The telson has a double row of 6-10 spines along the dorsal surface. This is an oblique view of the telson from the right side, with the right uropods missing. The left uropods, which are slightly shorter than the telson, are visible behind the telson.
This gravid female was collected at 375 m depth in the Okhotsk sea, near the southwestern shore of Kamchatka on April 12, 2008. Photo by Andrey Gontchar of VNIRO
Pandalus goniurus, nearly 8 cm long from telson tip to rostrum tip. Captured by otter trawl at 75 m depth, San Juan Channel. Note the bend in the abdomen, which is more prominent than in most Pandalid shrimp. (Photo by: Dave Cowles,m July 2008 )