Sterna is a genus o terns in the bird faimily Sternidae. It uised tae encompass maist "white" terns indiscriminately, but mtDNA sequence comparisons hae recently determined that this arrangement is paraphyletic (Bridge et al., 2005). It is nou restrictit tae the typical lairge white terns occurrin near-globally in coastal regions.
Sterna is a genus o terns in the bird faimily Sternidae. It uised tae encompass maist "white" terns indiscriminately, but mtDNA sequence comparisons hae recently determined that this arrangement is paraphyletic (Bridge et al., 2005). It is nou restrictit tae the typical lairge white terns occurrin near-globally in coastal regions.
Тыыраахылар уустара (лат. Sterna, нууч. Род Крачки) — хоптотуҥулар кэргэннэригэр киирэр уус. Саха сиригэр 2 көрүҥ үөскүүр: тыыраахы, токок тыыраахы[1].