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Physalaemus insperatus Cruz, Cassini & Caramaschi 2008

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por IABIN
Diagnosis A species belonging to the Physalaemus olfersii group characterized by: (1) relatively small size (SVL males 22.2?25.3 mm, females 26.6?26.7 mm); (2) skin smooth; (3) head longer than wider; (4) snout subelliptical in dorsal view, protruding in lateral view; (5) inferior margin of the mandible outlined by a white line; (6) supratympanic fold distinct; (7) vocal sac well developed, expanded laterally to the supratimpanic fold; (8) digits very thin; (9) supranumerary tubercles present on hands and feet; (10) tarsal tubercle weakly developed; (11) tarsal fold present; (12) inguinal gland large.
direitos autorais
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
site do parceiro

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por IABIN
Know only from the type locality in the suotheast of Paraná State, near the border with Santa Catarina, Brazil.
direitos autorais
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
site do parceiro

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por IABIN
Description of holotype Body robust head longer than wide; snout sub-elliptical in dorsal view, protruding in lateral view, nostrils elliptical, not protuberant, located and oriented laterally, closer to tip of snout than to eye; canthus rostralis distinct; loreal region almost vertical; eyes slightly protuberant; tympanum distinct, its diameter approximately 33% of eye diameter; anterior margin of annulus tympanicus close to the eye; distinct supratympanic fold, arched from the posterior corner of the eye to shoulder; presence of a dorsolateral fold starting on the posterior corner of eye, immediately above the supratympanic fold, delimiting the dorsal region from the flank, and ending at the anterior margin of the inguinal gland; presence of a vertebral fold extending from the interorbital to the sacral region, and an arched fold transversally on the interorbital region, extending to the upper eyelids; vocal sac subgular, well-developed, extending to the border of chest with belly and laterally to the supratympanic fold; choanae small, elliptical, well separated from each other; tongue narrow, long, free posteriorly; maxillary and premaxillary teeth visible; vomerine teeth absent. Arms short, slender, forearms slightly more robust and as short as arms; fingers very thin and long, not fringed, except finger II; finger lengths I = I < IV < I; extensive nuptial asperities, covering 2/3 of the inner metacarpal tubercle and enclosing all the thumb, except the inner side; subarticular tubercles single, large, protruding; outer metacarpal tubercle large, rounded, covering 1/3 of carpal region; inner metacarpal tubercle very large and elliptical, approximately twice the size of outer metacarpal tubercle; presence of small supernumerary tubercles; finger tips slightly expanded. Legs moderately robust; tibia slightly longer than thigh, the sum of their lengths slightly shorter than SVL; tarsal fold absent; toes very thin, long, weakly fringed; toe lengths I < I < V < I < IV; subarticular tubercles large, single, protruding; inner metatarsal tubercle medium-sized, elliptical; outer metatarsal tubercle medium sized, ovoid, approximately same size as the inner metatarsal tubercle; supernumerary tubercles small; toe tips slightly expanded. Dorsal and ventral surfaces smooth. A distinct ventral disc present. Color in preservative: Dorsum light brown with scattered brown dots; a light brown middorsal fold well marked on the sacral region; brown line from the tip of snout to eye; dispersed brown dots on the loreal region; brown stripe on flanks, extending from postorbital region to groin; an irregular brown blotch on dorsum of forearms; transversal brown bars on dorsum of legs; an irregular dark brown blotch on internal and external sides of tibia; gular region brown with light brown dots; light brown line edging the mandible; irregular light brown sinuous stripes on chest; uniform light brown on belly and ventral surfaces of arms and legs; nuptial asperities light brown; inguinal gland with the same color pattern of dorsum. Measurements of holotype (mm): snout-vent length 25.3, head length 8.5, head width 6.8, eye diameter 3.0, tympanum diameter 1.0, upper eyelid width 1.8, interorbital distance 3.0, internarial distance 1.8, eye-nostril distance 1.9, thigh length 11.5, tibia length 11.7, foot length, including tarsus 17.6. Variation in the type series All specimens of the type-series agree very well in morphology and color. The specimens MNRJ 1917 and MNRJ 10329 do not present the vertebral fold extending from the interorbital to the sacral region, and specimen MNRJ 1917 does not present the arched fold transversally on the interorbital region. Females are slightly larger, with the color pattern of gular region lighter than males, and present light brown blotches on chest and anterior region of belly. of four males and two females.
direitos autorais
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
site do parceiro

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por IABIN
DD. Data Deficient.
direitos autorais
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
site do parceiro