Photograph of Prunus virginiana.
Image used for IIS -- Instant Imaging System project of John Kress
Image used for IIS -- Instant Imaging System project of John Kress
Photograph of Ficus microcarpa.
Photograph of Ficus microcarpa.
Photograph of Colubrina arborescens.
Photograph of Geum rivale.
Photograph of Geum rivale.
Strong, M. T., 5873. Habit: habit. Ceanothus microphyllus.
Strong, M. T., 5873. Habit: habit. Ceanothus microphyllus.
Strong, M. T., 5873. Habit: flowers. Ceanothus microphyllus.
Photograph of Alphitonia ponderosa.
Photograph of Alphitonia ponderosa.
Ficus petiolaris (Moraceae) based on Acevedo 16303 from Mexico. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Ficus petiolaris (Moraceae) based on Acevedo 16303 from Mexico. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Ficus petiolaris (Moraceae) based on Acevedo 16303 from Mexico. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Reynosia uncinata.
Photograph of Reynosia uncinata.
Photograph of Reynosia uncinata.
Photograph of Reynosia uncinata.
Image used for IIS -- Instant Imaging System project of John Kress
Image used for IIS -- Instant Imaging System project of John Kress
Image used for IIS -- Instant Imaging System project of John Kress
Habit image. Vo, S. 74. SI gardens, front lawn US NMNH, Washington, GGI Gardens Project 2016.