2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Ione. Clearing of chamise land by use of bulldozer followed by burning and plowing at cost of approximately $7.00 per acre. Amador County. Quad name: Jackson. Quad number: 68.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
(See Plot #20 McCormick). Looking north at south slope of chamise-Arctostaphylostomentosa subsp.crinita (=Arctostaphylos tomentosa) type. Note frequency of Knobcone pine also occasional Coulter pine: compare with burned area Plunge Creek fire just below. Quad name: Redlands. Quad number: 164D. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Foreground on right chamise type. Note knobcone pine at right. Mixed chaparral on north slopes, chamise on south. Benches are heavy to Ceanothus oliganthus (=Ceanothus divaricatus). (Also contains print of No. 241651) Quad name: Redlands. Quad number: 164D. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north. Chamise and chamise-Arctostaphylostomentosa subsp.crinita (=Arctostaphylos tomentosa) types on south slopes. Mixed chaparral on north slopes. Knobcone chiefly on north and east slopes. Note relict bigcone spruce. Quad name: Redlands. Quad number: 164D. Reference to map: 5.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama showing gorge of Merced River. Chamise field broken with grass and woodland areas. Brush caps on hills are chamise, ceanothus, manzanita, and yerba santa. Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Cucamonga Plot #20 in an open chamise type in Stoddard Canyon drainage. Quad name: Cucamonga. Quad number: 163D. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Taken of the mixed brush type and Ceanothus-chamise type at the head of the Stoddard Canyon drainage. Quad name: Cucamonga. Quad number: 163D. Reference to map: 2.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Taken from the firebreak on ridge to left of Stoddard Canyon. Chamise type and plots, Cucamonga #16 and 17. Quad name: Cucamonga. Quad number: 163D. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
South slope of a small canyon on west side of San Antonio drainage. Illustrates the sage and chamise types together. Quad name: Cucamonga. Quad number: 163D.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Taken below Tumble Inn. The fire line is that of the S.C. Edison Company Power Line protective break. Type shown is chamise with Arctostaphylos glauca associated. Quad name: Tejon. Quad number: 154.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Elizabeth lake No. 17. A chamise-Arctostaphylos glauca type in upper Bouquet Canyon, near Camp #4. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Practically a pure chamise type in Bouquet Canyon. Type is shot occasionally with small spots of sage as can be seen in picture. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 4.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Cucamonga Plot #25 on a south facing slope in the Cow Canyon drainage. Presence of Arctostaphylos glauca to be noted. The base type here is chamise- Ceanothus. Quad name: Cucamonga. Quad number: 163D. Reference to map: 9.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot #1. Elizabeth Lake sheet #3, in the foreground. An idea as to the average density of the chamise type of a south slope can be received by noting the ridge to the left. Taken in vicinity of Drinkwater Flats. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 5.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Grass-chamise type in 1924 burn near Bee Canyon. Edge of burn can be seen in upper left. Quercus agrifolia can be seen in an unburned island in the canyon. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 6.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Area of Bee Canyon fire of 1924. Chamise Ceanothus type in right foreground; sage, lower left, chamise upper left. Type in burned area is - (yet to be covered) Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama of the St. Francis Resevoir primary watershed. The light colored types are of sage. The type extending from the edge of the sage type to the top of the ridge is basically Adenostoma fasciculatum. With a scattering of Arctostaphylos glauca near the top and some Ceanothus cuneatus on the north slopes of the lower country. The odd shaped, barren promontories to be seen above the dam are characteristic of the country to the south and west. They are composed of sedimentary material entirely. Quad name: Tejon. Quad number: 154. Reference to map: 13.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
A 100% Adenostoma fasciculatum type. Average height is 3 feet. Age about 15 years. Note the smooth uniform nature of this type. Location is above Camp #4 in Boquet Canyon. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 12.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Types back on the ridge area are very conglomerate. Lower edge of the brush is a distinct mixed type. Higher on the ridge the chamise dominates the type. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 14.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
First Pinus sabiniana noted in this territory. In upper left. Chamise-manzanita type in Pine Canyon vicinity of Hughes Lake. A grass-sage type bounds this type on the desert or Antelope Valley side. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Pine Canyon side of the Warm Springs fire 1924. Type is chamise on the ridge tops and mixed type on north slopes. Note the big cone spruce in the draw and canyon which escaped the fire. Quad name: Elizabeth Lake. Quad number: 153. Reference to map: 16.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Along ridge to SE of Howard's Resevoir. Dense shrub type-mostly chamise chaparral with small patches of chaparral. Species : Adenostoma fasciculatum, Arctostaphylos glandulosa, Quercus wislizeni var. frutescens, Ceanothus cuneatus. Mendocino County. Open spots are rocky. Quad name: Willits. Quad number: 46B. Reference to map: 2.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
North of Glenbrook, Lake County, showing Arctostaphylos stanfordiana, Ceanothus cuneatus, Adenostoma fasciculatum and cypress. Western yellow pine and black oak in background. Quad name: Lower Lakes. Quad number: 60A.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Chamise type- Lake County as seen from Lakeport-Hopland Highway, southwest slopes facing Kodak chiefly Adenostoma fasciculatum and Ceanothus cuneatus. Northwest slopes concealed from view chiefly Quercus dumosa and Umbellularia californica. Quad name: Hopland. Quad number: 61A.