
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Liptena similis Kirby
Pseuderesia similis Kirby, 1890: 264; Grose-Smith and Kirby, 1891 [1887-1902] (XIV): 58, figs. 3, 4. Liptena similis: Stempffer and Bennett, 1956: 506.
The male genitalia of this species are identical with those of intermedia Grunberg. This is surprising in view of the ready distinction of these species on pattern traits and the good genital characters separating intermedia from other closely related species.
Liberia: Kpain, I-1V (Stempffer and Bennett, 1956). The species ranges from Sierra Leone and Guinea to Cameroon and Congo.
I'ig. 184, Liptena catalina Smith & Kirby, Yendamalahoun, Liberia, male eenitalia (slide C-910).
citação bibliográfica
Fox, R.M., Lindsey, A.W., Clench, H.K., Miller, L.D. 1965. The Butterflies of Liberia. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 19. Philadelphia, USA