2005 The Regents of the University of California
Mad Ox Gulch, Chaparral type with Quercus garryana var breweri, Arctostaphylos viscida, Heteromelesarbutifolia (=Photinia arbutifolia), Adenostoma fasciculatum. Scattered knobcone pine and black oak on ridge top, T 33 N R 6 W Sec 28 Quad name: Weaverville. Quad number: 24. Reference to map: 8.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama of the Torrey Pines, looking southwest, west and northwest. Understory: Adenostoma fasciculatum, Ceanothus verrucosus, Salvia clevelandlii and Salvia mellifera, Malosmalaurina (=Rhus laurina) and Cneoridium dumosum., T 4 S R 14 W Sec 26 Quad name: La Jolla. Quad number: 192A. Reference to map: 2.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Desert chaparral type. See Plot #364., T 5 N R 12 W Sec 8 Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 23.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north from Agua Dulce School. Sage type (Eriogonum fasciculatum). Note chamise patches, the darker areas near summit of second ridge, which are relicts of a former dominant type. Los Angeles County., T 5 N R 14 W Sec 14 Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north. Sage type (Eriogonum fasciculatum). Note chamise patches (darker areas near summit on second ridge) which are relicts of former dominant types., T 5 N R 14 W Sec 14 Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 2.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north. Present dominant type Eriogonum fasciculatum. Note chamise area which are relicts of former dominant type., T 5 N R 14 W Sec 15 Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
From point on ridge near junction of highway and Sespe Hot Springs road. Looking south at bigcone spruce snag area, result of Natilija fire of 1932. Chaparral in foreground is Quercus dumosa, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Ceanothus crassifolius., T 5 N R 23 W Sec 1 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 19.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking SW from point near highway in Sespe Creek. Note remnants of bigcone spruce destroyed by Natilija fire of 1932. Foreground chaparral Adenostoma fasciculatum, Quercus dumosa, Arctostaphylos glandulosa, Cercocarpus betulaefolius. Ventura Co., T 5 N R 23 W Sec 1 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 4.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama looking south at east. Note bigcone spruce relicts, north slope chaparral of Species: Quercus dumosa, Cercocarpus betulaefolius and Ceanothus crassifolius. Southerly slope in #286685 shows Adenostoma fasciculatum-Ceanothus crassifolius type. Arctostaphylos glauca enters this type as dominant in foreground slope., T 5 N R 23 W Sec 12 Quad name: Mt. Pinos. Quad number: 155. Reference to map: 6.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Silverado Canyon. Panorama looking NE, E, SE and S. South slopes types: sagebrush of Artemisia californica, Salvia apiana and Eriogonum fasciculatum; chaparral of Adenostoma fasciculatum and Ceanothus crassifolius. North slope types: woodland of canyon and coast live oak; bigcone spruce; chaparral of Quercus dumosa, Cercocarpus betuloides, Heteromelesarbutifolia (=Photinia arbutifolia) and Fraxinus dipetala., T 5 S R 7 W Quad name: Corona. Quad number: 177. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking south from point on road north of Little Pine mountain. Note Coulter pine relicts both in foreground and distant ranges indicating there were formerly extensive areas of this conifer. Chaparral type in foreground composed chiefly of Adenostoma fasciculatum and Arctostaphylos glandulosa, T 6 N R 27 W Sec 3 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north from point on road near Little Pine Mountain. Note relict Coulter pine and bigcone spruce (both snags and live trees) in chaparral type of chamise, Ceanothus cuneatus and Quercus dumosa. Hardwoods in canyon are coast and canyon live oaks. Area burned in 1923., T 6 N R 27 W Sec 3 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 6.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Summit of Purissima Hills, north of Lompoc near highway. Bishop pine stand looking east. Assoc. species: Arctostaphylos glandulosa, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Eriodictyon crassifolium, Eriogonum parvifolium, Huckleberry., T 6 N R 34 W Sec unknown Quad name: Lompoc. Quad number: 157.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north, two miles south of Ione. Shows remnant of Ponderosa pines 60-70 years old in shrub formation of Arctostaphylos viscida, Quercus wislizeni var. frutescens, Adenostoma fasciculatum with occasional Ceanothus tomentosus., T 6 N R 9 E Quad name: Jackson. Quad number: 68. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking southeast from point on road. Indian Canyon burn of 1933. Taken to show relicts of bigcone spruce which resisted this burn. Area also burned in 1923., T 7 N R 26 W Sec 19 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 8.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Monte Bello ridge. Shows vineyard on cleared chamise area. Chamise: Ceanothus cuneatus, Arctostaphylos glandulosa., T 7 S R 2 W Sec 30 Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 130.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking northwest from point on Monte Bello ridge. Shows clearing in chamise site used for vineyard. Ceanothus oliganthusvar.sorediatus (=Ceanothus sorediatus) and Baccharis pilularis in left foreground., T 7 S R 2 W Sec 30 Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 131.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
From Monte Bello Road looking east at part of Sec 34. Sage , chamise and woodland., T 7 S R 2 W Sec 34 Quad name: Palo Alto. Quad number: 84A.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking west from point on Black Mountains shows grassland areas typical of this section of Santa Cruz range. Woodland patches composed of coast and interior live oaks, California laurel and madrone. Note chamise patches and California buckeye in foreground., T 7 S R 3 W Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 132.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Peter Creek drainage as seen from Sec 16. Chamise woodland and douglas fir., T 7 S R 3 W Sec 16, Elevation 1200 Quad name: Palo Alto. Quad number: 84A.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Arctostaphylos rudis 8' high as indicated by 3' rule. Assoc species: Quercus agrifolia, Salvia mellifera, Arctostaphylosviridissima (=Arctostaphylos pechoensis viridissima), Artemisia californica, Ericameria ericoides, Adenostoma fasciculatum., T 7 S R 34 W Sec unknown Quad name: Lompoc. Quad number: 157.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Vandeventer Flat. Shows clump of Quercus palmeri. Associated sp.: Arctostaphylos pungens, Cercocarpus betuloides, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Adenostoma sparsifolium, Quercus agrifolia, Forestiera pubescens (=Forestiera neo-mexicana). Riverside Co., T 7 S R 4 E Sec 14 Quad name: San Jacinto. Quad number: 175. Reference to map: 17.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking northwest at San Rafael range. Shows sage type of Salvia leucophylla and chaparral composed of Adenostoma fasciculatum, Arctostaphylos glauca and Ceanothus cuneatus., T 8 N R 29 W Sec 13 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Four miles SW of Bald Mt. Hesperocyparis sargentii (=Cupressus sargentii var. duttonii). Interior of stand showing bark detail of trees. DBH 14" and 16", height 45'. Assoc. species: Arctostaphylos glauca, Quercus dumosa, Adenostoma fasciculatum., T 8 N R 30 W Sec 12 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 61.