2005 The Regents of the University of California
Beside Highway 99 about 2.5 miles NW of Hornbrook. Garry oak type of woodland-grassland classification on east facing slope. Soil shallow and medium rocky supporting a thin grass cover with the oaks. Over 50 % of oaks are over 12 " DBH. Assoc. sp.: along stream banks, Ceanothus cuneatus., T 47 N R 6 W Sec 7 Quad name: Ft. Jones. Quad number: 6.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
3 miles W. of Buckingham Mt. Tree-shrub-herb type of black oak, Digger pine, ponderosa pine, Ceanothus cuneatus, grass. Mariposa county., T 5 S R 19 E Sec 5 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 9.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Little Pine Mountain. Area burned in 1923. Coast live oak woodland has been reduced in area by fire, being replaced by Quercus agrifolia, Ceanothus oliganthusvar.sorediatus (=Ceanothus sorediatus), Fraxinus dipetala, Ceanothus cuneatus., T 6 N R 27 W Sec 22 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 5.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama looking southwest and west at remnant Ponderosa pine stand in Hungry Hollow. Woodland species: Digger pine, Interior live oak and occasional Black oak. Brush species: Heteromelesarbutifolia (=Photinia arbutifolia) and Ceanothus cuneatus, Elevation 800 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Same locality as No. 284297. Shows association of ponderosa pine with blue oak, valley oak and interior live oak, and digger pine. Most common shrub is Ceanothus cuneatus. Excellent timber site on Holland soil., Elevation 1300 Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50. Reference to map: 17.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Same locality as photograph No. 284297. Shows association of ponderosa pine with blue oak, valley oak, and interior live oak, and Digger pine. Most common shrub is Ceanothus cuneatus. Excellent timber site on Holland soil., Elevation 1300 Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50. Reference to map: 17.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Same locality as No. 284297, 298, 299, 300. Shows association of ponderosa pine with blue oak, valley oak, interior live oak and Digger pine. Most common shrub is Ceanothus cuneatus. Excellent timber site on Holland soil., Elevation 1300 Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50. Reference to map: 17.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Ceanothus cuneatus under a woodland stand north of Mariposa. Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Pinon type -marked as woodland on maps. Cercocarpus betuloides occurs with it generally and some Ceanothus cuneatus Quad name: Rock Creek. Quad number: 163B.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Quarter mile SE of Nickerson Ranch. Open shrub-tree types of Pinus sabiniana, Quercus douglasii, Ceanothus cuneatus, grass. Nevada County. Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50. Reference to map: 123.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking NE from Flag #6. Note Digger pine woodland, relict WYP, chaparral of Ceanothus cuneatus and Cercocarpus betulaefolius. Grass area on south slope formerly a Juniper- Digger pine woodland. Quad name: Bartle. Quad number: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Remnant of yellow pine and dense woodland on east face of Breckenridge Mountain above Walker Basin. Ceanothus cuneatus is chaparral species. Quad name: Caliente. Quad number: 136. Reference to map: 13.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
At Spenceville. Dense chaparral. Species: pure Ceanothus cuneatus. (Air photo 19-27). Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
At Spenceville. Dense chaparral. Species: pure Ceanothus cuneatus. (Air photo 19-27). Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Brushfield of Ceanothus cuneatus on south slope. Site Index 70. This type is a fire replacement of Pinus ponderosa. Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 42.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking south at remnant Ponderosa pine area. Woodland and brush species are as for # 265669-70. (Pinus sabiniana, Quercus wislizeni, Quercus kelloggii, Heteromelesarbutifolia (=Photinia arbutifolia), Ceanothus cuneatus) Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 8.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Head of Hungry Hollow buck. Last Ponderosa pine girdled. Assoc. species- Douglas oak, Interior live oak, Black oak, Ceanothus cuneatus, Toxicodendrondiversilobum (=Rhus diversiloba) and Frangula californica subsp. tomentella (=Rhamnus californica tomentella). Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 8.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama looking southeast and south. Remnant 60 years old, second growth in cementary only evidence left to indicate that surrounding area once supported excellent stands of ponderosa pine. Site index 50. Present cover consists of Valley oak, Douglas oak, Interior live oak, Black oak and Ceanothus cuneatus Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
2 mi. NE of Oroville. Very open tree-shrub stand of blue oak, Digger pine, and Ceanothus cuneatus. Quad name: Chico. Quad number: 40. Reference to map: 24.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
2 miles NE of Oroville. Very open tree-shrub stand of blue oak, Digger pine and Ceanothus cuneatus. Butte Co. Quad name: Chico. Quad number: 40. Reference to map: 24.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
2 miles Se of Oroville. Very open shrub stand of Ceanothus cuneatus. Butte Co. Quad name: Chico. Quad number: 40. Reference to map: 25.
Chamise turns bright orange-red in fall, making it stand out from the greens across the hillsides. Taken at 4:09 PM on a clear day.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Shows 1924 burn coming back to mixed brush. Also on right are shown the more barren south slopes coming back to a chamise type with Acmispon glaber (=Lotus scoparius), Ceanothus cuneatus, Rhus ovata, mixed in., T 1 N R 9 W Sec 2 Quad name: Pomona. Quad number: 163C.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking west from Mill Creek Canyon showing burned area on east slope of Norton Peak. Mixed chaparral type and bigcone spruce on left. Chamise manzanita type. (Arctostaphylos glauca) on extreme right. San Bernadino County., T 1 S R 1 W Sec 8 Quad name: Redlands. Quad number: 164D.