2022.05.21 Pyh-Hkki National Park, Saarijrvi, Finland
Lochranza, Arran NR9350
Vsterbottens Ln, Sverige
Strmsund, Vsterbottens Ln, Sverige
Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland
Orinda, California, United States
2014.04.15 Tali, Helsinki, Finland
Location: Lower Saxony, GermanyHabitat: Apple tree
Orinda, California, United States
Location: Lower Saxony, GermanyHabitat: Apple tree
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
2009.09.19: Austria, Vienna XXII. district, bush heath (Lobau Heisslnde) 153 m AMSL, on dead branch of Crataegus monogyna (with Physcia tenella).German name: Gewhnliche GelbflechteID: Wirth/Dll, Flechten+Moose (2000)
Location: Lower Saxony, GermanyHabitat: Apple tree
2010-05-14 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Here at least two lichen species are present (probably more?): Xanthoria parietina (yellow) and some Physcia, possibly Ph. stellaris (not quite identifiable by photo alone).German names: Gewhnliche Gelbflechte (X. parietina) & (Stern?)-Schwielenflechte (Physcia)
Orinda, California, United States
2010.03.07 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (most likely on bark of Populus, bark lying on the ground, 155 m).Colour of this specimen suggests that it grew on a northerly exposed side (yellow-greenish rather than orange).Sharing this piece of bark with another (unidentified) lichen species.Very common.German name: Gewhnliche GelbflechteID: Wirth/Dll, Farbatlas Flechten und Moose (2000)