
Distribution of Eremopedes ephippiata in North America north of Mexico

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: pt-BR.medium.untitled.map_image_of, page_name: Eremopedes (Eremopedes) ephippiata (Scudder &amp; S. H. 1899)">Map Image Of</span>


Version of manually-generated dot map displayed above, showing U.S. and Canadian records, was harvested from SINA on Aug-05-2018.

Dots show county records; shading shows likely general distribution.
The open circles are records from Barnum 1952.
Rentz 1972 made no mention of the species occurring nearly so far to the north.

See also this computer-generated U.S. distribution map,
produced in 2003 from records in a database available on the Singing Insects of North America site.

Informação de origem