Toft Skov, Lille Vildmose, Jylland, Danmark
Piso Preveli Monastry, Crete, Greece
Den geografiske have, Kolding, Danmark
Ertholmene, Christiansø, Danmark
Hem ved Mariager, Jylland, Danmark
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Have Randers
Katbjerg Odde, Jylland, Danmark
Visby botaniske have, Gotland, Sverige
Botanisk Have Århus
Sverige, Fårö, Holmuddens Fyr
Valdres Flya, Oppland, Norge
Botanisk Have Århus
Århus Botaniske Have
Den Jyske Skovhave, Rold Skov
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Ulmus glabraUlmus glabra (Wych Elm) leaves and fruit. Jesmond Dene, Northumberland, UK. May 2006.
Bluffton College, Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio, US
Bluffton College, Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio, US
Percy Warner Park, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona, US
Great Smoky Mountains National Park visitor's center, Sevier County, Tennessee, US
I-24 north of Briley Parkway, Davidson County, Tennessee, US