. Paton, e P. Olof Ryding. 2004. "Labiatae" páginas 167-275. Em: Klaus Kubitzki (editor) and Joachim W. Kadereit (volume editor). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants volume VII. Springer-Verlag: Berlin; Heidelberg, Alemanha. ISBN 978-3-540-40593-1
  4. Vitex em: Index Nominum Genericorum. Em: Regnum Vegetabile.

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wikipedia PT

Vitex: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Vitex ( /ˈvtɛks/)é um género botânico pertencente à família Lamiaceae, encontrado nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais de todo o mundo, com cerca de 250 espécies.

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Vitex ( Romence; Moldovaca )

wikipedia RO tarafından sağlandı
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Vitex: Brief Summary ( Romence; Moldovaca )

wikipedia RO tarafından sağlandı

Vitex este un gen de plante din familia Verbenaceae.

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wikipedia RO

Chi Bình linh ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Chi Bình linh (danh pháp khoa học: Vitex)[2] là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa môi (Lamiaceae).[3][4] Chi này có khoảng 250 loài.[5] Loài đặc trưng của chi này là Vitex agnus-castus.[6] Các loài trong chi Vitex sống ở khắp các vùng nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới, một vài loài sống ở vùng ôn đới Á-Âu.[7]


Một vài loài trong chi Vitex:

Trước đây được xếp vào chi này

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “Genus: Vitex L.”. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Ngày 10 tháng 9 năm 2004. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 12 năm 2010.
  2. ^ “Mô tả về sinh cảnh tự nhiên”. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  3. ^ The Plant List (2010). Vitex. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 9 năm 2013.
  4. ^ List of Genera in Lamiaceae. At: Peter F. Stevens. 2001 onwards. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website At: Missouri Botanical Garden Website. (see External links below).
  5. ^ Raymond M. Harley, Sandy Atkins, Andrey L. Budantsev, Philip D. Cantino, Barry J. Conn, Renée J. Grayer, Madeline M. Harley, Rogier P.J. de Kok, Tatyana V. Krestovskaja, Ramón Morales, Alan J. Paton, and P. Olof Ryding. 2004. "Labiatae" pages 167-275. In: Klaus Kubitzki (editor) and Joachim W. Kadereit (volume editor). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants volume VII. Springer-Verlag: Berlin; Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 978-3-540-40593-1
  6. ^ Vitex In: Index Nominum Genericorum. In: Regnum Vegetabile (see External links below).
  7. ^ David J. Mabberley. 2008. Mabberley's Plant-Book third edition (2008). Cambridge University Press: UK.

Liên kết ngoài

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết về phân họ hoa môi Viticoideae này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Chi Bình linh: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Chi Bình linh (danh pháp khoa học: Vitex) là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa môi (Lamiaceae). Chi này có khoảng 250 loài. Loài đặc trưng của chi này là Vitex agnus-castus. Các loài trong chi Vitex sống ở khắp các vùng nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới, một vài loài sống ở vùng ôn đới Á-Âu.

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Витекс ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Asteranae
Семейство: Яснотковые
Род: Витекс
Международное научное название

Vitex L.

Виды Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 32220NCBI 54476EOL 38870GRIN g:12733IPNI ???

Ви́текс, или прутня́к (лат. Vítex) — род листопадных или вечнозелёных деревьев и кустарников семейства Яснотковые (ранее относили к семейству Вербеновые)[2][3][4].

Ботаническое описание

Листопадные или вечнозелёные деревья и кустарники высотой до 10 м.

Листья супротивные, пальчатые (с тремя—семью листочками), серовато-зелёные, слегка опушённые, длинночерешковые.

Цветки мелкие, белые, желтоватые, красные или различных оттенков синего; собраны в крупные, плотные гроздевидные или метельчатые соцветия.

Распространение и экология

Родиной растения является Средиземноморье. Главным образом произрастает в умеренном, субтропическом и тропическом климате.


Основная статья: Виды рода Витекс

По информации базы данных The Plant List, род включает 223 вида[5]. Некоторые из них:

Значение и применение

Некоторые виды витекса разводят как декоративные, многие дают ценную древесину.

Имеются указания на антималярийные свойства некоторых видов: витекса обыкновенного, Vitex negundo и Vitex peduncularis[6].

Плоды и трава прутняка обыкновенного включены в Европейскую фармакопею, БТФ и фармакопеи ряда европейских стран. Помимо этого, в западноевропейской и азиатской медицинах плоды используются при недостаточной лактации, нарушениях менструального цикла, а также как мочегонное и раздражающее средство. Плоды прутняка китайского содержат эфирное масло (цинеол, пинен), флавоноиды, иридоидные гликозиды. Его листья и корни используются в жаропонижающих, противовоспалительных, отхаркивающих, мочегонных, а также антигельминтных целях[7].


Foliage of Vitex agnus-castus in Texas.jpg
Vitex agnus-castus flowers.jpg
Vitex lucens (Puriri) flower.JPG
Starr 031108-0248 Vitex trifolia.jpg
Слева направо: Листья и соцветие Витекса священного. Цветок Vitex lucens. Плоды Витекса трехлисточкового.


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. List of Genera in LAMIACEAE (неопр.). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Проверено 27 февраля 2008. Архивировано 26 февраля 2012 года.
  3. Ray Harley, «In search of Labiatae in Eastern Brazil», Vitex: A Newsletter for Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Research, ISSN 1470-0123, Issue 1, February 2000, page 5.
  4. Systematics of Lamiaceae Subfamily Viticoideae (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка). Проверено 27 февраля 2008. Архивировано 7 сентября 2008 года.
  5. Vitex (англ.). The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Проверено 8 августа 2016.
  6. Энциклопедический словарь лекарственных, эфирномасличных и ядовитых растений / Сост. Г. С. Оголевец. — М.: Сельхозгиз, 1951. — С. 5. — 584 с.
  7. Большой энциклопедический словарь лекарственных растений, 2015, с. 444

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Витекс: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Ви́текс, или прутня́к (лат. Vítex) — род листопадных или вечнозелёных деревьев и кустарников семейства Яснотковые (ранее относили к семейству Вербеновые).

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牡荆属 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
模式種 穗花牡荆 Vitex agnus-castus



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牡荆属: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı


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ハマゴウ属 ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
ハマゴウ属 Vitex trifolia subsp. litoralis 7.jpg 分類 : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 eudicots : シソ目 Lamiales : シソ科 Lamiaceae : ハマゴウ属 Vitex 学名 Vitex L.  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ハマゴウ属に関連するカテゴリがあります。










  1. ^ Wikipedia英語版、フランス語版、スペイン語版など。


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ハマゴウ属: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

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