Clathrulina (cla-through-line-a), showing head region and included amoeboid cell. Differential interference contrast.
Hedriocystis undergoing division within faceted stalked capsule. Axopodia protrude from pores in capsule. Daughter cells become flagellated, escape the lorica then secrete their own stalk and lorica. Two of the five species in the genus have a spherical non-faceted lorica. Recently, a new genus, Penardiophrys has been erected for the faceted desmothoracid species such as this one. From freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho. Phase contrast. See Mikrjukov,K. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Heliozoa I. Acta Protozool 39:81-97, 2000.
Hedriocystis - portrait of a species with smooth non-faceted spherical lorica. Phase contrast. From a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho.
Hedriocystis species within faceted stalked siliceous capsule. Axopodia protrude from pores in capsule. Two of the five species in the genus have a spherical non-faceted lorica. Recently a new genus, Penardiophrys has been erected for the faceted desmothoracid species such as this one. From freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho. Phase contrast. See Mikrjukov,K. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Heliozoa I. Acta Protozool 39:81-97, 2000.
Hedriocystis, a small desmothoracid protist. The cell lives as an amoeba with stiffened arms (axopodia) within a loose lorica that has large holes or perforations. The lorica is stalked. When the cell divides, it may produce flagellated cells which leave the lorica and set up home elsewhere. From Lake Donghu, China. Phase contrast micrograph.
Hedriocystis has a cell body enclosed within an extracellular capsule which is either homogeneous or composed of regular polygonal facets; axopodia emerge from small perforations. Three species with long hollow stalk, one species without.