The Clarence galaxias (Galaxias johnstoni) is a species of fish in the family Galaxiidae endemic to Tasmania.
The Clarence galaxias is scaleless and has a dark brown back with brown bars and bands extending down its sides, while the belly is a lighter yellow-cream color. Adults reach a body length of 12.5–14 cm and a maximum weight of 20 g.[2][3]
The Clarence galaxias is a freshwater species and inhabits lakes as well as swamps and streams connected to lakes.[3] It is endemic to Tasmania's Derwent River catchment, including the Clarence Lagoon. Only seven breeding populations are currently known.[2]
While locally common, the species has been classified as endangered by the IUCN.[1] It is under pressure from predation and competition from introduced brown trout and rainbow trout.[2]
The Clarence galaxias (Galaxias johnstoni) is a species of fish in the family Galaxiidae endemic to Tasmania.