A common Mediterranean species.
Its summer time when many fruits ripen. The Arum fruits are red, attracting birds that enjoy them and disperse the seeds.
An autumn blooming arum, native to Italy and the islands west of it.
This slender arum grows in the heights of Mt Hermon above 1400 m. Most inflorescences are broken for some reason, but few stay intact.
This species grows in the arid mountains of the Middle East. The inflorescence is narrow and long, here u can see it in fruit. Each berry is a seperate fruit that is dispersed by birds.
Arum rupicola is a mountainous plant of the Middle East. It has typical narrow inflorescences.
Arum rupicola is a mountainous plant of the Middle East. It has typical narrow inflorescences.
Arum sintenisii is a Cypriot endemic.