Associated Forest Cover
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Blue oak is the principal component of the forest cover type Blue
Oak-Digger Pine (Society of American Foresters Type 250) (25). In
general, it is neighbor to California Black Oak (Type 246) and
Pacific Ponderosa Pine (Type 245) at higher elevations and to the
annual grass savannah at lower elevations. In the northern Coast
Range, and in the foothills of the Klamath Mountains, Oregon
White Oak (Type 233) often abuts Blue Oak-Digger Pine. In
portions of its range, the upper elevational border of blue oak
often grades into more dense stands of interior live oak and
chaparral. Similarly at lower elevations, it blends into more
open stands of valley oak (Quercus lobata). Throughout,
dense stands and scattered patches of chaparral are often
present. A grassy understory almost always can be found beneath
blue oak trees. Stands of scrubby oaks sometimes bridge the gap
between oak trees and woody shrubs in parts of the blue oak
range. For most of the range, blue oak should be regarded as a
component of a mosaic that includes savannah, chaparral, other
deciduous and evergreen oaks, and at least one common conifer.
The paleobotanic record of blue oak shows a Miocene progenitor,
Quercus douglasoides, which apparently inhabited a wider
natural distribution than its modern counterpart. In the next
epoch, the Pliocene, blue oak's fossilized equivalent, Q.
orindensis, grew in a habitat of dry open slopes bordering
valleys. It was associated with several chaparral species, a few
elements of the broad-sclerophyll forest, several riparian
species, and an occasional redwood and fir (7).
The California oak woodland, in general, is recognized as climax,
but the successional status of blue oak is not clear. A
substantiating tenet of climax is that the same vegetation
returns after each gross disturbance. Fire and grazing are, and
have been, chronic to the point that the present stands are still
recovering from them. That the oak woodland exists after all this
disturbance, and that its boundaries have remained rather
constant, support the designation of climax (10).
The most common tree associate of blue oak is Digger pine (Pinus
sabiniana); however, blue oak extends farther into valleys,
but not as far into montane regions as the pine. Blue oak is
usually the majority species, Digger pine inevitably the taller.
Other occasional conifer associates are ponderosa pine (Pinus
ponderosa var. ponderosa), knobcone pine (P
attenuata) and, in a more limited area, Coulter pine (P. coulteri).
California juniper (Juniperus californica) and
singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla) are infrequent
associates in the Tehachapi and Piute Ranges of southern
Interior live oak and valley oak are the most common hardwood
associates of blue oak. Others are California black oak, coast
live oak (Quercus agrifolia), Oregon white oak (Q.
garryana), toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), California
redbud (Cercis occidentalis), and California buckeye (Aesculus
Shrub associates of blue oak in its main distribution are neither
abundant nor diverse. Principal shrub associates are: common
manzanita (Arctostaphylos manzanita), mariposa manzanita
(A. mariposa), whiteleaf manzanita (A.
viscida), buckbrush (Ceanothus cuneatus), poison-oak
(Toxicodendron diversilobum), yerba santa (Eriodictyon
californicum), foothill gooseberry (Ribes quercetorum),
and chaparral coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica
Grasses are particularly abundant in the natural range of blue
oak. Originally they were of the bunchgrass type, Stipa (needlegrass)
being the most common genus. Introduced annual grasses,
especially the wild oats (Avena fatua) and (A.
barbata) have replaced the perennial grasses almost
completely. Other annual grasses common beneath blue oak are
members of the genera Bromus and Hordeum.
Blue oak adapts well to harsh environments, especially aridity. In
mid-August of a dry year, valley oak and coast live oak on
alluvial soils indicated a minimum (predawn) moisture stress of
only 2.03 to 5.07 bars (2 to 5 atmospheres). Nearby blue oaks on
an upland soil showed 27.36 bars (27 atmospheres) of stress (10).
Blue oak sheds its leaves when stress becomes prohibitive, thus
conserving moisture. This ability to withstand more severe
moisture stress than its associates contributes to the pattern of
blue oak distribution over the landscape.
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- USDA, Forest Service
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Hot dry summers and cool wet winters typify the climate where blue
oaks are found. The mean maximum July temperature averages 32°
C (90° F) and the mean January minimum -1° C (30°
F). Temperatures for stands outside the main distribution,
especially at higher and lower elevations and on the border of
the Mojave Desert, vary much more. Mean July maximum temperatures
range between 21° and 38° C (70° and 100° F)
and mean January minimums from -12° to 2° C (10°
to 35° F). The frost-free growing season varies from 150 to
300 days.
Annual precipitation averages 510 to 1020 mm. (20 to 40 in) within
the main distribution of blue oak. At extremes of the natural
range, 1520 mm. (60 in) in Shasta County and 250 mm (10 in) in
Kern County bracket the annual fall of moisture. Throughout, most
of the precipitation is rain, although snow occasionally blankets
the land. Most precipitation (60 to 90 percent) occurs between
November 1 and April 30.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Damaging Agents
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The bark of blue oak is thin, relative to
other oak species, and with age becomes deeply fissured and
flaky. It catches fire easily, burns well, and does not provide
much protection from fire (29). Leaves on part of the crown,
however, can be killed by ground fire one year and replaced the
next, with no apparent ill effect to the tree. The species,
therefore, is probably better adapted to withstand the quick heat
from a grassland fire than to tolerate the more sustained heat
from burning chaparral.
Animal damage to blue oak is mostly from loss of foliage by deer,
cattle, and other browsers, and from root injury by pocket
gophers. Seedlings are particularly vulnerable to both browsers
and pocket gophers.
Little has been written about diseases of blue oak, but several
are prevalent. Probably the most severe are those that damage the
heartwood of the trunk and large limbs. Inonotus dryophilus
is one of these, causing a white pocket rot in the heartwood
of living oaks. The sulphur conk, Laetiporus sulphureus, causes
a brown cubical rot also of the heartwood of living oaks. The
hedgehog fungus (Hydnum erinaceum) and the artist's
fungus (Ganoderma applanatum) are also capable of
destroying the heartwood of living oaks.
A disease of blue oak roots that sometimes extends a short
distance up the bole is the shoestring fungus rot, Armillaria
mellea. This fungus gradually weakens trees at the base until
they fall. A white root rot caused by Inonotus dryadeus also
has been reported on blue oak.
Several fungi attack dead sapwood, particularly if the tree is on
the ground and in the shade. Two common sapwood decomposers are
Polyporus versicolor and Stereum hirsutum.
A number of diseases attack leaves of blue oak, but most have not
been identified. Powdery mildews, especially Sphaerotheca
lanestris and Microsphaera alni, are common. An
unknown disease of blue oaks growing in well-watered lawns kills
nearly every leaf on the tree in midsummer. The leaves turn brown
and persist until the usual time of leaf fall. Normal leaf
development takes place the next spring.
True mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum subsp. villosum)
often infects older open-grown blue oaks. Its effect on them
is undetermined although the pest must cost its host a certain
amount of growth increment.
A large number of insects infest blue oak. One study recorded 38
species of insects in 21 families inhabiting blue oak (4). Two
additional insects, a leaf skeletonizer and a wood borer, are
recorded in another study (14). No part of the tree is spared.
Sucking and chewing insects attack the twigs and leaves, boring
insects infest the roots, trunk, and limbs, and other insects
ruin twigs and acorns.
Many of the insects are found in low numbers, but when epidemics
occur, damage can be severe. A local but intensive epidemic of
the fruit-tree leafroller (Archips argyrospila), for
example, was noted in Contra Costa County in the early 1970's
(3). Blue oaks were badly defoliated by this insect in June; by
mid-July a second crop of leaves had taken their place.
More than 40 species of cynipid wasps form galls on blue oak (38).
Galls range from small to large, dull to brightly colored, round
to oblong, and smooth to spiny. They were found on every part of
the tree: the roots, catkins, buds, acorns, stems, and leaves. Of
those on stems and leaves, many are firmly attached; others
eventually fall to the ground. Two of the most interesting are
formed by the spined turban gall wasp (Antron douglasii) and
jumping oak gall wasp (Neuoterus saltatorius). The turban
gall wasp creates from one to four bright purplish-pink galls on
the underside of a leaf. The adult jumping oak gall wasp stings
the underside of mature blue oak leaves and then lays its eggs
inside the leaf. Larvae emerge in July and August and form a
light-tan gall less than 0.02 cm (0.06 in) in diameter. These
galls fall to the ground about mid-August, often in large
numbers, the movement of the larvae causing the ground to
seemingly come alive. Possibly the jumping around is an attempt
by the larvae within to find cracks and crevices in which to
hide, and thereby escape from enemies and bad weather.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Flowering and Fruiting
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Blue oak is monoecious; its
flowers are unisexual. Staminate flowers are borne in slender
drooping catkins, one or more from lower axils of leaves of the
previous year. Pistillate flowers are greenish-yellow and
originate from leaf axils of the current year (26). Blue oak
flowers from late March to mid-May, depending on elevation,
aspect, climate, and reproductive capability of individual trees.
In general, trees at lower elevations and on warmer aspects bloom
first. On long continuous hillsides, however, blooming is first
on midslopes-above areas of cold air ponding and below ridgetops.
Acorns mature in one growing season. When about half size, the cup
covers about half the acorn, but at maturity the cup encapsulates
only 10 to 20 percent of it. The elliptical, often tear-shaped
acorns form singly or in clusters of two, rarely three, and are
variable in size and shape. Fully developed acorns range from 2.5
to 4.0 cm (1.0 to 1.6 in) in length and from 12 to 21 mm (0.5 to
0.8 in) in diameter. Acorns range in color from light green
during development to yellowish-green in early September, to
medium-dark brown at maturity.
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- USDA, Forest Service
fornecido por Silvics of North America
Blue oak hybridizes with its white oak associates, particularly
valley oak, Oregon white oak, California scrub oak (Q.
dumosa), and turbinella oak. In most instances the
natural hybrids formed by these crosses are fertile and
cytologically normal.
The binomial for Quercus douglasii x turbinella is Quercus x
alvordiana Eastw. and the common name is Alvord oak (37). The
Alvord oak is distributed widely from Monterey County southward
into the Tehachapi Mountains and is the dominant oak in some
foothill woodlands instead of blue oak (11).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Growth and Yield
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Throughout the range of blue oak, about
90 percent of trees in natural stands are single stems. Some of
these may fork just above groundline, but each originates as a
single entity. These trees probably grew from acorns. Of the
remaining 10 percent, where two or three stems are growing close
together, origin could be from closely spaced acorns or from
Tree growth is a function of many variables, especially site
quality, topography, and stand density. Tree height-diameter site
index curves are available (33). Taller blue oak trees frequently
grow on deeper soils, near bases of hillsides, or close to
ephemeral streams in canyons and draws. In Shasta County, CA, for
example, two blue oaks 56 ern (22 in) in d.b.h. were located
about 35 m (115 ft) apart. One was growing on an alluvial flat
near a permanent stream, the other on an old terrace about 8 m
(26 ft) above the flat. The two trees differed in height by 10 m
(34 ft) (24).
Stand density varies widely from a few trees scattered throughout
the savannah to fairly dense stands in the woodland. In the
latter, stand density of blue oak can reach more than 1,000 trees
per hectare (405/acre) (10). Some stands are made up of trees
evenly spaced over the landscape that are remarkably similar in
height, diameter, and form. Other stands vary widely, with tree
diameters ranging from 8 to 76 cm (3 to 30 in), and with form
varying between stunted and crooked stems to those that are
straight and tall. Loose groups also are formed. Sometimes a
group will consist of trees of a single size class; at other
times the group will include trees of several size classes.
Data that quantify tree growth are scarce. Studies in Nevada,
Placer, and Shasta Counties show that height growth in general is
slow (24). After trees reach 65 cm (26 in) in d.b.h., height
growth is extremely slow, or ceases (fig. 3). Blue oak seldom
exceeds 125 cm (49 in) in d.b.h. or 25 m (82 ft) in height. A
champion blue oak, found in Alameda County, measured 196 cm (77
in) in d.b.h., 28.7 m (94 ft) in height, and had a crown spread
of 14.6 m (48 ft) (27).
Figure 3- Diameter-height relatioship of dominant blue
oak in natural stands in northern and central California.
Diameter-age data also are scanty. Blue oak stands in Tulare
County ranged in age from 30 to over 300 years. Regression
analyses (22) indicated a broad range of age, as determined at 60
cm (24 in) above mean groundline, for a given d.b.h.
40 to 115
80 to 120
85 to 135
On good sites in Nevada (36) and Shasta Counties (24), this
relationship proved to be linear for trees up to about 65 cm (26
in) in d.b.h. Trees 20 cm (8 in) in d.b.h. were 40 years old,
those 40 cm (16 in) were 82 years old, and trees 60 cm (24 in) in
d.b.h. averaged about 125 years. On poorer sites, trees 36 to 51
cm (14 to 20 in) in d.b.h. were from 175 to 280 years old. A
large tree in Sequoia National Park was 390 years old (22). The
species is believed to live even longer.
Yield information is restricted to volume and weight tables for
blue oak in California's central coastal counties (28). Selected
gross volumes are as follows:
Epicormic branching is common in blue oaks of all ages. It is
greatest on injured trees, recently released trees, and trees
bordering openings. In present hardwood log grading rules, it
constitutes a degrade. Blue oaks in irrigated lawns and
flowerbeds produce many short, weak epicormic branches which, if
removed, are replaced every year.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Reaction to Competition
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Rarely is blue oak found in an
understory. Even when growing in mixed-size groups, the smaller
trees are positioned to receive considerable overhead light. The
species appears to be adapted to long periods of direct sunlight
and can most accurately be classed as intolerant of shade.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Rooting Habit
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The warm dry soils typical of the blue oak
habitat mandate that seedling and tree roots grow rapidly
downward and stay in a zone of adequate moisture. This suggests a
taproot system with one or more deep-growing members. The taproot
system begins early in the life of the seedling. Acorns germinate
early, before those of other oak associates, and roots grow
downward in spite of low temperatures. Most available energy is
channeled to development of deep roots, before shoots emerge, and
continues after shoot growth begins. The ratio of leaf area to
root weight is small. About 73 percent of blue oak's dry weight
is allocated to below-ground material the first growing season
(20). A study in Placer County, CA, showed that roots from a blue
oak 7 cm (3 in) in d.b.h. extended 13 in (42 ft) to groundwater;
those of three trees 10 cm (4 in) in d.b.h. penetrated to 20 m
(67 ft); and those of an oak 18 cm (7 in) in d.b.h. extended to
24 m (80 ft) (17).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seed Production and Dissemination
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Abundant seed crops are
produced every 2 to 3 years, with bumper crops every 5 to 8 years
(26). In other years at least a few trees are fruitful.
Aborted acorns begin falling in July and are mostly gone from the
trees by late August. Insect-infested acorns fall in late August
to mid-September, usually preceding the fall of mature acorns.
Most sound acorns fall between mid-September and the end of
October. They average 45/kg (100 seed/lb) and range from 25 to
82/kg (55 to 180/lb).
Seed crops vary in size. On one area the acorn crop ranged from
0.14 to 25.31 kg (0.31 to 55.81 lb) per tree per year; on another
an average-sized blue oak produced 215 acorns per square meter
(20/ft²) of collecting ground during a good seed year or 73
kg (160 lb) of acorns per tree.
Data relating acorn production to tree size are scanty- A single
blue oak in Shasta County, 34 cm (13.5 in) in d.b.h., 11.6 m (38
ft) tall, and 4.3 m (14.0 ft) in crown width, produced an
estimated 3,750 acorns during an especially productive year. At
least some roots of this tree, however, extended beneath a
well-watered lawn. An examination in December beneath this and
nearby trees showed that all developed acorns had been consumed
or carried away.
Two insects produce larvae that destroy many acorns before
maturity. Developing acorns are attacked by the filbert weevil
(Curculio uniformis) and by the filbert worm (Melissopus
latiferreanus). Larvae of the filbert weevil are short, fat,
glistening, white, legless worms. They mine inside the acorn and
destroy its contents. Larvae of the filbertworm often hollow out
the acorn, leaving behind a mass of webbing and frass (5).
Acorns are eaten by at least a dozen species of songbirds, several
upland gamebirds, several small mammals (mostly rodents), and a
few large mammals. Although many acorns are consumed, some are
dropped or lost-aiding in the dissemination of the oak. Principal
consumers of blue oak acorns include the acorn woodpecker, scrub
jay, band-tailed pigeon, California quail, western gray squirrel,
and the California ground squirrel (21). The acorns are a
valuable foodstuff, along with green and dead leaves, for deer,
cattle, sheep, and hogs (8).
For the acorn woodpecker, acorns are the "staff of life."
Those from blue oak enable this bird to widen its natural range
to include extensive areas of the Central Valley and surrounding
foothills (30). For band-tailed pigeons, crop and stomach
analyses indicated blue oak acorns constituted 5.8 percent of
total food volume in November (32).
Western gray squirrels were collected below the chaparral zone in
Mendocino County where blue oak was the majority species. Acorns
amounted to 38 percent of total yearly diet and were consumed
each month from September through April (34). In Madera County,
CA, ground squirrels consume blue oak acorns each month of the
year. Acorns constitute 1 to 56 percent of this rodent's total
diet each month (31). Acorns of blue oak are critical to
migrating deer who leave a dried-up summer range in the Sierra
Nevada and travel to a winter range at lower elevations. Acorns
picked up en route provide energy and protein not only for
travel, but also help to ensure healthy animals during the
breeding season.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seedling Development
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On the basis of frequency and
magnitude of seed crops, blue oak has the potential to reproduce
adequately from seed. During the last 50 to 80 years, however, it
appears to have reproduced poorly. In Tulare County, only 7
percent of 405 trees, as determined from increment cores, were
less than 60 years old (22). In southern Shasta County, on a
green fuelbreak 30.5 m (100 ft) wide along a highway, only blue
oaks remained in some places, with several grasses and a few
woody shrubs below. The oaks were evenly spaced and formed a
parklike stand which might be expected to reproduce well, but
when 0.8 km (0.5 mi) of the fuelbreak was examined, only eight
seedlings were found (24).
Blue oak seedlings were not always scarce. In 1908, Sudworth (35)
reported seedlings scarce on cultivated or grazed ground but "rather
abundant elsewhere." Cooper (6) noted that "typical
stands of young Quercus douglasii have been seen where it is
certain that chaparral was formerly in control." Griffin
(10) also noted that "the oak produced well at an earlier
period" (before 1930) in the Santa Lucia Range. Heavy
consumption of acorns and damage to seedlings by deer, cattle,
sheep, hogs, insects, and rodents, and especially by ground
squirrels and pocket gophers, are possible reasons why blue oaks
have not reproduced adequately during the past 60 to 80 years.
Environmental and chemical inhibition of acorn germination as a
result of introduced annual grasses is another possible reason.
Single environmental and habitat factors probably are not
adequate to explain the paucity of blue oak reproduction (1,23).
For successful germination, the seeds must be covered. Thick leaf
litter or loose mineral soil facilitates germination and early
seedling survival. Acorns will germinate on the soil surface in
the rare event that temperatures remain low and moisture
Acorns of the white oak group do not require stratification for
germination. Blue oak acorns can, and do, germinate within a
month of seedfall. Most, however, germinate early in the spring
when warmer temperatures prevail. Germination is hypogeal. Light,
moisture, temperature, and the depth of soil or litter covering
the acorns probably affect the timing of germination. Germinative
capacity from a limited number of tests was 70 to 72 percent
after 30 days (26).
Early growth of blue oak seedlings is poorly documented. One
investigator seeded 25 acorns in a granitic soil in November and
dug them up in March. Root length ranged from 31 to 68 cm (12 to
27 in) and averaged 49 cm. (19 in) (9). After 1 year, blue oak
seedlings on a gravelly loam soil in Shasta County averaged about
10 cm (4 in) above ground and 20 cm (8 in) below. A 3-year-old
seedling growing in partial shade showed about 18 cm (7 in) of
shoots and 28 cm (11 in) of roots. Nearby, a 5-year-old seedling
was 18 cm (7 in) tall with a single taproot 66 cm (26 in) long.
All eight seedlings in an area cut about 10 years ago were less
than 46 cm. (18 in) tall (24). All were browsed and most had died
back to the root crown and resprouted at least once, often with
several stems. This evidence, although limited, suggests that the
annual growth rate of blue oak seedlings is probably slow.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Soils and Topography
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Soils from a variety of parent materials support blue oak. They
are characteristically shallow, skeletal, infertile, thermic, and
moderately to excessively well drained. Textures range from
gravelly loam through stony clay loam. Soils with extensive rock
fragments in the profile commonly support this oak; as much as 50
percent of the surface area of a soil may be covered with stones
or rock outcrops. Blue oaks are found on soils with depths of 51
to 102 cm (20 to 40 in), but scattered trees grow on soils
ranging from 30 to 51 cm (12 to 20 in). Soil orders for blue oak
are Alfisols and Inceptisols, occasionally Mollisols. More than
40 soil series in California have been identified by the
California Cooperative Soil-Vegetation Survey and the National
Cooperative Soil Survey as supporting blue oak. The principal
California mountain ranges and soil series are as follows:
Mountain Range and Subrange
Soil Series
North Coast
Hulls, Laughlin, Sehorn
Central Coast
Gazos, Hambright, Henneke, Hillgate,
Los Osos, Millsap, Millsholm, Sobrante.
Central Valley floor
Guenoc, Toomes, Gaviota, Iron Mountain,
Sierra Nevada
Ahwahnee, Auberry, Auburn,
Coarsegold, Guenoc, Inks, Sierra, Mellerton,
Stover, Toomes, Trabuco.
Transverse and Peninsular
Gilroy, Havala, Perkins,
The one characteristic found most often in soils supporting blue
oak is high base saturation. Values of at least 50 percent or
even 90 to 100 percent are common (19). Soils within blue oak's
natural range that do not support it are generally drained poorly
or are of heavy clay texture, often with a hardpan near the soil
surface. Deep fertile soils are seldom clothed with blue oak
because this species is not competitive with the inherently
taller conifers or the better adapted interior live oak (Quercus
wislizenii) and California black oak (Q. kelloggii).
Blue oak grows within a fairly wide elevational range-from the
valley floor in the north to the midslopes of Mount Pinos in the
south. Corresponding elevational limits are 50 to 1800 m (165 to
5,900 ft). At the north end of the Sacramento Valley and in the
foothills of the southern Cascade and Klamath Mountains, the
general elevational range of blue oak is 152 to 610 m (500 to
2,000 ft). The species is common between 76 and 915 m (250 and
3,000 ft) in the central Coast Range, and between 168 and 1370 m
(550 and 4,500 ft) in the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges. On
west slopes of the Sierra Nevada, the species is abundant in the
foothills at an elevational. range of 152 to 915 m (500 to 3,000
ft) (35).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Special Uses
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Although strong, hard, and heavy, the wood of this oak currently
has little or no commercial use, not so much because of its
qualities, but because of the short stature and poor form of the
tree. Products have been limited to fenceposts and fuelwood, with
the latter use increasing greatly in recent years.
Throughout the range of blue oak, especially on its margins and in
the Coast Ranges, woody shrubs have been eliminated to encourage
forage for livestock, leaving the blue oaks and valley oaks. In
other areas, oaks have been reduced greatly or eliminated and a
savannah formed with the intent of producing more forage for
livestock. When many trees are removed, large increases in forage
occur (15,16). When blue oak density is low or moderate, however,
the grass seems to be taller, has more nutrients, produces more
biomass, grows earlier, and stays greener longer in the growing
season under oaks (12,13). Furthermore, living oak roots hold the
soil in place on steep slopes and reduce the incidence of mass
movement downslope into permanent and ephemeral streams.
Elimination of the oaks, therefore, could be a dubious practice.
Blue oak has been used for decoration: large branches hollowed out
by heart rot are sawn into sections, cleaned, coated with resin
and hardener, and filled with dried seedstalks, for use as wall
hangings and table centerpieces.
Blue oak acorns were a favored food of California Indians. On a
scale of 1 (preferred) to 3 (undesirable) they rated blue oak
acorns 1.5 (2). The acorns average about 4,994 calories per
kilogram (2,265/lb) and are a potential source of human food.
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- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service
Vegetative Reproduction
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Two types of sprouts are found on
blue oak stumps. Some form at the root collar and are root crown
sprouts, and others form on the side or top of cut and burned
stumps and are stool sprouts.
Blue oak produces sprouts after cutting or fire, but in general is
regarded as a weak sprouter. Whether this characteristic results
from lack of early sprout vigor or from lack of eventual survival
is not clear. Nearly 40 blue oak stumps in a southern Shasta
County fuelbreak were examined, and the average number of root
crown sprouts per clump was recorded. Positions of sprouts on
stumps, and stump diameters also were noted. Stump heights
averaged 13 cm (5 in) (24). The trees had been cut about 10 years
before the stumps were examined. Presumably most of the sprouts
began growing soon after, but others could have originated later,
and a few obviously were recent. Sprouts, therefore, were assumed
to be as old as 10 years.
Number of root crown sprouts related weakly to stump diameter. The
number of sprouts per stump increased curvilinearly from about 12
sprouts on 2-cm (1-in) diameter stumps to 27 sprouts on 15-cm
(6-in) diameter stumps. Larger stumps, at least up to 22 cm (9
in) in diameter, produced a decreasing number of sprouts. Two
stumps larger than 40 cm (16 in) in diameter showed no evidence
of sprouting (24). In the inner Coast Range of central
California, blue oak produced fewer sprouts than associated oaks
and no sprouts on stumps larger than 52 cm (21 in) (18).
When height of sprouts was compared with stump diameter, no
relationship was discernible. Much variation was present. Some
sprout clumps looked sickly, others thrifty, still others were
browsed or infested with galls, while others were free of such
maladies. Some sprouts had died back for part of their length and
others were dead.
Stool sprouts develop on high stumps, large old stumps, and stumps
with debris piled around them. For stumps cut 13 cm (5 in) above
ground, only those larger than 20 cm (8 in) in diameter produced
stool sprouts. Three 20-cm (8-in) diameter stumps produced mostly
stool sprouts and a few root crown sprouts. Another 20-cm (8-in)
stump yielded 70 stool sprouts and a 30-cm (12-in) stump produced
12 stool sprouts (24).
- licença
- cc-by-nc
- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service
Brief Summary
fornecido por Silvics of North America
Fagaceae -- Beech family
Philip M. McDonald
Blue oak (Quercus douglasii), named for its blue-green
foliage, is also known as iron oak, mountain white oak, or
mountain oak. This species is currently underutilized and
unmanaged. Silvicultural systems for it are unknown. Blue oak is
often found in extensive open stands in the interior foothills
where it grows slowly on dry, loamy, gravelly, or rocky soils. It
is used locally for fenceposts and fuelwood, and the acorns are
an important food for several kinds of wildlife.
- licença
- cc-by-nc
- direitos autorais
- USDA, Forest Service