Metacoronympha (met-a-caw-row-nymph-a) one of the multinucleated trichomonad flagellates, always with many flagella. Flagella in small groups of 4, three extending outwards and one recurrent. The flagella are linked to nuclei which are arranged in a spiral around the anterior end of the cell. Axostyles are independent, but grouped at the posterior end. Parabasal bodies dot-shaped and located against the nuclei. Probably M. senta, from the termite Incisitermes (in America. Phase contrast.
Incluído nas seguintes páginas:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (Eucariontes)
- Excavates
- Metamonada
- Parabasalia
- Cristamonadida
- Metacoronympha
Esta imagem não aparece em nenhuma coleção.
Informação de origem
- licença
- cc-by-nc
- autor
- Linda Amaral Zettler, Lorraine Olendzenski and David Patterson
- fornecedor
- micro*scope
- original
- arquivo de mídia original
- visite a fonte
- site do parceiro
- micro*scope
- ID