Comprehensive Description
fornecido por North American Flora
Panicum boscii Poir. in Lam. Encyc. Suppl. 4: 278. 1816
Panicum Waltheri Poir. in Urn. Encyc. Suppl. 4: 282. 1816. Not P. Walteri Pursh, 1814.
Panicum latifolium australe Vasey, Bull. U. S. Dep. Agr. Bot. 8: 34. 1889.
Panicum latifolium molle Vasey, Bull. U. S. Dep. Agr. Bot. 8: 34. 1889.
Panicum Walteri molle Porter, Bull. Torrey Club 20: 194. 1893.
Panicum Porterianum Nash, Bull. Torrey <Club 22: 420. 1895.
Panicum pubifolium Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 577. 1899.
Panicum Boscii molle Hitchc. & Chase; B. L,. Robinson, Rhodora 10: 64. 1908.
Vernal phase resembling that of P. latifolium, usually in larger clumps; culms 40-70 cm. high, erect or ascending, glabrous or minutely puberulent, rarely somewhat papillose, the nodes retrorsely bearded; leaf-sheaths much shorter than the internodes, ciliate, a pubescent ring at the juncture with the blade, otherwise glabrous or sparsely downy-pilose; ligule about 1 mm. long; blades spreading, 7-12 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. wide, more or less tapering toward the sparsely ciliate, cordate base, acuminate, glabrous on both surfaces or puberulent on the lower and sparsely pubescent on the upper surface; panicles 6-12 cm. long, as wide or wider, the main axis and the flexuous spreading or ascending branches puberulent; spikelets 4-4.5 mm. long, 2-2.2 mm. wide, oblong-obovate, less turgid than in P. latifolium, papillose-pubescent; first
glume one third to two fifths the length of the spikelet, pointed; second glume slightly shorter than the fruit and sterile lemma at maturity; fruit 3.2-3.5 mm. long, 1.5-1.6 mm. wide, elliptic, minutely pubescent, and usually black at the tip.
. Autumnal phase as in P. latifolium, rather more freely branching, sometimes topheavyreclining; spikelets more turgid than those of the primary panicles.
Typb locality: Carolina.
Distribution: Massachusetts to Missouri, and south to Florida and Texas.
- citação bibliográfica
- George Valentine Nash. 1915. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY