
Imagem de Echiura

Imagem de Echiura


Figure 2.Arhynchite hayaoi sp. n., paratype (NSMT-Ec 104). A internal morphology of the anterior end of the trunk, dorsal view; an asterisk indicates the position of the gonostome B gonostome and gonostomal lip, magnified C internal morphology of the posterior end of the trunk, dorsal view. Abbreviations: ac alimentary canal; av anal vesicle; cg ciliated groove; cr crop; dv dorsal vessel; e esophagus; g gonoduct; gl gonostomal lip; gs gonostome; gz gizzard; im interbasal muscle; nv neurointestinal vessel; ph pharynx; pp papillae; vn ventral nerve cord; vss ventral setal sac; vv ventral vessel. Scales: A and C 5 mm; B 1 mm.

Informação de origem

direitos autorais
Masaatsu Tanaka, Teruaki Nishikawa
citação bibliográfica
Tanaka M, Nishikawa T (2013) A new species of the genus Arhynchite (Annelida, Echiura) from sandy flats of Japan, previously referred to as Thalassema owstoni Ikeda, 1904 ZooKeys 312: 13–21
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