Comprehensive Description
fornecido por North American Flora
Trematodon longicollis Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2 : 289. 1803
Trichodon JiexifoUus Ren. & Card. Rev. Bryol. 15: 70. 1888.
Plants light-yellow, gregarious, very variable in size, 2-5 cm. high ; stems simple or branched at base, the sterile branches 10-15 mm. high; fruiting plants shorter, seldom more than 5 mm.: leaves secund or circinnate when dry, 1-3 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate, aAiminate or subulate, the basal lamina clasping, the awn spreading or recurved; margins recurved, serrulate; costa not filling the channelled awn, ending below the toothed apex; lower cells oblong, clear, the upper ones quadrate, irregular; perichaetial leaves 4-5 mm. long, with a longer, sheathing, paler base. Autoicous or pseudodioicous: antheridia terminal on a basal branch: seta variable in length, 1-3 cm.: calyptra cucullate, 2-2.5 mm. long: capsule 4-5 mm. long, variable in size and length of the neck; urn 1-2 mm. long; neck 2-4 mm. long, arcuate, with a goiter, stomatose and tapering to the seta; lid rostrate, 1 mm. or more long, its rim serrate; annulus compound, with an orange-colored base, falling in fragments with the lid; capsulewalls striped with brown, with irregular thick-walled cells; mouth bordered by small rounded cells; peristome with an exserted basal membrane of 3-4 rows of thickened cells; teeth irregularly perforate and striate below, paler and papillose above; spores rough, warty, 21-24/1 in diameter, maturing from April to July.
Type locality: In sandy places. Carolina.
Distribution: Massachusetts to Florida and Louisiana; Mexico; Cuba; also near Pozzuoli, Naples, growing near the Fumaroli, at Solfatara, Italy.
- citação bibliográfica
- Albert LeRoy Andrews, Elizabeth Gertrude Britton, Julia Titus Emerson. 1961. SPHAGNALES-BRYALES; SPHAGNACEAE; ANDREAEACEAE, ARCHIDIACEAE, BRUCHIACEAE, DITRICHACEAE, BRYOXIPHIACEAE, SELIGERIACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY