[syn. Lavatera assurgentiflora]California Tree mallow, Island mallowMalvaceaeEndemic to the Channel Islands, off California coast; naturalized on California mainland. IUCN listed as VulnerableSan Francisco, California
[syn. Lavatera assurgentiflora]California Tree mallow, Island mallowMalvaceaeEndemic to the Channel Islands, off California coast; naturalized on California mainland. IUCN listed as VulnerableSan Francisco, California
Orinda, California, United States
In open country, San Clemente Island, California. April 2011, Image I11-4317.
Orinda, California, United States
Malva assurgentifloraisland mallow. included in the CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants under its synonym Lavatera assurgentiflora on list [1B.1] (rare, threatened, or endangered in CA and elsewhere). Nearly gone from its native habitat on the Channel Islands, the victim of grazing by feral goats. All mainland California populations are introduced. A desired ornamental and windbreak it has often escaped from cultivation. M. assurgentiflora is regarded as weedy in several other areas of the globe where it has escaped from cultivation. Photographed at University of California Botanical Garden in Berkeley, CA.