Imagem de Pholiota alnicola (Fr.) Singer 1951
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Pholiota alnicola (Fr.) Singer 1951

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Gymnopilus alnicola (Fries) Murrill
Agaricus alnicola Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 250. 1821. Flammula alnicola Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 233. 1872.
Flammula sulphurea Peck, Bull, N. Y. State Mus. 157: 26. 1912. Not F. sulphurea Massee, 1902.
Pileus fleshy, subconic or convex, becoming broadly convex, cespitose or densely gregarious, 3-6 cm. broad; surface glabrous, viscid, hygrophanous, yellow, at length becoming rust-colored, sometimes with whitish, silky, fibrillose scales on the margin ; context white when dry, the taste bitter, disagreeable; lamellae thin, broad, crowded, arcuate, adnate, crenulate on the edges, pallid, becoming dark-ferruginous; spores ellipsoid, dark-ferruginous, 8-11 X 5-6 n; stipe equal, curved or flexuous, radicate, fibrillose or squamulose below, stuffed or hollow, pale-yellow and naked at the apex, ferruginous toward the base, 3-8 cm. long, 4-10 mm. thick; veil manifest, fibrillose or arachnoid.
Type locality: Europe.
Habitat: At the base of birch, maple, apple, and other frondose trees.
Distribution: New England and New York; also in Europe.
citação bibliográfica
William Alphonso Murrill. 1917. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 10(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora