
Plate 22

Imagem de <i>Gymnodinium breve</i>


Plate 22. Gymnodinium breve. Fig. 1. SEM: ventral view. Cell small, wider than long, dorso-ventrally flattened. Cell nearly square in outline; prominent apical process (AP) directed ventrally. Apical groove (AG) present on apical process, adjacent to sulcus. Figs. 2-3. LM. Fig. 2. Dorsal view: large nucleus (N) in hypotheca. Transverse (TF) and longitudinal (LF) flagella present. Hypotheca bilobed (arrow). Fig. 3. Ventral view: displaced cingulum (large arrow) and lipid globule (small arrow). Fig. 4. Line drawing. Cingulum (C) displaced, descending. Long sulcus (S) extends to apex of cell.

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Informação de origem

citação bibliográfica
Faust, Maria A. and Rose A. Gulledge. Identifying Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates. Smithsonian Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, volume 42: 1-144 (including 48 plates, 1 figure and 1 table).
arquivo de mídia original
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site do parceiro
NMNH Marine Dinoflagellates